No. 15139
Аноны, я прошу, доставьте вменяемый перевод этого:
Type 1: Is used for reactions where a specific type of object is required, such as a BUCKET, SWORD, etc.
Type 2: Is used for when only a material type is needed, such as METAL_ORE for smelter reactions.
<Identifier> - Used to refer to this reagent in the reaction Product.
<Quantity> - Used to refer to the number of individual units of the reagent needed for the reaction. NOTE: If a bar, thread, or cloth is used as the <ITEM_TOKEN>, then this value refers to the PRODUCT_DENSITY of the object (150, 15000, 10000 respectively).
<ITEM_TOKEN> - Refers to the hard coded ITEM_TOKEN that the reagent must be.
<ITEM_SUBTYPE> - Refers to a specific item subtype, defined in the raws, of a specific ITEM_TOKEN, such as TOY:ITEM_TOY_MINIFORGE.
<MATGLOSS_TOKEN> - Refers to the hardcoded material type of the reagent, such as PLANT_MAT, METAL_ORE, etc.
<MATGLOSS_SUBTYPE> - Refers to a specific item subtype, defined in the raws, of a specific MATGLOSS_TOKEN, such as INORGANIC:MICA. In the case of a plant type the syntax is slightly different, the MATGLOSS_SUBTYPE is actually <PLANT_NAME>:<PLANT_PART>.
<PLANT_NAME> - Refers to the actual plant's name in the raw files.
<PLANT_PART> - Refers to the plant 'part' you want, whether it's the PLANT, WOOD, LEAVES, SEED, etc.
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