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Файл 134394044341.jpg - (31.96KB , 500x351 , 82232367_1326395210_80752649_perevodchik2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
101442 No. 101442
Здесь я запиливаю перевод текста перед отправкой на бухту12 и получаю ценные советы от анонов по правке сложных фраз и глупых ошибок. Сюда же выкладываю репорты о добавлении нового перевода.
Перевод лежит здесь

Хотите сделать историю популярнее? Запилите реквест на ее "канонизацию" здесь http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=89305.0 само собой, на английском с не самого нового аккаунта.
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>> No. 101446
Бамп. Сам я англицкий не знаю, но опа хочу поддержать, он молодец. Куны, что знают иностранный, помогите ему.
>> No. 101451
Постараюсь помочь, немного умею в английский.
>> No. 101707
>> No. 101708
>you gently slipped inside
you carefully slipped inside
>> No. 101709
Файл 134436712165.jpg - (85.32KB , 698x500 , 5339.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Спасвибо, поправил
>> No. 101710
Лучше сперва сюда кидай, через сутки - на форум. Качество повысится.
>> No. 101781
Файл 134444054211.jpg - (207.29KB , 1080x576 , 134440271984.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

> Visit appraiser. Trade gems
> Do this: go to first appraiser, find out the price. Then go to the second appraiser, immediately call the lower price as one and half times higher. If the second shopkeeper buys, go to the next dealer, again raise the price in the same way.

At the hands you had so far only one stone and you have decided to sell it with maximum benefit. Walking at shops and stores, you found out the price of the stone and the next time the offered it more expensive. The jeweler offered three gold and a dozen groschens. Trader called price of ten golds, five silver and some copper coins. In the end, when most acceptable price roughly delineated, the pawnbroker gave 30 gold evenly. During the conversation, he added:
- Don't you rush over all the dealers, raising price? I generally do not care, but you risk to attract the attention of people who are not accustomed to bargain at all. Will weither track you down and steal the stone, or simply kill you. However, now that they'll see in your hand a weighty purse with coins, for some you will become even more attractive target. Therefore, take care, my friend.
Having taken a stone, pawnbroker gave you a pouch of money, and sent a courier boy with a jewel through the back door.
Out on the street, you really do not know what to do with "wealth" - everywhere, it seemed, envious eyes were staring.
>> No. 101783
Файл 134444061377.jpg - (190.67KB , 1080x576 , 134442802472.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

> Hide the pouch in back of underpants
> Go to the administrator, pay billeting and take back pebbles left in pledge.
> and then immediately run to our guys with shortest most crowded path.
> back to team
> Support a reunion with expedition.

Thrusting purse under the scrotum, you in short rushes went back to the tavern. The administrator still did not go anywhere and did not recognize the price of stones, and therefore easily brought them to you, accepting as payment regular money. Became generous, for everything and anything, and for the care you paid him much as entire gold coin, for which you were showered with compliments and a promise that the room will be yours at least until the end of the week.
Then you just as quickly returned to the market place, where during your absence nothing did not changed significantly . Gathered the spirit and spreading beard in the old way, you have come to your comrades.

- Oh, praise to Armok! - Shorast leaped - soapmaker found again!
Neal and Bomel came near too, welcoming in every possible way.
- Where did you get lost? You were tied, kinda.
- I do not remember ... fell somehow and ... lost ... broke hand out ... With a spoon, while was falling ...
- Anyway, - manager continued,- Alive, and it's best.
It seems no one even noticed the spoon at wagon.
- Do not get lost again! Fuff ... Now, another problem remains. Buketotil disappeared yesterday. Meng with Anil look for him, walk around to ask anyone who saw. Like the time to draw the leaflets as for you, yeah. Hey, you were his most friend, may you draw a face, his face. Here's the parchment and ink. Later will hung up the same way. And then, without Tok-we can't go anyway.
>> No. 101802
>At the hands you had so far only one stone and you have decided to sell it with maximum benefit.
??ной порядок слов должен быть, мне кажется. Что-то вроде "So far you only had one stone at hands (зачем там the?) and you decided to sell it with maximum benefit."
>Walking at shops and stores, you found out the price of the stone and the next time the offered it more expensive.
Первая треть коряво совсем звучит, может, перефразировать? Как насчет "Walking from shop to shop"? Да и остальное тоже не очень, но тут не уверен, как следует перевести. Может, совсем по-другому построить? Типа "each time increasing price of the stone".
>In the end, when most acceptable price roughly delineated, the pawnbroker gave 30 gold evenly.
Там не должно быть had после price? ?? вместо evenly лучше exactly, мне кажется. Только тогда надо его перед 30 поставить. Вообще, предложение звучит как-то коряво, но это скорее проблема не перевода, а оригинала, так сказать.
>- Don't you rush over all the dealers, raising price?
You и don't местами поменять, мне кажется. ??ли вообще, лучше в прошедшее время перевести, может еще в конце добавить ", did you?".
>I generally do not care, but you risk to attract the attention of people who are not accustomed to bargain at all.
Generally уж заменить на что-то вроде really может? Алсо, the перед attention там незачем.
>Will weither track you down and steal the stone, or simply kill you.
Что за weither? Either, чтоли? Если да, то в начале уж стоит добавить тогда they.
>However, now that they'll see in your hand a weighty purse with coins, for some you will become even more attractive target.
Перефразирую первую половину "But now, then they'll see a weighty purse with coins in your hand".
>Having taken a stone, pawnbroker gave you a pouch of money, and sent a courier boy with a jewel through the back door.
THE stone и THE jewel уж.
>Out on the street, you really do not know what to do with "wealth" - everywhere, it seemed, envious eyes were staring.
in the street, мне кажется, really может заменить на indeed, do заменить на did (прошедшее время же), и добавить from перед everywhere.
Такое мое мнение.
>> No. 101803
Короче, подумал, что лучше сразу буду писать "исправленный" вариант, без объяснений лишних. Еще раз, это просто мое мнение.
>Thrusting purse under the scrotum, you in short rushes went back to the tavern.
Thrusting the purse under the scrotum, you went back to the tavern in short rushes.
>The administrator still did not go anywhere and did not recognize the price of stones, and therefore easily brought them to you, accepting as payment regular money.
The administrator still didn't go anywhere and didn't inquire the price of stones, therefore readily gave them back to you, accepting regular money as payment.
>Became generous, for everything and anything, and for the care you paid him much as entire gold coin, for which you were showered with compliments and a promise that the room will be yours at least until the end of the week.
Feeling generous, for everything and anything, and for the care(?) you paid him an entire gold coin, for which you were showered with compliments and a promise that the room will stay yours at least until the end of the week.
>Then you just as quickly returned to the market place, where during your absence nothing did not changed significantly .
Then you returned to the market place just as quickly, where nothing changed significantly during your absence.
>Gathered the spirit and spreading beard in the old way, you have come to your comrades.
Gathering your spirit and spreading your beard in the old way, you approached your comrades.
>- Oh, praise to Armok! - Shorast leaped - soapmaker found again!
- Oh, praise the Armok! - Shorast leaped on his feet - soapmaker is found again!
>- Where did you get lost? You were tied, kinda.
- Where did you go? You were kind of tied.
>- I do not remember ... fell somehow and ... lost ... broke hand out ... With a spoon, while was falling ...
- I don't remember ... fell out somehow and ... got lost ... broke my hand, see?.. Fell on the spoon(?) ...
>- Anyway, - manager continued,- Alive, and it's best.
- Anyway, - manager continued,- Good to see you alive(?).
>It seems no one even noticed the spoon at wagon.
It seems no one even noticed the spoon in(?) wagon.
>Meng with Anil look for him, walk around to ask anyone who saw.
Meng with Anil are looking for him, walking around and asking if anyone saw him.
>Like the time to draw the leaflets as for you, yeah.
About time to draw leaflets just like for you, yep.
>Hey, you were his most friend, may you draw a face, his face.
Hey, you were his best friend, maybe you can draw his face? В оригинале знака вопроса нет, но, мне кажется, он там должен быть.
>Here's the parchment and ink.
Here's some parchment and ink.
>Later will hung up the same way.
Later we'll hung them the same way(?).
>And then, without Tok-we can't go anyway.
Because we can't go anyway Tok.
>> No. 101804
>Because we can't go anyway without Tok.
>> No. 101807
Файл 134445509763.jpg - (159.96KB , 800x447 , Nuglush1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Пофиксил, не со всем, правда, согласен. Особенно с речью Шораста - хочу передать его некоторую взволнованность и сбивчивость. Но вообще, более чем годные поправки, благодарю.


Запостил, кстати, для супостатов ссылку с предложением набегать в любое время, но что-то их не видать кроме этого >>101695 , мне кажется.
BTW, многие из вас, Уристы, имеют аккаунт на bay12?
>> No. 101808
На самом деле, все кто отписался в треде на бэй12 отсюда, даже ДаркерДарк.
>> No. 101809
Ну, в этом и суть, я выдаю свое виденье, а ты уже, как начальник, смотришь, подходит или нет, выбираешь.

А что супостатам тут делать-то особо?

>> No. 101810
В посте с торгом остался риторический вопрос о надобности "the".
>> No. 101813
>их не видать кроме этого >>101695 , мне кажется
Посмотри на название его файла.
>Файл 134435544461.jpg - (322.33KB , 900x700 , Без-имени-1.jpg )
>> No. 101864
your arguement is invalid. im real tim denee, but im using russian photoshop
>> No. 101865
O RLY? Well then, welcome to DFach. Excuse this Urist, he's kinda paranoid.
>> No. 101866
disregards that in fact im not denee lol im just a mimocrocodile
>> No. 101867
Окей, ты меня затроллел. Но боксита не будет неее...
>> No. 101868
Файл 134452808796.jpg - (194.29KB , 1080x576 , 134451310929.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Не заметил. Еще тут есть бородач, у которого файлы зовутся " .jpg", видно шифруется

> Arm with spoon, take Nil and go to suburs!
> Take Nil and go squander money in accordance with the suggestions above
(t. n. List like this
1) Upgrade for the Angryspoon
2) Gifts for mates
3) Armor and new melee weapon
4) Noble clothes
5) Pet
6) Crossbow
7) Backpack, flask

And many others...)
and bu the way visit Guard house, couple of coins would tell if someone was arrested or found

Bomel hasn't managed to draw like you, so you made dozen of portraits and along with Nil went to stick them on walls. Shorast said that it is necessary to warn the city guard about the leaflets - where you should go, and what generally happened. Therefore, the destination at the moment was the building of the city guards, and only then shopping.

Кстати, >>101809 -Урист, я до воскресенья скорее всего запропаду, так что если появится новый пост и вдруг у тебя будет желание и время - запости перевод здесь сам. Это, вообще говоря, ко всем относится.
>> No. 101869

К переводу придирок особо нет, я бы только along with Nil и went to stick them on walls местами поменял бы.
>> No. 101871
>> No. 101878
Вообще, если уж на то пошло, можно и весь уже имеющийся перевод отредактировать. Тут, возможно, и кроется низкая популярность сабжа на бее.
А возможно, само приключение им так себе.
>> No. 102039
Ок, запиливую свой вариант перевода.

>We can separate - let Nil go to guards to warn them and all that, while we'll be posting up leaflets. Then Nil will go away, go and speak to the dwarf.
>I completely support this.

- Hey, Nil, let me stick up the rest of this, while you go straight to guards... to save us some time.
- No way, - he opposed, - no wandering alone anymore.

>Is that a dwarf in the background? We can come up to say hello, ask him who is he, where is he from, how did he end up here.
>I support this.(Is that a Likot portrait in his hand, no?)
>This.(And yes, that's Soapeater portrait)
>Talk to the dwarf, find out if he saw Tok, what does he want from Likot, see if he knows where to find the cheapest booze and where do other dwarfs are gathering.

Dwarf in a pointy hat approached you timidly by himself.
- Greetings, dwarfs, I am Mas Kamvenot - mage and wizard. I beg your pardon, but is it you on the portraits? - he showed you a leaflet with your face on it.
- Yes, it's me... but I was already found.
- And your name is Likot Ubendeb?
- Well yeah, that's me.
- Oh, hmm... very good... - wizard was thinking about something.
- There's another one who's lost now, - Nil interrupted, indicating the portrait, - Tok Buketotil. Have you seen him?
Wizard was still thinking:
- Nooo... Hadn't seen...
- Well if you meet him, tell him... ah well, he already knows that we're staying at the square. Tell him that we are looking for him.
- All right.
Suddenly a thought struck you to look for your dwarf pal at the places of alcohol distribution and local brethren meeting:
- Hey, where can one go and drink up cheaply?
- Well, - Mas came to, - Anywhere, actually. There are expensive taverns in town, but you'll recognize them at once. So you can go in any shop and prices are roughly the same.
- I see... And where is a meeting hall?
Nil interfered:
- A place where local dwarven diaspora goes to...
Kamvenot looked from and to another:
- Arol-Iton is in the western part of the town. But... I don't know... I don't think you should show you faces in there.
Seribas raised an eyebrow:
- And why is that?
- You are dwarfs from the Mountainhome, I can see that clearly, but those are urban. They only care about money and struggle for power, they are more like an organized gang than an undermountain society. You will not like to meet them.
You and Nil looked at each other, puzzled, while Mas fished out magic staff:
- In the mean time, I am a mage and I can fulfill one wish for 10 gold. But not the ones related to wealth, that's a sore spot for magic of this kind. Everybody only wish to get a thousand gold while giving out ten. Nope, that doesn't work... Curses! I started with bad thing again, and you need to start with good... With good! Stupid head... sorry... Tens of satisfied customers, enormous experience, wishes fulfilled in short period of time! Not years, like some do, you know... I'm working with dwarves, elves, humans, even goblins! Yes-yes, there were a few times, - Mas gesticulated and grimaced energetically, - Group wishes! That is really killing stuff - than the whole party focuses on one common wish - the results are stunning! Questions of marriage and relations, problems with job and debtors, travels and wishes related to long transits, ills and health, good luck for you and bad luck for your enemies, seduction of women and the whole spectrum of unmentioned topics, and all that just for 10 gold. The most average price in town! Considering I'm the only one in town, hahaha! Funny, eh? Why are you not smi... hm... I see you are interested in my offer, aren't you? Am I right? Well?
>> No. 102045
О, спасибо! А я на работе свежий пост прочел с телефона, а переводить с него OCHE не комильфо. В общем, кое-какие места поправил, но список лень приводить.

>> No. 102158
Файл 134547756412.jpg - (179.84KB , 1080x576 , 134546418447.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Shortly, for wholesalу let him decrease price at third for brethren dwarfes.

- Discount for brothr dwarfes?
Mas raised his hand to stop you at the moment.
- Of course not. Sorcery spends my resources equally as for dwarves and for elves. So, sorry, gentlemen, there is no discount, sir.

>Ask where he studied as the mage.

- Hmmm ... Curious. Somewhere there is a school of wizards, or you were trained yourself on the books?
- Ways of magic are inscrutable, my friend. I started with a short treatises about curbing of internal energies, and then became interested in more sophisticated techniques. I have dedicated thirty years to search and learning of knowledges. Traveled a lot of course, trampled many paths and roads. But the school of magic - I never never met ... unfortunately ... or fortunately - he chuckled.

> Better ask why the f*ck he was twisting our leaflet in hands.

- What is it, you... walk with my portrait by the streets?
- - And exactly ... - The magician rolled leaflet and put it in his pocket - At times I am distracted. So took one and walkif recallig if seen ... or have not ...

>Extort his real name.

- Tell me, "Kamvenot", this is not a dwarven name ... This is a human's, right?
- Heh, true ... - Mage embarrassed - many are interested. But it's good for business - the sonorous pseudonym! Not like ... "Ubendeb" ... Just like you, - he patted the pocket where he had just put in the leaflet, - a funny coincidence. And it interested me initially.

>Invite him to approach the wagon, tighten there in and during the unobtrusive interrogation find out what he really wants.
>Get plus for interrogation of suspicious subject.
>Under any pretext drag this dwarf to the wagon, and then let the manager in couple with Ostox get information from him.
>Take him to wagon
>I beard you not to make wishes but interrogate him

- Emm, let you pass with us to the wagon? There, comrades, we can all together decide about the wish.
Nil pulled you:
- Hey, scattered number two, forgot where we are going to and why? - He pointed to the portrait of Buketotil - business first, then entertainment.
You turned to Seribas and began to whisper:
- I suspect that this jerk has information about Tok.
- What?
- Perhaps he is associated with dwarven diaspora, maybe they keep our friend in captivity! We must interrogate this quack! And for this we must drag him to the cart, where Shorast and Ostox in couple ...
- You're absolutely gone crazy! - Nil slightly pushed you, - Meng said that that mushroom could damage the brain, and now I'm beginning to suspect that the doctor was right! Come to your senses, moron! We will not show any agression within city limits, or Guard will rush over us and throw us to jail! After what hangover you... Ah, don't even want to talk! Completely crazy, fool. We keep the same route, and the point! - Then he turned to the mage - I'm sorry, but today, no desires. Best of luck.
>> No. 102159
Ок, мой вариант перевода, с небольшими комментариями.

>It's a wholesale, so let him decrease price by third for brethren dwarfes.
Не знаю, честно говоря, есть ли у них аналог нашего "короче", но shortly тут точно не подходит.

- Any discount for brother dwarfes?
Mas raised his hand to stop you for a moment.
- Of course not. Sorcery spends my resources equally for both dwarves and elves. So, excuse me, gentlemen, no discounts.

>Ask where he studied as a mage.

- Hmmm ... Just curious. Is there a school of wizards somewhere порядок слов, блядь!1!, or did you learned it all from books by yourself?
- Ways of magic are inscrutable, my friend. I started with short treatises about curbing of internal energies, and then became interested in more sophisticated techniques. I have dedicated thirty years to search and learning of knowledges. Traveled a lot, of course, trampled many paths and roads. But the school of magic - I never met ... unfortunately ... or fortunately - he chuckled.

>Better ask why the f*ck he was holding our leaflet in his hands.

- Why were you... walking the streets with my portrait?
- - Ah, truly ... - The magician rolled leaflet and put it in his pocket - At times I am distracted. So I took one and walked, recalling if seen ... or have not ...

>Extort his real name.

- Tell me, "Kamvenot", that is not a dwarven name ... This is a human's, right?
- Heh, true ... - Mage become embarrassed просто embarrassed это "смутил" - many have asked. But it's good for business - the sonorous pseudonym! Not like ... "Ubendeb" ... Like your's, - he patted the pocket where he had just put in the leaflet, - a funny coincidence. That is what interested me in the first place.

>Invite him to approach the wagon, tighten there in and during the unobtrusive interrogation find out what he really wants.
>Plusing for interrogation of suspicious subject.
>Under any pretext drag this dwarf to the wagon, and then let the manager in couple with Ostox get information from him.
>Take him to wagon
>I beard лол, ну-ну not to make wishes but interrogate him

- Emm, maybe you'll come with us to the wagon? There are our comrades, we can all decide about the wish together.
Nil pulled you:
- Hey, scatter-head number two, forgot where we are going to and why? - He pointed at a portrait of Buketotil - business first, entertainment later.
You turned to Seribas and began to whisper:
- I suspect that this jerk has information about Tok.
- What?
- Perhaps he is associated with dwarven diaspora, maybe they keep our friend in captivity! We must interrogate this quack! And for this we must drag him to the cart, where Shorast and Ostox in couple ...
- You've totally gone crazy! - Nil slightly pushed you, - Meng said that that mushroom could have damaged your brain, and now I'm beginning to suspect that doctor was right! Come to your senses, moron! We shall not show any agression within city limits, or Guard will rush over us and throw us in jail! How did you even get this idea... Ah, don't even want to talk! You're completely crazy, you fool. We keep on the same route, period! - Then he turned to the mage - I'm sorry, but no desires today. Best of luck.

Алсо, бро, тут я заметно меньше иправлял, чем раньше. Ощущяется прогресс.
??, да, так как насчет идеи с редактированием старых переводов?
>> No. 102167

Как всегда, спасибо за поправленные косяки. Что насчет порядка слов-иногда вижу такое на то же бухте, или где еще. Может, сойдет за просторечие. Да и идея подчистки мне волне по нраву, но пока не знаю, в какую б форму облечь. Как вариант-глянь пока на предмет явной поебени, а там может в четыре руки перепроверим за недельку-две, по вечерам.
>> No. 102171
В смысле "в какую б форму облечь"?
Я вообще думал просто пройтись подряд по всем текстам, по частям, разумеется. То есть просто взять кусок текста, переработать, вставить обратно, repeat. Мне это не сложно, я могу хоть завтра начать и просто скидывать сюда свои варианты, ты уже там смотри.
>> No. 102176
Мне просто, скажем, неловко было прямо тебе предложить вычитать все это, но я ленивый хуй и к тому же без свежего взгляда, так что пости-будем править.
>> No. 102183
Ну, я же сам всё это предложил.
Ладно, как и до этого, буду сразу класть свои варианты перевода. По одному бэевскому посту за раз.

You woke up (SUDDENLY) in your room, not in some Armok forsaken place. Travels in deserts and goblin forests turned out to be just dreams, created by your autistic imagination.

After you recovered a bit, you remembered that today is important but at the same time one of the most unpleasant days of your life. Question is that by decision of the Queen you have to leave your usual habitat and embark on far expedition to found a new fortress with a company of six other "luckies".

>Go get drunk.

Apparently, someone locked the door in your room from inside. Interesting, who could that be?

>Take a look at muralengraving on the wall.

Engraved on the wall is the masterful rendition of Bomul Shomil.
Bomul Shomil raises Dongitestil, artifact bucket with the image of Dongitestil, artifact bucket. Bomul Shomil seems triumphant.

>Break down the door by throwing a sock.

Sock hit the door with a crunch and now hanging on the bar. It looks like you don't have enough rage to use it like a battering ram.

>Open door. Put on the sock. Arm yourself with a spoon and go to meeting hall.
>Get to dining hall and have a dinner, meaning, drink.

You've decided to overcome your autistic spirit and finally open your room's door. Before leaving you've decided to equip with spoon and sock but then took thought about where you should go first: meeting hall, dining hall or booze stockpile.

>Inspect the room, checking your stocks. If there is any outerwear - put it on.

Of all the stocks found in the room there was only plumphelmet spawn remaining after yesterday's supper. No outerwear and, for the matter, no cabinet in your room to store it in.

>Exit the room and take a look around.
>Arm yourself with wooden bar before leaving.

Taking the bar with yourself for some reason, you left the room and looked around. You are in the hallway of your apartment block where you lived most part of your adult life. There is almost nothing to look at here.

>Also, it would be nice to strain your memory and remember planning of our fortress, what is there and where.

Inscription, left to right(Russian):
-You weren't there 4 years;
-Dining hall;

Without much strainig you remembered all halls and corridors where you've been at least once. List of places you visited consists of: bedroom for poor 1x2, local booze cellar, buffet, dining hall and meeting hall at the well. The rest of the fortress has been never known by you.

>Go and get drunk.
>have a dinner, meaning, drink.
>Satisfy our physical needs.
>And for this go to the bar (booze pile).

The idea that it wouldn't hurt to drink something strong was on your mind since awakening. So, it's your task #1 right now.

Bared ass crazy run past you, yelling something in an incomprehensible language.

Upon entering the cellar, you find the last barrel of dwarven wine. It seems something is still splashing at the bottom.

>Check out the barell's content

There is just enough booze left at the bottom to fill you up. Alcohol has added strength and markedly improved
well-being but gave no joy at all. Because it's the same damn dwarven wine again! Made from the same
damn mushrooms and cooked by the same damn brewer!

You receive +1 bad thought. Adding the thought that you now have to leave your home you totally have 2 bad thoughts. 5 bad thoughts lead you into tantrum so now you've got to act more careful.

>Also, take a paper from the back and take a look what's written on it

On the paper you see crookedly written scrawling formed from runic dwarwen letters: LIKOT UDENDEB - ONINOAGAK. The closest translation would be "Likot SoapEater - anal elf". Taking into account the fact that you are that Likot SoapEater, and there is no other in the whole fortress with such a name - it definitely means someone deliberately trying to annoy you. +1 bad thought.

>Go to armor an weapon stockpiles, equip and arm yourself respectively. Also, if there is coin pile - use the occasion to stop by and fill pockets with gold.

You don't know where is armory and treasury. Even even if you knew, soapmaker living in low cost appartaments is unlikely to be allowed.

>Go to fortress ruler(or whoever responsible) to find out expedition details.

You have never seen this ruler (Queen, actually - she is in charge here), and you have no idea where her throne room is or wherever she does meetings with visitors. And about the expedition will be announced in the evening at the well, where seven founders will meet.

>Try to date some dwarfgirl and persuade her to coitus

There is nobody around, so not sooner than in the evening at the well. The only one you can try to persuade to coitus now is the bare ass psycho who is running around here.

>Get nude and run through the corridors, shouting something in an incomprehensible language (we will not stand out - maybe that's how it is accepted here).

Nudism is now quite fashionable, especially in the new fortresses, with unsteady economy. But exhibitionism in our fortress is under the strict prohibition - all violators are to be immediately put in solitary confinement, or thrown into the danger room. So running around with bare "joys" is too risky - maybe someone will see and surrender us to the authorities.

>Ask a psycho, what the hell is his problem.

It's pointless. That psycho have all signs of manic-depressive insanity - stark raving mad, any dwarf can define it even without medical education. His problem most probably is fail of his strange mood. Well, he didn't get turtle shell, uncut lapis lazuli or something like that... So he flew off the rails.

>Try to remember with whom I was in conflict recently. Also take a closer look at this crooked handwriting, perhaps, I know who did it?

Well, with no one, as you recall. You don't even have some real acquaintances, actually. And you have no idea how does non-existent handwriting of non-existent acquaintances look like. So, authorship of this paper is still a deep secret for you...

These and many other thoughts were swarming in your head while you were sitting in a corner, digesting the wine you drunk. Your mood is lousy. You get more and more aware the fact that for all these years that you lived here, you amassed no acquaintance, no friends, never worked and in fact have never deviated from the footworn path Bed-Food-Bed.

Не знаю насчет регулярности, но постараюсь хотя бы по посту за день переводить.
>> No. 102184
Посоны, бородачую тру-перевод слова "Бородачую" ибо "I beard not to make wishes" - как-то не по-русс...глийски.
>> No. 102188
Ну, исходное "двачую" - это "seconding". Тогда "бородачую" будет... "bi-rding"?
Капча "zifitv" предполагает экранизировать эту историю на канале сай-фай.
>> No. 102189
Двачую, это всё же от ДВача.
Тогда уже bay12gaming.
>> No. 102190
Предложу такой вариант "beardouble" или "bearddouble". Лучшего пока не вымучил.
>> No. 102191
>Wash the mug in the well to cheer up a bit
Wouldn't hurt. But first you decided to
>look on engravings
On the left wall there are two messily carved rising crescents - symbol of your fortress.
The entire front wall is a portrait of Ubur Limulenog - deceased husband of Queen.

Rinsing your face, you've stepped a bit away from the depression. You came up with some ideas about what to do till evening, but still no clear plan for the day.

>Go to shop, look at small animals. Buy plump helmet spawn, name it Pineapple.
Подумал, может, использовать здесь Ananas вместо Pineapple? Раз в русском варианте используется английское слово, то почему бы в английском варианте не использовать русское?...

You already have plump helmet spawn - you left it in your room. By putting it in your cap and caressing it, you received a good thought and settled your nerves down a bit.

Your newly acquired pet in the cap has changed your appearance a little bit for the worse. But its benefits greatly exceeds discomfort. Now you only have two bad thoughts, and tantrum isn't so endangering. Пропустил эти два предложения, чтоли? В переводе их не было.

>Use the spoon to winkle a lock out of the door - it might be useful.

After careful examination of door's both sides you didn't find anything that resembles a lock. The only thing it was locked with was the wooden board you drag around all the morning.

>Search for a room with no dwarf inside and enter (break down the door if needed). Search for loot in there.

Suddenly you feel some unknown forces waking up deep inside. You've got a vision - right behind a wall in the next room there is absolutely definitely some thing laying around that is rightly belongs only to you now and no one else, and you just have to pull it out of there. Dwarven special clairvoyance was quiet for the last four years, and you've been surprised to feel divination abilities again.


Oh yeah, it's a great sock! Didn't even had to break the door down to acquire this gem.

>Find out how it got into another room.

It didn't get in other room. Maybe it was always there but sock became yours just now.

>On the way to the dining room make sure statue portray the same plot as our room's engraving, take a look at engravings around bedrooms and Fuuuu-face style one near the well.

1.Yeah, It is the same. Bomul "Wooden Stave" Sholil, who's carved mug grins at you in the bedroom every morning. Bucket's the same, too.
2.Some of the everyday's life stories of the fortress. Ubur Limulenlog removes Urist Mekurigril from the position of capitain of the guard. Urist did not give it much importance.
3.This is Tok Buketotil. Tok is surrounded by mosquitoes. Tok looks terrified.

>Pull out a chicken feather from pillow.
>Take the calendar from the door, check out what's the date today.

After reading "How to quickly clutter inventory for dummies" you've realized that you ABSOLUTELY NEED calendar and chicken feather.

About the date - today is 24 of Opal. 23 of Opal is marked with red on the calendar. Something happened yesterday, something important for the owner of this room.

Про menacing pose пропускаю.

>Realize you're hungry.
>Go to the dining room for lunch
>Get some grub and booze, and go to the meeting hall
>Go to food store and whip yourself an emergency reserve for the trip. Just in case.
>Maybe it's time to have a bite, wine probably caused our appetite to wake up, maybe it'll raise our mood.

About time. It's noon already, and you haven't eaten anything yet. After making a bag out of bed sheets you put your stuff inside, hang it on the spoon and moved in the direction of buffet. But right in in front of the door you hesitated, and wondered if it worth to go there.

>Morons, don't go to pile, can't you see there's miasma in there? You'll get a bad thought. Rather go and take a look at the bucket.

Lookin for a good motivation before getting into miasma room, you decided to take a look at the bucket. After a careful review you didn't find anything unusual or exciting, that was just a washing bucket, much smaller then THE BUCKET, if engravings and statues are true. Unfortunately, you didn't get a good thought.

>If it is THE bucket near the well, than remove it from the chain, put on the head, and put a cap over it for disguise

Bucket just won't fit on the head. And it's doubtful that it's actually an artifact...

>Maybe we just dwarfcraft something of board and bucket! It's so funny!

With a little imagination you used the bucket and the board to craft a HELICOPTY and left this fuckery at the well.

>Take pillowcase, soak it in remaining wine left in the barrel, wind it on the face and enter the food pile.

Having put wet pillowcase on your face, you prepared to open the door to the pantry.

After you opened the door sharply, to your surprise you found out that...

...miasma does not only gets under the mask easily but also brutally hurts your eyes! Even after taking all the necessary measures you've still underestimated the danger of this horrible lachrymatory substance.
Even a brutal dwarf like you gone limp instantly, like a sissy.

>SHUT THE DOOR. Dip tearful face in the well. Go look for grub in the dining room.
>Open the door and let miasma out. Let the whole fortress enjoy.

Barely dragging yourself out of a purple cloud, you tried to shut the door blindly but failed to catch it with your hand. Well, let it ventilate while you are limping to the well.

Grimacing a randy baboon face, you tried to spew a stream of vomit. Fortunately, due to the fact that wine digested and assimilated quickly enough, you didn't fuck up well water with your beatiful inner world.

>Wait until it's ventilated and then finally take something to devour. At the same time check if there is somebody dead inside.

When the air become cleaner and more transparent, you went inside and examined the contents of barrels. Three of them are full of plump helmets, on the bottom of forth there are a few pieces of salted crandle meat, and stack of trays in the corner contains rotten roast made out of minced dwarven wine. It seems it was the roast that caused miasma to foul the atmoshpere. You've put a meat and mushrooms in a bag and went to the dining hall to eat.

>Well, if we're going, keep going.

Really, keep going. On the way you disassembled HELOCOPTY and entered dining hall. It's quite dirty in there, but you found a clean-looking table and chair. With eating you have reduced the number of bad thoughts to two.

>Go to the west. Because why not, time to change things in our live.

Now, when you're no longer hungry and no longer plagued by the thought of booze, it is possible to go and explore the area. Going to the west where you weren't for the last few years. You vaguely recall that this is where the main part of the fortress is.

You remember this place. This is where you found your red sock with your dwarven telepathy four years ago. But about where do stairs and hatch lead - you don't really remember. You even forgot which way you came from when were just settling.
>> No. 102192
А нельзя просто тот же seconded использовать? Не обязательно же прям всё буквально переводить, надо просто донести смысл.
То же, кстати, касается всяких сложных для перевода фраз, которые можно перефразировать. Это же перевод, а не дословное копирование.
>> No. 102193
Да Армок знает, есть ли смысл заморачиваться. Думаю, смысл им будет понятен из контекста, а борода для дварфов весьма сакральна, так что лучше оставить пока как есть. Алсо, начал помаленьку править.

Это чтобы удобнее было сверять посты
>> No. 102201
>Sock with a crunching hit on the door and hanged on lock bolt.
Не, конечно, прочитав несколько раз, плюс взглянув на картинку, можно понять, про что там написано, но всё же...
>> No. 102202
Предлагай же лучше, я пофикшу.

Первые два поста перетряс.
>> No. 102203
Так я ж предлагал.
>Sock hit the door with a crunch and now hanging on the bar.
Ну, "now hanging" на "hang" заменить можно, пожалуй.
Отдельные слова вроде bar/lock bolt - еще ладно, но за порядком слов надо следить, а то получается "носок с хрустящим ударом на дверь". У тебя нередко как раз в этой области проблемы, русские слова просто заменены на английские без перестановки.
>> No. 102204
Записал компромиссный вариант и ушел спать
>> No. 102222
>Read the inscription

Label is typed with regular runes but no idea what this language is. Maybe some service code, useful for military and miners only.

>Go up

The floor above is another living area with similar planning dug out in the middle of magnetite cluster some long time ago. Poor dwarfs live here as well. I. e. lived - because right now magnetite walls are dug out in most of the rooms. Looks like fortress REALLY needed some extra iron if in their search of ore they started to demolish living areas instead of looking for somewhere else.

>Yell "HEEEY! ANYBODY HERE?!" a few times
>Examine living rooms, maybe there is something

After yelling twice in the direction of destroyed corridors, you didn't receive any response and started searching in the ruins. Between heaps of stones and dust you've found an party invite ticket for celebration of opening of the new magma manufactory. Date - 23 of Opal. Looks like you missed the fun, and you would probably be upset if you were a party lover.

>Listen. If we hear something - go to a noise. Maybe we'll find high boot or even GAUNTLET...

You listened hard, but again didn't heard anything. But after a couple minutes of wandering around the ruins, you heard the rumble quite distinctly and felt shaking under the feet. This is cave-in. If you were an above-ground man, you could think "Oh, whatever, they happen by themselves from time to time". But because you're a dwarf, you absolutely sure that cave-ins caused by dwarves in 99% of cases and happen by themselves extremely rare. So it's signal that somebody is digging there in the deep.

>Try to remember why we are so sure that today is an expedition day. When were we announced about it?
>Recall how do we know that meeting is today

You couldn't remember him name when he introduced himself to you. That was one of nobles. He came up to you five days ago and called self as either a manager, or as peasant guild leader, and notified us of the most unpleasant news that Motherland finally remembered modest Lokot Udebdeb who wasn't grabbed into military due to some error in the fortress citizens records. It's time to fix an annoying mistake, but since most of the fish cleaners, soapmakers and other scum of your migration wave already matured to the level of professional crossbowdwarfes, you'll be pretty useless in the army. The only vacancy for you is to be one of seven founders of new fort near the west Unthinkable Mountains.

>Open the hatch and look inside. But don't enter!
>Put paper in wallet and quickly run down to hatch, and, if there is nothing scareful seen/heard, go down.
>Don't forget to secure hatch with wooden board to have less troubles with escape.

Looks like someone locked hatch from inside. Interesting, who could that be?
No, seriously - it's locked. Probably, you'll have to find ways around to get on lower floor.

>Keep climbing up
>Search for way upward to reach the surface, there is probably someone hanging around
>There is no way up on dug out level, right?

There is only a couple of footboards left on the place where stairs up used to be on the dug out level. The staircase was intentionally broken by somebody. Thoughts that you're left Mountainhome alone settle harder and harder in your head and if it wasn't for your phlegmatic temperament, you would already start panic.

>Then it's time to check what's in the east of the well

You're back on your floor and went to the east. There are other poor peasants' streets, and not all of the rooms occupied.

>Enter the room with the sleepind dwarf. If it's locked - knock to the door.
>But knock loudly. With the spoon

You have checked rooms, all of them were open and empty, except for one - there was some nasty loud snoring in there and it was locked from the inside. You banged hard on the door several times with the spoon and waited for reaction. There was a rustle of fuss on the bed and quiet bawdry inside, then somebody climbed off bed and stomped toward the door.

Pushing the lock bolt, the owner of the room came out to you. For some reason you feel that a dwarf is not very happy with that rapid awakening. He looks at you and waits for explanation.

>Tell him that manager calls him to his office.

You blurted out first thing that came into your head:
- Manager calls you to his office!
And to your surprise, he replied:
- Know without your help! - went toward the bar with a nervous pace.

>But first, lets introduce ourself and then ask the name and occupation of bluesocked - well, become acquainted properly, or he would think that's another psycho in front of him.
>Ask him if he knows what the heck is going on in the fortress.
>Also, ask him whether he is a member of the expedition.
>If he's gonna bully (because of sudden invasion in his chambers), justify it as our concern about what is happening in the fortress, in particular, its abandonment. Announce that he is the only sane dwarf that we met for all day.

You followed him.
- I am Likot Soapeater, i'm here... - you've started but companion interrupted abruptly:
- I can not reciprocate! - and glared sternly with baggy eyes.
Quite expecting this turn in conversation, you've started to explain:
- You see, there is something strange going on in the fortress since morning, everybody gone... Well, it kinda worried me... All in all, you're the first sane dwarf, whom I meet today.
Your companion ignored you.
You continued:
- Do you know what is going on now in the fortress? And whether it is related to today's departure of the expedition? And yes, can I ask, maybe you are one of seven travelers?
Dwarf paused, took a deep breath and turned in you:
- Dear Soapmaker, would you be so kind to keep quiet for a while, my head aches even without you. But no, you just needed to you make a damn elfen drum out of my door and then drown me in a stream of meaningless questions. - Then he changed his tone: - Just what do you want from me?

>Stop annoying the mason, let him wake up and assess the situation.

You decided to pause for a while, and silently accompany him to the warehouse. but as you approached you remembered that you missed one small detail:

>Is there any alcohol left in barrel? Otherwise we'll catch a hard fist with a face.

But you've drunk the last barrel! And if this boar will drink water from the well instead of wine, he'll sober up and become completely enraged. Here you have taken the most reasonable solution: get away.

>Well, screw that beardy. If he woke up in such a bad spirit + awaked by annoying dwarf, it's better to go in the opposite direction, let him blow off steam on bare-ass. Or we would have to collect our teeth from the floor.

Taking a defensive position in the depth of a residential area, you waited. The storm didn't took long to start, and soon you heard screams, bawdry and crushes of breaking furniture.

>I hope we are locked in the mason's room?
>Check out the trash in the corner near the door.

When the noise died out, you got out of your shelter and looked around. It wasn't mason's room, because he had wooden door, not stone one. In trash in the corner you've found small uncut pyrite. It's hard even to call it decorative - too rough and small but can be useful, so you picked it up.
>> No. 102228
Переписал пост. Может вывесить какой анонс в названии темы о том, что старые посты вычищаются? А то я сам хуею от той пурги, которую писал в переводе первых тредов.
>> No. 102230
Тоже думал, что анонс был бы хорошей идеей, но потом передумал. Вернее, это все еще хорошая идея, но, может, не сейчас, а уже когда уж дочистим уж?
>> No. 102231
Да, так-то получше будет.
>> No. 102233
You've took a chance and decided to return to the well and assess the magnitude of tragedy. Some doors were not in their places but laid in the corridor, well bucket with a rope disappeared somewhere , and well itself wasn't in its best condition. Culprit of all this chaos stood there as if nothing had happened and calmly thumb unlit pipe.
- Good, - he said to you. - Got a light there? Lost my flint somewhere.
Well, this one settles down as quick as he throws a tantrum. We ought to be careful with him.

>That's where pyrite will be useful, lets lend it to him.

- Here - you passed him the stone. You wanted to add that you don't smoke, but then changed your mind as this redneck might think that you don't need that pyrite and will not return the stone. No way.

>While the violent one is busy with kindling of his pipe and smoking, try to quietly unhook of read a note on his back

While mason batters a flint violently with a chisel, igniting tinder, you decide to study a piece of paper on his back. "TOK BUKETOTIL ONINOAGAK". Not a long message, written in the same handwriting and with the same ink as in your paper. You decided to leave it hanging on a mason's back so that he wouldn't see you with this piece of paper and think you're the one who wrote it.

>Tok Buketotil and this blue-socked mason are the same person? Ask him but not "in the face"(like, "hey, is it you carved there, surrounded by mosquitoes?")
>Also, ask if he is part of the expedition team.

Tok extinguished a fire, returned pyrite to you and inhaled smoldering spores of towercap.
- Is it you so vividly portrayed here? - You poked your finger in the engraving on the wall. - Looks similar.
- My job. What, you like it? If I'd be free to do what I want, I would carve an entire fortress with my masterpieces. And, yet, this is my only creation. - Tok replied discontentedly.
- So you're engraver?
- Hereditary. Just not recognized. And what about you? - blue-socked asked. And added - Oh yes, what were you trying to ask me in the hallway? I don't remember shit.
- I just woke up this morning, went out, and nobody around. Then I went to the canteen, and it was also empty. Wanted to check other floors - it turned out that the hatch down is shut, and upper floor is a mess, with a path up cut as well...
- It's miners. -Tok interrupted.
- What?
- They are the ones who did the digging. And dragged the ore somewhere down and locked up.
- And what does it all mean?
- Absolutely no idea.- A mason shrugged .- They hauled the ore down the stairs yesterday, right after the party. And now we are isolated from the rest of the fortress.
- And what is that, a quarantine? There is a beast with a syndrome roams the fortress, and they try to protect the healthy ones from infected that way?
- Armok knows. I wasn't dedicated either. If we're lucky, we'll get all the answers for our questions in the evening at the meeting.
- So then it means you've been choosen for expedition too. - You guessed.
- Yep, - Tok confirmed and inhaled mushrooms smoke again.
>> No. 102234
>> No. 102256
"I beardouble that"
отличный вариант. надо вставлять это в реквестах почаще, даже там где этого в оригинале нет, чтобы форсить :D
>> No. 102258
>Ask if he has any ideas about what to do until the evening.
>Is it possible to get through the well hole to the lower level, where miners are locked up?

Without regard for you being interested or not, Tok has began to tell you about his childhood among swamps on surface and describe in details his hatred for mosquitoes. Listening to him with half an ear, you started to look at the lower floor through well, to distract yourself from his guff. There was another well right under you, you could see water on it's bottom. If you had a rope, you could go down there.

Oh, here's the rope...

>Catch up, overtake and return the rope

Psycho runs faster than both of you. Noticeably faster.

>When the crazy will run past us next time, make him trip up, so that he fall.

Lurking around the corner, you have waited until the bucket thief will show up from around the corner. At the right moment you ran out and stepped on the dragging rope. Madman felt with a clatter and passed out.

You went down the rope to the floor below. It has similar layout, except for unified stockpiles and a hospital instead of canteen.

>Steal stuff from the hospital

You've grabbed 2 bags of threads, cloth and soap. May be useful in expedition. After checking the rest of the hospital, you've only found splints and crutches and more threads ans soap. To maraud even more, you decided to look at the food stock, but as soon as you walked towards the exit, you heard shuffling steps and grunting from behind the door.

Black hairy dwarf with butcher slicer entered the hospital, carrying another dwarf on his back, with a shaved neck and bandaged face.

>Ask the black dwarf what is he going to do with the clean-shaven one and why is he in such poor condition ("Oh Armok! I hope he's all right?").
>Keep a safe distance, just in case.

On your question about the health of the bald, black replied that he got a fracture, and he will live if you leave the hospital right now. Bonesetter reinforced his polite request with just as polite patting of his knee with a backside of his cleaver. Weighty argument in his right hand prompted you leave hospital immediately. Опять пропустил предложения.

>See if there is any paper on back of dwarf-in-a-green-sock with a known content. If there's none - ask if there was one earlier.

Leaving, you managed to see on the back of the doctor. Now you know his name - Meng Mamgozodur. You haven't seen paper on baldy's back thought - perhaps it was already removed. You could ask Meng whether his patient had any messages on his back.

>Well, look around the food pile, by the way.
>Lets go examine the food stocks as it was planned before Meng appeared.

Leaving the butcher and baldy for a while, you headed to the stockpile. There were the same plumphelmets and crundle pieces, however, there were also a couple of barrels of dvarven wine. You invited Tok to sip some wine but he refused, saying that he can't stand that plumphelmet wine anymore. You stuffed your bags with food, so there was no free place left.

>After that turn up toward the hatch and see if there is a path even lower, seeing there are living quarters here again.

Staircase is going further down, the hatch is open, so you might as well start to explore the lower floors.

Residential floors are over. Deeper goes only service tunnels, mines and probably passages to caverns. The central passage is quite spacious, and along the wall a spiral staircase goes down. After approximately thirtieth step they are broken out by someone again.

Now you know for sure that you cut off from the rest of fortress by some staircase destroying enthusiasts.

>Take a cage from the stairs, inspect it, if there is nothing of value then try to throw it on a lever to push it.

Oh, look, do we have here?

This is but a...


>Knock down the mosquito with a jet of urine
>Cover the cage with a cloth and get it out of the way

You saw that Tok seriously dug into his pants to get antimosquito "weapon", so you decided to get ahead of him, hiding the cage. You covered cage with a pillowcase and removed it from sight.

>Get yourself a pet mosquito.

You can't tame mosquito - you already have a pet.
Tok can't tame mosquito as well - he'll just piss on it.

>Unlock the hatch upstairs. Throw bags of good to your floor's nearby room (i.e., your room). Defer a bit of it to a knapsack. Take rope from the well. Remind Tok about the manager and, if he has not dumped it yet, get there to know what did he actually want.

When Tok got recovered, you opened the hatch and went upstairs to the room to throw off the bags for a while. A surprise was waiting for you there - a fresh engraving on the wall, painted with something red. What scum dared to get into your room? What scum dared to spoil the engraving? And anyway, who could get into your room unnoticed during your absence? Is it that psycho?

Кстати, а почему ты столовую переводишь как canteen? Не логичнее ли использовать dining hall или dining room? Учитывая, что в ДФ именно так эта комната обозначается.
Алсо, почему ladder в качестве лестницы? Ladder это скорее приставная лестница, стремянка, а что-то более монолитное, как тут, обычно зовут stairs. Опять же, в ДФ лестницы зовутся stairs'ами.
?? еще, советую быть повнимательнее, я и в отредактированной версии вроде бы видел опечатки.
>> No. 102270
Файл 134573766367.jpg - (252.45KB , 1080x576 , 134570716976.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Cry out to quack to come to the wagon later.
>And keep searching Tok, simultaneously snapping with Nil about "Look who's talking about madness!"
>I suggest to spend money on armor and weapon

Submitting to soldier, you stepped in the direction of the Guard building, leaving the magician mild surprised. You still turned around and shouted:
- Come back later to the market place! We will discuss all again! About the desire!
Nil without stopping put hand to his face.
You walked through the streets and passed by shops.
- Look, let's go to weapons shop>
- Why?
- I'd look for sword or axe.
- Listen, Likot, you're soapmaker. - He paused. - So-ap-ma-ker, get it? Not a soldier. And in the fortress, when we'll arrive, you will not be in army. Never. Trust me, i can see potential... you got no. Just forget it, choose something else. Weapons, armor - it's not for you. This is so, so not for you, that, Armok's witness, if you'll take up arms - I'd rather cut off your hands so you won't hurt anyone ... or worse.
- I have already fought with the sword! - you were offended.
- In your dreams - Nil dismissed.
- I have combat Angryspoon the Crusher of Oaks! - You shook your weapon.
- You call it SO? Haha! - Seribas laughed - Don't tell anyone ... hahaha ... "Angryspoon"... - He wiped away the tears from laughing - Let's move, Angrysoaper The Crusher of minds ... haha ...
Thus, with the laughing warrior ahead and offended mug behind you reached Town Guard building. Chief met you in his office.
- What is it? Another one got lost?
- But the other was found, - Nil said, pointing at you.
- Listen, dwarfer, you get lost too often. Just had one portrait to hang, and already give me another. Of course, I accept leaflet, it's my job, but here's my advice - just wait. Surely your friend just thumped or struck the fornication. One already found, right? So another will come back. Will sober up and return.
Here you have felt hurt about friend:
- Or maybe it's dwarven diaspora took him to captivity? Maybe ...
- Likot! - Nil tugged you.
Chief grinned:
- The local diaspora is unlikely to be interested by a simple mountain dwarf, unless he shit jewels. So do not worry about your friend, he is scarcely to be in serious mess.
You were upset that no one takes you seriously. You gave a portrait and sulkily turned away.

Сейчас займусь этим.
>> No. 102275
Насчет canteen - пытался поменьше повторяться. Хотя переводил те треды давно, может еще какой-то довод у меня был. Да и вообще, первые треды я перевел так, что проще руководствоваться бритвой Окамы - не думай, что я использую что-то неподходящее по умыслу, а лишь из анскильности. Сейчас дела вроде получше. Опечатки - опять же, тыкай на них, а я постараюсь не делать.
>> No. 102296
Не дождался тебя, поправил сам несколько мест и пропущенные предложения. Благо посты тоже можно редактировать. Все еще жду поправок. Алсо, снова есть шанс, что у меня снова ??РЛ-хардкор до вечера воскресенья.

>> No. 102297
Поправок где, в уже отредактированной части ты имеешь ввиду?
>> No. 102298
А, блин, туплю, не заметил нового поста.
Ну, не сегодня уже.
>> No. 102301
> About the desire!
About the wish!
>put hand to his face
put palm to his face
альзо пропущена пара фраз:
- Думаю меч присмотреть или топор.
- Зачем?
- Ну как... Оружие! Защищаться, нападать... ходить с ним везде. У тебя же есть меч, я тоже хочу.
Нил остановился:
- Слушай, Ликот, ты мыловар...
>> No. 102305
>Shout for a quack to come to the wagon later.
>And keep looking Tok, snapping with Nil about "You're the one to talk!" on the way.
>I suggest to spend money on armor and weapons.

Submitting to soldier, you stepped in the direction of the Guard building, leaving the magician mildly surprised. You still turned around and shouted:
- Come back later to the market place! We'll discuss everything again! About the wish!
Nil put a palm to his face without stopping.
You walked through the streets, and shops passed by.
- Listen, let's go to a weapons shop.
- Why?
- I'd look for sword or axe.
- Why?
- Well, you know... A weapon! To protect yourself, to attack... walk around with it everywhere. You do have a sword, I want some too.
Nil stopped:
- Listen, Likot, you're a soapmaker... - He paused, - So-ap-ma-ker... get it? You're not a soldier. And in the fortress, when we'll arrive, you will not be in the army. Never. Trust me, i can see potential... you don't have it. Just forget about it, get involved in something else. Weapons and armor - it's not for you. This is so not for you, that, Armok's my witness, if you'll take up arms - I'd rather cut off your hands so you won't hurt anyone ... or worse.
- I have already fought with a sword! - you were offended.
- In your dreams, - Nil dismissed.
- I have combat Angryspoon the Crusher of Oaks! - You shook your weapon.
- Is THAT what you call it? Haha, - Seribas laughed, - Don't tell anyone... hahaha... "Angryspoon"... - He wiped away the tears from laughing, - Let's move, Angrysoaper The Crusher of Sanity... haha...
Thus, with a laughing warrior ahead and offended mug behind, you reached the Town Guard building. The Chief met you in his office:
- What is it? Another one got lost?
- But the other one is found, - Nil said, pointing at you.
- Listen, dwarfes, you get lost too often. Just had one portrait to hang, and already give me another. I'll accept leaflet? of course, it's my job, but here's my advice - just wait for a while. Surely your friend just thumped or struck the fornication. First one already got found, right? So another will come back. He'll sober up and return.
Here you have felt hurt about friend:
- Or maybe it's dwarven diaspora took him to captivity? Maybe ...
- Likot! - Nil tugged you.
Chief grinned:
- The local diaspora is unlikely to be interested in a simple mountain dwarf, unless he shits jewels. So don't worry about your friend, it's unlikely that he is in a serious mess.
You were upset that no one takes you seriously. You gave a portrait and turned away sulkily.
>> No. 102352
Так ты еще и рисуешь просто шикарно, демоническая ты личность
>> No. 102371
Запилим еще пару постов?
>> No. 102375
Ага, как раз работаю над следующим. Сам был занят на выходных, так что только сейчас получилось взяться.
>> No. 102378
Ок, продолжаем с редактирование старья.

>The note!

This is a list of members of the expedition "Valuable road".
You see three already familar names in the list so this is precisely your group's list, and fears that group is named "Anal elf" did not confirm. Nevertheless, the paper looks alarming - it's lined through and there are even crosses in front of some of the erased names. And, of course, the most menacing is your name smeared with red.

>I think we need o grab our stuff and get back to Meng.
>On way back check if the stunned psycho is awake. And if he's alive at all.

Psycho was lying in the same position you left him in. Putting a finger on the artery, you felt the pulse so he's alive but got strong concussion.

>Take rope from well.
>Disassemble the well and take mechanisms.

You pull up the rope and hid it in the bag. But you couldn't get the mechanisms - looks like they fell down to very bottom when Tok destroyed the well.

>Strain memory and recall who is this Shorast LionBait

On the way to hospital Tok recalled that Shorast Kurelgeshak is name of the manager to which he hadn't come today. There is no way to manager's office now since it's located on upper levels and there is no path there. But when you've come back to the hospital, you realized that there is no need to look for manager in office.

>Ask the manager if we are actually sent to an expedition?
>Why is the fortress so abandoned
>Does he know ways from fortress to surface?
>What's going on outside right now?
>What that level down there is linked to?
>Where does the door near the level leads to?
>Where does that stairway down lead to?
>Why is it destroyed?
>Where can we find a miner with pick?
>Did the manager placed crosses opposite the names?
>If yes, what do they mean?
>Where did manager came from just now?
>Ask doctor/butcher where where did he get the injured guy.
>What happened to him?(Who did this to him?)
>Is it still dangerous out there?(goblins? kobolds? ambush/siege?)
>Is it dangerous to stay in the fortress right now?(Has the thief been discovered?)
>Who's that maniac who painted our room and glued papers with "ONINO AGAK" on the backs of the expedition members?

-...And here they are.-Shorast ended his phrase.-And we almost decided to go and look for you.
- You're the manager, right? - You asked.
- Definitely. - He replied. - You want to say something to me.
- Yeah. - Confirmed Tok.-I would like to know what the hell is going on here? What's this expedition is all about and how it relates to what is happening now in the fortress?
- Not related at all. - Said the manager, - The expedition was planned a long time ago on the orders of the Queen as occupational therapy for some of not so industrious dwarves. Frankly, originally it was actually a plan to reduce the number of useless staff members in the fortress, but now the purposes of expedition have changed.
- Still, just what happened? - You asked.
- I already dedicated Meng here, and it seems that you are still not up to date. We are under siege. Half of Guards are torn to pieces, and those who survived stayed in ambush on the upper floors. It happened yesterday, just as the celebration began in the new magma manufactories. Upon hearing the alarm about the attack, the panic began, sometimes even broke out into hysterics, military began to feverishly run around the floors, collecting equipment, periodically cursing each other and waving their fists.
-It's called Tantrum Spiral, in smart words.-Meng added.
- Yeah, but why the stairs are broken? In this strange way of protecting ourselves we have cut ourselves off from the outside world!-you noticed.
-They say the threat does not come from surface alone. There are rumors of a smoke monster from the caverns, they also say that those who saw him died suddenly, and those who were in contact with those suddenly dead quickly died, too. It's the miners who started to put barriers and divide fortress into autonomous territories. Moreover, no one gave them such an order, they chose themselves a leader and immured in one of the burrows without permit, dragging ore, gems and a lot of food and wine stocks in there. There they have something like a bunker, inside of which they organized a "Miner's People Republic." What a nonsense, eh? In any case, they acted treacherously towards the rest of the fortress.
- Well done. Savvy guys, quickly realized what was happening.-Tok objected.
- What? But they are crazy! - Almost shouted the manager.-They are immoral chauvinists. You should have seen how they call the nobles "f*ing parasites", and all holders of non-miners professions they treat not even like slaves! They had the idea that only miner-dwarf is worthy to be called a dwarf, they gabbed about all sorts of nonsense like true socialism, purity of blood and other rubbish. Well done, you say? So go there! Of course, if you are comfortable with the role of a door mat, or ... or anal elf. By the way, you still didn't take off this disgrace from your back!
Shorast reached out and plucked a piece of paper from the Tok's back.
>> No. 102379
Shorast crumpled the piece of paper and threw it away. Tok looked at the manager puzzledly, then to you, and opened his mouth to express outrage, but you interrupted.
- So stairs down lead to smelters and caves, right?
- Well, yes. - Shorast said. - I thought you already know, since you lived here for a long time.
- Yeah. - you lied. - But I don't know what's behind that door with a lever.
- That is danger room, torture room. You don't even need to know this, especially now, since we are not going to that area now.
- I see. By the way, where did Meng brought this baldy from? Aren't we cut off from the rest of the fortress?
-I'm Vomym Fyfsysym.- Baldy mumbled through the bandage.
- He says his name is Bomel Kithisin. - Translated Meng.-I've got him from under a landslide in the tunnel.
-What tunnel?
- We are digging evacuation tunnel to the other side of the mountain. Anil is swinging his pick there right now, it is almost finished.-Shorast explained.
- Evacuation? So we're not going for an expedition but leave the fortress?
- In a way, but not exactly. There are still a lot of alive people in the fortress who will stay here and, probably, survive and rebuild it. But nobody canceled the expedition and there still have to be seven of us to hit the road. - said the manager.
- Oh yeah. - you took the paper with the group list out of the bag. - what happened to those whose names are crossed out, and what do the crosses mean?
- Oh, you found it! - The manager took the piece of paper from you. - It's simple. Crossed out means withdrawn from expedition. Olin joined the rebel miners and plugged together with them. Kurel was seen yesterday covered with bloody sores, floating in the underground river, he was lost on last week. Sigun is somewhere on the upper floors right now, I don't even know if he is alive. Zefon, while walking on the surface, was the very first victim of the goblins' attack. But I didn't crossed out your name. I can not even guess who did it and why.
- There is the same symbol drawn across the wall in my room as here. Maybe you know what is this symbol?
- I don't know - Shorast shrugged. - On the other hand, it means that there is someone else on our floors. And we just need a seventh member of the expedition.
- Seventh? But there's three of us left.
-I thought you already realized that I go with you. Bomel goes too, we can't left him here. And a miner Anil Avuzangish with us too, because he was not allowed in the "People Republic."
- Was not allowed? But why? He's a miner.
-You'll see. For now we need to find this joker who shoves us his messages.-Shorast adjusted backpack over his shoulder.-And convice him join us. Because we can't go sixfold in any case.
-Traditions, traditions ... Maybe for just once you can ignore them? - Meng said.
- Hyhymhm. - Added Bomel.
- Never! - Shorast grimaced ​​a dramatic mug and began quoting the Armok's commandments. -...and if [their] number is seven, the divine grace will be sent to them, they will imbued with the power of the earth, and their fortress [will stand] forever eternal. But if [their] number is six or [their] number is eight, then punishment and misfortune will haunt. Five is out of questions.
-Okay, convinced. Lets go look for that maniac. - You and Tok turned around and left the hospital, the manager followed you.

Пиздец, ебаная стена текста, мозги сломать можно.
>> No. 102383

>Upon hearing the alarm about the attack, the panic began,
В оригинале там прямо шляпа, слетевшая с головы, проезжая мимо станции. рисовал ее мыловар

?? таки я спрошу-как тебе идея попробовать зааппрувить историю в беевский Холл Легенд?
>> No. 102385
Хм. Ну, сама идея ничего так, но надо сначала, как минимум, закончить с редактированием, плюс переправерить всё на предмет наличия ошибок/опечаток, ну и вообще как-то подмести. Я особо не приглядывался к тому, что там творится в уже отредактированных постах, но в еще необработанных текстах много всякой фигни вроде недостающих пробелов и знаков препинания. Это, конечно, не смертельно, но глаз режет, так что если подобное перекочевало в новые версии постов, это следует устранить.

Короче, надо привести всё в как можно более презентабельный вид, ящитаю.
>> No. 102386
Это да, будем чистить. Но запостить заявку можно и сейчас, ибо по ощущениям monk12, который следит за темой, слоупок феерический. ??ли ему уже это не очень-то надо.
>> No. 102430
Файл 134608192127.jpg - (186.09KB , 1080x576 , 134606282286.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Improve social skills with trolling Nil.
>"Look who's talking 'bout madness!"
>Seriously, say him that he is insolent, he himself had just recovered
>I vote to say Nil to f*ck off and buy set of bronze armor plus reforge the spoon to the hammer with spikes.
>I suggest to spend money on armor and weapon
>Maybe we don't need sword, but protection is required. And the slingshot! And small knife. And rope

Finished business with the Chief, you've came out on the street.
- Now we go to pubs to glue portraits - said Nil.
- Go glue! - You snapped and went to the other side.
- Hey, hey ... So where are you going?
- I want to buy armor and weapon.
- You're not calmed down, eh? - he stomped behind - Likot, don't be a fool ...
- You fool! - You turned around - That's me, who pulled you out from Mountain Home, on my back, while you drooled with bucket on the head! While you lay swaddled in a wagon, we impaled goblins on spears and fought with Smoke Monster! You would be now goblins' needle pillow, if i didn't offer you as the seventh member of the expedition! - You turned away and continued on your way - At least I did not go insane ...
Neal trailed behind silently, though with loudly jets.
- Okay, Likot, sorry ... Maybe you're not hopeless. I too used immediately determine what a rookie worths and forgot that now is completely different situation. Let's go to the stores and see what they sell ...
- I want a knife, - you thawed a little and slowed down a step - and the rope. And armor.
- Plate?
- I do not know, should try..
- Better leather. Maximum - mailshirt. Not heavier ... but how will we pay?
- First we should see what to buy.
- Well, ok then.
>> No. 102431

You visited to a couple of shops selling armor and jackets, but everything turned out to be too large for the dwarf. You advised to go to one trader, who has some small size things. Finding required shop and after talking with the owner, you finally donned heavy armor. You felt extremly uncomfortable. It was difficult to stand and move as well. Nil, who helped fasten this all, stood back and laughed. You hardly turned around:
- I also want to enforce my spoon, we should find a weaponsmith.
- Let's first take off all this - he chuckled, - Better try leather one.

Я укажу твое авторство на бухте, само собой
>> No. 102432
>Improve social skills by trolling Nil.
>"Look who's talking 'bout madness!"
>Seriously, tell him that he is insolent, he barely came to his senses himself
>I vote for saying Nil to f*ck off and buy a set of bronze armor plus reforge the spoon to a hammer with spikes.
>I suggest to spend money on armor and weapon
>Maybe we don't need a sword, but it's necessary to buy protection. And a slingshot! And a small knife. And a rope.

After finishing business with the Chief, you've came out in the street.
- Now we go to pubs to glue portraits - said Nil.
- You go glue! - You snapped and went to the other side.
- Hey, hey ... So where are you going?
- I want to buy armor and weapon.
- You're not calmed down, eh? - he stomped behind - Likot, don't be a fool ...
- You're a fool! - You turned around - It's me who pulled your bare ass out from Mountain Home on my back, while you drooled with bucket on your head! While you laid swaddled in a wagon, we were making holes in goblins and fought with Smoke Monster! You would be a goblins' needle pillow now, if I didn't offer you as the seventh member of the expedition! - You turned away and continued on your way - At least I did not go insane ...
Neal trailed behind silently, though he sniffed loudly.
- Okay, Likot, I'm sorry ... Maybe you're not hopeless. I too used to immediately determine what a rookie worths and forgot that now is completely different situation. Let's go to stores and see what they sell ...
- I want a knife, - you thawed a little and slowed down your steps - and the rope. And armor.
- Plate?
- I don't know, should try..
- A leather would be better for you. Mailshirt is your ceiling. Not heavier ... but how will we pay?
- Lets just look first.
- Well, we can do that.

You visited a couple of shops selling armor and jackets, but everything turned out to be too large for the dwarf. You were advised to visit a certain trader who had a few small size goods. After finding required shop and talking with the owner, you finally put on heavy armor. You felt extremly uncomfortable. It was difficult to stand and move as well. Nil, who helped fasten this all, stood back and laughed. You turned around with difficulty:
- I also want to enforce my spoon, we should find a weaponsmith.
- Let's first take off all this - he chuckled, - Better try some leather.
>> No. 102433
>> No. 102434
Если оп нарисует Ликота в разной броне для выбора, то напишите им туда, чтобы они проследовали сюда и тоже проголосовали. Это поднимет интерес к истории, да и много народа проголосует, что сделает выбор более честным и оправданным.
>> No. 102437
Не понял, где проголосовали? Ссылка сюда и так лежит, на конкретно тред запилю сейчас, забыл.
>> No. 102438
Ну кидаешь им ссылку на сам тред, они смотрят пикчу, выбирают броню Ликоту, если сооп действительно устроит такой интерактив, то притно будет подтянуть иностранцев.
>> No. 102439
Вот если сооп устроит таки-запилю голосование. Пойду кину ссылку для него.
>> No. 102496
Файл 134616638946.jpg - (210.10KB , 1080x576 , 134613626233.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Assortment of leather armors of desired size was not so wide. Not many horned helms as well. While the owner, along with the Nil looked for the desired goods, you silently got some gold out of your pants and put it in your pocket, and while you were changing clothes and tried on jackets, you asked Nil to run through shops around and buy a backpack, waist bag, knife and a coil of rope. For everything you gave him 1 gold.
- Wow - he surprised - how you got this?
- Later.
- Now I'm surprised - he grasped a coin and left for shopping.

Еще голосование пилить.
>> No. 102500
>the Nil
Без the
>he surprised
he was surprised
>he grasped
Неуместно, хотя бы took.
Самое грубое, что в глаза бросалось.
>> No. 102501
There wasn't much leather armor of required side to choose from. Not many horned helms either. While the owner along with the Nil looked for desired goods, you inconspicuously fished some gold out of your pants and put it in your pocket, and while you were changing clothes and tried on jackets, you asked Nil to run through neighboring shops and buy a backpack, a waist bag, a knife and a coil of rope. You gave him 1 gold for everything.
- Wow - he surprised - how did you get this?
- I'll tell later.
- Now I'm surprised - he grasped a coin and gone for shopping.
>> No. 102508
>armor of required side
??мелось в виду size?
>along with the Nil
Почему the?
>> No. 102511

Запостил пофикшенный вариант.
>> No. 102512
>??мелось в виду size?
Ну да.
>Почему the?
Пропустил этот момент. Как и еще парочку из тех, что ты указал. Не выспался, наверное.
Радует, что подкрепление прибыло.
>> No. 102515
Лучше вместо owner какой-нибудь shopkeeper.
>> No. 102599
Продолжаем редктирование.

>1. Come back to our floor.
>2. Two of us (Meng and Bomel, for example) shall stay keeping watch near the stairs, and, if someone is found, try to hold him and call others.
>3. Two of us (Likot and Tok) start sweeping the entire floor, looking into every room. Again, if they find anyone - hold him an raise an alarm (shout).
>4. At the same time one dwarf (Shorast) goes from one group to another regularly and asks if they've got someone. Also, if something happened with one of the groups he must inform the second one. If something happens with himself ie one of the groups will not receive messages for from him a long time - when it should move back to stairs.
>5. After cathing of anal elf (or anyone else, besides that naked crank) and signaling, all the groups come together on position where he was found (at positions where the signal was filed).

-Hmm, that's what we'll do. - said Shorast after listening to you. - We'll put Meng to guard on the second floor stairwell, and you two start checking the area.

Wasting more than an hour, you didn't find anyone but psycho on all three floors. Delving in other dwarfs' things, Tok nearthed a rock mini-forge somewhere and took it, and you have found wooden earrings. It's time to report back to manager that the search failed, so we'll have to take the psycho as seventh member.

So after all, who could it be? Crazy? Unlikely. He wouldn't be able to write a meaningful message on the walls,, even if he is a pretender, he's too realistic. Tok? No, he was nearby almost all the time, besides he got a note on his back himself. Manager? Hmm, maybe. Anyway, he wandered around somewhere all that time, and piece of paper lying on the floor belongs to him, so there are more evidence against Shorast more than againist anyone else. Bomel? Also possible, he is just such a suspicious fella. It will not be especially big surprise if it would turn out that his leg is healthy and there's no beard under the bandage on his face... However, you were unable to build any precise theories, you are in a dead end, Holmes.

>Stand still and see what ghost is gonna do.

Emm... What is tha?..
Wait a minute, there's nobody there. Apparently, it's just a cave draft waves a cloud of dust...
Nevertheless, the incident scared you a bit. Seeing a ghost has brought both of you a bad thought.

Total bad thoughts: Likot 2 out of 5, Tok 1 out of 4 . Note: the Tok's count is shorter because of his temperament, but it was dropped to zero after tantrum. When you befriended both of you got a good thought but Tok lost his good thought due to the mosquito. Then there was a ghost.

>Wipe your eyes, look around one more time, and retreat with haste.
>nobody said they should be normal, right? So take bared ass psycho.

-Here! We found someone. - you presented a psycho to manager.
-What's wrong with him? Why is he naked and with a bucket on his head? Is he even alive?
-Ah, it's a local nut.-you explained. - Ran through the corridors without looking on the way, he stumbled and passed out. While he is unconscious he's even more convenient to handle, so we can take him with us, he won't object. By the way, what does you bible say about involvement of crazies in an expedition?
- Hmm. There's no direst taboo in the text, but... Although...-Shorast stared into space and thought for a moment. - On the other hand, we don't have much choice here, so we'll take him. In addition, he is blessed, and dementia is counted as a gift that eliminates the distress, given to martyrs by Armok... Yes, the gods are unlikely to become angry if we take him with us. It's decided.
- I wonder if you know who is this dwarf? Have you seen him before?
- Remove the bucket from his head, and maybe I can help identify him. - said the manager.
You tried to remove the bucket from the psycho's head, but you failed. Apparently the already small bucket crumpled after hitting the floor and stuck even more tightly on his head.
- I can't do it.
- Well then. - Shorast sighed. - Then leave him as he is for a while. Let's call him Lides until we know his real name.
You agreed with the new nickname of psycho, loaded his bared ass on the bed in the hospital and went to collect the remaining belongings.

On the surface, the evening draws closer.
>> No. 102600
>Use Tok's hammer and chisel or Meng's slicer. Roll up Lides with bed sheets preliminarily in case he'll suddenly wake up from pain. In the extreme case make an observation slit

Looking for a way to remove the bucket from Lides' head you looked over a lot of variants that came into your mind, including upside down shaking, cutting off with slicer and perforation of the bucket with chisel. All those bouncing could do nothing at best, but also could deprive the crank his scalp or even head. Even if there was a normal mechanic among you, he still would need a thinner and stronger cutter, a saw could answer the purpose, and some oil for lubrication wouldn't hurt as well. Generally, the only useful thing you could do was to make a couple of holes for eyes.

>Still need to learn from Shorast if we have food and booze, and what kind of things are planned to take with us on an expedition in general. And to ask whether we move out today or spend the night first? If we spend the night here, when where, in our chambers or in
one room for more safety?

It's time for a meeting. The six of you are gathered, the seventh, according to the manager, was already briefed and waits for the rest above with a wagon. Most of the luggage is already loaded into the wagon, so you only take personal belongings and warm clothes. You move out today, and you'll spend the night at the old tavern five miles from the fortress.

Shorast reminded you once again that there are goblins on the surface. For this reason, the expedition's route have to be changed and re-calculated. You have exactly five weeks to reach the arrival point before it's first of Granite. Manager showed you the whole map so you could see where are we going.
Now lets draw a new route. Which way should we go?

Conferring, you achieved some sort of agreement.
First, we clearly won't go through the goblin horde.
Second, the way through the tundra, even though it's shorter, could be unbearably cold now since it's winter. Besides, it's not a fact that to go through tundra is safer - they say werewolves and sasquatches are in there. There are no less chances to die in tundra then from meeting goblins.
Third, there are elves at the south. The prospect of meeting with pointy-ears immediately caused a rejection from the majority of team members, but the manager assured you all that we have the best relations with the elves right now. Well, meaning they are good enough so they won't hunt us and shoot us in the head if we get closer to their forest. However visiting them can still be fatal, so Elven Retreat must be passed quickly and quietly.
Behind the forest lays a swamp which could be avoided in three ways: going south, along the mountains, or straight over ice. Going south is clearly not a way, because the road will become much longer and it's too close to green-asses' snake nest. Going on ice is more risky, but it can be much faster than going through rocks and ruts in northern wetlands.
And finally, we'll decide whether to go to the town or not on the way. Not only we don't know what's happening in the town right now, in a couple of weeks until we arrive there anything can happen. So lets not propose anything in advance.

Shorast hid the map and told everyone to go to the tunnel. We leave. Those who do not have warm clothes will get them in a wagon.
All stocks of food, booze, and the seeds are already loaded and waiting outside.

You went for a pretty long time in a dark and narrow tunnel. Making your way between the boulders, you moved to an exit until you ran into a dead end. Manager knocked the wall four times, and the stone slab, which blocked the entrance, begun to move.

The creature that opened the path resembled a dwarf only slightly. He was almost one head higher that all of you, and because of that his head seemed disproportionately small (for a dwarf). If it wasn't for beard you'd take him for a human. Пропустил опятью.

>Make the most friendly face and say hello to the creature as well as introduce self. Let him think that we didn't suspect anything.

- Do not be afraid, it is Anil, he is a dwarf. - Shorast calmed you. - Anil now will lead us to the wagon.
The big one nodded silently and motioned to follow him. Алсо, где последняя пикча?
>> No. 102601
>Contemptuously inspect armor and helmets, and ask the merchant if there is a real outfit not like this to show off.

After a conversation with the owner of the shop and digging in the depths of the store, Nil pulled out three dusty sets of armor. They were made of leather with iron elements. Helmets are made of copper and iron. All three sets fit you of more or less, but they were heavier than previous variants.

C этим постом Опы немного спутали мне карты, я ж запилил голосование для выбора из четырех кожанок. Правда, большинству видимо похуй. Алсо, я снова напомню насчет Холла Легенд-лучше запостить заявку в августе, ибо тогда голосовать за нее можно будет только в октябре. Нутыпонел.
Займусь >>102599 и >>102600
>> No. 102603
>> No. 102610
with the owner of the shop
with the shop owner
>> No. 102613
>> No. 102667
Как всегда, теряюсь на выходные. Вечером воскресенья буду ок подчистить 2-3 поста.
>> No. 102759
Дальше пилить будем?
>> No. 102762
Будем, конечно. А вот сейчас ли, или позже - это другой вопрос. Я сейчас занят буду, да и вообще как-то не особо себя сейчас чувствую для такой масштабной интеллектуальной работы.
Поражаюсь вообще, как тебе удалось все треды вручную перевести.
Ты же их... вручную переводил, да?
>> No. 102768
Да я как-то на одном дыхании переводил с толстым словарем на коленках. Переводил как-то очень быстро и по хардкоры, поэтому первый тред выглядит хуже всех. Потом юзал гугл транслейт для некоторых оборотов, которые не знаю. Ну и плюс нехватка словарного запаса, иногда долго ищу, какое слово подходит.
>> No. 102803
Файл 134685541838.png - (283.65KB , 1080x576 , 134685376089.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Screw horned bullshit, buy normal helmet
>Buy first armor set
>Maybe we'd buy something for Nil?
>We have load of gold! Buy light armor for travel and heavy armor for heavy cases.
>Yep, and put an image of the Sphinx on helmet. Made of kitten leather.

You chose the two sets: one light and one heavy. You decided to unscrew the horns in light set helmet as soon as you'll leave the store. Putting goods on the counter, you expressed that the choice is made, and you buy armor.
- That'll be 18 gold, sir. - Huckster issued. - This is including the New Year discounts.
Sounded price slightly puzzled you. Obviously you'll have to save money on exclusive picture of a cat's skin.
- Hmm. Can you detail the count?
- Please. - Seller answered. - Leather laminar armor - four gold, ritual helmet-the same, fastened laminar together with vambraces and greaves - seven, a helmet with emblem of the city - three gold. Total is eighteen.
Merchant folded his hands together and waited for your answer. Rather, he was expecting that you simply don't have enough money or refuse.
- I'll take! - you said to his surprise and reached into the purse for the missing gold.

At this time, Neil returned and found you counting money.
- In short, SoapEater, in this backpack all your ... so, what is it? - Here he saw how golds move one after another from your purse on the trader's counter. - My mather is goblin, what is going on? Likot, well, you surprise me more and more! Don't you want to tell me something? - Here he grinned unpleasantly, shaked his beard, letting you understand that this time you will not avoid an answer.
>> No. 102808
Файл 134685714611.png - (118.04KB , 1080x576 , 134685380125.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Tell Nil, that blah-blah-blah, was fortunate, found purse so here is the money. Keep this version with others as well.
>Lie that we got purses from those dead goblins by the road whose helmets we used to make armor.

- Found it. - You said. - The full purse, and the money from it.
- And a lot of purses in the swamps lying around, ha? Me, say, didn't see even one purse during all the read. Can you prompt a place where such gifts lie around?
- Stop speak maliciously. - You answered. - Yes, found in the swampsю Took from dead goblins. I also made out armor of their helmets.
- No, did you crashed these goblins, right? Broke their knees with your wonderful spoon, and then strangled one by one, right?
- No, they were already dead, and each had a few gold coins.
- You're lying! There were no goblins. You stole the money.
- Didn't steal, I found.
- Oh. Long I been watching you, but never found myself thinking that we have Likot who is very attentive and vigilant. But I notice thieving propensities of you for a long time. By the way, you said you did some wonderful armor of goblin helmets. Well, now let me see it.
- No problem. It remained hanging on the wall of the closet in my room.
- That's how. You already rent rooms. - Nil squinted suspiciously. - Maybe you not only stole but also killed somebody??
- I did not kill anybody and did not steal anything! - Objected you, looking at the ceiling. This Nil's interrogation pissed you off.
- Swear! - Suddenly, former head of the palace guards bulged eyes.
- What?
- Swear you did not steal kill, then I'll believe it!
- All right. - You'му thought what with to vow and answered - I swear by Armok!
- Don't you swear by Armok, He won't go bad! Swear with your beard! Your own!

Vow by Armok was not enough for this jerk. He requires you to vow with beard. And if the swear by Armok all so mystical and enigmatic and who knows how it can hurt you or can it hurt at all, swear with beard will quite easily give reason to deprive you a beard, if it will become known that you lied. You can't risk with your beard, but how to explain it to Nil, who not only bulged eyes but also opened mouth, staring at you and waiting for an answer?
>> No. 102815
>Screw that horned bullshit, buy a normal helmet
>Buy the first armor set
>Maybe we should buy something for Nil too?
>We've got lots of gold! Lets buy light armor for travel and heavy armor for tough situations.
>Yep, and put an image of the Sphinx on helmet. Made of kitten leather.

You chose two sets: the light one and the heavy one. You decided to unscrew the light set helmet's horns as soon as you'll leave the shop. Putting goods on the counter, you expressed that the choice is made and you buy that armor.
- That'll be 18 gold, sir. - Huckster issued. - This includes the New Year's Eve discount.
The named price slightly puzzled you. Obviously you'll have to sacrifice the exclusive cat's leather image in favor of saving some money. Не знаю, как тут можно более близко к оригиналу сделать. Так или иначе, в изначальной версии перевод был скорее "явно придется сэкономить денег для эксклюзивного рисунка бла-бла". Ну или так мне показалось.
- Hmm. Can you tell in detail where did that price come from?
- Please. - Seller answered. - Leather laminar armor - four gold, the same amount for the ritual helmet, reinforced laminar together with vambraces and greaves - seven, a helmet with emblem of the town - three gold. Eighteen in total.
Merchant folded his hands together and waited for your answer. He probably expected that you simply won't have enough money or you'll refuse.
- I'll take it! - you said to his surprise and reached into your purse for the missing gold.

Meanwhile, Neil returned and found you counting money.
- In short, SoapEater, in this backpack are all your ... and what is this? - there he saw how golds move one after another from your purse to the trader's counter. - I'll be damned не могу более близкого аналога придумать, но my mother is goblin вряд ли подходит. Можно какое-нибудь кастомное ругательство придумать, конечно, what is going on? Likot, you keep surprising me more and more! Don't you want to tell me something? - Here he grinned unpleasantly, shaking his beard, making it clear that you won't avoid answering question this time.
>> No. 102817
он не Neil, а Nil.
Хотя кому какая разница.
>> No. 102818
>Tell Nil, that blah-blah-blah, found a purse, got lucky, that's where the money are from. Stick to this version with others as well.
>Lie about dead goblins near the road, from whose hemlets we made armor, took their purses.

- Found it. - You said. - The full purse, that's where money are from it.
- And are there a lot of those purses laying around in swamps, mm? I, for one, didn't see no purse during all the travel. Can you'll prompt a place where such gifts lie around?
- Stop your sneering. - You answered. - Yes, found it in the swamps. Took it from dead goblins. I also made some armor out of their helmets.
- And, of course, you struck those goblins down yourself, right? Broke their knees with your wonder-spoon, and then strangled one by one, right?
- No, they were already dead, and each had a few gold coins.
- You're lying! There were no goblins. You stole that money.
- I didn't steal, I found.
- Really? For all this time that I've been watching you, I never found myself thinking that Likot is so very attentive and vigilant. But I did notice your thieving propensities for a long time. By the way, you said that you made some wonder-armor out of goblin helmets. How about showing it to me?
- No problem. It remained hanging on the wall of the closet in my room.
- That's how it is. You rent rooms already. - Nil squinted suspiciously. - Maybe you didn't only steal but also killed somebody, hm?
- I didn't kill anybody or steal anything! - Objected you, looking at the ceiling. You were already pissed off by this Nil's interrogation.
- Swear! - the former head of the palace guards bulged his eyes suddenly.
- What?
- Swear that you didn't steal or kill, then I'll believe you!
- All right. - You thought what to vow with and answered - I swear by Armok!
- Don't you swear by your Armok, nothing'll happen to him! Swear with your beard! Your own!

Vow by Armok was not enough for this jerk. He insists on vowing with your beard. And if the swear by Armok is all so mystical and enigmatic and who knows how can it be bad for you at all, swearing with beard will quite easily give a reason to deprive you of your beard, if it will become known that you lied. You can't risk with your beard, but what to say to Nil, who not only bulged his eyes but also opened mouth, staring at you and waiting for an answer?
>> No. 102829
>> No. 102849
Файл 134686877658.png - (343.81KB , 1080x576 , 13468649059.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>What must we fear? We really find the Stone!
>Just tell him truth. About magical diarrhea.
>truth with silencing about the victims
>keep silent about size of the stone and probable amount of the remaining pieces

- Fine, Nil. I got gold from pawnbroker for such thing. - You fished out glowing stone from bossom. - Listen up.
You told him where you were the last three days, skipping some of the details of the story. Told how find the bodies of goblins and armed with their equipment, and then found a cave where you could spend the night. You concealed part with forgotten beast to avoid Nil's disbelieving and scoffing. Waking up, you got to the other side of the mountains and found abandoned village with a revived cemetery. In search of booze and rescue from the zombies you went down to the basement of a house where there was a secret passageway in the ancient building, which has a population that also extinct. In that building on the top floor was a large glowing stone, which you then smashed allegedly in an attempt to stop the undead. Then there was a cave-in, and you in last effort and breaking wrist, using pieces of stone, digged up to surface. After spending the night in a house on the outskirts, and nearly falling victim of bugimen, the next day you moved to the city where you spend another night and then found out that you are being searched, and went to the wagon.
- My Armok, I have never heard such nonsense. - Nil muttered, looking at the stone in your hand. - Dungeons, zombies ... And what demon possessed you to jump off the wagon in the middle of the frozen swamp? Hmm. YBut look, what a good gizmo you found. And not just one. And, you say, how many for one piece?
- Why?
- Well, I saw how you paid off with armor trader. And there are coins still remained in purse after all ...
- Nil. - You tried to interrupt the companion.
- ... And if these stones also shine with its own light ... Yes ... But there, in the ruins, the fragments could still remain! - Nil muttered, not paying attention to you and staring at the stone.
- Nil - Repeated you, hidding gem. Soldier finally heard you. - Why all these interrogation, vows? When you saw the gold, you became like not yourself, I did not ... - Then Nil abruptly changed color, became like a head taller, and began yelling at you:
- Don't be brazen, whipper-snapper! Shown gold it to me, ha! Don't think you can teach me! - You even felt uncomfortable with his intonation. - Don't you dare to poke me with your gold! Look what he's doing! And those stones! I do not care about your gold and gems, understood? Think I'm going to fulfill your whims because of your money, right? No! It was the first and last time I led to your whim, and take away your filthy bag! - Nil threw the new backpack at your feet. - Now pack your belongings and ran to search Tok!
He stood there and stared menacingly down your neck while you squirm and try to put on a backpack with one hand, then picked up a second set of armor and hanged yourself back on the cast. Wrist ached from the load, and then you remember that you were going to give a second set to Nil.
- Nil.
- Ready? Run after me! We still have to go to all the gates. This boar Tok could go out of town...
- This is for you. - You held out armor to him.
- What? Oh, you! .. - He wanted to renew flow of abuse, but he was clearly tormented by conflicting emotions. Nil's pride did not allow to accept the gift of the lower caste dwarf, but on the other hand, seems that he likes present very much, and the toad pressed to give it up.
- Valuable? что там по смыслу подходит?- He asked suspiciously.
- It's a gift. - Answered you.
- I mean, how much did you have to pay for it?
- Eleven.
- Minecart to your well! - He took armor. - Expensive. Even by the standards of dwarf it's expensive. - He tried armor - While on the other hand, the price is even quite reasonable, hopefully, it will justify itself. Let's do next - here he turned again to you - We assume that this is not a gift, but you just borrow it to me, okay? And let's forget our mutual assaults with you, I admit, I got excited.
>> No. 102855
>What should we be scared about, we actually DID find it!
>Just tell him the truth. About magical diarrhea.
>truth without mentioning about the victims
>keep silent about size of the stone and probable amount of the remaining fragments

- Fine, Nil. I got gold from pawnbroker for this thing. - You fished out a glowing stone from bossom. - Listen up.
You told him where you were the last three days, skipping some of the details of the story. Told how you found bodies of goblins and armed yourself with their equipment, and then found a cave where you could spend a night. You didn't mention the part about forgotten beast to avoid Nil's disbelieving and scoffing. After waking up, you got to the other side of the mountains and found an abandoned village with a revived cemetery. In search of booze and a place to hide from zombies you went down to the basement of a house where there was a secret passageway into an ancient building, which population also went extinct. At the top floor of that building there was a large glowing stone, which you then smashed allegedly in an attempt to stop the undead. Then there was a cave-in, and you in last effort used the stoned to dig up to the surface, breaking your wrist in a process. After spending the night in a house on the outskirts and nearly falling victim of boogeymen, you spent the whole next day on traveling to the town, where you spent a night, and then, upon discovering that you are been searched for, headed to the wagon.
- My Armok, I have never heard such nonsense. - Nil muttered, looking at the stone in your hand. - Dungeons, zombies ... And what demon yanked you to jump off the wagon in the middle of the frozen swamp? Hmm. Just look, what a pretty thingy you found. And not just one. And what price is for one of this splinters, you say?
- Why?
- Well, I saw how you paid off with armor trader. And there are coins still remained in your purse after all ...
- Nil. - You tried to interrupt the companion.
- ... And if these stones also shine with its own light ... Yes ... But there, in the ruins, the fragments could still remain! - Nil muttered, not paying attention to you and staring at the stone.
- Nil - Repeated you, hiding the gem. Soldier finally heard you. - Why all these interrogation, these vows? When you saw the gold, you became like not yourself, it's not like I've ... - Then Nil abruptly changed in his face, became like a head taller, and began yelling at you:
- Don't be brazen, whipper-snapper! Shown me some gold, you see! And even thinking about teaching me! - You felt quite uncomfortable with his intonation. - Don't you dare to poke me with your gold! Look what he's doing! And those stones! I don't care about your gold and gems, understand?! You think I'm going to fulfill your whims because of your money, right? No! It was the first and last time I seduced to do your fads, and take your filthy bag! - Nil threw the new backpack at your feet. - Now pack your stuff and back to search for Tok on the double!
He stood there and stared menacingly down your neck while you squirmed and tried to put a backpack on with one hand, then picked up a second set of armor and hanged it back on the cast. Wrist ached from the load, and then you remember that you were going to give a second set to Nil.
- Nil.
- Ready? After me, quickly! We still have to go to all the gates. This boar Tok could go out of town...
- This is for you. - You held out armor to him.
- What? Oh, you! .. - He wanted to renew the flow of abuse, but he was clearly tormented by conflicting emotions. Nil's pride did not allow to accept the gift of the lower caste dwarf, but on the other hand, it seems that he liked the present very much, and the toad pressed to give it up.
- Expensive? - He asked suspiciously.
- It's a gift. - Answered you.
- I mean, how much did you have to pay for it?
- Eleven.
- Minecart to your well! - He took armor from you. - Expensive. Even by the standards of dwarf it's expensive. - He tried the armor on - While on the other hand, the price is even quite reasonable, hopefully, it will justify itself. Let's do this - here he turned again to you - We assume that this is not a gift, but you let me borrow it, okay? And let's forget our mutual assaults, I admit, I went a little bit too far.
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