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Файл 143963240972.jpg - (95.99KB , 512x512 , lord_of_the_dark_castle_2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
19496 No. 19496
Lord of the Dark Castle - впечатляющий приключенческий пошаговый roguelike с элементами стратегии от Craze Creative Studios. ??гра может похвастаться большим количеством уникальных способностей, оружия, монстров и также необходимостью взвешенно подходить к сражениям. Creator’s Visions & Goals with this game: - Casual, Fast & Easy to get started. Have 30 minutes on the bus/train? Give it a go and see how far you get. If you have a good round and play well, it is possible to beat the game within 1-2 hours. - This is STRATEGIC dungeon crawler - NOT a no-brain-dungeon-brawler! Casual does NOT mean easy! Normal mode is pretty difficult, and you may have to try many times before you win the game. - Big replay value! Every new game is a new experience. Level randomness, monster spawns and different skill choices makes up for lots of variety.
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>> No. 19497
Файл 143963268695.jpg - (196.97KB , 1440x900 , lord_of_the_dark_castle_8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19498
Файл 143963271280.jpg - (90.41KB , 960x600 , lord_of_the_dark_castle_1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 19883
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