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Файл 134394044341.jpg - (31.96KB , 500x351 , 82232367_1326395210_80752649_perevodchik2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
101442 No. 101442
Здесь я запиливаю перевод текста перед отправкой на бухту12 и получаю ценные советы от анонов по правке сложных фраз и глупых ошибок. Сюда же выкладываю репорты о добавлении нового перевода.
Перевод лежит здесь

Хотите сделать историю популярнее? Запилите реквест на ее "канонизацию" здесь http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=89305.0 само собой, на английском с не самого нового аккаунта.
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>> No. 101446
Бамп. Сам я англицкий не знаю, но опа хочу поддержать, он молодец. Куны, что знают иностранный, помогите ему.
>> No. 101451
Постараюсь помочь, немного умею в английский.
>> No. 101707
>> No. 101708
>you gently slipped inside
you carefully slipped inside
>> No. 101709
Файл 134436712165.jpg - (85.32KB , 698x500 , 5339.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Спасвибо, поправил
>> No. 101710
Лучше сперва сюда кидай, через сутки - на форум. Качество повысится.
>> No. 101781
Файл 134444054211.jpg - (207.29KB , 1080x576 , 134440271984.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

> Visit appraiser. Trade gems
> Do this: go to first appraiser, find out the price. Then go to the second appraiser, immediately call the lower price as one and half times higher. If the second shopkeeper buys, go to the next dealer, again raise the price in the same way.

At the hands you had so far only one stone and you have decided to sell it with maximum benefit. Walking at shops and stores, you found out the price of the stone and the next time the offered it more expensive. The jeweler offered three gold and a dozen groschens. Trader called price of ten golds, five silver and some copper coins. In the end, when most acceptable price roughly delineated, the pawnbroker gave 30 gold evenly. During the conversation, he added:
- Don't you rush over all the dealers, raising price? I generally do not care, but you risk to attract the attention of people who are not accustomed to bargain at all. Will weither track you down and steal the stone, or simply kill you. However, now that they'll see in your hand a weighty purse with coins, for some you will become even more attractive target. Therefore, take care, my friend.
Having taken a stone, pawnbroker gave you a pouch of money, and sent a courier boy with a jewel through the back door.
Out on the street, you really do not know what to do with "wealth" - everywhere, it seemed, envious eyes were staring.
>> No. 101783
Файл 134444061377.jpg - (190.67KB , 1080x576 , 134442802472.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

> Hide the pouch in back of underpants
> Go to the administrator, pay billeting and take back pebbles left in pledge.
> and then immediately run to our guys with shortest most crowded path.
> back to team
> Support a reunion with expedition.

Thrusting purse under the scrotum, you in short rushes went back to the tavern. The administrator still did not go anywhere and did not recognize the price of stones, and therefore easily brought them to you, accepting as payment regular money. Became generous, for everything and anything, and for the care you paid him much as entire gold coin, for which you were showered with compliments and a promise that the room will be yours at least until the end of the week.
Then you just as quickly returned to the market place, where during your absence nothing did not changed significantly . Gathered the spirit and spreading beard in the old way, you have come to your comrades.

- Oh, praise to Armok! - Shorast leaped - soapmaker found again!
Neal and Bomel came near too, welcoming in every possible way.
- Where did you get lost? You were tied, kinda.
- I do not remember ... fell somehow and ... lost ... broke hand out ... With a spoon, while was falling ...
- Anyway, - manager continued,- Alive, and it's best.
It seems no one even noticed the spoon at wagon.
- Do not get lost again! Fuff ... Now, another problem remains. Buketotil disappeared yesterday. Meng with Anil look for him, walk around to ask anyone who saw. Like the time to draw the leaflets as for you, yeah. Hey, you were his most friend, may you draw a face, his face. Here's the parchment and ink. Later will hung up the same way. And then, without Tok-we can't go anyway.
>> No. 101802
>At the hands you had so far only one stone and you have decided to sell it with maximum benefit.
??ной порядок слов должен быть, мне кажется. Что-то вроде "So far you only had one stone at hands (зачем там the?) and you decided to sell it with maximum benefit."
>Walking at shops and stores, you found out the price of the stone and the next time the offered it more expensive.
Первая треть коряво совсем звучит, может, перефразировать? Как насчет "Walking from shop to shop"? Да и остальное тоже не очень, но тут не уверен, как следует перевести. Может, совсем по-другому построить? Типа "each time increasing price of the stone".
>In the end, when most acceptable price roughly delineated, the pawnbroker gave 30 gold evenly.
Там не должно быть had после price? ?? вместо evenly лучше exactly, мне кажется. Только тогда надо его перед 30 поставить. Вообще, предложение звучит как-то коряво, но это скорее проблема не перевода, а оригинала, так сказать.
>- Don't you rush over all the dealers, raising price?
You и don't местами поменять, мне кажется. ??ли вообще, лучше в прошедшее время перевести, может еще в конце добавить ", did you?".
>I generally do not care, but you risk to attract the attention of people who are not accustomed to bargain at all.
Generally уж заменить на что-то вроде really может? Алсо, the перед attention там незачем.
>Will weither track you down and steal the stone, or simply kill you.
Что за weither? Either, чтоли? Если да, то в начале уж стоит добавить тогда they.
>However, now that they'll see in your hand a weighty purse with coins, for some you will become even more attractive target.
Перефразирую первую половину "But now, then they'll see a weighty purse with coins in your hand".
>Having taken a stone, pawnbroker gave you a pouch of money, and sent a courier boy with a jewel through the back door.
THE stone и THE jewel уж.
>Out on the street, you really do not know what to do with "wealth" - everywhere, it seemed, envious eyes were staring.
in the street, мне кажется, really может заменить на indeed, do заменить на did (прошедшее время же), и добавить from перед everywhere.
Такое мое мнение.
>> No. 101803
Короче, подумал, что лучше сразу буду писать "исправленный" вариант, без объяснений лишних. Еще раз, это просто мое мнение.
>Thrusting purse under the scrotum, you in short rushes went back to the tavern.
Thrusting the purse under the scrotum, you went back to the tavern in short rushes.
>The administrator still did not go anywhere and did not recognize the price of stones, and therefore easily brought them to you, accepting as payment regular money.
The administrator still didn't go anywhere and didn't inquire the price of stones, therefore readily gave them back to you, accepting regular money as payment.
>Became generous, for everything and anything, and for the care you paid him much as entire gold coin, for which you were showered with compliments and a promise that the room will be yours at least until the end of the week.
Feeling generous, for everything and anything, and for the care(?) you paid him an entire gold coin, for which you were showered with compliments and a promise that the room will stay yours at least until the end of the week.
>Then you just as quickly returned to the market place, where during your absence nothing did not changed significantly .
Then you returned to the market place just as quickly, where nothing changed significantly during your absence.
>Gathered the spirit and spreading beard in the old way, you have come to your comrades.
Gathering your spirit and spreading your beard in the old way, you approached your comrades.
>- Oh, praise to Armok! - Shorast leaped - soapmaker found again!
- Oh, praise the Armok! - Shorast leaped on his feet - soapmaker is found again!
>- Where did you get lost? You were tied, kinda.
- Where did you go? You were kind of tied.
>- I do not remember ... fell somehow and ... lost ... broke hand out ... With a spoon, while was falling ...
- I don't remember ... fell out somehow and ... got lost ... broke my hand, see?.. Fell on the spoon(?) ...
>- Anyway, - manager continued,- Alive, and it's best.
- Anyway, - manager continued,- Good to see you alive(?).
>It seems no one even noticed the spoon at wagon.
It seems no one even noticed the spoon in(?) wagon.
>Meng with Anil look for him, walk around to ask anyone who saw.
Meng with Anil are looking for him, walking around and asking if anyone saw him.
>Like the time to draw the leaflets as for you, yeah.
About time to draw leaflets just like for you, yep.
>Hey, you were his most friend, may you draw a face, his face.
Hey, you were his best friend, maybe you can draw his face? В оригинале знака вопроса нет, но, мне кажется, он там должен быть.
>Here's the parchment and ink.
Here's some parchment and ink.
>Later will hung up the same way.
Later we'll hung them the same way(?).
>And then, without Tok-we can't go anyway.
Because we can't go anyway Tok.
>> No. 101804
>Because we can't go anyway without Tok.
>> No. 101807
Файл 134445509763.jpg - (159.96KB , 800x447 , Nuglush1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Пофиксил, не со всем, правда, согласен. Особенно с речью Шораста - хочу передать его некоторую взволнованность и сбивчивость. Но вообще, более чем годные поправки, благодарю.


Запостил, кстати, для супостатов ссылку с предложением набегать в любое время, но что-то их не видать кроме этого >>101695 , мне кажется.
BTW, многие из вас, Уристы, имеют аккаунт на bay12?
>> No. 101808
На самом деле, все кто отписался в треде на бэй12 отсюда, даже ДаркерДарк.
>> No. 101809
Ну, в этом и суть, я выдаю свое виденье, а ты уже, как начальник, смотришь, подходит или нет, выбираешь.

А что супостатам тут делать-то особо?

>> No. 101810
В посте с торгом остался риторический вопрос о надобности "the".
>> No. 101813
>их не видать кроме этого >>101695 , мне кажется
Посмотри на название его файла.
>Файл 134435544461.jpg - (322.33KB , 900x700 , Без-имени-1.jpg )
>> No. 101864
your arguement is invalid. im real tim denee, but im using russian photoshop
>> No. 101865
O RLY? Well then, welcome to DFach. Excuse this Urist, he's kinda paranoid.
>> No. 101866
disregards that in fact im not denee lol im just a mimocrocodile
>> No. 101867
Окей, ты меня затроллел. Но боксита не будет неее...
>> No. 101868
Файл 134452808796.jpg - (194.29KB , 1080x576 , 134451310929.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Не заметил. Еще тут есть бородач, у которого файлы зовутся " .jpg", видно шифруется

> Arm with spoon, take Nil and go to suburs!
> Take Nil and go squander money in accordance with the suggestions above
(t. n. List like this
1) Upgrade for the Angryspoon
2) Gifts for mates
3) Armor and new melee weapon
4) Noble clothes
5) Pet
6) Crossbow
7) Backpack, flask

And many others...)
and bu the way visit Guard house, couple of coins would tell if someone was arrested or found

Bomel hasn't managed to draw like you, so you made dozen of portraits and along with Nil went to stick them on walls. Shorast said that it is necessary to warn the city guard about the leaflets - where you should go, and what generally happened. Therefore, the destination at the moment was the building of the city guards, and only then shopping.

Кстати, >>101809 -Урист, я до воскресенья скорее всего запропаду, так что если появится новый пост и вдруг у тебя будет желание и время - запости перевод здесь сам. Это, вообще говоря, ко всем относится.
>> No. 101869

К переводу придирок особо нет, я бы только along with Nil и went to stick them on walls местами поменял бы.
>> No. 101871
>> No. 101878
Вообще, если уж на то пошло, можно и весь уже имеющийся перевод отредактировать. Тут, возможно, и кроется низкая популярность сабжа на бее.
А возможно, само приключение им так себе.
>> No. 102039
Ок, запиливую свой вариант перевода.

>We can separate - let Nil go to guards to warn them and all that, while we'll be posting up leaflets. Then Nil will go away, go and speak to the dwarf.
>I completely support this.

- Hey, Nil, let me stick up the rest of this, while you go straight to guards... to save us some time.
- No way, - he opposed, - no wandering alone anymore.

>Is that a dwarf in the background? We can come up to say hello, ask him who is he, where is he from, how did he end up here.
>I support this.(Is that a Likot portrait in his hand, no?)
>This.(And yes, that's Soapeater portrait)
>Talk to the dwarf, find out if he saw Tok, what does he want from Likot, see if he knows where to find the cheapest booze and where do other dwarfs are gathering.

Dwarf in a pointy hat approached you timidly by himself.
- Greetings, dwarfs, I am Mas Kamvenot - mage and wizard. I beg your pardon, but is it you on the portraits? - he showed you a leaflet with your face on it.
- Yes, it's me... but I was already found.
- And your name is Likot Ubendeb?
- Well yeah, that's me.
- Oh, hmm... very good... - wizard was thinking about something.
- There's another one who's lost now, - Nil interrupted, indicating the portrait, - Tok Buketotil. Have you seen him?
Wizard was still thinking:
- Nooo... Hadn't seen...
- Well if you meet him, tell him... ah well, he already knows that we're staying at the square. Tell him that we are looking for him.
- All right.
Suddenly a thought struck you to look for your dwarf pal at the places of alcohol distribution and local brethren meeting:
- Hey, where can one go and drink up cheaply?
- Well, - Mas came to, - Anywhere, actually. There are expensive taverns in town, but you'll recognize them at once. So you can go in any shop and prices are roughly the same.
- I see... And where is a meeting hall?
Nil interfered:
- A place where local dwarven diaspora goes to...
Kamvenot looked from and to another:
- Arol-Iton is in the western part of the town. But... I don't know... I don't think you should show you faces in there.
Seribas raised an eyebrow:
- And why is that?
- You are dwarfs from the Mountainhome, I can see that clearly, but those are urban. They only care about money and struggle for power, they are more like an organized gang than an undermountain society. You will not like to meet them.
You and Nil looked at each other, puzzled, while Mas fished out magic staff:
- In the mean time, I am a mage and I can fulfill one wish for 10 gold. But not the ones related to wealth, that's a sore spot for magic of this kind. Everybody only wish to get a thousand gold while giving out ten. Nope, that doesn't work... Curses! I started with bad thing again, and you need to start with good... With good! Stupid head... sorry... Tens of satisfied customers, enormous experience, wishes fulfilled in short period of time! Not years, like some do, you know... I'm working with dwarves, elves, humans, even goblins! Yes-yes, there were a few times, - Mas gesticulated and grimaced energetically, - Group wishes! That is really killing stuff - than the whole party focuses on one common wish - the results are stunning! Questions of marriage and relations, problems with job and debtors, travels and wishes related to long transits, ills and health, good luck for you and bad luck for your enemies, seduction of women and the whole spectrum of unmentioned topics, and all that just for 10 gold. The most average price in town! Considering I'm the only one in town, hahaha! Funny, eh? Why are you not smi... hm... I see you are interested in my offer, aren't you? Am I right? Well?
>> No. 102045
О, спасибо! А я на работе свежий пост прочел с телефона, а переводить с него OCHE не комильфо. В общем, кое-какие места поправил, но список лень приводить.

>> No. 102158
Файл 134547756412.jpg - (179.84KB , 1080x576 , 134546418447.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Shortly, for wholesalу let him decrease price at third for brethren dwarfes.

- Discount for brothr dwarfes?
Mas raised his hand to stop you at the moment.
- Of course not. Sorcery spends my resources equally as for dwarves and for elves. So, sorry, gentlemen, there is no discount, sir.

>Ask where he studied as the mage.

- Hmmm ... Curious. Somewhere there is a school of wizards, or you were trained yourself on the books?
- Ways of magic are inscrutable, my friend. I started with a short treatises about curbing of internal energies, and then became interested in more sophisticated techniques. I have dedicated thirty years to search and learning of knowledges. Traveled a lot of course, trampled many paths and roads. But the school of magic - I never never met ... unfortunately ... or fortunately - he chuckled.

> Better ask why the f*ck he was twisting our leaflet in hands.

- What is it, you... walk with my portrait by the streets?
- - And exactly ... - The magician rolled leaflet and put it in his pocket - At times I am distracted. So took one and walkif recallig if seen ... or have not ...

>Extort his real name.

- Tell me, "Kamvenot", this is not a dwarven name ... This is a human's, right?
- Heh, true ... - Mage embarrassed - many are interested. But it's good for business - the sonorous pseudonym! Not like ... "Ubendeb" ... Just like you, - he patted the pocket where he had just put in the leaflet, - a funny coincidence. And it interested me initially.

>Invite him to approach the wagon, tighten there in and during the unobtrusive interrogation find out what he really wants.
>Get plus for interrogation of suspicious subject.
>Under any pretext drag this dwarf to the wagon, and then let the manager in couple with Ostox get information from him.
>Take him to wagon
>I beard you not to make wishes but interrogate him

- Emm, let you pass with us to the wagon? There, comrades, we can all together decide about the wish.
Nil pulled you:
- Hey, scattered number two, forgot where we are going to and why? - He pointed to the portrait of Buketotil - business first, then entertainment.
You turned to Seribas and began to whisper:
- I suspect that this jerk has information about Tok.
- What?
- Perhaps he is associated with dwarven diaspora, maybe they keep our friend in captivity! We must interrogate this quack! And for this we must drag him to the cart, where Shorast and Ostox in couple ...
- You're absolutely gone crazy! - Nil slightly pushed you, - Meng said that that mushroom could damage the brain, and now I'm beginning to suspect that the doctor was right! Come to your senses, moron! We will not show any agression within city limits, or Guard will rush over us and throw us to jail! After what hangover you... Ah, don't even want to talk! Completely crazy, fool. We keep the same route, and the point! - Then he turned to the mage - I'm sorry, but today, no desires. Best of luck.
>> No. 102159
Ок, мой вариант перевода, с небольшими комментариями.

>It's a wholesale, so let him decrease price by third for brethren dwarfes.
Не знаю, честно говоря, есть ли у них аналог нашего "короче", но shortly тут точно не подходит.

- Any discount for brother dwarfes?
Mas raised his hand to stop you for a moment.
- Of course not. Sorcery spends my resources equally for both dwarves and elves. So, excuse me, gentlemen, no discounts.

>Ask where he studied as a mage.

- Hmmm ... Just curious. Is there a school of wizards somewhere порядок слов, блядь!1!, or did you learned it all from books by yourself?
- Ways of magic are inscrutable, my friend. I started with short treatises about curbing of internal energies, and then became interested in more sophisticated techniques. I have dedicated thirty years to search and learning of knowledges. Traveled a lot, of course, trampled many paths and roads. But the school of magic - I never met ... unfortunately ... or fortunately - he chuckled.

>Better ask why the f*ck he was holding our leaflet in his hands.

- Why were you... walking the streets with my portrait?
- - Ah, truly ... - The magician rolled leaflet and put it in his pocket - At times I am distracted. So I took one and walked, recalling if seen ... or have not ...

>Extort his real name.

- Tell me, "Kamvenot", that is not a dwarven name ... This is a human's, right?
- Heh, true ... - Mage become embarrassed просто embarrassed это "смутил" - many have asked. But it's good for business - the sonorous pseudonym! Not like ... "Ubendeb" ... Like your's, - he patted the pocket where he had just put in the leaflet, - a funny coincidence. That is what interested me in the first place.

>Invite him to approach the wagon, tighten there in and during the unobtrusive interrogation find out what he really wants.
>Plusing for interrogation of suspicious subject.
>Under any pretext drag this dwarf to the wagon, and then let the manager in couple with Ostox get information from him.
>Take him to wagon
>I beard лол, ну-ну not to make wishes but interrogate him

- Emm, maybe you'll come with us to the wagon? There are our comrades, we can all decide about the wish together.
Nil pulled you:
- Hey, scatter-head number two, forgot where we are going to and why? - He pointed at a portrait of Buketotil - business first, entertainment later.
You turned to Seribas and began to whisper:
- I suspect that this jerk has information about Tok.
- What?
- Perhaps he is associated with dwarven diaspora, maybe they keep our friend in captivity! We must interrogate this quack! And for this we must drag him to the cart, where Shorast and Ostox in couple ...
- You've totally gone crazy! - Nil slightly pushed you, - Meng said that that mushroom could have damaged your brain, and now I'm beginning to suspect that doctor was right! Come to your senses, moron! We shall not show any agression within city limits, or Guard will rush over us and throw us in jail! How did you even get this idea... Ah, don't even want to talk! You're completely crazy, you fool. We keep on the same route, period! - Then he turned to the mage - I'm sorry, but no desires today. Best of luck.

Алсо, бро, тут я заметно меньше иправлял, чем раньше. Ощущяется прогресс.
??, да, так как насчет идеи с редактированием старых переводов?
>> No. 102167

Как всегда, спасибо за поправленные косяки. Что насчет порядка слов-иногда вижу такое на то же бухте, или где еще. Может, сойдет за просторечие. Да и идея подчистки мне волне по нраву, но пока не знаю, в какую б форму облечь. Как вариант-глянь пока на предмет явной поебени, а там может в четыре руки перепроверим за недельку-две, по вечерам.
>> No. 102171
В смысле "в какую б форму облечь"?
Я вообще думал просто пройтись подряд по всем текстам, по частям, разумеется. То есть просто взять кусок текста, переработать, вставить обратно, repeat. Мне это не сложно, я могу хоть завтра начать и просто скидывать сюда свои варианты, ты уже там смотри.
>> No. 102176
Мне просто, скажем, неловко было прямо тебе предложить вычитать все это, но я ленивый хуй и к тому же без свежего взгляда, так что пости-будем править.
>> No. 102183
Ну, я же сам всё это предложил.
Ладно, как и до этого, буду сразу класть свои варианты перевода. По одному бэевскому посту за раз.

You woke up (SUDDENLY) in your room, not in some Armok forsaken place. Travels in deserts and goblin forests turned out to be just dreams, created by your autistic imagination.

After you recovered a bit, you remembered that today is important but at the same time one of the most unpleasant days of your life. Question is that by decision of the Queen you have to leave your usual habitat and embark on far expedition to found a new fortress with a company of six other "luckies".

>Go get drunk.

Apparently, someone locked the door in your room from inside. Interesting, who could that be?

>Take a look at muralengraving on the wall.

Engraved on the wall is the masterful rendition of Bomul Shomil.
Bomul Shomil raises Dongitestil, artifact bucket with the image of Dongitestil, artifact bucket. Bomul Shomil seems triumphant.

>Break down the door by throwing a sock.

Sock hit the door with a crunch and now hanging on the bar. It looks like you don't have enough rage to use it like a battering ram.

>Open door. Put on the sock. Arm yourself with a spoon and go to meeting hall.
>Get to dining hall and have a dinner, meaning, drink.

You've decided to overcome your autistic spirit and finally open your room's door. Before leaving you've decided to equip with spoon and sock but then took thought about where you should go first: meeting hall, dining hall or booze stockpile.

>Inspect the room, checking your stocks. If there is any outerwear - put it on.

Of all the stocks found in the room there was only plumphelmet spawn remaining after yesterday's supper. No outerwear and, for the matter, no cabinet in your room to store it in.

>Exit the room and take a look around.
>Arm yourself with wooden bar before leaving.

Taking the bar with yourself for some reason, you left the room and looked around. You are in the hallway of your apartment block where you lived most part of your adult life. There is almost nothing to look at here.

>Also, it would be nice to strain your memory and remember planning of our fortress, what is there and where.

Inscription, left to right(Russian):
-You weren't there 4 years;
-Dining hall;

Without much strainig you remembered all halls and corridors where you've been at least once. List of places you visited consists of: bedroom for poor 1x2, local booze cellar, buffet, dining hall and meeting hall at the well. The rest of the fortress has been never known by you.

>Go and get drunk.
>have a dinner, meaning, drink.
>Satisfy our physical needs.
>And for this go to the bar (booze pile).

The idea that it wouldn't hurt to drink something strong was on your mind since awakening. So, it's your task #1 right now.

Bared ass crazy run past you, yelling something in an incomprehensible language.

Upon entering the cellar, you find the last barrel of dwarven wine. It seems something is still splashing at the bottom.

>Check out the barell's content

There is just enough booze left at the bottom to fill you up. Alcohol has added strength and markedly improved
well-being but gave no joy at all. Because it's the same damn dwarven wine again! Made from the same
damn mushrooms and cooked by the same damn brewer!

You receive +1 bad thought. Adding the thought that you now have to leave your home you totally have 2 bad thoughts. 5 bad thoughts lead you into tantrum so now you've got to act more careful.

>Also, take a paper from the back and take a look what's written on it

On the paper you see crookedly written scrawling formed from runic dwarwen letters: LIKOT UDENDEB - ONINOAGAK. The closest translation would be "Likot SoapEater - anal elf". Taking into account the fact that you are that Likot SoapEater, and there is no other in the whole fortress with such a name - it definitely means someone deliberately trying to annoy you. +1 bad thought.

>Go to armor an weapon stockpiles, equip and arm yourself respectively. Also, if there is coin pile - use the occasion to stop by and fill pockets with gold.

You don't know where is armory and treasury. Even even if you knew, soapmaker living in low cost appartaments is unlikely to be allowed.

>Go to fortress ruler(or whoever responsible) to find out expedition details.

You have never seen this ruler (Queen, actually - she is in charge here), and you have no idea where her throne room is or wherever she does meetings with visitors. And about the expedition will be announced in the evening at the well, where seven founders will meet.

>Try to date some dwarfgirl and persuade her to coitus

There is nobody around, so not sooner than in the evening at the well. The only one you can try to persuade to coitus now is the bare ass psycho who is running around here.

>Get nude and run through the corridors, shouting something in an incomprehensible language (we will not stand out - maybe that's how it is accepted here).

Nudism is now quite fashionable, especially in the new fortresses, with unsteady economy. But exhibitionism in our fortress is under the strict prohibition - all violators are to be immediately put in solitary confinement, or thrown into the danger room. So running around with bare "joys" is too risky - maybe someone will see and surrender us to the authorities.

>Ask a psycho, what the hell is his problem.

It's pointless. That psycho have all signs of manic-depressive insanity - stark raving mad, any dwarf can define it even without medical education. His problem most probably is fail of his strange mood. Well, he didn't get turtle shell, uncut lapis lazuli or something like that... So he flew off the rails.

>Try to remember with whom I was in conflict recently. Also take a closer look at this crooked handwriting, perhaps, I know who did it?

Well, with no one, as you recall. You don't even have some real acquaintances, actually. And you have no idea how does non-existent handwriting of non-existent acquaintances look like. So, authorship of this paper is still a deep secret for you...

These and many other thoughts were swarming in your head while you were sitting in a corner, digesting the wine you drunk. Your mood is lousy. You get more and more aware the fact that for all these years that you lived here, you amassed no acquaintance, no friends, never worked and in fact have never deviated from the footworn path Bed-Food-Bed.

Не знаю насчет регулярности, но постараюсь хотя бы по посту за день переводить.
>> No. 102184
Посоны, бородачую тру-перевод слова "Бородачую" ибо "I beard not to make wishes" - как-то не по-русс...глийски.
>> No. 102188
Ну, исходное "двачую" - это "seconding". Тогда "бородачую" будет... "bi-rding"?
Капча "zifitv" предполагает экранизировать эту историю на канале сай-фай.
>> No. 102189
Двачую, это всё же от ДВача.
Тогда уже bay12gaming.
>> No. 102190
Предложу такой вариант "beardouble" или "bearddouble". Лучшего пока не вымучил.
>> No. 102191
>Wash the mug in the well to cheer up a bit
Wouldn't hurt. But first you decided to
>look on engravings
On the left wall there are two messily carved rising crescents - symbol of your fortress.
The entire front wall is a portrait of Ubur Limulenog - deceased husband of Queen.

Rinsing your face, you've stepped a bit away from the depression. You came up with some ideas about what to do till evening, but still no clear plan for the day.

>Go to shop, look at small animals. Buy plump helmet spawn, name it Pineapple.
Подумал, может, использовать здесь Ananas вместо Pineapple? Раз в русском варианте используется английское слово, то почему бы в английском варианте не использовать русское?...

You already have plump helmet spawn - you left it in your room. By putting it in your cap and caressing it, you received a good thought and settled your nerves down a bit.

Your newly acquired pet in the cap has changed your appearance a little bit for the worse. But its benefits greatly exceeds discomfort. Now you only have two bad thoughts, and tantrum isn't so endangering. Пропустил эти два предложения, чтоли? В переводе их не было.

>Use the spoon to winkle a lock out of the door - it might be useful.

After careful examination of door's both sides you didn't find anything that resembles a lock. The only thing it was locked with was the wooden board you drag around all the morning.

>Search for a room with no dwarf inside and enter (break down the door if needed). Search for loot in there.

Suddenly you feel some unknown forces waking up deep inside. You've got a vision - right behind a wall in the next room there is absolutely definitely some thing laying around that is rightly belongs only to you now and no one else, and you just have to pull it out of there. Dwarven special clairvoyance was quiet for the last four years, and you've been surprised to feel divination abilities again.


Oh yeah, it's a great sock! Didn't even had to break the door down to acquire this gem.

>Find out how it got into another room.

It didn't get in other room. Maybe it was always there but sock became yours just now.

>On the way to the dining room make sure statue portray the same plot as our room's engraving, take a look at engravings around bedrooms and Fuuuu-face style one near the well.

1.Yeah, It is the same. Bomul "Wooden Stave" Sholil, who's carved mug grins at you in the bedroom every morning. Bucket's the same, too.
2.Some of the everyday's life stories of the fortress. Ubur Limulenlog removes Urist Mekurigril from the position of capitain of the guard. Urist did not give it much importance.
3.This is Tok Buketotil. Tok is surrounded by mosquitoes. Tok looks terrified.

>Pull out a chicken feather from pillow.
>Take the calendar from the door, check out what's the date today.

After reading "How to quickly clutter inventory for dummies" you've realized that you ABSOLUTELY NEED calendar and chicken feather.

About the date - today is 24 of Opal. 23 of Opal is marked with red on the calendar. Something happened yesterday, something important for the owner of this room.

Про menacing pose пропускаю.

>Realize you're hungry.
>Go to the dining room for lunch
>Get some grub and booze, and go to the meeting hall
>Go to food store and whip yourself an emergency reserve for the trip. Just in case.
>Maybe it's time to have a bite, wine probably caused our appetite to wake up, maybe it'll raise our mood.

About time. It's noon already, and you haven't eaten anything yet. After making a bag out of bed sheets you put your stuff inside, hang it on the spoon and moved in the direction of buffet. But right in in front of the door you hesitated, and wondered if it worth to go there.

>Morons, don't go to pile, can't you see there's miasma in there? You'll get a bad thought. Rather go and take a look at the bucket.

Lookin for a good motivation before getting into miasma room, you decided to take a look at the bucket. After a careful review you didn't find anything unusual or exciting, that was just a washing bucket, much smaller then THE BUCKET, if engravings and statues are true. Unfortunately, you didn't get a good thought.

>If it is THE bucket near the well, than remove it from the chain, put on the head, and put a cap over it for disguise

Bucket just won't fit on the head. And it's doubtful that it's actually an artifact...

>Maybe we just dwarfcraft something of board and bucket! It's so funny!

With a little imagination you used the bucket and the board to craft a HELICOPTY and left this fuckery at the well.

>Take pillowcase, soak it in remaining wine left in the barrel, wind it on the face and enter the food pile.

Having put wet pillowcase on your face, you prepared to open the door to the pantry.

After you opened the door sharply, to your surprise you found out that...

...miasma does not only gets under the mask easily but also brutally hurts your eyes! Even after taking all the necessary measures you've still underestimated the danger of this horrible lachrymatory substance.
Even a brutal dwarf like you gone limp instantly, like a sissy.

>SHUT THE DOOR. Dip tearful face in the well. Go look for grub in the dining room.
>Open the door and let miasma out. Let the whole fortress enjoy.

Barely dragging yourself out of a purple cloud, you tried to shut the door blindly but failed to catch it with your hand. Well, let it ventilate while you are limping to the well.

Grimacing a randy baboon face, you tried to spew a stream of vomit. Fortunately, due to the fact that wine digested and assimilated quickly enough, you didn't fuck up well water with your beatiful inner world.

>Wait until it's ventilated and then finally take something to devour. At the same time check if there is somebody dead inside.

When the air become cleaner and more transparent, you went inside and examined the contents of barrels. Three of them are full of plump helmets, on the bottom of forth there are a few pieces of salted crandle meat, and stack of trays in the corner contains rotten roast made out of minced dwarven wine. It seems it was the roast that caused miasma to foul the atmoshpere. You've put a meat and mushrooms in a bag and went to the dining hall to eat.

>Well, if we're going, keep going.

Really, keep going. On the way you disassembled HELOCOPTY and entered dining hall. It's quite dirty in there, but you found a clean-looking table and chair. With eating you have reduced the number of bad thoughts to two.

>Go to the west. Because why not, time to change things in our live.

Now, when you're no longer hungry and no longer plagued by the thought of booze, it is possible to go and explore the area. Going to the west where you weren't for the last few years. You vaguely recall that this is where the main part of the fortress is.

You remember this place. This is where you found your red sock with your dwarven telepathy four years ago. But about where do stairs and hatch lead - you don't really remember. You even forgot which way you came from when were just settling.
>> No. 102192
А нельзя просто тот же seconded использовать? Не обязательно же прям всё буквально переводить, надо просто донести смысл.
То же, кстати, касается всяких сложных для перевода фраз, которые можно перефразировать. Это же перевод, а не дословное копирование.
>> No. 102193
Да Армок знает, есть ли смысл заморачиваться. Думаю, смысл им будет понятен из контекста, а борода для дварфов весьма сакральна, так что лучше оставить пока как есть. Алсо, начал помаленьку править.

Это чтобы удобнее было сверять посты
>> No. 102201
>Sock with a crunching hit on the door and hanged on lock bolt.
Не, конечно, прочитав несколько раз, плюс взглянув на картинку, можно понять, про что там написано, но всё же...
>> No. 102202
Предлагай же лучше, я пофикшу.

Первые два поста перетряс.
>> No. 102203
Так я ж предлагал.
>Sock hit the door with a crunch and now hanging on the bar.
Ну, "now hanging" на "hang" заменить можно, пожалуй.
Отдельные слова вроде bar/lock bolt - еще ладно, но за порядком слов надо следить, а то получается "носок с хрустящим ударом на дверь". У тебя нередко как раз в этой области проблемы, русские слова просто заменены на английские без перестановки.
>> No. 102204
Записал компромиссный вариант и ушел спать
>> No. 102222
>Read the inscription

Label is typed with regular runes but no idea what this language is. Maybe some service code, useful for military and miners only.

>Go up

The floor above is another living area with similar planning dug out in the middle of magnetite cluster some long time ago. Poor dwarfs live here as well. I. e. lived - because right now magnetite walls are dug out in most of the rooms. Looks like fortress REALLY needed some extra iron if in their search of ore they started to demolish living areas instead of looking for somewhere else.

>Yell "HEEEY! ANYBODY HERE?!" a few times
>Examine living rooms, maybe there is something

After yelling twice in the direction of destroyed corridors, you didn't receive any response and started searching in the ruins. Between heaps of stones and dust you've found an party invite ticket for celebration of opening of the new magma manufactory. Date - 23 of Opal. Looks like you missed the fun, and you would probably be upset if you were a party lover.

>Listen. If we hear something - go to a noise. Maybe we'll find high boot or even GAUNTLET...

You listened hard, but again didn't heard anything. But after a couple minutes of wandering around the ruins, you heard the rumble quite distinctly and felt shaking under the feet. This is cave-in. If you were an above-ground man, you could think "Oh, whatever, they happen by themselves from time to time". But because you're a dwarf, you absolutely sure that cave-ins caused by dwarves in 99% of cases and happen by themselves extremely rare. So it's signal that somebody is digging there in the deep.

>Try to remember why we are so sure that today is an expedition day. When were we announced about it?
>Recall how do we know that meeting is today

You couldn't remember him name when he introduced himself to you. That was one of nobles. He came up to you five days ago and called self as either a manager, or as peasant guild leader, and notified us of the most unpleasant news that Motherland finally remembered modest Lokot Udebdeb who wasn't grabbed into military due to some error in the fortress citizens records. It's time to fix an annoying mistake, but since most of the fish cleaners, soapmakers and other scum of your migration wave already matured to the level of professional crossbowdwarfes, you'll be pretty useless in the army. The only vacancy for you is to be one of seven founders of new fort near the west Unthinkable Mountains.

>Open the hatch and look inside. But don't enter!
>Put paper in wallet and quickly run down to hatch, and, if there is nothing scareful seen/heard, go down.
>Don't forget to secure hatch with wooden board to have less troubles with escape.

Looks like someone locked hatch from inside. Interesting, who could that be?
No, seriously - it's locked. Probably, you'll have to find ways around to get on lower floor.

>Keep climbing up
>Search for way upward to reach the surface, there is probably someone hanging around
>There is no way up on dug out level, right?

There is only a couple of footboards left on the place where stairs up used to be on the dug out level. The staircase was intentionally broken by somebody. Thoughts that you're left Mountainhome alone settle harder and harder in your head and if it wasn't for your phlegmatic temperament, you would already start panic.

>Then it's time to check what's in the east of the well

You're back on your floor and went to the east. There are other poor peasants' streets, and not all of the rooms occupied.

>Enter the room with the sleepind dwarf. If it's locked - knock to the door.
>But knock loudly. With the spoon

You have checked rooms, all of them were open and empty, except for one - there was some nasty loud snoring in there and it was locked from the inside. You banged hard on the door several times with the spoon and waited for reaction. There was a rustle of fuss on the bed and quiet bawdry inside, then somebody climbed off bed and stomped toward the door.

Pushing the lock bolt, the owner of the room came out to you. For some reason you feel that a dwarf is not very happy with that rapid awakening. He looks at you and waits for explanation.

>Tell him that manager calls him to his office.

You blurted out first thing that came into your head:
- Manager calls you to his office!
And to your surprise, he replied:
- Know without your help! - went toward the bar with a nervous pace.

>But first, lets introduce ourself and then ask the name and occupation of bluesocked - well, become acquainted properly, or he would think that's another psycho in front of him.
>Ask him if he knows what the heck is going on in the fortress.
>Also, ask him whether he is a member of the expedition.
>If he's gonna bully (because of sudden invasion in his chambers), justify it as our concern about what is happening in the fortress, in particular, its abandonment. Announce that he is the only sane dwarf that we met for all day.

You followed him.
- I am Likot Soapeater, i'm here... - you've started but companion interrupted abruptly:
- I can not reciprocate! - and glared sternly with baggy eyes.
Quite expecting this turn in conversation, you've started to explain:
- You see, there is something strange going on in the fortress since morning, everybody gone... Well, it kinda worried me... All in all, you're the first sane dwarf, whom I meet today.
Your companion ignored you.
You continued:
- Do you know what is going on now in the fortress? And whether it is related to today's departure of the expedition? And yes, can I ask, maybe you are one of seven travelers?
Dwarf paused, took a deep breath and turned in you:
- Dear Soapmaker, would you be so kind to keep quiet for a while, my head aches even without you. But no, you just needed to you make a damn elfen drum out of my door and then drown me in a stream of meaningless questions. - Then he changed his tone: - Just what do you want from me?

>Stop annoying the mason, let him wake up and assess the situation.

You decided to pause for a while, and silently accompany him to the warehouse. but as you approached you remembered that you missed one small detail:

>Is there any alcohol left in barrel? Otherwise we'll catch a hard fist with a face.

But you've drunk the last barrel! And if this boar will drink water from the well instead of wine, he'll sober up and become completely enraged. Here you have taken the most reasonable solution: get away.

>Well, screw that beardy. If he woke up in such a bad spirit + awaked by annoying dwarf, it's better to go in the opposite direction, let him blow off steam on bare-ass. Or we would have to collect our teeth from the floor.

Taking a defensive position in the depth of a residential area, you waited. The storm didn't took long to start, and soon you heard screams, bawdry and crushes of breaking furniture.

>I hope we are locked in the mason's room?
>Check out the trash in the corner near the door.

When the noise died out, you got out of your shelter and looked around. It wasn't mason's room, because he had wooden door, not stone one. In trash in the corner you've found small uncut pyrite. It's hard even to call it decorative - too rough and small but can be useful, so you picked it up.
>> No. 102228
Переписал пост. Может вывесить какой анонс в названии темы о том, что старые посты вычищаются? А то я сам хуею от той пурги, которую писал в переводе первых тредов.
>> No. 102230
Тоже думал, что анонс был бы хорошей идеей, но потом передумал. Вернее, это все еще хорошая идея, но, может, не сейчас, а уже когда уж дочистим уж?
>> No. 102231
Да, так-то получше будет.
>> No. 102233
You've took a chance and decided to return to the well and assess the magnitude of tragedy. Some doors were not in their places but laid in the corridor, well bucket with a rope disappeared somewhere , and well itself wasn't in its best condition. Culprit of all this chaos stood there as if nothing had happened and calmly thumb unlit pipe.
- Good, - he said to you. - Got a light there? Lost my flint somewhere.
Well, this one settles down as quick as he throws a tantrum. We ought to be careful with him.

>That's where pyrite will be useful, lets lend it to him.

- Here - you passed him the stone. You wanted to add that you don't smoke, but then changed your mind as this redneck might think that you don't need that pyrite and will not return the stone. No way.

>While the violent one is busy with kindling of his pipe and smoking, try to quietly unhook of read a note on his back

While mason batters a flint violently with a chisel, igniting tinder, you decide to study a piece of paper on his back. "TOK BUKETOTIL ONINOAGAK". Not a long message, written in the same handwriting and with the same ink as in your paper. You decided to leave it hanging on a mason's back so that he wouldn't see you with this piece of paper and think you're the one who wrote it.

>Tok Buketotil and this blue-socked mason are the same person? Ask him but not "in the face"(like, "hey, is it you carved there, surrounded by mosquitoes?")
>Also, ask if he is part of the expedition team.

Tok extinguished a fire, returned pyrite to you and inhaled smoldering spores of towercap.
- Is it you so vividly portrayed here? - You poked your finger in the engraving on the wall. - Looks similar.
- My job. What, you like it? If I'd be free to do what I want, I would carve an entire fortress with my masterpieces. And, yet, this is my only creation. - Tok replied discontentedly.
- So you're engraver?
- Hereditary. Just not recognized. And what about you? - blue-socked asked. And added - Oh yes, what were you trying to ask me in the hallway? I don't remember shit.
- I just woke up this morning, went out, and nobody around. Then I went to the canteen, and it was also empty. Wanted to check other floors - it turned out that the hatch down is shut, and upper floor is a mess, with a path up cut as well...
- It's miners. -Tok interrupted.
- What?
- They are the ones who did the digging. And dragged the ore somewhere down and locked up.
- And what does it all mean?
- Absolutely no idea.- A mason shrugged .- They hauled the ore down the stairs yesterday, right after the party. And now we are isolated from the rest of the fortress.
- And what is that, a quarantine? There is a beast with a syndrome roams the fortress, and they try to protect the healthy ones from infected that way?
- Armok knows. I wasn't dedicated either. If we're lucky, we'll get all the answers for our questions in the evening at the meeting.
- So then it means you've been choosen for expedition too. - You guessed.
- Yep, - Tok confirmed and inhaled mushrooms smoke again.
>> No. 102234
>> No. 102256
"I beardouble that"
отличный вариант. надо вставлять это в реквестах почаще, даже там где этого в оригинале нет, чтобы форсить :D
>> No. 102258
>Ask if he has any ideas about what to do until the evening.
>Is it possible to get through the well hole to the lower level, where miners are locked up?

Without regard for you being interested or not, Tok has began to tell you about his childhood among swamps on surface and describe in details his hatred for mosquitoes. Listening to him with half an ear, you started to look at the lower floor through well, to distract yourself from his guff. There was another well right under you, you could see water on it's bottom. If you had a rope, you could go down there.

Oh, here's the rope...

>Catch up, overtake and return the rope

Psycho runs faster than both of you. Noticeably faster.

>When the crazy will run past us next time, make him trip up, so that he fall.

Lurking around the corner, you have waited until the bucket thief will show up from around the corner. At the right moment you ran out and stepped on the dragging rope. Madman felt with a clatter and passed out.

You went down the rope to the floor below. It has similar layout, except for unified stockpiles and a hospital instead of canteen.

>Steal stuff from the hospital

You've grabbed 2 bags of threads, cloth and soap. May be useful in expedition. After checking the rest of the hospital, you've only found splints and crutches and more threads ans soap. To maraud even more, you decided to look at the food stock, but as soon as you walked towards the exit, you heard shuffling steps and grunting from behind the door.

Black hairy dwarf with butcher slicer entered the hospital, carrying another dwarf on his back, with a shaved neck and bandaged face.

>Ask the black dwarf what is he going to do with the clean-shaven one and why is he in such poor condition ("Oh Armok! I hope he's all right?").
>Keep a safe distance, just in case.

On your question about the health of the bald, black replied that he got a fracture, and he will live if you leave the hospital right now. Bonesetter reinforced his polite request with just as polite patting of his knee with a backside of his cleaver. Weighty argument in his right hand prompted you leave hospital immediately. Опять пропустил предложения.

>See if there is any paper on back of dwarf-in-a-green-sock with a known content. If there's none - ask if there was one earlier.

Leaving, you managed to see on the back of the doctor. Now you know his name - Meng Mamgozodur. You haven't seen paper on baldy's back thought - perhaps it was already removed. You could ask Meng whether his patient had any messages on his back.

>Well, look around the food pile, by the way.
>Lets go examine the food stocks as it was planned before Meng appeared.

Leaving the butcher and baldy for a while, you headed to the stockpile. There were the same plumphelmets and crundle pieces, however, there were also a couple of barrels of dvarven wine. You invited Tok to sip some wine but he refused, saying that he can't stand that plumphelmet wine anymore. You stuffed your bags with food, so there was no free place left.

>After that turn up toward the hatch and see if there is a path even lower, seeing there are living quarters here again.

Staircase is going further down, the hatch is open, so you might as well start to explore the lower floors.

Residential floors are over. Deeper goes only service tunnels, mines and probably passages to caverns. The central passage is quite spacious, and along the wall a spiral staircase goes down. After approximately thirtieth step they are broken out by someone again.

Now you know for sure that you cut off from the rest of fortress by some staircase destroying enthusiasts.

>Take a cage from the stairs, inspect it, if there is nothing of value then try to throw it on a lever to push it.

Oh, look, do we have here?

This is but a...


>Knock down the mosquito with a jet of urine
>Cover the cage with a cloth and get it out of the way

You saw that Tok seriously dug into his pants to get antimosquito "weapon", so you decided to get ahead of him, hiding the cage. You covered cage with a pillowcase and removed it from sight.

>Get yourself a pet mosquito.

You can't tame mosquito - you already have a pet.
Tok can't tame mosquito as well - he'll just piss on it.

>Unlock the hatch upstairs. Throw bags of good to your floor's nearby room (i.e., your room). Defer a bit of it to a knapsack. Take rope from the well. Remind Tok about the manager and, if he has not dumped it yet, get there to know what did he actually want.

When Tok got recovered, you opened the hatch and went upstairs to the room to throw off the bags for a while. A surprise was waiting for you there - a fresh engraving on the wall, painted with something red. What scum dared to get into your room? What scum dared to spoil the engraving? And anyway, who could get into your room unnoticed during your absence? Is it that psycho?

Кстати, а почему ты столовую переводишь как canteen? Не логичнее ли использовать dining hall или dining room? Учитывая, что в ДФ именно так эта комната обозначается.
Алсо, почему ladder в качестве лестницы? Ladder это скорее приставная лестница, стремянка, а что-то более монолитное, как тут, обычно зовут stairs. Опять же, в ДФ лестницы зовутся stairs'ами.
?? еще, советую быть повнимательнее, я и в отредактированной версии вроде бы видел опечатки.
>> No. 102270
Файл 134573766367.jpg - (252.45KB , 1080x576 , 134570716976.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Cry out to quack to come to the wagon later.
>And keep searching Tok, simultaneously snapping with Nil about "Look who's talking about madness!"
>I suggest to spend money on armor and weapon

Submitting to soldier, you stepped in the direction of the Guard building, leaving the magician mild surprised. You still turned around and shouted:
- Come back later to the market place! We will discuss all again! About the desire!
Nil without stopping put hand to his face.
You walked through the streets and passed by shops.
- Look, let's go to weapons shop>
- Why?
- I'd look for sword or axe.
- Listen, Likot, you're soapmaker. - He paused. - So-ap-ma-ker, get it? Not a soldier. And in the fortress, when we'll arrive, you will not be in army. Never. Trust me, i can see potential... you got no. Just forget it, choose something else. Weapons, armor - it's not for you. This is so, so not for you, that, Armok's witness, if you'll take up arms - I'd rather cut off your hands so you won't hurt anyone ... or worse.
- I have already fought with the sword! - you were offended.
- In your dreams - Nil dismissed.
- I have combat Angryspoon the Crusher of Oaks! - You shook your weapon.
- You call it SO? Haha! - Seribas laughed - Don't tell anyone ... hahaha ... "Angryspoon"... - He wiped away the tears from laughing - Let's move, Angrysoaper The Crusher of minds ... haha ...
Thus, with the laughing warrior ahead and offended mug behind you reached Town Guard building. Chief met you in his office.
- What is it? Another one got lost?
- But the other was found, - Nil said, pointing at you.
- Listen, dwarfer, you get lost too often. Just had one portrait to hang, and already give me another. Of course, I accept leaflet, it's my job, but here's my advice - just wait. Surely your friend just thumped or struck the fornication. One already found, right? So another will come back. Will sober up and return.
Here you have felt hurt about friend:
- Or maybe it's dwarven diaspora took him to captivity? Maybe ...
- Likot! - Nil tugged you.
Chief grinned:
- The local diaspora is unlikely to be interested by a simple mountain dwarf, unless he shit jewels. So do not worry about your friend, he is scarcely to be in serious mess.
You were upset that no one takes you seriously. You gave a portrait and sulkily turned away.

Сейчас займусь этим.
>> No. 102275
Насчет canteen - пытался поменьше повторяться. Хотя переводил те треды давно, может еще какой-то довод у меня был. Да и вообще, первые треды я перевел так, что проще руководствоваться бритвой Окамы - не думай, что я использую что-то неподходящее по умыслу, а лишь из анскильности. Сейчас дела вроде получше. Опечатки - опять же, тыкай на них, а я постараюсь не делать.
>> No. 102296
Не дождался тебя, поправил сам несколько мест и пропущенные предложения. Благо посты тоже можно редактировать. Все еще жду поправок. Алсо, снова есть шанс, что у меня снова ??РЛ-хардкор до вечера воскресенья.

>> No. 102297
Поправок где, в уже отредактированной части ты имеешь ввиду?
>> No. 102298
А, блин, туплю, не заметил нового поста.
Ну, не сегодня уже.
>> No. 102301
> About the desire!
About the wish!
>put hand to his face
put palm to his face
альзо пропущена пара фраз:
- Думаю меч присмотреть или топор.
- Зачем?
- Ну как... Оружие! Защищаться, нападать... ходить с ним везде. У тебя же есть меч, я тоже хочу.
Нил остановился:
- Слушай, Ликот, ты мыловар...
>> No. 102305
>Shout for a quack to come to the wagon later.
>And keep looking Tok, snapping with Nil about "You're the one to talk!" on the way.
>I suggest to spend money on armor and weapons.

Submitting to soldier, you stepped in the direction of the Guard building, leaving the magician mildly surprised. You still turned around and shouted:
- Come back later to the market place! We'll discuss everything again! About the wish!
Nil put a palm to his face without stopping.
You walked through the streets, and shops passed by.
- Listen, let's go to a weapons shop.
- Why?
- I'd look for sword or axe.
- Why?
- Well, you know... A weapon! To protect yourself, to attack... walk around with it everywhere. You do have a sword, I want some too.
Nil stopped:
- Listen, Likot, you're a soapmaker... - He paused, - So-ap-ma-ker... get it? You're not a soldier. And in the fortress, when we'll arrive, you will not be in the army. Never. Trust me, i can see potential... you don't have it. Just forget about it, get involved in something else. Weapons and armor - it's not for you. This is so not for you, that, Armok's my witness, if you'll take up arms - I'd rather cut off your hands so you won't hurt anyone ... or worse.
- I have already fought with a sword! - you were offended.
- In your dreams, - Nil dismissed.
- I have combat Angryspoon the Crusher of Oaks! - You shook your weapon.
- Is THAT what you call it? Haha, - Seribas laughed, - Don't tell anyone... hahaha... "Angryspoon"... - He wiped away the tears from laughing, - Let's move, Angrysoaper The Crusher of Sanity... haha...
Thus, with a laughing warrior ahead and offended mug behind, you reached the Town Guard building. The Chief met you in his office:
- What is it? Another one got lost?
- But the other one is found, - Nil said, pointing at you.
- Listen, dwarfes, you get lost too often. Just had one portrait to hang, and already give me another. I'll accept leaflet? of course, it's my job, but here's my advice - just wait for a while. Surely your friend just thumped or struck the fornication. First one already got found, right? So another will come back. He'll sober up and return.
Here you have felt hurt about friend:
- Or maybe it's dwarven diaspora took him to captivity? Maybe ...
- Likot! - Nil tugged you.
Chief grinned:
- The local diaspora is unlikely to be interested in a simple mountain dwarf, unless he shits jewels. So don't worry about your friend, it's unlikely that he is in a serious mess.
You were upset that no one takes you seriously. You gave a portrait and turned away sulkily.
>> No. 102352
Так ты еще и рисуешь просто шикарно, демоническая ты личность
>> No. 102371
Запилим еще пару постов?
>> No. 102375
Ага, как раз работаю над следующим. Сам был занят на выходных, так что только сейчас получилось взяться.
>> No. 102378
Ок, продолжаем с редактирование старья.

>The note!

This is a list of members of the expedition "Valuable road".
You see three already familar names in the list so this is precisely your group's list, and fears that group is named "Anal elf" did not confirm. Nevertheless, the paper looks alarming - it's lined through and there are even crosses in front of some of the erased names. And, of course, the most menacing is your name smeared with red.

>I think we need o grab our stuff and get back to Meng.
>On way back check if the stunned psycho is awake. And if he's alive at all.

Psycho was lying in the same position you left him in. Putting a finger on the artery, you felt the pulse so he's alive but got strong concussion.

>Take rope from well.
>Disassemble the well and take mechanisms.

You pull up the rope and hid it in the bag. But you couldn't get the mechanisms - looks like they fell down to very bottom when Tok destroyed the well.

>Strain memory and recall who is this Shorast LionBait

On the way to hospital Tok recalled that Shorast Kurelgeshak is name of the manager to which he hadn't come today. There is no way to manager's office now since it's located on upper levels and there is no path there. But when you've come back to the hospital, you realized that there is no need to look for manager in office.

>Ask the manager if we are actually sent to an expedition?
>Why is the fortress so abandoned
>Does he know ways from fortress to surface?
>What's going on outside right now?
>What that level down there is linked to?
>Where does the door near the level leads to?
>Where does that stairway down lead to?
>Why is it destroyed?
>Where can we find a miner with pick?
>Did the manager placed crosses opposite the names?
>If yes, what do they mean?
>Where did manager came from just now?
>Ask doctor/butcher where where did he get the injured guy.
>What happened to him?(Who did this to him?)
>Is it still dangerous out there?(goblins? kobolds? ambush/siege?)
>Is it dangerous to stay in the fortress right now?(Has the thief been discovered?)
>Who's that maniac who painted our room and glued papers with "ONINO AGAK" on the backs of the expedition members?

-...And here they are.-Shorast ended his phrase.-And we almost decided to go and look for you.
- You're the manager, right? - You asked.
- Definitely. - He replied. - You want to say something to me.
- Yeah. - Confirmed Tok.-I would like to know what the hell is going on here? What's this expedition is all about and how it relates to what is happening now in the fortress?
- Not related at all. - Said the manager, - The expedition was planned a long time ago on the orders of the Queen as occupational therapy for some of not so industrious dwarves. Frankly, originally it was actually a plan to reduce the number of useless staff members in the fortress, but now the purposes of expedition have changed.
- Still, just what happened? - You asked.
- I already dedicated Meng here, and it seems that you are still not up to date. We are under siege. Half of Guards are torn to pieces, and those who survived stayed in ambush on the upper floors. It happened yesterday, just as the celebration began in the new magma manufactories. Upon hearing the alarm about the attack, the panic began, sometimes even broke out into hysterics, military began to feverishly run around the floors, collecting equipment, periodically cursing each other and waving their fists.
-It's called Tantrum Spiral, in smart words.-Meng added.
- Yeah, but why the stairs are broken? In this strange way of protecting ourselves we have cut ourselves off from the outside world!-you noticed.
-They say the threat does not come from surface alone. There are rumors of a smoke monster from the caverns, they also say that those who saw him died suddenly, and those who were in contact with those suddenly dead quickly died, too. It's the miners who started to put barriers and divide fortress into autonomous territories. Moreover, no one gave them such an order, they chose themselves a leader and immured in one of the burrows without permit, dragging ore, gems and a lot of food and wine stocks in there. There they have something like a bunker, inside of which they organized a "Miner's People Republic." What a nonsense, eh? In any case, they acted treacherously towards the rest of the fortress.
- Well done. Savvy guys, quickly realized what was happening.-Tok objected.
- What? But they are crazy! - Almost shouted the manager.-They are immoral chauvinists. You should have seen how they call the nobles "f*ing parasites", and all holders of non-miners professions they treat not even like slaves! They had the idea that only miner-dwarf is worthy to be called a dwarf, they gabbed about all sorts of nonsense like true socialism, purity of blood and other rubbish. Well done, you say? So go there! Of course, if you are comfortable with the role of a door mat, or ... or anal elf. By the way, you still didn't take off this disgrace from your back!
Shorast reached out and plucked a piece of paper from the Tok's back.
>> No. 102379
Shorast crumpled the piece of paper and threw it away. Tok looked at the manager puzzledly, then to you, and opened his mouth to express outrage, but you interrupted.
- So stairs down lead to smelters and caves, right?
- Well, yes. - Shorast said. - I thought you already know, since you lived here for a long time.
- Yeah. - you lied. - But I don't know what's behind that door with a lever.
- That is danger room, torture room. You don't even need to know this, especially now, since we are not going to that area now.
- I see. By the way, where did Meng brought this baldy from? Aren't we cut off from the rest of the fortress?
-I'm Vomym Fyfsysym.- Baldy mumbled through the bandage.
- He says his name is Bomel Kithisin. - Translated Meng.-I've got him from under a landslide in the tunnel.
-What tunnel?
- We are digging evacuation tunnel to the other side of the mountain. Anil is swinging his pick there right now, it is almost finished.-Shorast explained.
- Evacuation? So we're not going for an expedition but leave the fortress?
- In a way, but not exactly. There are still a lot of alive people in the fortress who will stay here and, probably, survive and rebuild it. But nobody canceled the expedition and there still have to be seven of us to hit the road. - said the manager.
- Oh yeah. - you took the paper with the group list out of the bag. - what happened to those whose names are crossed out, and what do the crosses mean?
- Oh, you found it! - The manager took the piece of paper from you. - It's simple. Crossed out means withdrawn from expedition. Olin joined the rebel miners and plugged together with them. Kurel was seen yesterday covered with bloody sores, floating in the underground river, he was lost on last week. Sigun is somewhere on the upper floors right now, I don't even know if he is alive. Zefon, while walking on the surface, was the very first victim of the goblins' attack. But I didn't crossed out your name. I can not even guess who did it and why.
- There is the same symbol drawn across the wall in my room as here. Maybe you know what is this symbol?
- I don't know - Shorast shrugged. - On the other hand, it means that there is someone else on our floors. And we just need a seventh member of the expedition.
- Seventh? But there's three of us left.
-I thought you already realized that I go with you. Bomel goes too, we can't left him here. And a miner Anil Avuzangish with us too, because he was not allowed in the "People Republic."
- Was not allowed? But why? He's a miner.
-You'll see. For now we need to find this joker who shoves us his messages.-Shorast adjusted backpack over his shoulder.-And convice him join us. Because we can't go sixfold in any case.
-Traditions, traditions ... Maybe for just once you can ignore them? - Meng said.
- Hyhymhm. - Added Bomel.
- Never! - Shorast grimaced ​​a dramatic mug and began quoting the Armok's commandments. -...and if [their] number is seven, the divine grace will be sent to them, they will imbued with the power of the earth, and their fortress [will stand] forever eternal. But if [their] number is six or [their] number is eight, then punishment and misfortune will haunt. Five is out of questions.
-Okay, convinced. Lets go look for that maniac. - You and Tok turned around and left the hospital, the manager followed you.

Пиздец, ебаная стена текста, мозги сломать можно.
>> No. 102383

>Upon hearing the alarm about the attack, the panic began,
В оригинале там прямо шляпа, слетевшая с головы, проезжая мимо станции. рисовал ее мыловар

?? таки я спрошу-как тебе идея попробовать зааппрувить историю в беевский Холл Легенд?
>> No. 102385
Хм. Ну, сама идея ничего так, но надо сначала, как минимум, закончить с редактированием, плюс переправерить всё на предмет наличия ошибок/опечаток, ну и вообще как-то подмести. Я особо не приглядывался к тому, что там творится в уже отредактированных постах, но в еще необработанных текстах много всякой фигни вроде недостающих пробелов и знаков препинания. Это, конечно, не смертельно, но глаз режет, так что если подобное перекочевало в новые версии постов, это следует устранить.

Короче, надо привести всё в как можно более презентабельный вид, ящитаю.
>> No. 102386
Это да, будем чистить. Но запостить заявку можно и сейчас, ибо по ощущениям monk12, который следит за темой, слоупок феерический. ??ли ему уже это не очень-то надо.
>> No. 102430
Файл 134608192127.jpg - (186.09KB , 1080x576 , 134606282286.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Improve social skills with trolling Nil.
>"Look who's talking 'bout madness!"
>Seriously, say him that he is insolent, he himself had just recovered
>I vote to say Nil to f*ck off and buy set of bronze armor plus reforge the spoon to the hammer with spikes.
>I suggest to spend money on armor and weapon
>Maybe we don't need sword, but protection is required. And the slingshot! And small knife. And rope

Finished business with the Chief, you've came out on the street.
- Now we go to pubs to glue portraits - said Nil.
- Go glue! - You snapped and went to the other side.
- Hey, hey ... So where are you going?
- I want to buy armor and weapon.
- You're not calmed down, eh? - he stomped behind - Likot, don't be a fool ...
- You fool! - You turned around - That's me, who pulled you out from Mountain Home, on my back, while you drooled with bucket on the head! While you lay swaddled in a wagon, we impaled goblins on spears and fought with Smoke Monster! You would be now goblins' needle pillow, if i didn't offer you as the seventh member of the expedition! - You turned away and continued on your way - At least I did not go insane ...
Neal trailed behind silently, though with loudly jets.
- Okay, Likot, sorry ... Maybe you're not hopeless. I too used immediately determine what a rookie worths and forgot that now is completely different situation. Let's go to the stores and see what they sell ...
- I want a knife, - you thawed a little and slowed down a step - and the rope. And armor.
- Plate?
- I do not know, should try..
- Better leather. Maximum - mailshirt. Not heavier ... but how will we pay?
- First we should see what to buy.
- Well, ok then.
>> No. 102431

You visited to a couple of shops selling armor and jackets, but everything turned out to be too large for the dwarf. You advised to go to one trader, who has some small size things. Finding required shop and after talking with the owner, you finally donned heavy armor. You felt extremly uncomfortable. It was difficult to stand and move as well. Nil, who helped fasten this all, stood back and laughed. You hardly turned around:
- I also want to enforce my spoon, we should find a weaponsmith.
- Let's first take off all this - he chuckled, - Better try leather one.

Я укажу твое авторство на бухте, само собой
>> No. 102432
>Improve social skills by trolling Nil.
>"Look who's talking 'bout madness!"
>Seriously, tell him that he is insolent, he barely came to his senses himself
>I vote for saying Nil to f*ck off and buy a set of bronze armor plus reforge the spoon to a hammer with spikes.
>I suggest to spend money on armor and weapon
>Maybe we don't need a sword, but it's necessary to buy protection. And a slingshot! And a small knife. And a rope.

After finishing business with the Chief, you've came out in the street.
- Now we go to pubs to glue portraits - said Nil.
- You go glue! - You snapped and went to the other side.
- Hey, hey ... So where are you going?
- I want to buy armor and weapon.
- You're not calmed down, eh? - he stomped behind - Likot, don't be a fool ...
- You're a fool! - You turned around - It's me who pulled your bare ass out from Mountain Home on my back, while you drooled with bucket on your head! While you laid swaddled in a wagon, we were making holes in goblins and fought with Smoke Monster! You would be a goblins' needle pillow now, if I didn't offer you as the seventh member of the expedition! - You turned away and continued on your way - At least I did not go insane ...
Neal trailed behind silently, though he sniffed loudly.
- Okay, Likot, I'm sorry ... Maybe you're not hopeless. I too used to immediately determine what a rookie worths and forgot that now is completely different situation. Let's go to stores and see what they sell ...
- I want a knife, - you thawed a little and slowed down your steps - and the rope. And armor.
- Plate?
- I don't know, should try..
- A leather would be better for you. Mailshirt is your ceiling. Not heavier ... but how will we pay?
- Lets just look first.
- Well, we can do that.

You visited a couple of shops selling armor and jackets, but everything turned out to be too large for the dwarf. You were advised to visit a certain trader who had a few small size goods. After finding required shop and talking with the owner, you finally put on heavy armor. You felt extremly uncomfortable. It was difficult to stand and move as well. Nil, who helped fasten this all, stood back and laughed. You turned around with difficulty:
- I also want to enforce my spoon, we should find a weaponsmith.
- Let's first take off all this - he chuckled, - Better try some leather.
>> No. 102433
>> No. 102434
Если оп нарисует Ликота в разной броне для выбора, то напишите им туда, чтобы они проследовали сюда и тоже проголосовали. Это поднимет интерес к истории, да и много народа проголосует, что сделает выбор более честным и оправданным.
>> No. 102437
Не понял, где проголосовали? Ссылка сюда и так лежит, на конкретно тред запилю сейчас, забыл.
>> No. 102438
Ну кидаешь им ссылку на сам тред, они смотрят пикчу, выбирают броню Ликоту, если сооп действительно устроит такой интерактив, то притно будет подтянуть иностранцев.
>> No. 102439
Вот если сооп устроит таки-запилю голосование. Пойду кину ссылку для него.
>> No. 102496
Файл 134616638946.jpg - (210.10KB , 1080x576 , 134613626233.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Assortment of leather armors of desired size was not so wide. Not many horned helms as well. While the owner, along with the Nil looked for the desired goods, you silently got some gold out of your pants and put it in your pocket, and while you were changing clothes and tried on jackets, you asked Nil to run through shops around and buy a backpack, waist bag, knife and a coil of rope. For everything you gave him 1 gold.
- Wow - he surprised - how you got this?
- Later.
- Now I'm surprised - he grasped a coin and left for shopping.

Еще голосование пилить.
>> No. 102500
>the Nil
Без the
>he surprised
he was surprised
>he grasped
Неуместно, хотя бы took.
Самое грубое, что в глаза бросалось.
>> No. 102501
There wasn't much leather armor of required side to choose from. Not many horned helms either. While the owner along with the Nil looked for desired goods, you inconspicuously fished some gold out of your pants and put it in your pocket, and while you were changing clothes and tried on jackets, you asked Nil to run through neighboring shops and buy a backpack, a waist bag, a knife and a coil of rope. You gave him 1 gold for everything.
- Wow - he surprised - how did you get this?
- I'll tell later.
- Now I'm surprised - he grasped a coin and gone for shopping.
>> No. 102508
>armor of required side
??мелось в виду size?
>along with the Nil
Почему the?
>> No. 102511

Запостил пофикшенный вариант.
>> No. 102512
>??мелось в виду size?
Ну да.
>Почему the?
Пропустил этот момент. Как и еще парочку из тех, что ты указал. Не выспался, наверное.
Радует, что подкрепление прибыло.
>> No. 102515
Лучше вместо owner какой-нибудь shopkeeper.
>> No. 102599
Продолжаем редктирование.

>1. Come back to our floor.
>2. Two of us (Meng and Bomel, for example) shall stay keeping watch near the stairs, and, if someone is found, try to hold him and call others.
>3. Two of us (Likot and Tok) start sweeping the entire floor, looking into every room. Again, if they find anyone - hold him an raise an alarm (shout).
>4. At the same time one dwarf (Shorast) goes from one group to another regularly and asks if they've got someone. Also, if something happened with one of the groups he must inform the second one. If something happens with himself ie one of the groups will not receive messages for from him a long time - when it should move back to stairs.
>5. After cathing of anal elf (or anyone else, besides that naked crank) and signaling, all the groups come together on position where he was found (at positions where the signal was filed).

-Hmm, that's what we'll do. - said Shorast after listening to you. - We'll put Meng to guard on the second floor stairwell, and you two start checking the area.

Wasting more than an hour, you didn't find anyone but psycho on all three floors. Delving in other dwarfs' things, Tok nearthed a rock mini-forge somewhere and took it, and you have found wooden earrings. It's time to report back to manager that the search failed, so we'll have to take the psycho as seventh member.

So after all, who could it be? Crazy? Unlikely. He wouldn't be able to write a meaningful message on the walls,, even if he is a pretender, he's too realistic. Tok? No, he was nearby almost all the time, besides he got a note on his back himself. Manager? Hmm, maybe. Anyway, he wandered around somewhere all that time, and piece of paper lying on the floor belongs to him, so there are more evidence against Shorast more than againist anyone else. Bomel? Also possible, he is just such a suspicious fella. It will not be especially big surprise if it would turn out that his leg is healthy and there's no beard under the bandage on his face... However, you were unable to build any precise theories, you are in a dead end, Holmes.

>Stand still and see what ghost is gonna do.

Emm... What is tha?..
Wait a minute, there's nobody there. Apparently, it's just a cave draft waves a cloud of dust...
Nevertheless, the incident scared you a bit. Seeing a ghost has brought both of you a bad thought.

Total bad thoughts: Likot 2 out of 5, Tok 1 out of 4 . Note: the Tok's count is shorter because of his temperament, but it was dropped to zero after tantrum. When you befriended both of you got a good thought but Tok lost his good thought due to the mosquito. Then there was a ghost.

>Wipe your eyes, look around one more time, and retreat with haste.
>nobody said they should be normal, right? So take bared ass psycho.

-Here! We found someone. - you presented a psycho to manager.
-What's wrong with him? Why is he naked and with a bucket on his head? Is he even alive?
-Ah, it's a local nut.-you explained. - Ran through the corridors without looking on the way, he stumbled and passed out. While he is unconscious he's even more convenient to handle, so we can take him with us, he won't object. By the way, what does you bible say about involvement of crazies in an expedition?
- Hmm. There's no direst taboo in the text, but... Although...-Shorast stared into space and thought for a moment. - On the other hand, we don't have much choice here, so we'll take him. In addition, he is blessed, and dementia is counted as a gift that eliminates the distress, given to martyrs by Armok... Yes, the gods are unlikely to become angry if we take him with us. It's decided.
- I wonder if you know who is this dwarf? Have you seen him before?
- Remove the bucket from his head, and maybe I can help identify him. - said the manager.
You tried to remove the bucket from the psycho's head, but you failed. Apparently the already small bucket crumpled after hitting the floor and stuck even more tightly on his head.
- I can't do it.
- Well then. - Shorast sighed. - Then leave him as he is for a while. Let's call him Lides until we know his real name.
You agreed with the new nickname of psycho, loaded his bared ass on the bed in the hospital and went to collect the remaining belongings.

On the surface, the evening draws closer.
>> No. 102600
>Use Tok's hammer and chisel or Meng's slicer. Roll up Lides with bed sheets preliminarily in case he'll suddenly wake up from pain. In the extreme case make an observation slit

Looking for a way to remove the bucket from Lides' head you looked over a lot of variants that came into your mind, including upside down shaking, cutting off with slicer and perforation of the bucket with chisel. All those bouncing could do nothing at best, but also could deprive the crank his scalp or even head. Even if there was a normal mechanic among you, he still would need a thinner and stronger cutter, a saw could answer the purpose, and some oil for lubrication wouldn't hurt as well. Generally, the only useful thing you could do was to make a couple of holes for eyes.

>Still need to learn from Shorast if we have food and booze, and what kind of things are planned to take with us on an expedition in general. And to ask whether we move out today or spend the night first? If we spend the night here, when where, in our chambers or in
one room for more safety?

It's time for a meeting. The six of you are gathered, the seventh, according to the manager, was already briefed and waits for the rest above with a wagon. Most of the luggage is already loaded into the wagon, so you only take personal belongings and warm clothes. You move out today, and you'll spend the night at the old tavern five miles from the fortress.

Shorast reminded you once again that there are goblins on the surface. For this reason, the expedition's route have to be changed and re-calculated. You have exactly five weeks to reach the arrival point before it's first of Granite. Manager showed you the whole map so you could see where are we going.
Now lets draw a new route. Which way should we go?

Conferring, you achieved some sort of agreement.
First, we clearly won't go through the goblin horde.
Second, the way through the tundra, even though it's shorter, could be unbearably cold now since it's winter. Besides, it's not a fact that to go through tundra is safer - they say werewolves and sasquatches are in there. There are no less chances to die in tundra then from meeting goblins.
Third, there are elves at the south. The prospect of meeting with pointy-ears immediately caused a rejection from the majority of team members, but the manager assured you all that we have the best relations with the elves right now. Well, meaning they are good enough so they won't hunt us and shoot us in the head if we get closer to their forest. However visiting them can still be fatal, so Elven Retreat must be passed quickly and quietly.
Behind the forest lays a swamp which could be avoided in three ways: going south, along the mountains, or straight over ice. Going south is clearly not a way, because the road will become much longer and it's too close to green-asses' snake nest. Going on ice is more risky, but it can be much faster than going through rocks and ruts in northern wetlands.
And finally, we'll decide whether to go to the town or not on the way. Not only we don't know what's happening in the town right now, in a couple of weeks until we arrive there anything can happen. So lets not propose anything in advance.

Shorast hid the map and told everyone to go to the tunnel. We leave. Those who do not have warm clothes will get them in a wagon.
All stocks of food, booze, and the seeds are already loaded and waiting outside.

You went for a pretty long time in a dark and narrow tunnel. Making your way between the boulders, you moved to an exit until you ran into a dead end. Manager knocked the wall four times, and the stone slab, which blocked the entrance, begun to move.

The creature that opened the path resembled a dwarf only slightly. He was almost one head higher that all of you, and because of that his head seemed disproportionately small (for a dwarf). If it wasn't for beard you'd take him for a human. Пропустил опятью.

>Make the most friendly face and say hello to the creature as well as introduce self. Let him think that we didn't suspect anything.

- Do not be afraid, it is Anil, he is a dwarf. - Shorast calmed you. - Anil now will lead us to the wagon.
The big one nodded silently and motioned to follow him. Алсо, где последняя пикча?
>> No. 102601
>Contemptuously inspect armor and helmets, and ask the merchant if there is a real outfit not like this to show off.

After a conversation with the owner of the shop and digging in the depths of the store, Nil pulled out three dusty sets of armor. They were made of leather with iron elements. Helmets are made of copper and iron. All three sets fit you of more or less, but they were heavier than previous variants.

C этим постом Опы немного спутали мне карты, я ж запилил голосование для выбора из четырех кожанок. Правда, большинству видимо похуй. Алсо, я снова напомню насчет Холла Легенд-лучше запостить заявку в августе, ибо тогда голосовать за нее можно будет только в октябре. Нутыпонел.
Займусь >>102599 и >>102600
>> No. 102603
>> No. 102610
with the owner of the shop
with the shop owner
>> No. 102613
>> No. 102667
Как всегда, теряюсь на выходные. Вечером воскресенья буду ок подчистить 2-3 поста.
>> No. 102759
Дальше пилить будем?
>> No. 102762
Будем, конечно. А вот сейчас ли, или позже - это другой вопрос. Я сейчас занят буду, да и вообще как-то не особо себя сейчас чувствую для такой масштабной интеллектуальной работы.
Поражаюсь вообще, как тебе удалось все треды вручную перевести.
Ты же их... вручную переводил, да?
>> No. 102768
Да я как-то на одном дыхании переводил с толстым словарем на коленках. Переводил как-то очень быстро и по хардкоры, поэтому первый тред выглядит хуже всех. Потом юзал гугл транслейт для некоторых оборотов, которые не знаю. Ну и плюс нехватка словарного запаса, иногда долго ищу, какое слово подходит.
>> No. 102803
Файл 134685541838.png - (283.65KB , 1080x576 , 134685376089.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Screw horned bullshit, buy normal helmet
>Buy first armor set
>Maybe we'd buy something for Nil?
>We have load of gold! Buy light armor for travel and heavy armor for heavy cases.
>Yep, and put an image of the Sphinx on helmet. Made of kitten leather.

You chose the two sets: one light and one heavy. You decided to unscrew the horns in light set helmet as soon as you'll leave the store. Putting goods on the counter, you expressed that the choice is made, and you buy armor.
- That'll be 18 gold, sir. - Huckster issued. - This is including the New Year discounts.
Sounded price slightly puzzled you. Obviously you'll have to save money on exclusive picture of a cat's skin.
- Hmm. Can you detail the count?
- Please. - Seller answered. - Leather laminar armor - four gold, ritual helmet-the same, fastened laminar together with vambraces and greaves - seven, a helmet with emblem of the city - three gold. Total is eighteen.
Merchant folded his hands together and waited for your answer. Rather, he was expecting that you simply don't have enough money or refuse.
- I'll take! - you said to his surprise and reached into the purse for the missing gold.

At this time, Neil returned and found you counting money.
- In short, SoapEater, in this backpack all your ... so, what is it? - Here he saw how golds move one after another from your purse on the trader's counter. - My mather is goblin, what is going on? Likot, well, you surprise me more and more! Don't you want to tell me something? - Here he grinned unpleasantly, shaked his beard, letting you understand that this time you will not avoid an answer.
>> No. 102808
Файл 134685714611.png - (118.04KB , 1080x576 , 134685380125.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Tell Nil, that blah-blah-blah, was fortunate, found purse so here is the money. Keep this version with others as well.
>Lie that we got purses from those dead goblins by the road whose helmets we used to make armor.

- Found it. - You said. - The full purse, and the money from it.
- And a lot of purses in the swamps lying around, ha? Me, say, didn't see even one purse during all the read. Can you prompt a place where such gifts lie around?
- Stop speak maliciously. - You answered. - Yes, found in the swampsю Took from dead goblins. I also made out armor of their helmets.
- No, did you crashed these goblins, right? Broke their knees with your wonderful spoon, and then strangled one by one, right?
- No, they were already dead, and each had a few gold coins.
- You're lying! There were no goblins. You stole the money.
- Didn't steal, I found.
- Oh. Long I been watching you, but never found myself thinking that we have Likot who is very attentive and vigilant. But I notice thieving propensities of you for a long time. By the way, you said you did some wonderful armor of goblin helmets. Well, now let me see it.
- No problem. It remained hanging on the wall of the closet in my room.
- That's how. You already rent rooms. - Nil squinted suspiciously. - Maybe you not only stole but also killed somebody??
- I did not kill anybody and did not steal anything! - Objected you, looking at the ceiling. This Nil's interrogation pissed you off.
- Swear! - Suddenly, former head of the palace guards bulged eyes.
- What?
- Swear you did not steal kill, then I'll believe it!
- All right. - You'му thought what with to vow and answered - I swear by Armok!
- Don't you swear by Armok, He won't go bad! Swear with your beard! Your own!

Vow by Armok was not enough for this jerk. He requires you to vow with beard. And if the swear by Armok all so mystical and enigmatic and who knows how it can hurt you or can it hurt at all, swear with beard will quite easily give reason to deprive you a beard, if it will become known that you lied. You can't risk with your beard, but how to explain it to Nil, who not only bulged eyes but also opened mouth, staring at you and waiting for an answer?
>> No. 102815
>Screw that horned bullshit, buy a normal helmet
>Buy the first armor set
>Maybe we should buy something for Nil too?
>We've got lots of gold! Lets buy light armor for travel and heavy armor for tough situations.
>Yep, and put an image of the Sphinx on helmet. Made of kitten leather.

You chose two sets: the light one and the heavy one. You decided to unscrew the light set helmet's horns as soon as you'll leave the shop. Putting goods on the counter, you expressed that the choice is made and you buy that armor.
- That'll be 18 gold, sir. - Huckster issued. - This includes the New Year's Eve discount.
The named price slightly puzzled you. Obviously you'll have to sacrifice the exclusive cat's leather image in favor of saving some money. Не знаю, как тут можно более близко к оригиналу сделать. Так или иначе, в изначальной версии перевод был скорее "явно придется сэкономить денег для эксклюзивного рисунка бла-бла". Ну или так мне показалось.
- Hmm. Can you tell in detail where did that price come from?
- Please. - Seller answered. - Leather laminar armor - four gold, the same amount for the ritual helmet, reinforced laminar together with vambraces and greaves - seven, a helmet with emblem of the town - three gold. Eighteen in total.
Merchant folded his hands together and waited for your answer. He probably expected that you simply won't have enough money or you'll refuse.
- I'll take it! - you said to his surprise and reached into your purse for the missing gold.

Meanwhile, Neil returned and found you counting money.
- In short, SoapEater, in this backpack are all your ... and what is this? - there he saw how golds move one after another from your purse to the trader's counter. - I'll be damned не могу более близкого аналога придумать, но my mother is goblin вряд ли подходит. Можно какое-нибудь кастомное ругательство придумать, конечно, what is going on? Likot, you keep surprising me more and more! Don't you want to tell me something? - Here he grinned unpleasantly, shaking his beard, making it clear that you won't avoid answering question this time.
>> No. 102817
он не Neil, а Nil.
Хотя кому какая разница.
>> No. 102818
>Tell Nil, that blah-blah-blah, found a purse, got lucky, that's where the money are from. Stick to this version with others as well.
>Lie about dead goblins near the road, from whose hemlets we made armor, took their purses.

- Found it. - You said. - The full purse, that's where money are from it.
- And are there a lot of those purses laying around in swamps, mm? I, for one, didn't see no purse during all the travel. Can you'll prompt a place where such gifts lie around?
- Stop your sneering. - You answered. - Yes, found it in the swamps. Took it from dead goblins. I also made some armor out of their helmets.
- And, of course, you struck those goblins down yourself, right? Broke their knees with your wonder-spoon, and then strangled one by one, right?
- No, they were already dead, and each had a few gold coins.
- You're lying! There were no goblins. You stole that money.
- I didn't steal, I found.
- Really? For all this time that I've been watching you, I never found myself thinking that Likot is so very attentive and vigilant. But I did notice your thieving propensities for a long time. By the way, you said that you made some wonder-armor out of goblin helmets. How about showing it to me?
- No problem. It remained hanging on the wall of the closet in my room.
- That's how it is. You rent rooms already. - Nil squinted suspiciously. - Maybe you didn't only steal but also killed somebody, hm?
- I didn't kill anybody or steal anything! - Objected you, looking at the ceiling. You were already pissed off by this Nil's interrogation.
- Swear! - the former head of the palace guards bulged his eyes suddenly.
- What?
- Swear that you didn't steal or kill, then I'll believe you!
- All right. - You thought what to vow with and answered - I swear by Armok!
- Don't you swear by your Armok, nothing'll happen to him! Swear with your beard! Your own!

Vow by Armok was not enough for this jerk. He insists on vowing with your beard. And if the swear by Armok is all so mystical and enigmatic and who knows how can it be bad for you at all, swearing with beard will quite easily give a reason to deprive you of your beard, if it will become known that you lied. You can't risk with your beard, but what to say to Nil, who not only bulged his eyes but also opened mouth, staring at you and waiting for an answer?
>> No. 102829
>> No. 102849
Файл 134686877658.png - (343.81KB , 1080x576 , 13468649059.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>What must we fear? We really find the Stone!
>Just tell him truth. About magical diarrhea.
>truth with silencing about the victims
>keep silent about size of the stone and probable amount of the remaining pieces

- Fine, Nil. I got gold from pawnbroker for such thing. - You fished out glowing stone from bossom. - Listen up.
You told him where you were the last three days, skipping some of the details of the story. Told how find the bodies of goblins and armed with their equipment, and then found a cave where you could spend the night. You concealed part with forgotten beast to avoid Nil's disbelieving and scoffing. Waking up, you got to the other side of the mountains and found abandoned village with a revived cemetery. In search of booze and rescue from the zombies you went down to the basement of a house where there was a secret passageway in the ancient building, which has a population that also extinct. In that building on the top floor was a large glowing stone, which you then smashed allegedly in an attempt to stop the undead. Then there was a cave-in, and you in last effort and breaking wrist, using pieces of stone, digged up to surface. After spending the night in a house on the outskirts, and nearly falling victim of bugimen, the next day you moved to the city where you spend another night and then found out that you are being searched, and went to the wagon.
- My Armok, I have never heard such nonsense. - Nil muttered, looking at the stone in your hand. - Dungeons, zombies ... And what demon possessed you to jump off the wagon in the middle of the frozen swamp? Hmm. YBut look, what a good gizmo you found. And not just one. And, you say, how many for one piece?
- Why?
- Well, I saw how you paid off with armor trader. And there are coins still remained in purse after all ...
- Nil. - You tried to interrupt the companion.
- ... And if these stones also shine with its own light ... Yes ... But there, in the ruins, the fragments could still remain! - Nil muttered, not paying attention to you and staring at the stone.
- Nil - Repeated you, hidding gem. Soldier finally heard you. - Why all these interrogation, vows? When you saw the gold, you became like not yourself, I did not ... - Then Nil abruptly changed color, became like a head taller, and began yelling at you:
- Don't be brazen, whipper-snapper! Shown gold it to me, ha! Don't think you can teach me! - You even felt uncomfortable with his intonation. - Don't you dare to poke me with your gold! Look what he's doing! And those stones! I do not care about your gold and gems, understood? Think I'm going to fulfill your whims because of your money, right? No! It was the first and last time I led to your whim, and take away your filthy bag! - Nil threw the new backpack at your feet. - Now pack your belongings and ran to search Tok!
He stood there and stared menacingly down your neck while you squirm and try to put on a backpack with one hand, then picked up a second set of armor and hanged yourself back on the cast. Wrist ached from the load, and then you remember that you were going to give a second set to Nil.
- Nil.
- Ready? Run after me! We still have to go to all the gates. This boar Tok could go out of town...
- This is for you. - You held out armor to him.
- What? Oh, you! .. - He wanted to renew flow of abuse, but he was clearly tormented by conflicting emotions. Nil's pride did not allow to accept the gift of the lower caste dwarf, but on the other hand, seems that he likes present very much, and the toad pressed to give it up.
- Valuable? что там по смыслу подходит?- He asked suspiciously.
- It's a gift. - Answered you.
- I mean, how much did you have to pay for it?
- Eleven.
- Minecart to your well! - He took armor. - Expensive. Even by the standards of dwarf it's expensive. - He tried armor - While on the other hand, the price is even quite reasonable, hopefully, it will justify itself. Let's do next - here he turned again to you - We assume that this is not a gift, but you just borrow it to me, okay? And let's forget our mutual assaults with you, I admit, I got excited.
>> No. 102855
>What should we be scared about, we actually DID find it!
>Just tell him the truth. About magical diarrhea.
>truth without mentioning about the victims
>keep silent about size of the stone and probable amount of the remaining fragments

- Fine, Nil. I got gold from pawnbroker for this thing. - You fished out a glowing stone from bossom. - Listen up.
You told him where you were the last three days, skipping some of the details of the story. Told how you found bodies of goblins and armed yourself with their equipment, and then found a cave where you could spend a night. You didn't mention the part about forgotten beast to avoid Nil's disbelieving and scoffing. After waking up, you got to the other side of the mountains and found an abandoned village with a revived cemetery. In search of booze and a place to hide from zombies you went down to the basement of a house where there was a secret passageway into an ancient building, which population also went extinct. At the top floor of that building there was a large glowing stone, which you then smashed allegedly in an attempt to stop the undead. Then there was a cave-in, and you in last effort used the stoned to dig up to the surface, breaking your wrist in a process. After spending the night in a house on the outskirts and nearly falling victim of boogeymen, you spent the whole next day on traveling to the town, where you spent a night, and then, upon discovering that you are been searched for, headed to the wagon.
- My Armok, I have never heard such nonsense. - Nil muttered, looking at the stone in your hand. - Dungeons, zombies ... And what demon yanked you to jump off the wagon in the middle of the frozen swamp? Hmm. Just look, what a pretty thingy you found. And not just one. And what price is for one of this splinters, you say?
- Why?
- Well, I saw how you paid off with armor trader. And there are coins still remained in your purse after all ...
- Nil. - You tried to interrupt the companion.
- ... And if these stones also shine with its own light ... Yes ... But there, in the ruins, the fragments could still remain! - Nil muttered, not paying attention to you and staring at the stone.
- Nil - Repeated you, hiding the gem. Soldier finally heard you. - Why all these interrogation, these vows? When you saw the gold, you became like not yourself, it's not like I've ... - Then Nil abruptly changed in his face, became like a head taller, and began yelling at you:
- Don't be brazen, whipper-snapper! Shown me some gold, you see! And even thinking about teaching me! - You felt quite uncomfortable with his intonation. - Don't you dare to poke me with your gold! Look what he's doing! And those stones! I don't care about your gold and gems, understand?! You think I'm going to fulfill your whims because of your money, right? No! It was the first and last time I seduced to do your fads, and take your filthy bag! - Nil threw the new backpack at your feet. - Now pack your stuff and back to search for Tok on the double!
He stood there and stared menacingly down your neck while you squirmed and tried to put a backpack on with one hand, then picked up a second set of armor and hanged it back on the cast. Wrist ached from the load, and then you remember that you were going to give a second set to Nil.
- Nil.
- Ready? After me, quickly! We still have to go to all the gates. This boar Tok could go out of town...
- This is for you. - You held out armor to him.
- What? Oh, you! .. - He wanted to renew the flow of abuse, but he was clearly tormented by conflicting emotions. Nil's pride did not allow to accept the gift of the lower caste dwarf, but on the other hand, it seems that he liked the present very much, and the toad pressed to give it up.
- Expensive? - He asked suspiciously.
- It's a gift. - Answered you.
- I mean, how much did you have to pay for it?
- Eleven.
- Minecart to your well! - He took armor from you. - Expensive. Even by the standards of dwarf it's expensive. - He tried the armor on - While on the other hand, the price is even quite reasonable, hopefully, it will justify itself. Let's do this - here he turned again to you - We assume that this is not a gift, but you let me borrow it, okay? And let's forget our mutual assaults, I admit, I went a little bit too far.
>> No. 102857
>> No. 102880
"Minecart to your well" звучит как "Тележка твоему колодцу". Может заменить на "Minecart in/inside your well"?
>> No. 102927
Файл 134695942636.png - (245.62KB , 1080x576 , 13469556959.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Return to wagon and leave armor there, then keep going (probably still with Nil)
> During the search, you can simply offer as an idea to go to this Iton Arol or however it's called.

After leaving the store, you unscrew the horns from your helmet. Two pretty unpleasant screws still stuck in it though they can be cut off later if you want. Horns fit in a backpack, where, by the way, addition to a knife, a new purse and also the rope pretty big flask lay. It's necessary to fill it up on occasion. While you put the flask and a waist bag to the side and dug in your stuff, Nil learned from passers how to get to the west gate and how far from them Arol-Iton is.

Soon you moved toward the western part of the city. Nil quite cheerfully walked ahead of you, rattling rivets on cuirass, and your offer to make a detour and leave armor in the wagon was refused, citing the fact that much time lost, besides the armor is not so heavy.

>Remind him once again that: First: It is a gift Second: Now all are equal, and stop f*cking treat Likot like a little boy.

To your attempts regain your status Nil said that the gift - it was kind of you, but he refuses to lead further discussion on this subject. Like, he's just unpleasant to feel your sitter, and, whether by his will, he would throw you to hell and demons.

>And he, by any chance, can learn us to fight with a spoon, by the way?

Nil said that if your spoon was a crossbow, or it can be folded and turned into a bow, then he would teach you to shoot out with it. He told you to stop to take seriously the spoon as a weapon, it's like waving a club.

> Let's Likot will becomу local ARDENT WORSHIPPER!

- And what do you believe, Nil? - you asked him with an ingratiating voice.
- What?
- Do you believe in Armok, buddy?
- Likot, goblin is your mother! - Nil stopped and turned around to you. - What, by the demons, the difference, huh? Actually, since when did you get so chatty?
- You did not accept my oath by Armok. Who is Armok for you?
- Stop it! I do not believe in your this occult nonsense! I only believe in As Limulistrat, the god of depths and wealth. And all the educated secular dwarves believe in As! Aтв Armok is pagan nonsense, it's not even dwarven god. In general, it is not a god! And if you do not shut up now, I'll shove your spoon up in your ass, get it?
You said nothing. Nil clearly not inthe mood to talk about religious topics here and now.
- Now let's go. And don't dare to make a single sound! - Announced Nil and nervously walked forward.
Rest of the way you wisely decided to spend silent.
>> No. 102929
Файл 134695980678.png - (284.71KB , 1080x576 , 134695625921.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Soon you reached the west gate. The guard asked who you are, and then answered questions from Nil. It was found that through this gate in the last three days a few dwarves have passed, and they all moved to the city. Nobody left the city, except one caravan, where a dwarf, possibly, could hide, though all the carts have been inspected and checked. After the guard said that all dwarves moved in already known to you Arol-Iton and showed iton the map.
- Well, Soapeater, let's visit our urban brothers. Seems you were right that we should go straight there.
>> No. 102930
>Return to wagon and leave armor there, then keep going (probably still with Nil)
> During the search you can simply offer an idea to go to this Iton Arol or whatever it's called.

After leaving the store, you unscrew the horns from your helmet. Two pretty unpleasant screws were still sticking out of it, though they could be cut off later if you want. Horns fit in a backpack, in which, by the way, beside a knife, a new purse and also the rope, there was a pretty big flask. It's necessary to fill it up on occasion. While you fitted the flask and a waist bag to your side and dug in your stuff, Nil asked passersby how to get to the west gate and how far is Arol-Iton from them.

Soon you headed toward the western part of the city. Nil walked ahead of you quite cheerfully, rivets rattling on his cuirass, and refused your offer to make a detour and leave armor in the wagon, citing the fact that a lot of time was lost already, besides, the armor is not that heavy.

>Remind him once again that, 1: It is a gift, 2: Now all are equal, and stop f*cking treat Likot like a little boy.

To your attempts to regain your status Nil said that a gift is a very kind thing for you to do, but he refuses to proceed further with discussion on this subject. Like, he's just unpleasant to feel like your babysitter, and, if it was in his power, he would throw you down to hell and demons.

>Can he, by any chance,teach us to fight with a spoon, by the way?

Nil said that if your spoon was a crossbow, or it can be bended and turned into a bow, then he would teach you to shoot with it. He told you to stop treating the spoon as a weapon, it's like waving a club.

> Let's Likot will becomу local ARDENT WORSHIPPER!

- And what do you believe, Nil? - you asked him in ingratiating voice.
- What?
- Do you believe in Armok, buddy?
- Likot, goblin is your mother!Может лучше что-нибудь типа mother of goblin? А то это как-то... - Nil stopped and faced you. - How, by the demons, is it your busyness, huh? Actually, since when did you get so chatty?
- You didn't почему ты так редко используешь сокращения? didn't особенно accept my oath by Armok. Who is Armok to you?
- Stop it right now! I do not believe in your this occult nonsense! I only believe in As Limulistrat, the god of depths and wealth. And all the educated secular dwarves believe in As! Armok is pagan nonsense, it's not even a dwarven god. In general, it is not god at all! And if you do not shut up now, I'll shove your spoon up in your ass, get it?
You said nothing. Nil is clearly not in the mood to talk about religious topics right here right now.
- Now let's go. And don't you dare to make a single sound! - Announced Nil and nervously walked forward.
You wisely decided to remain silent for the rest of the way.
>> No. 102932
Soon you reached the west gate. The guard asked you who you are, and then answered Nil's questions. It turned out that only a few dwarves passed through this gated in the last three days, and all of them moved into the town. Nobody left the town except for one caravan, where a dwarf, possibly, could hide, though all the wagons has been inspected and checked. Later the guard said that all dwarves headed towards already known to you Arol-Iton and showed it to you on the map.
- Well, Soapeater, let's visit our urban brothers. Looks like you were right that we should have gone there first.
>> No. 102973
Не могу писать переводы, некогда, но если вдруг переведешь-я запостчу, найду минутку. Если тебе охота, конечно.
>> No. 103064
Файл 134727277430.png - (234.77KB , 1080x576 , 134700024286.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>You can put some water from the well to the flask
>Go to well and throw there in purse with money. When we'll beaten by the diaspora dwarfs, at least it will not hurt that much.

Filling the flask with water from the well, which, by the way, was twenty yards deep, you decided to get rid from several problems with throwing gold away. You will no longer seem thieves around every corner, it won't hurt to fall into the hands of robbers, and you will no longer embarrass Nil with your gold. And now, with a slight movement of the hand purse moved to flight.
>> No. 103065
Файл 134727377331.png - (222.66KB , 1080x576 , 13470002828.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Two seconds passed before you heard the slap of the bag of water, and after another two seconds - blow on the head with something heavy. The helmet was tough, it did not hurt. However, your skull was noticeably shaken, and buzz in your ears from the deafening clang of metal remained for a long time.
- Moron! You're just killing me! Why did you do it? - Almost squealing, Nil said.
- I hid it.
- And now you're going to get it? There is a great depth!
- I'm not going to get ше!
- Idiot ... - Nil was nearly crying. - Was it so difficult to give it Shorast, or ... me, after all?
- This is for our good.
- What good? .. Oh, holy smiths! .. What have you done? Now I'll never forget it!

>Keep wash his brain
>Pathetic dwarfes(?) must tremble in face of possible divine retribution for disrespect
>Armok! Reveal to sinners sign of yours!
>Bring reason to this fool!

- All your troubles are from that you renounced Armok.
- What?
- Yoг do noy respect Armok. Armok can forgive the lost ones, but His retribution eventually overtakes renounced.
- Shut up, Soapeater. Please. I'm not in the mood to talk with you. Of all the people I know only Shorast worships Armok, so talk with him as long as you want. - Then Nil settled down and issued: - On the other hand, you are right to some extent, Likot. Over the last month I had a lot to go through, but, nonetheless, here I am: still alive and well, even though was crazy. Do you mind if, after we'll found Tok, to visit local pantheon, or temple, and there we'll bow to our gods?
>> No. 103104
Файл 134729922713.png - (212.33KB , 1080x576 , 134729535864.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>There is Tok!!!111
>Right! Just plumped up
>Tok on background

- Toook! - You shouted with all your voice in the direction of awkwardly hobbling figure with a wheelbarrow, but there was no reaction. It seems, years of painstaking autistic silence were not in vain, you have forgotten how to to cry, and Tok has not heard you.

>Don't speak with dwarf on background
>We already spoke with one. Now we act contrary to his advice.
>Don't disattract and move to dwarves
>Don't go fat man. just take a look from distance and say "Look, Nil, he looks like Tok"

- Where is he? - Nil asked again, trying to see to whom you are yelling. You pointed Tok with finger before he disappeared around the corner. Nil snapped and stated:
- No, not him. Cap looks similar, pipe too. But I'm not sure if it was even a dwarf. And too fat for Tok, to be frankly.
Just in case you decideв to follow pseudo-Tok, although stopped crying and running around the city for strangers.
>> No. 103116
>> No. 103536
Файл 134780618070.png - (282.27KB , 1080x576 , 134772429285.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Айс, ты опять не выходишь на связь?

>Don't move to well, don't get something, go to local dwadfes.

You decided to leave the gold where it is, and fish it back after you'll find Tok. You and Nil headed to the Arol-Iton and soon caught up a suspicious fat man with a cart.

>Follow the fat guy but be careful. What if he is a maniac and he ate Tok and put on his belongings.
>Don't speak with Nil unless he'll start conversation himself

It wasn't Tok. Subject was old beardless being of unknown sex and race. He left the wheelbarrow at the threshold of a squat old building with a sign "Arol-Iton" and, striking door ring once, entered.

- What does it mean, Arol-Iton - a district, consisting of only one house? - You asked Nil.
- Of two, - Guardsman said. - The neighboring building with sagging roof is also considered as territory of Arol-Iton, and, for that matter, waste ground behind the fence right up to the city wall. If I understand correctly, this is the whole Arol-Iton.
>> No. 103537
Файл 134780659279.png - (195.20KB , 1080x576 , 134778640167.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>It would not hurt to begin with a little reconnaissance: walk around the building and look inside through the window (or gap).

Nil responded not very favorably about your idea to explore the area, but did not splashing bile much and allowed you to do what you want.
You haven't managed to bypass the building, yard wicket was locked, so you have to find the key or to seek passage through in the ramshackle hut. Through the fence you have seen wasteland, where in addition to the dry grass and remnants of snow only a sewer hatch was in the distance. Well, the grass and snow were in two or three places stamp down and mixed with mud, but nothing else here does not attract attention.
>> No. 103538
Файл 134780768389.png - (160.52KB , 1080x576 , 134778646738.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>look through the window

You looked through the crack. Despite the boarded-up openings, inside it was not so dark, at least, for the dwarf. Scum with the tube was talking about something with another character with a shaggy beard, who sat at something like bar rack.
-...should ask Granite first. Anyway he got no fcking reson to crawl in there. And after all, Talc with his rag-tags deals with such bullshit so tell 'em your bizzare.
- By the way, this sucker is not alone - Said the old woman, - He is with bald from that caravan.
- Well, f
ck, get them both here then. And four-eyes, and that bull with pick, Mebzut said that wants to see 'em too.
- Big one with blacky are hanging out at eastern gate. Fag in glasses, bet on my head, is sitting in their shitmarquee thought who the f*ck knows. Archer and spooner are already coming here. They even saw me and mistaken with somebody, for the whole square, damn, yelled, you know, like ...
- Okay, enough bullshit, crone - bearded winced - Get in the hole before I closed it. - He got up and opened to her the door to some closet.
Crone with a tube grunted her throat, full of sno,t and disappeared in the doorway. Behind her the bearded man came, but a minute later left, rattling keys, and sat on his seat, with his feet on the table.

Черт знает как этот приблатненный диалог с сохранением стиля перевести.
>> No. 103540
Mebzuth, есть такое дварфийское имя
>> No. 103550

>> No. 103614
Файл 134797212559.png - (185.32KB , 1080x576 , 134791136270.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>We are armed and dangerous, f*ck delay. Let these urban scums tell all as it is.
>Break down there and kick all the asses
>Knock out the door with a mighty kick and spectacularly go inside.

You were ready to strike menacing posture after knocking the door with a foot, but at the last moment, something stopped you. Perhaps it was your inner voice, though Armok knows what it was. Your exuberant rush dried up just as quickly as it flooded.

>Tell Nil what we heard
>Let Nil go first inside. Anyway, no other place to look for Tok. If he'll refuse, say that you mind is clouded because of that mushroom so if you'll go first you'll start to make sacrafices to Armok.

You told Nil what you heard, and explained that yoe're too nervous and would not restrain yourself and lose control of your actions, if you'll go there first.
- Do not worry, Soapeater, they won't eat us. - Half-jokingly said the captain, - And they are unlikely to kill, at least they're not goblins or elves... I hope ...
You knocked ring on the door. Literally a second latch clicked, the feeling, that owner did not even put up his ass from stool and unlocked it remotely.
Nil opened the door and proudly walked in.
>> No. 103634
Файл 134799055316.png - (192.64KB , 1080x576 , 134791139522.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You walked in after him, trying to look calm and confident.
- Good day. Almost evening, actually, The weather is nice, isn't it?
- Weather? What weather? - owner made ​​wry face. - Where from you such appeared?
- We're moving through your wonderful city, our expedition today was to go, but bad luck, we lost someone, so we have come to you for help. We really hope at you. - Nil was showly off polite, shaggy was annoyed a bit with this.
- Ladtakomadz's Bureau of search and find at your service aha! Did you confuse with address? - Bearded man tried to look relaxed, showed no agression yet.
- No. We were sent exactly here, place was shown on the map, your old lady even guided us here.
- Don't now anything! Get out, I have no instructions to search fugitives. Actually, who are you?
- I have already said. - Nil answered - We are from the expedition ...
- Names! - Asked the bearded man.
- I'm Nil, and this one - Nil pointed at you - Soapeater. From a Mountain Home.
- Got it, okay. In short, you go now, and I'll take a walk to the neighbors, 'll say that Soapeater and Nil came, and they looked for their freind.
You thought that the conversation is over, and turned to the door, but Nil did not move.
- Well, who are you going to search? - Slightly sarcastically Nil asked bald. - How? I'm yet did not say even the name of the missing, nor described him. Or do you already know in advance who we are looking for?
- And why are you such cheeky, huh? - Shaggy stiffened. - I have not seen anyone, get it! Fcking nerd ... Who cares about superstitions, mountain dwarf a mile away in the crowd to see - easy! And they smell with soap like some fcking princesses.
- Here, - Nil fished out a package with the announcement of the loss of Tok and put on the table of owner. - I leave it here, I advise you to examine. And also show your neighbors.
Bearded arrogantly looked at a piece of paper lying on the table, then just same arrogantly looked at Nil. Leaflet was not even touched.
Nil shook his head and pointed to the parcel. For a few seconds they stared with bearded at each other, trying win at stare competition. At last bald deigned to reach out for a piece of paper and deploy it.
- So, then, who do we have here? .. Tok ... Farmer, so ... Or planter? What makes you think that I will work hard because of a peasant? Unfortunately, fellas, I can not help.
- Tok is his name. He's not a farmer.
- Oops, the first time I hear this name. Dwarves actually have no such name!
- Nevertheless, we hope for your understanding and support. I think the mountain dwarf, moreover with a rare name, will be even easier to find among the urbans. Actually, that's all we want.
- Do you understand that business doesn't work like this? After all, I'm not your aunt nor cousin. I have other ... affairs! I appreciate my time, and in general, everything has its time ... and its price. If you understand, of course.
- I think he wants money - Nil turned to you. - Don't you accidentally mislaid pair of golds, um? Or you, of course, threw awayall of it?
- All - you said.
Further conversation with shaggy extortionist was meaningless. As soon as conversation turned about money, bearded man immediately became completely intractable and only demanded you to leave his house.

- And what's now, Nil? - You asked the guardsdwarf. - Just leave like that and go to search somewhere else?
- I do not know, Soapeater. Looks like they have no Tok there. Or they have but don't know it themself.
- Why don't we demand let us in? Or break down with fight?
- Actually, it was possible to smash this frowsy brat: you strike him with spoon to the nape, I tie him with your rope around his chest and knees. But, you know, if Tok is not out there in the "hole", we will be in big trouble, and will have to forget about Tok at all. Dunno-dunno ... Do you have some ideas what to do now?
>> No. 103652
>> No. 103682
Файл 134815169234.png - (175.98KB , 1080x576 , 134808944643.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>kill brazen fag

- Let's kill him. - Offered you.
- That's just kidding, right?
- Of course. - you lied. Nil is not yet imbued with entire essence of your worldview, so did not understand the joke. On the other hand, you weren't joking at all, but for now it is better that Nil does not know.

>check the well and the possibility of descending in it. Climb over the fence with crone's cart.

Nil without enthusiasm accepted your idea to get into a stinking sewer, but on the other hand, a dose of miasma will even somewhat invigorate and cleanse thoughts, that, actually, won't hurt both of you. Using the cart as a ramp, you climbed on the fence, quite painfully pricked your ass on one of the pommels. Coming down from fence on the other side was even more difficult than climbing on it, and in addition, you risked tear your pants on one of the pins, looked like someone purposely sharpened them.
Nil was able climb over, only taking off armor and threw it over the fence. When Nil jumped after you to your side of the yard and put on armor, he asked:
- Listen, Soapeater, how are you going to climb back? There can be no exit through sewers.
- Nil, let's solve the problems as they actually fall. - You answered and headed to the hatch.
>> No. 103683
Файл 134815211416.png - (168.76KB , 1080x576 , 134809017462.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The problems fell when you come to dead-end of the only corridor in this part of the sewer. The channel was filled to the brim, the further advance deeper into sewer was possible only by swimming on the flooded pipe.
- Likot, I'm almost sure that you have a spare pair of gills. Or not? - Nil said sadly. - Don't know about you, but I won't crawl in this hole and so I return to the surface. If you want, come with me, I think, our attempt to go through the back door was not successful ... We'll storm the fence again.
>> No. 103858
Файл 134868258954.png - (116.26KB , 1080x576 , 134868173059.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You have not found available passage to Arol-Iton through the sewers, and along with Nil trudged toward the exit.

> Go back, after shouting mating cries of Cthulhu so anyonr around will shit bricks.
> Back to read a sign on the wall, and examine snag behind the wall.

Going up the stairs, you have issued most ominous howl you could. Howl sounded with short echoes, it is unlikely anyone beside you and Nil heard it. Strange, but Nil didn't pay attention to your efforts, didn't comment and silently began to climb. Apparently, he was already got used to your antics, though Armok knows what he could think at the moment.

Once out on the surface, you have examined the brick wall. Behind it you found some chunks and bigger log. Plaque hung on the wall itself, which read:
"Here lies Lawlor TrunkFrost
He loved gold and women
He was a thief
He saved the life of a friend
He was killed by a goblin "

It is unlikely that there actually was buried someone. It is unlikely that would dwarf could be burid in the ground, especially on the surface.. Otherwise, the local dwarves have a very specific idea of ​​how to treat those who left to the other world ...
>> No. 103861
Файл 134868406227.png - (209.69KB , 1080x576 , 134868179889.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

> Check out from what pipe water/fecs flow in and where to leak away. Then figure out if it will work to plug the pipe by a log, which we saw in the yardю Plug the pipe from which water comes with log, water will flow away, and we'll be ablу to go through "out" pipe. Second option: plug the pipe where water leaves and leave, and we'll get shit-flood. After a couple of hours while urbans will be solving the problem with SHIT-FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOODED, we can surreptitiously sneak down through the doors.

Having examined a bunch wood, you accidentally got the idea that they are almost the same diameter as the set of pipes and drains in the sewers, where from you just climbed. Then it dawned on you. If you'll stop the entire flow of waste water from the neighboring houses (and in this part of the sewage no other way in for water), sooner or later the water level in the tube will reduce, and it will be possible to walk and get into the main sewer tunnel.
You decided to act plumber and, without hesitate and collecting some dirt and grass, began to implement your plan. Nil not only did not bother you, but looks like he ceased to notice you. He simply sat on the mound, then walked up and down the waste ground, thinking about something. He wasn't so empty since when he was just healed of madness in the elven forest.
When in the street has become noticeably dark, you have completed. All holes, from which even slightly wastewater comes, were plugged, and slight movement on in the direction of a large tube became noticeable on the surface of the tube. But the level of water in the channel remained unchanged. Day and two can pass before the pipe will be safe for walking through.
- What are you doing? - Nil came up to you.
- I make the passage. - You said. - In a few hours we can get into the Arol-Iton through sewer tunnels.
- No way. Water will soon be just arriving.
- Why so?
- I think it's melted water from the southern slopes of the mountains. Each day only gets warmer, the snow begins to melt, not only in the mountains, and then sewer we'll be all flooded. This is exactly meltwater. Judge for yourself, after all, there is little of shit in this sewer. At other times of the year, we would just fall dead here of miasma ...
- What to do now?
- I'd climbed back over the fence, but I need your help. Can you help?
>> No. 103974
Файл 134901602384.png - (208.63KB , 1080x576 , 134886108052.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Try to follow his plan.

- Well, I will help. - You answered. - And how are you gonna get out of here?
- Hoist me, and I will climb over the fence.
- That's your plan? What about me?
- And you will then. I'll find out how to open the gate and let you out.
- Oh, no. If someone will give a lift, that'll be you for me. I weigh lighter.
- SoapEater, stop obstinate! - Neil slightly perked up and returned to his normal state of mind. - I stuck here till night because of you!
- You only think about yourself. Wait. I have an idea ...

>Obviously it is necessary to press on the same plate. There's probably somewhere pressure plate that opens a secret tunnel. Go press on the plate / try to move it / turn, and so.

How did not you guess to check the memorial for hidden mechanisms? Going up to the wall, you have tried to loosen plate, press on it with one and with both hands in the center and in the corners, rotate it or move along the wall, and all the while it was clacking and gnashing, but didn't want to show the secrets hidden behind it.

>If plate is a slab, try to spoil it.

Severely loosening the plate, you have decided to apply a force and bounce on it with his fist. Finally something snapped, and the plate crashed down to the ground, spilling to a pile of pebbles ...
>> No. 103975
Файл 13490162943.png - (398.97KB , 1080x576 , 134886111171.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

"Here we go again ..." - You thought, when disturbed spirit appeared in front of you. Unlike all you've seen before, this ghost was very puzzled by his appearance and was clearly unaccustomed to incorporeal existence. By the way, Nil, who, unlike you, was unaccustomed to the undead, caught a bad thought, and instead of covering you with swear for vandalism, dumbfoundedly stared at the ghost.
- Oooooo. - Said the ghost.
>> No. 103977
Файл 134901744158.png - (415.50KB , 1080x576 , 134901129338.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Say to ghost that we accidentally broke a slab and will fix this misunderstanding as quickly as possible, but you must first find Tok-engraver.
>Don't that's we wno broke it
>Question him who he was, what he was, how he saved a friend, whether he knows our ghost (strike dumb with wave of questions without giving chance to think better), and then - or skedaddle, or recruit.
>If he'll contact, use him for searching, for convicing hint, that our Tok is engraver and can makу new slab as gratitude. Запятые, motherfucker, do you use it?!

Ghost dazedly looked around, not knowing where he was. Finally, his eyes fell on you. It looks like he just now noticed you. Taking an opportunity, you spoke to him:
- Hello, Lolor. Your memorial is broken, but we can restore it, if you'll help us. We need to find Tok the engraver, if you'll find him, he will thank you with new slab. - ghost replied:
- Ooooo! - And began to flounder in the air. He was twisted, thrown up above your head, then sucked halfway into the wall and threw back to earth. Rolling over upside down, he began to rotate the legs, howling:
- Ooooo! Ooo!
You didn't even become to ask him more about his life, saving his comrades and things like that. Perhaps it's the most senseless ghost that ever existed ...
- Idiot ... - Nil commented from your back.
- Definitely. - Confirmed you. - Can't say two words in time.
- Not he, you're an idiot!
- I accidentally.
- Yeah, of course! "Look, Nil, I have a great idea!" Are you completely freak to break slabs? Now, go to the nearest priest, undertaker, anyone, and make new slab! And take off spoilage from yourself until got something worse!
- What about Tok?
- Still have time to find him! Maybe he, like you, found by himself and returned to the wagon!
>> No. 103980
Файл 134901824999.png - (147.43KB , 1080x576 , 134901133938.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Why do we need Tok? Why do you think that he is our friend until death?
>Say the ghost to f*ck off, let him bother his acquaintances, we shouldn't care about him. Move back to wagon to eat, drink, sleep.

It seems that Nil suffered enough for today and just wants to return to the wagon, to forget about the problems and rest. You have decided to take pity on him and lift him on the top side of the fence. Even despite the fact that captain beforehand took off armor, before climbing on your the shoulders, his ass seemed to you to be much heavier than in those past times when you had to drag him around. Apparently, he had time to gain weight since returning to mind.
After jumping to the other side, Nil again put on the armor.
- SoapEater, the rope! Why the hell did I buy it for you? Throw me one tip, and tie yourself to it, and I'll get you out!
You got a rope and a little thinking. On the one hand, if you'll throw over the rope and go with Nil - it will be safer, and at tomorrow morning it will be possible to continue the search, visit temples, and so on. On the other hand, your presence has brought him to the verge of tantrum, one more bad thought - and Nil will throw it al lto hell. And then you both will be in big troubles.
>> No. 104037
>> No. 104154
Файл 134944291496.png - (165.70KB , 1080x576 , 13493807234.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Bring him to tantrum right here.
>Provoke him at the surface, Nil will fly into a rage, bustle will begin in the city, and we on the sly steal, kill, do whatever we want
>Humiliate Nil, reminding about his insanity.

- No, Nil.
- What's wrong again?
- I'm tired of you. You always show off yourself as a superior, when in fact you're nothing more then naught.
- I don't get it!
- What is it for you to deal with couple of thieves? Real captain of the guard would already smear them along the wall and forc to give us Tok. And you? Even seedy sheriff can handle your work better. Why were you appointed as captain? You are not worthy to be called Guard. And anyway, you're still the same Lides, running around the fortress flashing balls, who was supposed to protect, but at the crucial moment got coward. I don't go with you, I'm ashamed of your company.
- Snotty, talk to me again!... - Nil said. It's possible you have finally driven him, and he begins tantrum.
By the way, now your short list of relationships enlarged with one more character, from what you and Nil got a bad thought.
>> No. 104155
Файл 134944406810.png - (289.12KB , 1080x576 , 134938077536.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Tantrum - it's fun!

Wheelbarrow first took to the air,with remarkable ease flying six feet away. Then rage of Captain struck the fence and the gate, but left no visible damage.
Then Nil drew his sword and turned to you.
- Now you will see how captains work. And then interesting conversation will be between me and you, Likot ...

>Stop anger him, he can turn Likot to pillow for pins through the grate.

Believing that this tantrum is over, you have thrown the end of the rope to the other side of the fence. In response, Nil spit on the floor, turned around and went, clattering plates, toward the entrance of Arol-Iton.
Approaching the door, he knocked at the door, as usual here, once. But he did it with his foot, and the door swung open in front of Nil greetingly with a crunch of the latch, broken off to hell.
- In the name of the Queen! - Сaptain ыtarted shouting, not yet entered the doorway. Once inside, he kept shouting something angrily and accusatory, but it was too difficult to understand what exactly.
>> No. 104157
>Humiliate Nil, reminding about his insanity.

Humiliate Nil, reminding about his bareass-insanity.
>> No. 104192
Предлагаю вариант "Tantrum is FUN" тогда уж, по аналогии с Losing is FUN
>> No. 104194
Да, точно, спасибо за фикс.
Я уверен, что в контексте Урист не имел этого в виду, специально глянул пост. Не думаю, что надо добавлять лишний смысл.

>> No. 104209
Тогда Tantrum is funny или как-то так. Потому что "Tantrum - it's fun" это плохая калька с русского.
>> No. 104230
Вообще, согласно тому, что я сказал, да, Tantrum is funny. Но ввиду того, что есть такое выражение как "Tantrum is FUN", можно перевести и так. Возможно, так даже лучше будет.
>> No. 104277
Алекс, поправь имя Нила во всех предыдущих переводах.

Он переведен как Neal, а на последней пикче четко указано Nil
>> No. 104300
Файл 134959384635.jpg - (160.14KB , 640x480 , 2c253f00bd960b4b8d864544b12b51e9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Обидел Шинку - получил тростью по еблу, ок да?
>> No. 104327
Проблевался, сажа, скрыл.
>> No. 104338
Ладно, потом поменяю.
>> No. 104544
Файл 134977010666.jpg - (242.57KB , 1080x576 , 13497611785.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Stay behind the fence ... It is better to find a way to peep what is going on inside - through the gap or window.
>Keep quiet until the end of screams and cries, if it is possible watch out at the window and eat popcorn.
>Wait until the cries of Nil will be far enough and go to the other side to maraud.

Whilethe sound of breaking furniture and screams came from inside the house, you were standing and pondered how to overcome the fence, but did not come up. After a few seconds, however, noise died down, and you found another window looking just at the yard. It was not boarded up, but the steel bars were on it. You looked inside and saw the complete mayhem and Nil, lying motionless with a bolt in his chest.
- Hey Nil! - You hissed, - NIL!
But he did not answer, and only croaked to side.
>> No. 104955
Файл 135030781024.jpg - (238.22KB , 1080x576 , 135030229465.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Fold the rope in half, knit on it nodes at intervals, convenient for subsequent climbing. Outermost loop stay wider, in order to have a chance throw it onto the fence. In a loop you can stick your feet, and grasp nodes with hands.

You came up in your head and began to knit a "mystical construction." However, due to congenital hands out of your ass you managed to craft only ... tightly tangled hank not suitable for any use.


The fence proved stronger than the one-armed dwarf. However, it worth a try, despite it did not succumb to Nil in tantrum.

>Get to sweres, pull back all timber you plugged and make some bunch near fence to climb it over.

Вecided not to call guards for now (because Armok knows who will appear first), you went down into the sewer in order to return timber to the surface. But there was a surprise - in spite of the words of Nil water level dropped significantly.
>> No. 104970
>> No. 104973
"mysterious construction" же
>> No. 105035
Файл 135040624853.jpg - (189.37KB , 1080x576 , 135036699932.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Не буду первую часть переводить, как говорил. За такое на бухте можно и банца отведать. Да и шутку буржуям не понять

>Take logs, drag them upward, put them in a heap, get out behind fence on it and run to Nil.
>Option one - to dive into shit, although not desirable. And look for the way to the hut to Nil. AND QUICK DAMN MUST SAVE HIM!

You estimated: you weren't going good with Nil, and after injury (if he'll survive) - Captain will blame you for incitement. Well, and after all, all these efforts with corking of tubes and covering with mud weren't useless. Okay, speaking about it, you should at least look with one eye what's in the pipe.
Once you on all fours got to the end, you looked out to some kind sewer. Water was draining off from adjastent tubes too, falling into some sort of an underground river. On the other side was a boat with oars. Through the noise of water you could hear the echoes of voices and clink of picks.
Okay, you saw what you wanted, now you can go back and pull out the logs.
>> No. 105036
Тогда хотя бы пометь, что первая часть поста содержит шутку для "своих", недопустимую к употреблению в приличном обществе и потому - непереведенную.
>> No. 105037
Ты кокой-то нерешительный.
>> No. 105039

Сперва добейся - создай аккаунт и выложи перевод !веселой! части.
>> No. 105045
Так и сделал.

>> No. 105094
Файл 135048716816.jpg - (229.40KB , 1080x576 , 135045109463.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Grab in armful couple of logs, use them later as pontoons and come to reach the platform with the boat.
>so I suspect it's even deeper than it was in the previous part of sewers. Take pair of logs.
>Move down, like a in the water park by the brook to the river. Try not to smash mug till blood and save remaining limbs.
> Check the boat.
> We need to go into the Depths

To overcome the water barrier you decided to take one of the "plugs." Once you have it uprootedб dirty water gushed from pipe, but soon stream exhausted. Apparently when night came, it got cold and melting for the time being ceased. Taking two plugs wasn't reasonable since your casted arm fell im holding log.
Grabbing watercraft in an armful, you jumped off and rolled down the slippery slope, raising water jets. Flopping down into the water and floundering a bit, you realize it's easy to stand on the bottom.
Coming out on the sandy shore, you left a log and examined boat. Under it there were iron clamp and coil of rope, that connected it with the oarlocks.
Now you looked around better. The collector had a square shape and the perimeter of it had same "sandy shores", bordering with those waters. On each side there was a boat. And in the center flight of stairs was, leading up and down.
>> No. 105176
>> No. 105562
Файл 135109426572.jpg - (175.95KB , 1080x576 , 135105994731.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Remember where the sides of the world, and try to sail on the boat in the direction of the well, where we threw the loot.
>Gold! Save the gold now!

It was not possible to find out the direction to the well . You strayed much, following crone, so you can't even remember how to reach it on surface.

>Let's call the ghost and say, so and so, but we need a miracle, and without a warrior in the party we are not going to screw around his "saving the world"
> Beardouble calling the ghost

You have focused and began to call softly:
- Caaape... Caaaameel... Kuuuuuniiil... Kurel! That's it! Kuuuuureeeeeel!
Ghost emerged through the floor.
- Ostukiton is heeeeere. You know, you can not to stretch so long. Well, how's the team?
- Actually, one of its members is now over the hatch with bolt in his chest. Can you help him?
- Help? I'm a ghost! - He flew through the door and after a few seconds came back - There are dwarves in armor, angry. Well, in general, help is not required.
- Curse. And how will I explain it to others?
- Oh, and how many do you have?
- Not me. I returned. Back to the expedition.
Here Kurel got nervous:
- Hey, hey! Did not you hear me last time? He's dangerous!
- Well, it was pretty confusing ... I did not understand properly. Who is at risk?
- I am sure that he took another name. But he's so ... with a beard. With such hairs. How to explain that? His muzzle is so ... Ah well, you sure you can handle the role of a sting?
- What?
- You will. I'll keep an eye on, but you yourself look sharp. And do not let him know that you know about him. Pretend dumb.
- Uh ... okay. Can you cure my hand? - You showed cast.
- How?
- I do not know ...
- So I do not know. Plaster ais what needed to heal, so wait. And I have a business, see you later.
- Wait a minute. I'm going down to search for another friend. There can be dangerous. Maybe you'll go with me?
- If there is dangerous, do not go there. That's the solution. And I really have to go.
Ghost walked into a wall, leaving you alone. Picks below rhythmically tapped.
>> No. 105564
Алекс, не пости каждый переведенный пост. Поднакопи готового, пусть буржуи попросят еще и запости.
>> No. 105568
Ну и нахуй? Не слушай, ОП.
>> No. 105628
Да и правда, смысл-то какой? Другое дело что я подзаебался уже переводить немного, и от ??справлялы-куна ни слуху ни духу.
Тем временем http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=109582.msg3727464#msg3727464

А еще у Ликот-стори появился последователь http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=117972.0
>> No. 105634
Внезапно, но беевцы имели парочку подобных тредов, если мне память не изменяет, уже довольно давно, до MSPDA, как пример что-то что-то про эльфийския караван и слонов от Darker Dark (или что-то в этом роде). Только вот все они, так или иначе, до логического конца так и не дошли. Я даже, помнится кидал парочку линков.
>> No. 105635
Вот он, кстати. Если кому интересно.
>> No. 105645
Вообще, на беях полно крепостей-стори, вроде разветвленной мультивселенной потомков Боатмардеред, да и других тредов с челлендж-крепостями, но рядом с нашей кулстори 9 из 10 тухловаты.
>> No. 105735
"- Ostukiton is heeeeere."
- Олмулосод здееесь... же
>> No. 105740
А вот пусть ОП скажет, я взял первую фамилию призрака, и она была такой >>101361
>Я Курел Остукитон
>> No. 105744
Амурагак у него первая фамилия.
?? вообще в каждом посте она у него разная.
>> No. 105745
Антиупкоительный хитрый план ОПов!
>> No. 106298
Файл 135305975658.jpg - (166.67KB , 1080x576 , 135304656113.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Go down to the sound of picks

You couldn't help it with locked hatch so you moved down the stairs. Suddenly all sharply faded in black.

You woke up with pain in the back of the head sitting in a a cage. Apparently, someone crawled up from behind and stunned you.
>> No. 106299
Файл 135305997893.jpg - (178.14KB , 1080x576 , 135304663695.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Now you have no armor and no shoes.
Picks still chattering nearby. Generally it's calm.
>> No. 106435
Файл 13534425323.jpg - (188.00KB , 1080x576 , 135339215132.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Throw a sock in the lever

Remembering an unsuccessful attempt of breaking the door with a sock, you thought that anger is too little and did not throw such a wonderful thing without a reason.

>Swing the cage, see what'll happen.

You managed to swing the cage so hard that it hit the ceiling, nothing else, however, didn't hit. And since the dark abyss spread out below, the blow caused in your acute sense of fear and desire to dump. You kept impulse and gave the cell to stop.

>Start yelling, shout at the miners below

You've just prepared to be loud as two came out from the door below. One was significant dwarf with an unusual beard, and the second was none other than Kurel. You got silent, listening to their conversation.
- Exactly. Two handfuls of adamantine inside him, I guarantee it - ghost pointed to you, and the dwarf's eyes narrowed.
- I can not believe I am going to make adamantine crown extracted from someone's ass.
- This method was used since ancient times, when raw adamantine was foundable on the surface. Gastric juice of dwarf is able to digest raw adamantium into a soft mush. It passes through the intestines, thickens and the output is a kind of wire. "Stranded" adamantine thread , right.
- Disgusting.
- I understand. But adamantine is adamantine.
- That's right. So, in return for your services, Kurel Roruldib, my dwarves to capture the remaining members of the expedition?
- Absolutely.
- Two are already here. Plus one dead. So left four.
- Right, - rubbed his hands ghost.
Here you could not restrain
- Oh, you lying asshole! Kurel Who-you-are!
Both watched indifferently. Ghost "floated" a little closer:
- I offered you a deal, Likot, but you ignored her. Now I have business with others, and you screwed up.
You have decided not to engage into a squabble and moved away from bars to think.
>> No. 106442

поправил тебя:

>Throw a sock in the lever

Remembering an unsuccessful attempt of breaking the door with a sock, you thought that rage is not enough and decided not to throw away such a wonderful thing without a reason.

>Swing the cage, see what'll happen.

You managed to swing the cage so hard that it hit the ceiling. Nothing else, however, didn't hit. And as the dark abyss spread out below, the blow caused in you a sense of fear and a desire to defecate. You held rush and let cage to stop.

>Start yelling, shout at the miners below

You've just prepared to be loud as two persons came out from the door below. One was significant dwarf with an unusual beard, and the second was none other than Kurel. You got silent, listening to their conversation.
- Exactly. Two handfuls of adamantine inside him, I guarantee it - ghost pointed to you, and the dwarf's eyes narrowed.
- I can not believe I`m going to make adamantine crown extracted from someone's ass.
- This method was used since ancient times, when raw adamantine was foundable on the surface. Dwarven gastric juice is able to digest raw adamantine into a soft mush. It passes through the intestines, thickens and the output is a kind of wire. "Stranded" adamantine thread , right.
- Disgusting.
- I understand. But adamantine is adamantine.
- That's right. So, in return for your services, Kurel Roruldib, my dwarves must capture remaining members of the expedition?
- Absolutely.
- Two are already here. Plus one is dead. So, there`s four left.
- Right, - ghost rubbed his hands.
Here you could not restrain:
- Oh, you lying asshole! Kurel "Whats-yer-name"!
Both watched indifferently. Ghost "floated" a little closer:
- I offered you a deal, Likot, but you ignored it. Now I run my business with others, and you screwed up.
You have decided not to engage into a squabble and moved away from bars to think.
>> No. 106443
>>Throw a sock in the lever
имхо Throw a sock to the lever
Мы же кидаем носок чтобы он сдвинуся, а не внутрь.
>> No. 106445
at the lever, тогда уж.
>> No. 106471
>Remembering an unsuccessful attempt of breaking the door with a sock, you thought that rage is not enough and...
Remembering an unsuccessful door breaking attempt with a sock, you thought that there is not enough rage right now too and...
>Nothing else, however, didn't hit.
wasn't hit или It didn't, however, hit anything else.
>And as the dark abyss spread out below, the blow caused in you a sense of fear and a desire to defecate. You held rush and let cage to stop.
And 'cause there is dark abyss spread below, the blow caused you acute sense of fear and a desire to poo. You subdued the urge and let cage to stop.
>One was significant dwarf with
important dwarf
>"Stranded" adamantine thread , right.
, yes. (ближе к тексту?)
>- I understand.
- I know.
>Here you could not restrain:
You could not restrain yourself anymore:
>Both watched indifferently
Both lifted their indifferent looks at you
>moved away from bars to think.
moved away from bars to gather your thoughts.
>> No. 106477
Файл 135351044991.jpg - (217.23KB , 1080x576 , 135349549311.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Play up to Kurel.
>Don't hold it, shit adamantine into the abyss.

- Oh great, I'll make ya adamantine crown! You, bald, cup your head off!
He stayed calm:
- I think he is ready. Hey, guys! Prepare a workshop on the instructions!Lower cage!
You have not managed to squeeze out anything, when dwarves have already started running and bustling. You were dragged through the corridors and in some room chained in stocks. With anger and foreboding of anal torture you throwed a tantrum, but failed to get out so. Everything that happened next was in a blur. Adamantine was pulled out of you for almost a day, saying that in the old days portions were bigger time and therefore took up to a week to finish. Skilled stoneeaters could pull from theirself enough material for full plate set. In your case, there are not much of raw material, just enough for a crown.
>> No. 106479
Файл 135351057490.jpg - (158.03KB , 1080x576 , 135349555719.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You woke up in the chamber. Very tired and hungry.
>> No. 106480
Ах да, и как всегда, всем спасибо за фиксы.

>> No. 106483
>>Grab in armful couple of logs, use them later as pontoons and come to reach the platform with the boat.
>Grab a couple of logs with you, which use later as pontoons and reach the platform with the boat.
>>Check the boat.
>Loot the boat.
>it got cold and melting for the time being ceased.
it got cold and melting ceased for the time being.
>Taking two plugs wasn't reasonable since your casted arm fell im holding log.
Taking two plugs seemed unreasonable since your casted arm wasn't coping with holding a log too good.
>Coming out on the sandy shore, you left a log and examined boat.
Coming out on the clay beach, you left a log and examined the boat.
>were iron clamp and
iron cramp
>"clay beaches", bordering with those waters
"sandy shores", washed by those waters
>And in the center flight of stairs was, leading up and down.
And in the middle was a flight of stairs, leading up and down.

> It was not possible to find out the direction to the well
It was not possible to determine the direction to the well

>> голосую за подъем по лестнице вверх
>> ??дти наверх и спасать Нила
>Лестница вывела Вас к металлическому запертому люку. Вероятно там и была комната, где лежал Нил. Вы подёргали и потолкали железку - безрезультатно.

>Voting for ladder ascend
>Go upside and save Nil
Ladder led your to a locked metal hatch. Room where Nil was lying was probably behind it. Your pushed and pulled the metal thing - to no avail.
(пропустил кусок?)

>You know, you can not to stretch so long. Well, how's the team?
You may to not stretch it that long, you know. Well, how's the progress with a team?
>- Curse.
- Damn.
>- Not me. I returned. Back to the expedition.
Not me. I have returned to my guys. Back to the expedition.
>- Hey, hey! Did not you hear me last time?
- Hey, hey! Was not you listening to me last time?
>Who is at risk?
Who's dangerous? (на прошлой строке же dangerous было. или подразумевается что Ликот не понимает что именно ему говорят - в опасности/опасный?)

>с ролью внедрённого агента?
>role of a sting?
(sting? типа жаргонное название? не слышал такого. примерчик есть?)

>- You will. I'll keep an eye on, but you yourself look sharp. And do not let him know that you know about him. Pretend dumb.
- You will. I'll keep an eye on it, but be vigilant yourself. And do not let him know that you know about him. Pretend dumb often.
>- So I do not know. Plaster ais what needed to heal, so wait. And I have a business, see you later.
- I do not know either. Plaster is what it needs for recovery, so just wait. And I have a business, cya.
>- Wait. I'm going down to search for a friend. There can be dangerous. Maybe you'll stick around with me?

>You couldn't help it with locked hatch so you moved down the stairs. Suddenly all sharply faded in black.
You could do nothing about locked hatch so you started to descend the stairs. Suddenly all abruptly faded to black. (последнее тоже фигня, но в оригинале масло масленное)
>You woke up with pain in the back of the head sitting in a a cage. Apparently, someone crawled up from behind and stunned you.
You woke up sitting in a cage with pain in the back of your head. Apparently, someone snuck up from behind and stunned you.

>Generally it's calm.
Otherwise it was calm.
>> No. 106486
>Don't hold it, shit adamantine into the abyss.
Don't subdue the urge and shit adamantine into the abyss.
>- Ну ладно, Ща я вам устрою адамантиновую корону! - Вы сняли штаны и повернулись задом к ним, - ...
- Oh I'll make ya adamantine crown, all right! - your pulled down your pants and turned your back at them, -
и да, если интересно - пиндосы оформляют прямую речь 'msg_part_1(,/?/!)' action_descr 'msg_part_2'.
>, but failed to get out so.
, but still did not manage to to break loose.
>Adamantine was pulled out of you for almost a day, saying that in the old days portions were bigger time and therefore took up to a week to finish.
Adamantine was pulled out of you for almost a day. You have been told that in the old days portions were bigger and therefore process took more time - up to a week to finish.
>In your case, there are not much of raw material
In your case, there was not much of raw material
>> No. 106525
Файл 135359507824.jpg - (286.10KB , 1080x576 , 13535632113.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Eat, drink
>try to break off the handle of a mug
> On the wall you can cut slab for Kurel
> Write all his names we know.

First you ate porridge and drank water. Then, with piece of a copper mug handle, you scratched on the wall of all the names of dam Kurel you remembered. Just in case you also scratched Nil's name here.
>> No. 106526
Файл 135359548898.jpg - (210.36KB , 1080x576 , 135356330919.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's Johnny!


>In general, examine all chamber. Detail. With passion.
>See what's on the outside of the bars, and examane lock's device.
>Look around, whether there are friends in neighboring cells

You looked around. Inside your cell was nothing meaningful. Stones in the corner were just waste, the walls were strong, and the lattice did not yield to any manipulation.
Outside were more chambers with the dwarves, and the pit in the middle. It seems there is ... Tok!
>> No. 106530
damN или daRn, но раз уж на то пошло - damned/darned
лучше bars
?? дальше - не chambers, a cells. правильно же первел в начале!

>> No. 106540
>try to break off handle of the mug
> A slab for Kurel can be on the wall
> Write all his second names we know.

First of all you ate porridge and drank water. Then, after tearing off of copper mug handle, you inscribed all the names of lousy Kurel you can remember on the wall. Just in case you also wrote Nil's name here.


>In general, examine whole cell. In detail. With partiality.
>Check what's behind the grating and examane lock's configuration.
>Look around for familiar faces in adjacent cells.

You took a look around. There wasnot anything significant in your cell. Pebbles in the corner were just some rubbish, walls were solid, and grating was not yielding to any manipulations.
There were more cells with dwarves outside, and a pit in the middle. Looks like nearby was sitting... Tok!
>> No. 106542
> A slab for Kurel can be cut on the wall
>> No. 106544
Файл 135361202761.png - (211.17KB , 632x475 , 35537467.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Take logs, drag them upwards, pile them up, get ower the fence using pile and run to Nil.
>Option one - to dive into shit, even if it is undesirable. And look for the way to the hut with Nil. AND QUICKLY, DAMMIT, WE MUST SAVE HIM!

You weighed it up: you weren't getting along with Nil before, and after injury (if he'll survive at all) - captain will start accusing you with instigation. Well, after all, all these efforts with corking of tubes and covering youself in mud weren't done for nothing. All right, if you already here, you should at least look with one eye what's in the pipe.
Once you on all fours got to the end, you looked out into some kind of a sewer. Water was draining off from adjacent tubes too, falling into some sort of an underground river. On the other side was a boat with oars. Through the noise of water you could hear the echoes of voices and clink of picks.

Okay, you saw what you wanted, now you can go back and pull out the logs.


>Fold the rope in half, tie knots on it with intervals, convenient for subsequent climbing. Left outermost loop a bit wider, in order to have a chance to throw it onto the fence. You'll may stick your feet into the loops, and grasp knots with your hands.

You came up in your head with "mysterious construction" and began to knit it. However, due to your congenital handassity you managed to craft only ... tightly tangled bundle not suitable for any use.


The fence proved to be stronger than the one-armed dwarf. However, it was worth a try, despite the fact that it did not yield to Nil in tantrum.

>Get to sweres, pull out all the logs you plugged in, and make some heap near the fence to climb it over with.

Deciding not to call guards for now ('cause Armok knows who will appear first), you went down into the sewer in order to return logs to the surface. But there was a surprise - despite of Nil's words water level has significantly droppped.

там на бухте прониклись новым поворотом сюжета
>> No. 106547
Это уж точно.

>> No. 106548
>but did not come up.
but did not come up with anything.
>noise died down,
noise ceased
>but the steel bars were on it.
but there were steel bars on it.
>You looked inside and saw the complete mayhem
You looked inside and saw the phenomenal mayhem
>But he did not answer, and only croaked to side.
But he was not answering, and was only wheezing sideways.

>Tantrum is fun!

Wheelbarrow was first to get into the air, with remarkable ease flying seven feet sideways. Then rage of captain struck the fence and the gate, but left no visible damage on them.
2.16 / 0.31 = 6.97
а почему капитан все время с большой буквы? этж не имя а звание
Then Nil drew his sword and turned to you.
- Now you will see how captains work. And then we will have interesting conversation between us, Likot ...

>Stop angering him, he can turn Likot into pillow for pins through the grate.

Assuming that this tantrum is over, you had thrown the end of the rope to the other side of the fence. In response to that, Nil spat on the floor, turned around and with clatter of plates went toward the entrance of Arol-Iton.

Approaching the door, he knocked at the door, as usual here, once.
But he did it with his foot, and the door swung open greetingly before Nil with a crunch of the latch, broken off to hell.
- In the name of the Queen! - Сaptain started to shout, not yet even entering the doorway. Once inside, he kept shouting something angrily and accusatory, but it was too difficult to understand what that was exactly.
>> No. 106794
Файл 135420961237.jpg - (141.41KB , 1080x576 , 135418111460.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>And we forgot to carve "Kurel Amuragak"
>Just in case engrave on the chamber wall "Kurel Oninoagak"
>Speak with Tok, learn how he got here.

You remembered a couple more surnames of Kurel and hastened append them. Now you can talk with a friend.
- Tok! Hey, Tok!
He saw you and waved happily at first, but then turned sad:
- Ahoy!... Oh, that's... "Be careful with the desires", right?... I did not think that it will turn that way... - He smiled sadly - I'm sorry I got you into it...
- What are you talking about?
- When you got lost in the swamp, we had a long argument about return for your search or not. For some reason I think you're my friend and I felt pain to aware that we won't met again. I was very upset then. And when we arrived in town, and I insisted on putting up leaflets, at one moment I was approached by a dwarf... amusing one... Wizard, said. And, like, any desire for 10 golds. So I wished you to be found. Actually, I had no gold and he offered as payment to make a favor. I had to steal some bottles from the warehouse of Arol-Iton. Well, during doing this I was caight...
- You went to theft to see me?
- I am by nature rather reserved, as you probably have time to notice, and friends I have... one. So yes, I went for it - here he smiled, - And it worked! Mage didn't lie! Wish come true, even though I screwed up! Apparently it was important to have intention, willingness ... Hello, frieeeend! - he totally grinned into idiotic smile.
>> No. 107033
Файл 135463912910.jpg - (149.27KB , 1080x576 , 135460555219.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>There's another Dorf sits in neighboring cell. Talk with him.
>'Hello, freeieeeend"-say to Tok. Also ask what is in his cell, that can be useful for escape. Ask about the dwarf in the next cell. About kidnappers. In short, let us know all about this place, where we were dragged.

- You know, I also rushed first of all to look for you and painted your portraits. Of all the company, you're my only friend. - These words made Tok languid - There one really unpleasant incident happened. Neela then our local Arola-Itonovtsy that ... decided to do. Aral-Itoners, you know... finished... Nil.
- How?
- Bolt in chest. Mortally wounded. And I was captured and now here.
- What for?
- We had a suspicion that you may be a prisoner of the locals ... I did say so immediately him! And to the captain of the guard ... crap! No one listened, all brushed aside, and I was feeling right! - You angrily hit the grid.
- Does anyone else of our group aware where we are?
- Will be soon. I heard that the locals want to catch them all.
- But why?
You have decided to pretend not awared:
- Try to understand these urbans! Maybe they need slaves ... By the way you know anything about this place? Maybe noticed or heard something while were dragging here?
Tok wilted:
- To be honest, I was caught pretty quickly, and all the way up to the camera was with a bag over my head. Neighbors say that all the prisoners are used as miners, fed poorly, and hit painfully. I myself have never been taken out of the camera, seems they about to hand a pick, and send to the mine.
You nod. From your camera you could see others and there several unfamiliar dwarves were sitting. It was obvious that they were there for a long time, and although everyone has heard your talk, no words awere said.
- Hey fellas! - You said loudly, - How many dwarves at a time work in the mine?
Some turned, but were so dull and weak that no one answered. You got mad a little.
- Hey dwarves! You deaf?
All crawled deeper into chambers and turned to the wall. Tok sadly sighed again:
- And I think that's what is waiting for us...
You think a little:
- Hey, Tok! Do you have anything in the cell?
- No ... only a couple of fist size stones.
>> No. 107059
>> No. 107067
Лол, я просто мастер. Написать правильно и не затереть лажу.
>> No. 108010
Ну что же вы, Перегаретты и СуисайдРэи?
>> No. 108074
Чо надо-то?
>> No. 108704
Файл 135953797188.jpg - (197.24KB , 1080x576 , 135952972253.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ingenious escape plans did not lead to anything. The guards did not let you fool themselves and outnumbered you greatly. Soon you stoped trying and began just to sit, waiting for something to happen. Days passed without number. You marked times of feeding on the wall and only thus carried a symbolic calendar. You emaciated and became very weak - no meat was in ration. No news about the team ot just anything. No newcomers too. Your former military ardor all weathered and you accepted the the situation. So passed about six months, maybe more.
>> No. 108705
Файл 135953901641.jpg - (191.13KB , 1080x576 , 135952980810.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

One day you were dragged from your cell to some slums of the fortress. This was probably the living quarters on the outskirts, for newcomers and ragamuffins. Very new excavations even walls are not smoothed. You got brought in one of the rooms, followed by the manager came and started to move a finger over the list:
- Soooo ... this is Likot Ubendeb. Soappmaker, - he looked at you closely, - Yes, he is. So, Likot, you have spent in our fortress long enough to come under the the royal amnesty. This means that in the case of your acceptance of citizenship of Arol-Iton, its laws and duties assigned to you - you get freedom and bed in this room. Do you understand?
You nodded.
- Also you will be imputed to the duty to work at soap factory, under command of the workshops foreman. Schedule of work and rest will be posted in the work place, here as well. Meals will be provided in the dining room before and after the shift. Non-compliance of labor regulations will be punished. Violation of the Arol-Iton you will be introduced with in case of accepting citizenship - will be punished. Attempt to leave the fortress will be punished for "no exiles at Arol-Iton, it has deep tombs". Second amendment of the seventh paragraph of the Citizenship Law, - he looked at you and handed the document - So, are you ready to sign the act and become a citizen, Likot Ubendeb?
>> No. 108706
Блин, долго втыкал что здесь происходит, теперь понял.
>> No. 108714

Violation of the Arol-Iton LAWS you will be ...

"Arol-Iton has no exiles, it has deep tombs".

>> No. 108715
Файл 135954674813.jpg - (233.20KB , 1080x576 , 135954482733.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Take amnesty
>Take a walk in the fortress and learn its layers
>By the way, where is Tok?

You signed the document and manager put it in stack with others:
- Congratulations! New clothes will be given to you later. As well as soap for bathing. Map of the block is not ready yet, but you come and see me tomorrow and I will give it with already drawn route that you have to walk to successfully perform your duties. I myself am manager of this work block, Bidok Robergasir. My office is near the stairs. So far this is the only way to the upper levels but I advice you don't go there looking like now - they can think you ran out from the cell so you'd better first tidy up yourself. Soap factory you are assigned to is not completed, so the operating schedule will also arrive tomorrow. But the dining room is already working, although not all of the products are delivered to the stockpile ... What else? ... Seems all ... Grow roots, walk around. See you tomorrow!
>> No. 108716
Точно, спасибо.

Алсо, снова предлагаю запилить реквест на канонизацию истории в Холле Легенд.
>> No. 108720
>> No. 108773
Файл 135964564615.jpg - (226.31KB , 1080x576 , 135961001160.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

> Would it be possible to dig an escape tunnel from our room to the surface?
> Knap two stones to dig the tunnel with.

The last time you were digging with your bare hands trough friable soil, you broke your wrist. Now all grown together, but repeating this experience is not very desirable, given that the land here was hard, and sometimes even a stone. This calls for a pick at least.

> Look, Eat, Steal.
> Better look around first.

You have walked around and made a rough layout of the level in your head. A total of 16 bedrooms plus office of manager. Rooms are around the dining area, in front of which were the kitchen, still and a food stockpile. Here you sat down to eat the fruits of work of Arol-Iton sloggers. Fortunately, there wasn't anybody around - not even a single person at whole level. Further hallway led into the work zone, but now you didn't care at all.
>> No. 108776
Файл 135964805199.jpg - (225.31KB , 1080x576 , 135962825380.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

> Find Tok if he is not in his room.
> Royal amnesty happened on some occasion, like for example the coronation, and this worths finding out
> Talk to the manager on account about ehatthey have here with religion.
> Manager seems to be normal dwarf since he lives right here - learn from him what is waht here. Rules, about religion, about a possible career change.
> Make your way to become a miner.

After hearty you went to Tok's room and knocked. No one answered, inside it was quiet. Then you went to the manager Bidok Robergasir, as it was written oh his door.
- Hello again, Likot! I see you have some questions.
- Yes, - with much more revived voice you began, - My neighbor, Tok Buketotil ... how soon he will be here?
- He accepted citizenship yesterday, but at the moment he is at audience with the First Counsellor. I do not know the details, so don't ask. I only know that apparently you and him are friends, so you're for sure next to visit First Counsellor.
- Is he interrogated?
- I do not know, honestly. I never saw Counsellor. That's all?
You scratched your head:
- Actually, I wanted to know how things work here in general. What rules, who you believe in...
- Believe? Haha ... We are civilized urban dwarves! We do not believe in anyone! Well maybe in money, in progress, in power. By the way you should do well to begin to worship, for it is through the power you are now free. Namely - the symbol of power and what it turned to be for Arol-Iton. We have King, you know. Before, we were justhalf-criminal dwarf diaspora in Ladtchakomag, and now we are Mountain Home with our King! Now we do not live under the human town, they live above us. So! Twin mountains that are on human emblem soon will open their bowels for us, and we will become the masters of the whole region.
- Load of plans,- you nodded,- What about the rest?
- Yes, in general - nothing special. Do not steal, do not kill, do not talk too much. Betrayal is punishable as elsewhere, insults and defiance - the same, obviously. If you previously did not live in the tundra with animals, then you have an idea of ​​what you can do and what can not. The judicial system is still being created, the laws are still being written, the rights and duties of citizens are being discussed. With the advent of the King, we all turned upside down, but it's very good.
- Of course. I am also interested in the possibility of profession change.
- Oh, here I instantly interrupt you. You see, you are soapmaker, we now need soapmakers. But retrain you into someone else will take time and a lot of money to spend. Say, you decide to become a metalsmith, so no sooner than five years from now from you will make anything good, and how much ore will you spend during this time? Hpw many tools will break? Huh? It turns out that for Arol-Iton advantageous you should stay an experienced soapmaker than become useless metalsmith. Not to mention the military profession.
- How about a miner?
- Miner must be sturdy and strong, and you are, Likot, not like that.
- But if I will grow hard?
- Still need expirience. I don't see your hands calloused from picks, so ... see yourself. It's nice to be soapmaker, Likot. Soon everything will be smoothed, decorated, engraved and filled with statues and we'll live happily ever so look forward, it will be great. Tomorrow I'll give you a new robe and show where you can take a bath. OK?
- Fine.
- Well, that's nice. Come again, keep in touch.
Bidok walked you out and shut the door. Soon inside a woman's laughter and flirtatious tone sounded. Must be wife.

Что-то я утомился это переводить
>> No. 108778
>> No. 108934
Файл 136007908293.jpg - (273.51KB , 1080x576 , 13600549696.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

> Plan of actions
> Eat off / rest for month ... Learn ... Get ... Make a secret room ... prepare revolution
> Dress ... find out ... equip ... listen to ... talk with
> Meeting with the King
> Get acquainted with the hosts steal anything. Check the kitchen
> Make friends like Tok: simple, not too smart, but strong and faithful, and as simply disgruntled by regime. It is necessary at all costs to bring FUN into this fortress(call Clowns, quarrel the people, organize some othe fuck up) / organize another miner republic / just GTFO.
> Eat off, work out, make friends with guards and to visit their trainings. Grow roots, in general.
> Look at his records, see if miners are mentioned. We need to find these miners and systematicly murder them. Make the corpses look painfull
> Soap the stairs, put piece of soap on hatchso it will knock at head and make other accidents
> Call Kurel at night, he is likely to know
> Plan for a few months

No no no ... long-term plans clearly took more space in your head than you could afford. You got a headache so strong that you almost instantly forgot all ideas, and quietly crawled to bed.
>> No. 108939
Файл 136008049182.jpg - (240.62KB , 1080x576 , 136005504424.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Tok woke you entered. He brought new clothes:
- Hey, Likot! We are free! Can you believe it? Look what Bidok gave me to you. Come on dress.
You were glad to meet. Tok was skinny too but quite cheerful.
- You were in a meeting yesterday with the first counselor. What was it?
- Nothing much. We sat, drank beer, talk about something, from where we are and by waht wind carried.
- And what did you tell?
- Wll, everything as it was, why to hide something? They seem to be good folks, these Arol-Itoners. Well that's us who bite their ass first so they did not take us as warm as we would like. Now, when I explained everything, they appointed me enhanced diet to get back shape faster.
- Feed for slaughter, bastards ... - You muttered under your breath.
- What?
- Have you seen any of our guys?
- Nah ... I asked about them, too. They said that when they tried to take ... thought that we are resting gang of robbers ... they hurriedly left the city almost with fight and have not been seen more.
- Let's take you to the barber shop, and along the way to tell.
You agreed.
- Told about besieged Mountain Home, about the expedition somewhere, about the elven woods and battle with elves in capes, about the road to the town through the swamps and along the mountains, about how we were looking for you, about this wizard and how I despaired to go stealing. Well, also told about goblin and his toads as well cause they saw him in our cart.
- And about all sorts of oddities? Such as Nil or the bloody ritual?
- I didn't mean to tell it at all. Why should I make more mess?
- And that is true.
Tok led you to level upstairs to the barber's workroom. Here you were put in order and rubbed in your beard and head with a cure for head lice.
- Well, here you areб ready! I actually was sent for you and now you can boldly come to a counselor. Or a little later, - he conspiratorially whispered in your ear, - I still have something for you. Well? What do you pick?
>> No. 109069
Файл 136035919069.jpg - (174.74KB , 1080x576 , 13602144165.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Охуеть какие телеги. Но Оп/Сооп молодцы
>Crouch low-minded grin: - Oh, you dirty pervert! Well, let's go, persuaded ...

You crouched low-minded grin:
- Oh, you dirty pervert! Well, let's go, persuaded ...
Tok stared at you first, but then realized that you are kidding and led to his room.
>> No. 109070
Файл 13603595237.jpg - (292.29KB , 1080x576 , 136021447246.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Inside his bedroom you find mural on smoothed wall.
- Look! - Said proudly Buketotil - I did this myself. All our journey. Since we are neighbors, we will be sitting here in free time and remember the old days.
And even though your journey had a couple more details, you anyway complimented Tok and reminisced happily. A few minutes later he said:
- I have one job today - to get you to the Counselor. And you - to come there. But there is still a whole day, so you decide what you want to do. But to make me calm - best first visit Counselor.
>> No. 109071
Файл 136035995836.jpg - (166.10KB , 1080x576 , 136032416637.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Ask Tok to make engrave in our room - Likot in a triumphal pose with Angryspoon in hand, dead elves around.
>I double engraving.

- Okay, Tok, guess I'm really going to counselor first. And you now, if you please, do in my room engraving of me in triumphant pose with Angryspoon in hand standing on a pile of dead elves.
Tok scratched his head:
- All right. No problem. Wanna me to make you giant?
- No, just me and just dead elves.
Tok thought again:
- Still miss Ivety?
- Nooo. It's not about it at all. I just remembered ... about elves in capes.
- Yes, as you say! I'll take you to the office of councilor, and then come back here, okay?
- Right. Let's go.
>> No. 109073
"- Yes, as you say!"
предлагаю "- Whatever you say!"
>> No. 109075
Файл 136036122490.jpg - (208.27KB , 1080x576 , 136032431674.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Better really go to counselor first. Ask in detail who's that King.
> At the first opportunity find out what happened with out Mountain Home. And also, what rumors about the deeds of Likot: strange pit in place of village, someone ate by forgotten beast, what happened to those elves.

Tok brought you to the door on the fifteenth level and left. You have knocked. Female voice invited you. Inside dwarfess sat, on the table were mugs of beer, and keg under the table.
- Come in, Likot, sit down.
You did.
- I am First Counsellor of the King - Kisat Vellokum. Feel free, don't be shy and don't be afraid. Let's wet throats to start.
She took a few generous sips. You followed her.
- I would like to see you because we need to understand whether it is possible to trust you, and whether it is dangerous to let you and your friend in our society. We unfortunately can't let you go so we just talk and define how your accommodation here will be privileged. I was talking with other amnestied, and a couple of them felt that it's better to go back to the cell than to live among dastardly Arol-Itoners. Well, there is choice. If they will not show sufficient zeal in in penal servitude, they will be immured in a coffin and will slowly die. We are tired of messing with such ungrateful stubborn fops. It is necessary to appreciate life. Right, Likot? We must be grateful for a second chance, for the future.
She sipped again, and you have used a pause:
- I want to assure you that me and Tok are very grateful for forgiveness and will try to be as helpful to the new home... But I would like to learn some news about our old mountain home. After all, native place.
- I understand. Almosy no news. Said Assarotung is dead. After the massacre ...
- Assarotung?
- Well, it's name, if we are on the same mountain home talking.
- All right, I'm just ... forgot the name.
- In general, all the goblins did not have time to get outside became victims of the Forgotten Beast, which is still wandering through the halls and corridors. It's said that under the ground heard a knock like pickaxes digging. But yet no one appeared.
>> No. 109077
- And what did you hear about the valley? It was full of goblins too.
- The majority of them returned to the Dark Tower and now there is more or less calm, but there are reports about increasing number of ghosts. Chatter that one human village collapsed underground, the King sent an expedition there in order to find the truth.
- By the way, who is the King?
- His name is Ang Zelerkadan. He had long been in charge here. And now he was crowned, and introduced the new rules.
- So you are ... friends with the humans above?
- Of course. With human, elves, dwarves.
- On the way from the old mountain home we witnessed the massacre between one elves and other ... in caps. Heard anything about it?
- No, nothing. But you have come very close to what I want to talk about.
It turned out that you've already drank a mug and it's time to open the keg. You helped to pour beer and returned to the conversation.
- So, Likot. Your friend has already told me the basic outline of your trip. That you were sent on an expedition just before the tragedy, and that managed to slip away from under the noses of goblins. But at one point you were gone and you met just in our prison. I want to know what happened to you and where you were.
You again drank and quite be drunk, began:
- Still in the Mountain Home ...
- In Assarotung?
- Yes ... I put myself under a cap plumphelmet spawn. And when we arrived in the elven groves, it became clear that it sprouted in me. I do not know what it there influenced, but I began to have signs of attention from one elven. She sort of liked me. I don't know.
- And she to you?
- Well, like anything, but ... somehow it is not in my line. Besides, she is elven! And we've got the expedition! I'm a dwarf! Mess is around! Nil regained consciousness and is it he or not! Bloody circles! Wagon exploded! Cape elves kill everyone! I'm lying in the pit! Goblin is gone! Toads are nowhere! Nothing to ride on further! Can't dig in the roots! Strange snake soup! Shorast poured potion into the mouth! A Ivety is naked! I hit her with bag! Well, I was not expecting! In general, the problems are all around, but she met me naked! I...
- Calm. calm down ... - You get into a fuss so that Kisat had to soothe you - Drink a bit.
- Yeah - you kinda took a deep breath - Well, it all came over so that when I left I really fell off the rails. Smashed all their faces and lost mind.
- Tantrum?
- Well, yes. And when I woke yp in the cart, mushroom was already cut away. So somehow all at once, I decided to no longer bring problems. Passed through the cave under the mountain and ended up in the valley. Spent the night in a deserted village. Then I went down the road to the city. While was walking I fell and broke arm. Met my guys in the town, healed and found that Tok was missing. For some reason just thought he was here. Then crawled to help out a comrade. I wanted to go quietly but Nil charged straight. Broke the door, killed the gatekeeper, died. Dick was irascible. Did not listen to me and caught bolt in the chest, fool.
Beer again was over and you poured one more. Vision floated, but you real wanted chatting. Kisat was drunk too.
- What else can I tell?
>> No. 109079
?? если кто сделает вычитку последних постов-будет заебись.
>> No. 109096
Файл 136040441370.jpg - (234.02KB , 1080x576 , 136034277286.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Express compliment on her work
>Keep fluster her, try to only pretend that we drink. Press on her sore spots

- Hey, it must be difficult on such a responsible position?
- Why so?
- Yeah, would be hard for anyone! First Counsellor is not some soapmaker. You are considered first after the king. The whole fortress is on your shoulders! Gather information about this and that, cut off superfluous, find connections and draw conclusions.
- It's not that difficult if you have a talent.
- Oh, you must be incredibly talented.
- Thank you - you touched glasses and she finished her, and you slowed down, - No, no, do not fall behind - she made ​​you to drink up - Is going to be fun if I fall down before you?
You actually hardly had your mind.
- Another one! - She poured beer.
You again clinked glasses and drank.
- And here I still think that you didn't tell me something.
- About what?
- You would never have reached through the valley just on foot. Not everyone can do that, and many died on the way. To do this way alone must be really brave and very skillful hman with developed acumen. And I think you just do not want to brag, but I'd love to hear about your deeds.
- Well what deeds - you shrugged off, - so, little things. Well, made armor out ​of goblin helmets. Well, outwitted Forgotten Beast. I spent the night in the lair of vampire pervert. - You spread the tail and drunken story was no stopping. - Owner was long dead and I took his trophies. Whole bag of trinkets! - And so you blurted out everything about the village and terror of the ghost and about surviving women. You described fight with the dead especially colorful and nearly dropped the table. Kisat was laughting and asked for more. In a drunken haze you told her about the murder of Mebas and the attempt to save her, about the ancient fortress, about the giant creatures and their history, and about the wonderful stone on top of the tower. About how you ate two handfuls of fragments and that the crown of the King comes out of your ass.

You woke up in your bed. Alone.
>> No. 109098
Файл 136040569460.jpg - (121.91KB , 1080x576 , 136035311777.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> It's time to make a plan of escape, discard the fuck out even thoughts about a career in this snakes pit.
> Look at mural on our wall, we find out what Tok's doind, if he doesn't sleep then go take a hair of the dog that bit you.

Tok entered with a mug of beer:
- Oh, you're awake! Get it to fix, counselor told to bring you beer.
You got up and drained the mug:
- Th-th-nks
- Well, how did it go? Are you okay?
- All is just fucking fine. Looks like I blabbed too much yesterday.
- And this woman knows how to drink, right?
- No hell damn way I will stay in this snakes pit! We must get out!
- Do not worry so strong because of her, she didn't let me too too, big deal...
- I don't mean that! We'll get in trobles really soon!
- Well, she didn't send me a beer in the morning.
- Tok! Listen to me. We have to get out of here.
- Why?
- Why? This is not our Mountain Home! We are strangers here. We will be exploited here till death.
- Come on, used to be the same. And here manager doesn't spread me rot. We are dwarves, Likot, and this is what we do - we live under the ground and work all the time. For this we get tasty food, after time we will meet wives and children then... This is a good thing!
- Is it what Kisat spilled in your ears?
- I thought about it myself, but she just framed my thoughts in beautiful words.
- She washed your brains!
- Nothing like that, she did not. I like it here. Arol-Iton is no worse than our old fortress. Everything is new, all are busy, no one invents all sorts of Miners Republics beacuse of boredom. I am happy to be part of the new developing Mountain Home.
You looked at Buketotil like a stupid child. What other arguments could reason with him?
- Tok, world is in danger!
- What?
- Shorast wants to break adamantine plug and unleash demons from eerie glowing pits! With their help he will enslave whole world with all the cities and all the Mountain Homes! We have to stop him!
- Likot - he took the mug - Looks like I came too early. Go to sleep more, huh? - He slowly walked out and closed the door - Go to bed, sleep.
>> No. 109120

Кстати, прошу помочь с подбором перевода надписей на >>109096
>> No. 109122

Fuck bitch, not her brain! - Don't fuck bitch, fuck her brain!
>> No. 109137
Take her, not her brain!
Take her brain, not her!

Там же ванилькльки бывают, ну хоть немного романтики-то?
>> No. 109139
Кто бы там не бывал, а надо придерживаться оригинала. Так что удваиваю вот этого >>109122
>> No. 109141
Не знаю, Уристы, я думал, имелось ввиду "Не еби себе мозги", и потому во второй фразе уточняется, что мозги надо ебать ей. Пруф ми ронг.
>> No. 109143
Бородач, я тебя не понимаю. Давай разберём. Начнём с правой фразы: "Бабу не еби, еби ей мозг". Вроде всё довольно очевидно. Левая: "Мозг не еби, еби бабу." Может вызвать кривотолки, но вместе с правой фразой, по аналогии, можно предположить, что мозг не ебать нужно тоже бабе. Где ты там увидел про ебать мозг себе?
>> No. 109145
Как раз по указанию "ей мозг" ящитаю Сооп имел ввиду, что в левой фразе имелось ввиду фраза в духе "мозг не еби, а просто сделай Х".
>> No. 109224
Файл 136060276420.jpg - (248.15KB , 1080x576 , 136056387637.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Go to a counselor and apologize for any nonsense we talked to impress/ Promise to make for her nice soap with elven grasses and flowers

Remembering the route, you have come to the room ща Kisat Vellokum but you no one opened. Should be running around on business.

>Now go to work and get acquainted with the hard workers
>Should go to work / be mr. Law-Abiding
>Go to work, look what is what

Then you came down back to the workshops. It was a spacious room with several soap boiling vats and asheries. Barrels of fat, buckets, bags of ash, everything that is needed. Lacking only the workers, but they're probably just not up for their shift. And so far only one dwarf tinkered nearby.
>> No. 109315
> Talk with the dwarf and find out how many soap makers are in the fortress. On the plea of supply quality control find out, where the stockpiles and other workshops are.
> brush up with the skill and its level
> talk with the dwarf, if master - start the shift and recall the skill.

You approached the dwarf:
- Hi, I'm to work here. To make soap. I'm Likot.
The dwarf was angered:
- I'm the workshop master. I'm Nural. Begin now.
- But where are the stockpiles? I should know that, right?
- Of course you should! Who is going to haul the materials? Me? You'll haul them yourself and carry finished soap there too. There are fucking lots of stockpiles at the level above, but now make from what is already here. Begin.
- How many soap makers are in the fortress?
- BEGIN NOW! - he wasn't to communicate.
You took the nearest soap factory. Apparently, you'll have to make lye yourself too. Well, if Kurel's stories were true, you were pretty much tolerable soap maker before, so you should have some skill left. You let the intuition and began to create. It seemed that the work went on: nothing caused contradiction, and hands were doing everything that needed theirselves. Sometimes master took a look on you, but told nothing. You've worked enough to have a break by boiling a vat of soap, pouring it into molds and cutting it into pieces. Master Nural checked the production and nod, letting you to blow away the cobwebs.

Тред не читал @ один пост перевёл
>> No. 109323

> Go to this Kisat and tell her that she does shitty work and jobs are poorly designated. Shitty layout, no small stockpiles near workshops, no haulers as separate workers, logistics not established...
> when go - drink some fat from a barrel and eat some apples at the canteen. And grab a beer barrel, it is her turn to tell us something interesting or do something interesting now.

You swooped some fat from a barrel and almost shot the cat on your way to canteen for apples and beer. You came to the counselor and knocked the door. This time she was at her place.
- Ah, Likot Ubendeb. And not empty-handed. Well, come in.
- Yes, I consider it my duty to discuss a couple of issues.
She's got mugs, you've opened the barrel. You clinked glasses and drank by a half an once.
- How your job moves?
- This is what I wanted to talk about.
- Really? I thought you've got something personal.
- Actually it's about stockpiles that are missing at our level. It takes too many effort and time to haul heavy barrels and bags from remote stockpile! They should be right near the workshops, and there must be separate haulers to carry all the supply. And we, toilers, must toil instead of running around the fortress searching for required items, - you took another gulp and poured a beer, - You are the chief counselor, after all! Counsel the king to improve the layout of working areas. Does fortress require soap? Save the soap makers from hauling duty, and we will be able to make more soap.
- Ah, Likot, you're such a chatterbox when drunk, - she laughed. - You have something to say even about this. Alright, I'll talk about your comments with dwarves in charge. However, I thought that you came because of yesterday.
You decided to play a role of unflappable:
- And what yesterday?
- Fooled a Forgotten Beast, got round vampire pervert, chopped a whole zombie graveyard into a pieces... - you drank one more time. - I'm even ready to believe that the elf had a crash on you, but an ancient tower under the ground... Everything could happen there, but it's obviously not your doing. And gems, I think, you just found them at the bottom of ditch when you've gone down to half-destroyed huts while searching for food. Am I right? You've been starving to death alone off the beaten path, so of despair you just filled your bellies with shining gems that spilled out of a chest in one of the houses. They were dug out by rustic miner, or just were inherited, whatever. The thing is you've taken them all, and nothing left in that poky hole of a place.
She finished her mug. You sat, being dumbstruck:
- You've seen it through! Everything was like that, I confess... I told a lie to impress you. You're really beautiful, - you also finished the mug and poured more.
- Alright, soap maker. The king heard exactly this version from me. And it will remain so if you tell me about that tower. If you are obstinate, I'll tell the king YOUR version. In that case you'll never avoid an expedition to that pit and participation in excavation. There was an underground lake, you told? Oh, it should be a real swamp there.
You slowly clink mugs and swooped them to the end.
>> No. 109333
Тысячи рома этому толмачу! Айс?
Сейчас запилю последнюю часть и запостчу все.
>> No. 109335

>Most important is not to get drunk like the last time, it is better not to drink at her company ever again
>Clarify that regardless of the version there is really no adamantine in an amount sufficient for digging tons of empty swampy rocks. Also do not get drunk, say that you're afraid to harass her

You pretty well explained unreasonableness of excavation in the pit, and Kisat even took these arguments. And then somehow word by word ...
You woke up in her bed.
And btw... seems you got back your Angryspoon.

Неплохо с идиомами, кстати.
>> No. 109367
Спасибо. Нет, не Айс.
>> No. 109371
>And what yesterday?
- And what about yesterday?

>elf had a crash on you
elf had a crush on you

i believe so
>> No. 109376
>- And what about yesterday?
My bad, thank you. Алекс, поправишь в тексте?

> She'll deliver Likot larvae in nine months
> marry her, become noble!
> Conspiratorially drop a hint that we know where hypnotizing artifact can be acquired.

You squeezed the thing covered your arm and then tried to pull the hand out. This woke Kisat.
- Are you pregnant? - asked you first of all.
- What? No! What a nonsense.
However, it is clear. The chief counselor, and a robber, crook and thief in the recent past knew for sure how to sleep with a man without becoming pregnant. Perhars, she has several lives on her conscience. Look at her scar - it is very unlikely that she cut herself while shaving.
- Now we have to marry?
- You're lost in your daydreams, soap maker. You, amnestied, are always such zingers.
- So it means nothing?
- I hope so!
Your head was filled with good thoughts.
- Listen, I'm sorry that I haven't any help with adamantine. But I know something else that may turn up even better. But it's not for the king. It's for you.
She turned to lay more comfortable.
- What are you talking about?
- There is a magic wand left in that pit. You can dominate everybody using it. You see?
Vellokum sank into a reverie.
- Ang Zelerkadan rub shoulders with a ghost who definitely won't allow such influence. Hmm... But what if enlist another ghost that you told about?
- Vampire pervert?
- Yes. If we promise him what he wants, he will deal with our ghost. Maybe even kill him.
- Don't know... His passion is to scoff women. Elven, human or dwarven. This is what he wants.
- We have the entire human city above! If we provide him with underground shelter somewhere apart, we would be able to supply him with casualties regularly.
- You still bandit diaspora, right?
- Don't be a goody.
- Okay, but I'm not sure if he stays there. Half a year have passed, he could go anywhere.
- Maybe, there's any way to call him?
- I should think about it.
Meanwhile you viewed rich decoration of counselor's home. But it is very unlikely to steal something out of there because Kisat will find out who is the thief in no time.
>> No. 109390
Само собой.

>> No. 109688
Файл 13614658692.jpg - (161.32KB , 1080x576 , 136143123211.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>BTW, ask about Angryspoon. In honor of what we have it again?
> Put on clothes, say we will visit to discuss everything again after the shift, grab a spoon and go to the smith (ask the way from anybody we'll see). And then we can go to work.
>Main thing-to repair the Angryspoon

You had a good sleep in bed of counselors and before leaving, she again took advantage of your elevated mood.

- By the way, - you have asked dressing,- On what occasion did you give me back my Angryspoon?
- Angrywhat? Haha ... And it has a name? - She stumbled in your stare - Oh, sorry, it's just unusual ... for spoon! I just found it in the confiscated junks and remembered what you said about it, so I decided that it would be a nice gesture of good will. Though it's cracked and I would advise you to get a new spoon.
- No, only this one is needed. Much connected with it. I want to fix it, bound in iron. The spikes, menacing to all sides.
- Won't you hurt yourself? All right, take it to the smith named Bomrek Geshudotos level above. Tell him I sent youhe will fix it.
- Thank you.
You went to that Bomrek and found him on the spot. Explaining that you want to do artifact spoon, but do not have enough skill, you gave him your treasure. Geshudotos promised to begin it immediately, and you went on shift.
>> No. 109691
Файл 136146640184.jpg - (169.15KB , 1080x576 , 136143130050.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

After work you went back to the smith.
- Did what I could - he pulled Angryspoon - This crack runs along the fibers. Most likely it will continue to grow. But I ringed a ladle, so that the process will slow down. For the balance I added the knob on the end.About spikes - I do not know, pal ... If you really need, of course, I will do but you will scratch all the cauldron or even injure someone.
- Actually it is not for soap. This is a weapon.
- Oh, this is unlikely. Wooden spoon, after all. Even with this reinforcemnts it is still wooden and fragile. Well, compared with real weapons at least. Sooner or later it will break ... just be ready for this. Wll, I can cover it with the metal completely, but it would weigh so much that wouldn't be able to wield it.
>> No. 109854
Файл 136171497610.jpg - (130.68KB , 1080x576 , 136164849235.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Order Tok to make slabs
>begin fat trolling Tok with pictures of mosquitoes / draw mosquitoes wherever possible / draw mosquitoes, mosquitoes everywhere / draw mosquitoes on Tok's the door

You brought Angryspoon to your place, and then knocked on the door of Tok's room. He was not at home, apparently working. You scratched mosquito at his door and left.

>Should to go to local doctor and check, we could pick up some during sore six months in prison (or from Kisat) and at the same time check out the hand
> At the same time check whether /anal/ virginity is safe, or irretrievably lost?
> Find out who is Ang Zelerkadan and where missed Mebzut, Granite and Talc.

You asked around locals and found a doctor's office is a couple of levels higher. Eden Roberbesmar was young diagnostician ... something was wrong with him.
- What are the complaints? - he asked in languid voice.
- No such.
- Coughing?
- No.
- Pain in chest?
- No.
- Digestive problems?
- Dripping from the hose?
- No.
- So you're healthy!
- Six months ago, my ass went through a terrible ordeal.
- Really? - he interested in - I'm a doctor. You can fully trust me.
- Pulled from me with forceps ... a huge piece of shit.
- How huge?
- It does not matter.
- For all diagnosis is important!
- Like arm.
- Oh ...
- Is it bad?
- And that's what worries you?
- In fact, I care about my ... so to speak "virginity." Is it lost?
- Interesting question. Let's face it. Was anything pushed in your "bowels" ?
- No, only pulled from them.
- So, there was no penetration?
- Penetration?
- I think your "virginity" is OK, do not worry about it.
- Oh, praise to Armok ...
- Who?
- Never mind. I have one more question.
- Yes?
- Six months ago, I broke my wrist.
- Really? Where?
- Here, - you have shown.
- He immediately took it in her hands:
- Hurt to elf, hurt to goblin, don't hurt to Likot ... - And he blew - Well now, all right?
- Yes.
- This is great, - he wrote something on the parchment.
Overpowered the desire to get out, you asked:
- Tell me, doctor, who are Granite, Talc and Mebzut?
Eden looked somewhat surprised, but said,
- All three were previously running for Zelerkadan. And now running errands, but also in various positions of state importance. We're now Mountain House after all. I advise you to keep tongue in mouth by the way, these three do not like blabbermouths.
- Thank you, Doctor.
You left from Roberbesmar and drew a few more mosquitoes on the walls.
>> No. 109950
блять ну что за пиздец?

>- He immediately took it in her hands:
ну ёб ж твою мать. Он в ЕЁ руки?

- Digestive problems?
- Dripping from the hose?
между ними то же "-No."

- Never mind. I have one more question.
между ними Enter и дефис

>We're now Mountain House
о май гоад! House?
>> No. 109952
Файл 136190832483.jpg - (80.89KB , 750x600 , English-Mother-Fucker.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ДФач cannot into English.
>> No. 109957
Файл 136190941030.jpg - (53.67KB , 500x315 , 1284404549549.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You scratched mosquito at his door
on his door. ?? не scrath. Возможно, sketch, короче, другое слово надо найти.
>You asked around locals
asked some locals
was ayoung diagnostician
>For all diagnosis is important
Everything is important for the diagnosis
>Like arm.
>And he blew
?? он взорвался. Сделайте что-нибудь с этой частью.
>Well now, all right?
?? с этим тоже. Это же полное ебать-решето.
>Overpowered the desire to get out
Struggling with desire to get out of here
>I advise you to keep tongue in mouth by the way
I advise you to keep your mouth shut by the way
>> No. 109958
Все, кто могут, лежат в психбольницах.
>> No. 109973
Файл 136191414247.jpg - (81.91KB , 604x453 , juEwlvLXhUA.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Спасибо за уточнения. Не всегда могу в вычитку.
>> No. 110030
Файл 136204417284.jpg - (143.57KB , 1080x576 , 136203558314.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
?? как я должен перевести все эти шутки про ГЛ??НУ, блджад?
>I suggest for diversity to offer the doctor to TRY IN REVERSE
>We can just fuck the doc, why not
>I double CLAY MIXING act
>I support CLAY MIXING sex

You appreciated the beauty of the young doctor and said you would not mind playing with him in bed. Eden refused, saying that you are not his type.

>Срочно возвращаемся к этому Робербесмару и проверяем его на предмет накладной бороды.
>_gasp_ Armok! You're right! Pull his beard off! This human will decieve us no longer!

Upset by the fact that you have been rejected, you pulled Roberbesmar by the beard, but it turned out to be real. He screamed in pain and expelled you, and when you turned your back - shouted that you are for real "anal elf!"
You became suspicious and checked back, and there was again this fucking piece of paper.
>> No. 110031
Файл 136204467556.jpg - (99.51KB , 1080x576 , 136203571832.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Should remove the paper, and as soon as possible go to Tok, to find out whether he has the same on the back.
> Need to know about the piece of paper from Tok
> Go to Tok, find out whether he has a similar paper.

You ran to Tok and found him entering in his room:
- Hey Tok! Look! Again this paper! - You held out a piece of paper.
- Likot, what the fuck? - He was angry. - Only you know about my phobia, and now draw these creatures everywhere I go! It is despicable and disgusting! It's as if your whole family torn to pieces by kittens, and I would gift you one! I stop liking you, Likot. What kind of a friend are you, if you do that?
- Come on, Tok. I just wanted you to like Arol-Iton less.
- Now I do like you less.
- Well, I'm sorry, Tok ...
- Leave me alone. I do not want to see you a couple of days.
He went inside.
>> No. 110205
Файл 136242796953.jpg - (162.47KB , 1080x576 , 136238714255.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>go to make soap / While we make it- ask local stories from the master, let him brag his youth times
>I double soap making
>For Tok make soap with cloves - to repel mosquitoes / For anal dwarf - with yarrow (antibacterial effect), oak bark (hemostatic) and plantain / For blacksmith - in the soap you can add some abrasive to make it easier to wash hands from soot / and to make something for Kisat / For Kisat one with crown

You went to work again, but this time decided to boil something special for all those who helped you at the moment. Running half a day in search of different ingredients, you have returned to the workshop at the end of the shift, when the other four dwarf already finished and gone. Well, that's good - no one will distract you. Since the whole shop was empty, you occupied all the workshops and began conjure.
Then came foreman, his sleep schedule, apparently, also did not match with the others. Seeing as you serve four vats at once, he brightened and said:
- You got a spark now! Need help?
- No, no! It will only hurt.
- Heh, well, that's understandable ...
- But I would listen to a couple of stories, actually. About the fortress, about the dwarves. I'm newbie, must grow roots somehow. What's interesting at all?
- Yes, a lot of things - he sat on the chair, - Well, speaking of inspire-minded - once the caravan arrived, and we did not have some trash for such guy. This caravan had it, but these assholes did not sell. Fortress was young, even not a fortress at all yet, and no goods in stock desired by caravan. In general, he was very upset and did not come up with anything better then go there by himself and break all their market place. All goods were mixed, where whose-it was incomprehensible. Well, then our brave soldiers arrived at number of two squads and politely explained that the goods of Arol-Iton will remain in storage, and since one can not be separated from another, all of them will go to stockpile and will be resolved later.. As a result, our rowdy finished his artifact and was very happy, and this trader never arrived again.
- Haha, what an intractable huckster.
- I am talking about the same! Must be good with everyone, good. Ago I had a cow, goog one, tender. I brought her to the bull so the calf was born. Once we brought the cattle in a field outside the city, left to graze. Came back at the evening and look at that! My cow fought with a bull. Knocked all its teeth, which were lying all around. There was hell of a fight! Cow left without both front hooves, and calf got lung perced and died... Our bookkeeper ща that time, idiot, gave to every single tooth dedicated place at stockpile. As a result, according to his records, we had a store clogged with teeth!...
>> No. 110206

- Damn! Who and how let him?
- He is now a miner, it's okay. At first, many posts were assigned to wrong dwarves due to lack of the necessary skills. Once with the chief doctor discomfiture happened too - we had a shortage of materials for soap, nothing to boil from, and only 5 pieces left. We decided to carry it to the hospital, only for patients needs. The doctor was given in his hands and told to use for washing wounds. Here collapse happened in the mine, seven miners got under it. All were alive, but two with filthy open wounds. Their comrades draged them to hospital, thay are dirty as mud itself, so they asked soap to clean themself. And this horseleech went and gave them soap! Piece to every out of five. They got cleaned, of course, happy, but two wounded died from the infection!
- Oh my!
- Yes it is as is, and since then we make sure to have enough soap. And the commander of the militia was notable. Blind cave ogre came to us from the caves , shaggy as mountain dvarfess! Thirty dirty snouts, then rushed him kick it, run through the corridors and halls, and it run away from them, scared, screaming. Sooooo, drove it to the stairs. Not enough place. At the forefront there was only one crossbowdwarfess, no one else fit. Can't shoot with crossbow-too closely. Hammered with bismut bronze crossbow poor ogre in the head, and it dodged all, snake! Avoided attacks. Other beauties with steel swords sluggishly treading water, panting in the doorway. Neither can let her out nor go in. Captain of the guard came, by the scruff pulled out dunces, moved roundnose girl out and with his bare hands grabbed ogre's head and came as storm! And killed it, count by himself.
- Wow.
- Dood dwarf was. Though badass.
- Why "was"?
- Well, he died. Walking down the cliff in a cave, and some shallow crap pushed him off. Smashed to death...

So with talking the whole shift has passed. But in the end you get the perfect pieces of soap and satisfaction with the work done.
>> No. 110445
Запилите перевод, Уристы? Некогда совсем самому.
>> No. 110476
Сейчас попробую.
>> No. 110479
Файл 136327055785.png - (49.27KB , 1080x576 , 136284697973.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> now that he is so talkative, maybe ask him about Kisat?
> Ask guy why there is a ghost in one of the fortress management positions

After you put the soap in a suitable-sized box, you decided to ask a couple of questions to Nural, now that he is set to talk today:
– And how, by the way, do you feel about local authorities?
- Why do you ask? - Nural shrieveled a little, apparently, your question was unpleasant to him.
- Oh ... I really enjoy your stories. Perharps you may tell interesting things about the rulers too?
- Will not tell. We don't talk about them. And you yourself can probably guess why.
– Well, what about our councellor? Even she shouldn't be spoken about?
– Are you talking about Kisat? She is no better than king and his court. The former orphan, vagrant, I have no idea what she was doing until recently. They say Ang himself brough her in Arol-Iton once. He even adopted her then, and six month later just kicked her out, can you imagine? Although it's just stories.
– Do you heard story about ghost in the kings court, by chance?
- Heard. Heard some nonsense and rubbish. Aslo heard that Ghost is actually nickname of some new king knave... Hell knows, I am not interested in their affairs and strongly suggest you to do the same. And let's end this talk, okay?
You have agreed with Nural and at last found out what recreations is there in the fortress. You discovered that Arol-Iton have as many as five meeting halls with wells, statue garden, memorial, and a lot of dining rooms. From what we can loosely call the zoo there were two piggeries and personal appartament of old hag Rovod, who holds a lot of guinea pigs, peacock and starving goat.
After saying goodbye you went to deliever ypur presents to recepients.
>> No. 110480
Пощу без картинок — интернет косячит

>After talking deliver soap to all friends
>Say sorry about mosquitoes to Tok and give him a soap as a present.
>Go to Kisat, show newly made soap and offer to offer organize production of exclusive soap, designed for different needs

Firs you delievered soap to smith. Bomrek first took your gift without much enthusiasm, but after learning that soap contains scrub, he was pleasantly surprised and thanked you for the useful thing.
Second was doctor. It wasn't hard to guess what your meeting will turns to, considering that recently you're hosmosexually molested him and now you even took soap with you. Roberbesmar refused even to talk to you.
Kisat almost didn't react to your arrival and ignored your gift, casually asking you to leave the soap on the table. She was enthusiastically gabbing with some short-bearded frant, not even going to pay attention to you.
You couldn't get to Tok's room. Maybe he was asleep, room locked from the inside, maybe he was wandering somewhere. You didn't come up with anything better than just leave soap by the door and wipe off the mosquitoe in hope that Tok will understand, that you are asking for his forgiveness.
>> No. 110481
> Pick up the soap from under the door
> remove soap from under the door, so Tok won't slip
Soon as you picked up the soap, you heard voices calling all dwarves not busy working to start carry goods from finished goods stockpile to the market. "Rooks" of elven caravan has arrived!
>> No. 110483
Ооо, спасибо! Сейчас запостчу.
>> No. 110559
Файл 136351589279.jpg - (225.45KB , 1080x576 , 136334602430.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Find Tok and go to the Depot
>Take any stuff and go to the trade area, if see somebody familiar-chat, and then we'll make next decision

Well, Tok wasn't in his room, and no idea where he can be. So you simply grabbed few pieces of soap, added them to your spoon in bag and went to look for market place. Haulers you met show you the way, and soon you where at minis 5 level, where you've seem familar wagons. Those without a doubt were the envoys of Muya Forivara but you have not seen familiar faces. Elves were unloading goods, dwarves were running around, bringing their own. Broker of Arol-Iton paced the room, looking at everything and exchanging words with eared.
>> No. 110563
> So you simply grabbed few pieces of soap
So you just grabbed few bars of soap

>Arol-Iton broker
Broker of Arol-Iton или Arol-Iton's broker

>with eared
Я считаю, что лучше заменить на что-то типа long-eared
>> No. 110684
Файл 136369825636.jpg - (239.57KB , 1080x576 , 13636075869 - копия.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>If there's a dragon, then feed him a bag of soap and RUN!
>Find out how is Muya and his charming daughter, what about that battle, what news in the world, and about old fortress.

You came to the cage in which in fact was a dragon. Hatchling actually. Out of curiosity and stupidity it momentally ate all the soap you gave him. A few minutes later it became swollen and it made series of soapy burps. Colorful show attracted the attention of the elves, they began to walk around, trying to figure out what's going on, and Ivety came to you. Goes without saying father sent her for establishing trade relations with the new Mountain Home.
- Hey, Likot - she was embarrassed, but not greet an acquaintance would be rude, - What are you doing here? I thought you make a home at new place.
>> No. 110742
Файл 136381149669.jpg - (166.75KB , 1080x576 , 136376627169.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> I support the idea call dragon Gleep, don't tame dragon, just bargain, barter, steal, beg, get at any way.
>Lead Ivety to our room, taking beer, as if for entertainment, and when in room discuss escape plan
>Invite Ivety for keg of beer
>Ask Ivety us to take us from the fort in rook

- Others maybe do, but we're stuck with Tok here. I am ... about the forest. It seems, when you and I met last time I got out of control again.
- Nothing, at that time everybody got his bruises, and I got a hot hand. I'm not offended.
- Good. Then would you heft a mug with me? Snack, chat.
- We can go eat. - Elf was glad with invitation.
You walked down the hallways to the nearest dining hall.
- Tell me, Ivety, is there at least some way for me to get the dragon?
- Honestly, no way. Ang Zelerkadan already has his eye on it, he's now King, right?
- Kind of. Oh, pity ... And if you're not going to sell him a dragon and decide to take back with yourself?
- It will be strange, after we caught it specially for the order of Ang.
- And if you hide it, can he forget about it?
- Dragon is for military purposes. This can not be called a passing fad.
- What, is Arol-Iton at state of war with someone?
- You know better, you live here.
- Yes, just a couple of days. Six months I uselessly spent in prison.
Ivety livened up:
- Jail? Are you a criminal?
She immidiately got really amused.
- Yes, - you decided to fib - I have some disagreements with the local laws.
- And what did you do?
You just got to the dining room. It was full of dwarves.
- Let me tell you later, locals can have bad thoughts of this.
Taking meat with bread and beer, you're on pair with Ivety sat down and began to eat. The elf did not touch drinking and pinch off tiny bits of food, all the while staring at you. With such refined manners, she stood out among the others, but it seems your rudness attracted her.
- Well, what's going on in the world? - You mumbled, dropping crumbs - How's your caped foes?
- Oh, do not ask - she waved - their ambassador came to us and demanded obedience, respect for tradition, and threatened. But nothing, thus we trade with Mountain Homes to buy armor and weapons. And when the war will come - we will smite their butts with iron! Oh, look, I speak just like my father, haha.
- So nothing is over?
- Of course not. Their Grove is nearest to our, and their druid most intolerant of all others. So we can only defend, because if we will attack and other groves will know - we'll be utterly destroyed.
- It sucks.
- We're used to it. Live so for forty years.
You finished your food and drink:
- I've got a little room there. Wanna take a look?
The elf paused for a few seconds, then started to blush:
- Likot, I really can hardly stand staying so deep underground, it seems to me that the walls are about to crush me. I am very uncomfortable even in such hall, and I'm afraid that in your room I just will lose my mind. If only we could walk on surface ...
>> No. 110837
Файл 13639599401.jpg - (210.05KB , 1080x576 , 136384893792.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Wisper: They kidnapped me and Tok. Think they murdered the others. Help.
>Before leading it all to sex(can do later though) we must find out what is what
> Press for pity of Kisat. Tell Shorast with others are in trouble and really need us
> Must add a lot of nonsense in speech so she'll think Likot's gone completely crazy

You again made back in the role:
- I've got to go ... think I am being watched. And you go back to not giving your fellows, right?
Ivety's eyes sparkled with interest.
- Good.
- I will soon find you - you leaned forward and whispered, - Me and Tok were kidnapped and held in captive here. Rest are probably dead.
- Oh gods ... - She jumped up and hurried toward the market place.
You have gone the other way, contentedly grinning, and went down to the chambers of Councilor. She just went out from her room.
- Ubendeb, here you are ... I learned something, follow me.
You trudged behind:
- I need to talk with you too.
- You start.
- I met a friend elf, she told him about my old comrades. Our old Mountain Home is lost and we were going to build a new future ... by a covenant of the Queen, beyond the river is the place where new Mountain Home will take roots ...
- Get to the point.
- They are all in trouble there. There were seven of us, the pioneers of a new fortress, and now there are only four. I have to help them! Me and Tok must go there to help them survive! So ordered Armok! Maybe you'll be able to ask about us? So we'll be let go.
- No one leaves Arol-Iton. That's the law. You signed a document of citizenship and chose Arol-Iton instead of death. Just always keep that in mind. Now listen to me - she motioned to break your further question. - The thing is that I am now also interested in your opportunity to pass through security, if your chatter about wand is not bullshit, of course ...
- I'm telling the truth.
- To be clear - I do not care about your companions. If I'll get you out of here, then you'll go with me to the pit. And as soon as I get the wand, you can get the fuck out in any direction. Deal?
>> No. 110840
Файл 136396031654.jpg - (118.36KB , 1080x576 , 136386435012.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Quietly, when no one sees, let the dragon out of the cage, that's how we get it
>Release the dragon out of the cage while no one is looking, you need to figure out if the laws of a DF are working here

While Kisat was speaking you rolled in your head options of releasing the dragon from the cage but then recalled that there was padlock.
>> No. 110844
Файл 136396139366.jpg - (178.50KB , 1080x576 , 136393616690.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Accept, what the heck
>Listen the whole idea, at least
>Do not fuss and do whatever she say, we'll find solution during travel.
>Go there with Kisat

- What else to do? - You shrugged - Deal.
- You can stay here if you don't want to help, but then do not count on my favor.
- I already you great help, telling about the artifact and its location.
- I returned your precious AngrySpoon. We are're even. Now I want to find this wand and you to save me a lot of time with the search. In response, I'll get you out of the Arol-Iton, and when I'll come back here with a wand - to make sure no noe will search for you aftermath.
- Well, then it's a deal.
- That's fine.
- So what do you know?
Vellokum took you aside:
- Turns out the King has sent an expedition to that pit. The workers set up camp and started digging.
- But there is nothing left.
- TNothing in tower, maybe, but below it? Surely these ancient dug down the adamantine vein. and in their halls are even more buried treasures.
You scratched the crown:
- And what do we do?
- A sigh of relief, because now we even don't have to dig. All miners will find will be stored in dry areas for recording. We will simply find wand among the rubbish and take it. I convinced Ang that my presence at the excavation will speed up process, and you recorded as my bodyguard.
- I will have weapon? - you smiled wide - and you are not afraid to turn your back on me?
Kisat laughed and walked on her business:
- We leave tomorrow, - she turned, - finish your business here.
>> No. 110847
Файл 136396263896.jpg - (176.22KB , 1080x576 , 136395169926.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Catch up Kisat and ask if we can take a walk through the city above for now? Get use to sunlight, etc.
>Go to elfess and explain that she does not need to take any action regarding our liberation
>Talk Ivety about the gold in the well and ask her extract it with help of her friends
> Well, warn Tok too

Hey, Kisat! - You called out, - I ought to get used to the surface, on a city walk or something ...
- You will not be let out without me. We will get used together. Over, I have to go - she shook her papers and went on.

You returned to the elven cwagons, where Ivety, agitated, whispered with one companion, then another. Putting on rascal look, you took her aside:
- Listen, tomorrow I will be relocated to another place and there I will have a chance to escape. So do not fuss so far and stay quiet. I do not want them to suspect you in conspiring with me.
Elf got thrilled.
- Now tell me where you will go after that snake pit. Where can I find you?
- All right, got to run to not frame you.
- See you soon ... - she said after you.
- Yes.

After going down to the lower level, you knocked on the door again of Tok. He opened but he was angry.
- What is it?
You dragged the soap, brewed specially for him:
- I would like to apologize for my behavior. You like it here, I understand. But to me the opposite. I want to get out and I will leave Arol-Iton tomorrow, I hope forever. And I would really like you to come with me because we're friends. But if you still want to stay, then so be it.
Tok took soap, examined and got a little kinder:
- Okay, I've seen that you erased the mosquito. Therefore, I forgive you. We are're friends again. But tomorrow you will go alone. I really like it here. I met an interesting dvarfess. I think we have something can happen. I stay.
- I understand. Well then ... Good luck with it.
- Good luck, - he finally smiled.
You shook your wrist at goodbye.
>> No. 110848
?? я надеюсь, кто-нибудь вычитает всю эту простыню. Опы конечно молодцы, но переводить ломает.
>> No. 110947
Бро, ты молодец что делаешь хотя бы это... что вообще это делаешь... делаешь даже... блять

Короче я не придираюсь, а лишь хочу помочь

- Good.
думаю более к месту будет что-нибудь типа "alright"

- I met a friend elf, she told him about my old comrades.
я настаиваю на elfess / dwarfess и т.д. когда речь идёт о самке. Алсо не "him", а "me" видимо.

- I already you great help
"i already helped you much" или "I already did you a big help."

We are're even
We're even

no noe will
no one will

- So what do you know?
- So what did you learn?

- TNothing in tower,
- Nothing in tower,

You scratched the crown
You scratched the top или nape

what do we do?
Скуби-Ду хехехе

All miners will find will be stored
Everything miners will find will be stored

elven cwagons
Kwai Gon`s хехехе

Where can I find you?
- All right, got to run to not frame you.
ВАТ? пропустил диалог с ??вети.

you knocked on the door again of Tok.
you knocked on the Tok`s door again.

We are're friends
We are friends

interesting dvarfess
interesting dwarfess

- Good luck, - he finally smiled.
- Farewell, - he finally smiled.
>> No. 110954
Потсоны, переведите вот это, кто может: http://www.bravemule.com/
Вот здесь http://www.dfst.ru/ этого нет.
>> No. 110988
Файл 136420287839.jpg - (219.58KB , 1080x576 , 136419334034.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Спасибо, пофиксил.
Может, другие бородачи займутся. Я как-то и Ликота не всегда вовремя успеваю переводить.

>I think we should learn from someone about far lands
>I double questions about distant lands.

You chatted with Nural and Bomrek, both knew not very much and advised to contact local cartographer. He was very talkative and, demonstrating different maps, provided them with a lot of comments and incidents from others travels. It turned out that in the north-east of the Arol-Iton there is a lake, which has the island on which there is a lakein which there is an island. And all this is encased by the permafrost. Nothing is known about inhabbitants of thaк place. South of the lake there is a grove, home for snow elves. And it seems like they are in charge over all others. In the south-west there are human shipyard and port. Cartographer did not know what further lands are.

c:rusegs намекает, во что может вылиться перевод Bravemule.
>> No. 111007
>c:rusegs намекает, во что может вылиться перевод Bravemule.
rusegs, хм, в нечто на русском?
>> No. 111012
Файл 13642264094.jpg - (168.70KB , 1080x576 , 136420645165.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"русек", оно же говнолокализация.

>Maybe stroll to stocks and look for some armor?
>Support, get light armor and a sword, take the flask (or waterskin) and some rations.
>Go gather our stuff and rest before the journey

Actually storages of weapons and armor were locked, and on your speech that you are now the bodyguard of the Councilor guards did not react. Takeout food wasn't given to you as well. Then you just went to sleep.
Had a strange dream - you were flying over Arol-Iton and peed on its corridors and halls. It's clear that they were underground but in the dream you somehow worked out. Flights in dream were frightening and you woke up with a bad thought.

The next morning Kisat come to you already fully prepared and brought equipment. It was a sturdy backpack with food and wine in wineskins. There were also two torches, threads and needle, some fabric and a small knife.
- It's time - she pulled on you iron cap - Bodyguardy.
- And weapon?
- I thought you'd want to take Angryspoon..
- Well, actually, yes.

Together you went up to the surface and left through the new main entrance to the Mountain House Arol-Iton. That already were real gates, not simple hat with the hatch. Guards stood at the post. Checking documents Vellokum, they stepped aside, letting counselor with a bodyguard in the city.
Kisat immediately handed you a dry stalk of a plant and began to slabber same one:
- Took from a doctor. A bit of help from nausea.

Outside it was very bright, and the morning was only beginning.
>> No. 111013
Файл 136422663116.jpg - (176.83KB , 1080x576 , 136421202889.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Squeeze boobs/butt!

You touched buttock of Councilor. Kisat did not attach much importance, throwing only:
- Well, just not in the street, Likot.
>> No. 111026
мои варианты, анон:
storages of weapons = arms storages
that you are now the bodyguard of the Councilor guards did not react =
that you are bodyguard of the Councilor now didn't get any reaction.
>> No. 111074
Файл 136431422869.jpg - (211.21KB , 1080x576 , 136429427488.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Offer to find travel companions, caravan or any traveler. Or hire a couple of blockheads in the nearest pub. Then move.
> Ask Kisat about plans-how you'll be moving there (can't just walk all the way). Inquire more about the excavations, who, what, why.
> Relax, move to the excavations, enjoy the company of a cynical but friendly girl, but keep your eyes wide open

Your offer to find companions was refused by Kisat. And to your reasonable question about the way of movement she just smiled and continued to step.
Briskly you went out of town. It was quite warm, the birds were chirping. You didn't feel to throw up yet.
- Why does Ang need these excavations? Only for adamantine? - You brought the conversation.
- Is that not enough?
- I have heard that this can be dangerous. Adamantine vein goes deep into the earth and there are Eerie Pits by revealing which the whole world can be destroyed!
- I don't know about that. It sounds like religious nonsense. Told like a huge temptation that lures, but if you take it - it annihilates you. No, I don't believe it.
- So the deal is simply the riches of the tower?
- Well, yes, what else?
- And Ang didn't talk about demons or the unlimited power?
- He isn't totally nut, unlike you, I see. Zelerkadan is a practical man and not interested in fairy tales.
- But Kurel interested. That ghost, by the way. He whispers to the king all these stories more often than you meet with him.
- Ang did not say anything about it to me, and conjectures are still conjectures. Anyway, if the wand will work, then you won't need to worry about this no longer.

Suddenly your dwarf sense ran riot. Group of four elfs in capes with wooden swords blocked your road:
- Please wait a minute, travelers. Didn't you meet the elven caravan day or two ago?
>> No. 111077
>Didn't you meet the elven caravan day or two ago?
Разве не "Have you met"?
А вообще, промптоват перевод.
>> No. 111079
Как бы обстоятельство времени есть, поэтому все верно.
Только. В английском не принято строить вопросы в отрицательной форме. Тоесть вместо нормального для нас "Не подскажете, как пройти в библиотеку" они таки спросят "Подскажите, как пройти в библиотеку". Тоесть в этом случае "Did you meet ..." будет лучше.
>> No. 111083
Хм, да, благодарю за ремарки, Уристы.

>> No. 111137
Файл 136441339339.jpg - (170.34KB , 1080x576 , 136436628265.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>When greeting, touch butt of elf, as we recently did with Kisat. And if it won't escalate quickly, tell her her butt is better.
> Ask him if his ears are too tight and then ask what fashion designer sews capes with slits for the ears, isn't he from forest at south, 'cause from ash of trees from that forest is best to make soap. Ask if it's true that all elves are "elves", how popular dendrosexualism between them, tell that wooden swords are shitty, can't compare with steel, especially if coal was made of really nice, juicy tree.

Kisat only opened her mouth when you pushed her back and came yourself to the elf:
- Greetings to you, noble guardians of Woods! - you said and touched his butt.
- I'll ... - Immediately he protested.
And you turned to a counselor:
- Your is better.
- Well, I guess... - she was in confusion - What are you doing?
- I would like to ask respected elf who invented sewing such amusing capes, with slits for the ears.
He looked now at Kisat, then at you:
- This is the traditional clothing of our grove, we sew such many centuries. Why did you touch me?
- But it's Elvish greeting.
- What makes you think so?
- A friend elf taught me.
- He must be from the grove of Muya Forivara. So what about the caravan?
Kisat was just about to say, but you interrupted again:
- And the ears are not too tight?
- What?
- In the holes. Isn't tight for ears?
- They are wide enough.
- And when the rain comes, the ears get all wet, and the water comes inside.
- It happens. - he began to get angry - Caravan. You saw it?
- Saw, yeah.
- Where is it?
- I am now wondering - wooden wagons, wooden arms, logs to trade, and they don't let others cut woods.
- At least they do something right. Where are they?
Kisat with a bored look stepped aside and began to clean dirt with a knife from under the nails.
- But why? I've always been posessed by this problem. Why other can't cut trees?
Elf was slowly getting angry:
- Because we do not chop live trees. We sell and process only dry ones.
- But you have to admit that wooden weapons are shit.
- Maybe, but we honor the tradition. Unlike those we seek. Where are they?
- And why do you search them, may I ask?
- They broke a few laws of our nation and are subject to trial.
- So you're not going to kill them?
- Unfortunately no.
- Oh, such a shame. I'd reap their heads off myself - so capricious! Offered them a wooden stool, I'm a carpenter, so they curled their faces, they say they do not want corpses. And what do I do, swim all day long in blood and gibs? IHow it happens, cut down oak, make logs and boards, all covered with chip from head to foot, smell the aroma ...
Elves have left you and went down the road.
- Where are you going?
Kisat indifferently looked at mountains. You approached.
- Oh, you've already done? - She hide the knife - Finally.
>> No. 111138
Сделаете перевод >>111107 ? Сил нет, чесслово.
>> No. 111145
За перевод чуть что смело кидайте говном.

>Fucken smash his head with full force!
>Ask Kisat what Arol-Iton thinks about orthodox elves and which side she would help in case of elven conflict.
>Move along like nothing happened and ask Kisat about her scar on eyebrow meanwhile.

Without any word you ran down to elves and smashed the back of the head of the last one by your Angryspoon! He collapsed. Others turned to you and next elf got good hit to his forehead. You didn't crush their skulls but they were pretty dented. Two swordsmen charged at you. You dodged thrust of sharp “stick” and broke this wooden sword using your spoon. It was incredible luck! After you realise it you started to feel your urge was getting weaker and you were faced two opponents, despite their poor weapons.
“Stand and deliver! High-asses!” Shouted Kisat while approaching with short sword in her hand.
You hoped she would help but didn’t think about robbery. Elves considered they have poor chances against almost hammer and steel sword with their one and half wood things.
Run away! – They quickly escaped along the road kicking up clouds of dust.
You could not catch up with them.
- What the hell? Ubendeb?
You turned to her.
-Do you know who they were?
-Just elves. All of them are nuts.
-They were that ortodox conehead elves. Do you remember I told you?
-So, something like this. She noded and started to loot their bodies.
-They have conflict with elves that are staying now in Arol-Iton.
-So what?
-My friend is there. They wanted to arrest her and adjudicate.
-You defend one elves from another. Are you an elf?
-You yourself are. I feel sorry for her a little.
-Mimimi you feel sorry for little poor thing.
-It’s not only about her. If coneheads conquer their grove they would have become orthodoxes like them. It’s hard to trade with orthodoxes and quite easy with those elves. They are loyal to dwarves.
-We are going to get troubles with the rest of elves if help these loyalists. They have to deal with their backsliders by themselves. Arol-Iton have no deal with this. And thanks to your Armok you haven’t told we are from there.
-To Armok …
Vellokum found two bags of coins. Not much but better than nothing. She throwed one to you.
-Grab his legs and help me get these bodies to nearby bushes.
Together you moved elves out of the road and continued your way.
-By the way. How did you get this scar?
-My father dropped me upside down.
-I’m serious.
-Nothing much about it. Got it in a brawl. One jerk brought knife to a stand-up fight.
-Did you take part in?
-All mob took. Some of my buddies were cut, one to death.
>> No. 111147
сделать бочку, или do a barrel roll - это их забугорный мем происходящий из одной игры. уверяю, они поймут.
>> No. 111177
Нет, уж лучше дословный надмозг, мудила.
>> No. 111183
Я-то это тоже понял, но смысл это передает вообще никак. Хотя мой похож на закос под огров из вахи.
Спасибо, заебца для первой итерации.
>> No. 111271
>Now calmly stamp to the pit
>Move on
>Well, okay, then let's go

In the evening you arrived to the place. Guardian speardwarf with war dog on a chain checked the documents of Councilor and let you go in the camp. At the bottom were set up warehouses, dwarves rushed, bringing from ruins all kinds of findings from the wrecked boards to clothing and corpses of women. There were only three bodies so far. Given that they all lived in the same house, the rest will be find soon.
Bottom of the pit was flooded with water from the nearby lake, but since there was no underground source - the water had dried by the middle of summer, and all that remained turned into a swamp. Dig into a damp rock did not make sense, so there were only excavations of the destroyed village. However, a group of dwarves was working to create pumps and pipelines to drain slush.
In addition to stockpiles in the camp were set up a dining area with a kitchen, a hospital and a dormitory.
>> No. 111420
> Eat some, drink a mug
> Attend a foam party
> I support the idea of ​​a possible foam party!

Tired of the road you took to devour while Kisat cram new hierarchical ladder to a local Noble in a funny hat. So now all the reports went directly to her, and he had to continue to direct the work, distribute kicks, supplying materials, monitor the supply of food and other stuff, but it's all by the orders of mistress Vellokum.
For counselor with her bodyguard promised to erect a separate tent, and on this night, was released a couple of beds in a dormitory.
Dream vanished by about midnight - cave adaptation coming out of the two of you with a delayed start. You feel sick and threw it in the heat and cold. A few hours you rinsed intestine, leaning over a swamp, expended some almost a barrel of water each. In the morning, just in case you came see a doctor in the hospital, he concluded that habituation occurs normally, ordered more pods for nausea and sent to bed. Before leaving, you notice that the doctor had a decent supply of soap.
By noon, you already have bounced back and came out of the tent and saw the dwarves bringing together the piping and pump. You had to wait until they're finished.
>> No. 111422
> Also need to drop the soap in the pump or pipe as if by accident
> Inspect the tower should be sure to ring the bell if he still hangs
> Doubles belfry

After waiting a moment when no one sees, you pushed a box of soap from the hospital tent and went on a journey to slush. Pump delivers a small stream and when the pipe will suck the box - it was only a matter of time. And while you decide to explore the ruins. When you reached the bell tower, you noted with surprise that the bell is still hanging in there. Just for fun you decide to strike on it with a spoon.
All dwarves turned to the sound, and you shrugged, saying, "so what?". However, sound has not yet subsided - the pump shakes, leaks with foam and bubbles, and everyone beheld ...
>> No. 111423
Soapy shitmonster has arrived!
>> No. 111424
> Throw a stone into it. If he collapses from a stroke, we will become a hero.
> Look back and see whether the dead women rises living again.

After running a little around the camp, you have found a pebble and threw it into a monster. But the stone flew not too far away and fell to the pavement. You were suck at Throwing.
Suddenly two dead women grabs you from behind! You scared so much, that almost shit your pants. A monster in the meantime gained control over the pipeline.
>> No. 111435
Soapy scum monster

Говно там очевидно, что не фекальное.
>> No. 111438
Спасибо, Уристы.

>> No. 111583
> Gently but firmly grab this chick`s asses
> See what they will do and how fast. If they`re slow, then we can play pimp
> Strike women with angryspoon!
> Take down zombie-chan with Angryspoon
> Break a leg to another one.

Thinking that women's attention is never too much, you gently but firmly grab the bony asses. Zombie-ladies did not mind, and even more - have themselves put their teeth on your shoulders. Your love triangle developed quite rapidly and... painfully.
Waking up, you blasted in the face with a spoon to one babe, breaking all the fucking teeth! Another one you dumped and broke her leg.
>> No. 111584
Kisat came closer:
- Not bad. Another zombie is teared apart by a wardog.
- In one of the houses there are still zombies. Six or seven of them.

Here scum-monster began pour dirt over the camp like a hose, bringing back all that was pumped out.
>> No. 111587
never too much = never enough
>> No. 111588
Here scum-monster я бы лучше напейсал then или, что лучше, in this moment, Right after that.
>> No. 112141
Файл 136699850147.jpg - (192.78KB , 1080x576 , 13668003021.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Should throw barrels of wine into the urethra
>I second putting the most soured wine barrel into the pipe.

Dumped all the flith on the camp, the monster began to suck again. You have decided to take a moment and throwed all barrels of wine in its trunk. After a while, monster grinded them in its belly, and a little later it began blow away until guttered on the ground.
Dwarves climbed to the pump and stated that the monster has turned into a lifeless puddle. Meanwhile, the guards dealt with zombies coming from house and eventually everything calmed down. None of the dwarves was injured.
>> No. 112143
Файл 136699918272.jpg - (160.31KB , 1080x576 , 136680059928.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For the ingenuity Kisat praised you approving claps on the shoulder. Since booze gone - was sent a pigeon with a request for extraordinary delivery. Soon the work started again, the pump was established, the pit was drained. And you with the counselor these days just lay in the tent, she read books and sometimes talked with Noble.
No news in general, except that in the community house a bunch of tools was found, inspection of which, as expected, brought nothing.
But in one of the following days, workers unearthed the top of the tower and above the bottom of the pit there was a cry:
>> No. 112146
Файл 136700181340.jpg - (180.96KB , 1080x576 , 13668724807.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

> Get out of those edges must move.

Hearing the cry, you have decided that the demons are about to break out of the excavation and grabbed Kisat hand:
- We need urgently leave! Here carnage will begin!
- Why the hell?
- Demons! Adamantine plug broken!
- Likot, your head baked in the sun? What plug? Found those pieces you told about. Come see, you fool.

> Find out how deep they had digged, and whether already open an underground fortress
> Take a look!

As you walked, you were worring:
- If these ancient already extracted adamantine, it is possible that plug is broken!
- What if all your tales of glowing chamber - not true?
- Shining Halls.
- Well, yes. And who ever saw that? If all so is terrible as you say, then, by all logic, the witnesses could not survive, and we would not either. Who then would tell about these Halls? It's all bullshit. Came up with a fairy-tale, developed a cult around it, started under this business sacrifices, virgins bonking and then the membership fees collecting. Well, trading symbols. And after all, from whom did you hear this nonsense?
- From Kurel's ghost.
- Is this all? Hah!
- I believe him. He's a ghost. And wizard.
- You would believe me if I say I was pregnant. Let you do not panic because of those things you don't not understand.
Meanwhile, you have come to the excavation. At the bottom you could see top of the tower and the window through which six months ago you dug your way to the surface. Haulers arranged refuse stockpile nearby. Among the gravestones, many rotten bodies and skeletons semi-decomposed Cyclope was lying.
>> No. 112150
Файл 136700338436.jpg - (211.60KB , 1080x576 , 13669964215.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Need to put pillow to fall on and say something like, "I hope that the rod did not break when it collapsed"
>Be sure dance something hot on the Cyclope.
> Vote for the acting of Shakespeare, will be such a victory.
>Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Kisat; a cyclops of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath stunned me and borne me on his back to the faggot nosferatu spirit laire; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here lied that lone eye that was been my fellow for a couple of hours...
> Approach the Cyclope, assume a proper facial expression, read "Poor Yorick" adapted to the realities of this world.
> Second this

You moved around the pit to go down.
- Oh, what a goaf - staring you in the excavation - I did not know that his bare hands dug a column.
- Collapsed soil was loose and maybe you're climbed up a kind of ravine and broke the arm with one of the tombstones.
- I do not know. This is the moment I do not remember. I hope that the rod did not break beneath all this ground. Although the vampire said that it must work even being broken.
- It would be nice.
- Over there, by the way, the very lake where it drowned, - You pointed, - We must somehow persuade the miners to dig there. And carefully.
- And why to persuade them? Their job is to dig, not to ask questions. There is there. Even till your Palaces.
- Well, if you turn it this way...
After reaching the refuse stockpile, you called Kisat to the carcass of the a Cyclope. She was little surprised with such a desire, but saw how you rushed to dance on his bones, even laughed.
- This Cyclope ... - You explained, - served to ghost-sodomite! And in his eye socket was flying eye!
You climbed down of body, and began to act out performance for the approaching Councilor:
- Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Kisat; a cyclops of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath stunned me and borne me on his back to the faggot nosferatu spirit laire; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here lied that lone eye that was been my fellow for a couple of hours... I tied it to helmet with it's nerve
Kisat eyed ugly corpse:
- Yorick?
- I just came up with. Just for a laugh. But everything else - the truth.
>> No. 112151
Мой мини вклад.
staring you in the excavation мб лучше You were looking at the excavation site.

I did not know that his bare hands dug a column
=> I couldn't imagine that dug it with my bare hands.
>> No. 112154

>> No. 112155
наверное поздно, но:
- There is there
=>There means there
>> No. 112156
блять забыл
extraordinary delivery
- extra delivery
>> No. 112157
Файл 13670107803.gif - (38.08KB , 329x240 , yoda.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Борода, молодец что принял участие и запромтил, но СУКА! имей совесть!
> Get out of those edges must move
> edges
> must move
> edges
Ну какого ж хуя? А ты >>112154, со всем уважением и преклонением коленей, может хоть выждешь денёк пока такие как я ублюдки придут и вычитают все эти промтовые простыни и внесут свои правки? Ну пожалуйста? Всего денёк.
Не, я понимаю конечно что я сильно загнался, но блять... мне ж просто стыдно перед двумя с половиной бородами с бэй12, которые это читают.
>> No. 112158
he hath stunned me and borne me on his back to the faggot nosferatu spirit laire

ну это конечно вообще невообразимый пиздец. Мало того что оглушил не по тексту так ещё и к Носферату унёс. Ну блять, ну борода, ну пиздец же.
>> No. 112162
Файл 136703061623.jpg - (112.47KB , 1280x1024 , 1355315156779.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 112163
Файл 136703066915.jpg - (107.65KB , 501x694 , Beer_competition_by_Viking033.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
А то носферату не вампиры будто. Если же без синонимов, то можно vampyre написать, по староорфографии.
>> No. 112164
Файл 13670311139.png - (82.17KB , 974x758 , Mah_Boi_by_NikkiKitty44.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Копипаст не глядя же.
Меняй на "He had borne my mindless body hither and yon by vampyres orders."
>> No. 112168
Файл 136704623129.jpg - (25.81KB , 350x262 , стыдно.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Надо вычитывать, но не всегда сам могу. Хотя чистый промт я не гоню, как бы там ни было.
?? всем спасибо за фиксы.
>> No. 113188
Бампаю, чтоб не искать потом.
>> No. 114415
Сделаете перевод, Уристы?
>> No. 114610
Файл 136944909612.jpg - (81.59KB , 472x694 , The_King_of_Dinners_by_dafter_punk.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So guize, I don't know what to do about them requests. It's clear as day how to descend and to explore the tower, but the series of pics will result just comic with no anons' interference. Requests like "Go lowah" are obvious. Wat do, dwarfs?

You and Kisat decsended into excavation and crawled through window of tower. Inside several dwarves searched in dug-out ground for adamantine shards and found quite alot of them already. Much more than you've eaten. In comparsion with size of that "egg" this rest had enough for a whole armor set...
- Where do the stairs lead? - Kisat turned to you.
- To the corpses hall... and tunnel to the lake.
- That one lake?
- Yes, with a wand.
- Fine. Let's start searching there.

Да, публикатор, примени фикс >>112164. ??звините заранее за опечатки, я спат.
>> No. 114614

> Steal at least a couple of adamantine crystals

While Kisat looking around, you have come to the workers.
- So it is adamantine eh? Lemme take a look ...
- Likot! - Vellokum called - Is that wasn`t enough for your ass? Nobody`ll disdain and rip open your belly, if they knew.
You remember the wonderful feeling and decided to hold off on enrichment.
Going down the spiral staircase, you heard a quiet hum again. And coming down the hall, found a strange picture.
- Oh, you`re having fun, as I can see ... - Counselor inspected raised skirt of a giantess.
- It's not me ... Someone was here. This one had a chisel in his hand!
- There are small torches.
- And half of the body dragged somewhere. Do you see prints?
- Let's go after them.

There was a hole and the same small torches.
- Someone has already dug here ... - Kisat approached - Who else knew about the wand?
- Only its owner, a ghost. But it is doubtful him ... besides, these torches ...
- We can only pray that the wand is still there. In any case, let`s use the hole as a starting excavation. We`ll set up camp in this room.

> Carefully consider the pussy under lifted skirt. Reach it with tongue and lick.

Even if you stood on Kisat`s head, you`ll failed to reach. And the view of withered crotch caused nothing but disgust. A bad thought visited you.
>> No. 114615
By evening the camp was established. Provisions and instruments were brought down and the guard post was set.
Dwarves began to clear the stairs to the lower halls of the fortress.

> Find musical instrument in the boxes

Digging in the crates of food, you have found something most approximate to the world of music - a violin-shaped pear!

> Better to take guardians with us

- Yeah, of course ... - guard snorted - My order is to "protect this room", not "climb into a hole"

Shedding light on your way, hunched over, you wandered through the tunnel, making a rough map in the head.

> Craft a Hawaiian guitar from a pear
> Dedicate a romantic song to Kisat

Pending Kisat you decided to make SOMETHING.
Dug out the knife in the toolbox, you cut half of a pear, cleaned of seeds and tied a few hairs from your beard, attached with a sliver. The result is quite amused you.
- Sup? - Counselor's voice came from behind.
You turned:
- This is for you. Fruit toy musical instrument!
- Yeah ... And how is it sounds?
- Not much by itself, but I can sing a song.
- Please don`t...
- We will kiss. We will lick.
Then I'll pay and run away.
Couse I`m crazy and I can't
Explain my behaviooor.
- God-like. Don`t ever sing again, - Kisat towards the hole, - Come on, let's see what's there.
>> No. 114616
- Oh, you`re had some fun here, as I can see ...
Может так?
>> No. 114619
Я, конечно, хуй, потому что мне лень это исправлять, но у вас получилось просто МАКС??МУМ ПОТРАЧЕНО, это никак нельзя куда-то постить.
>> No. 114670
Алекс, ты жыф?
>> No. 114671
Йеп. Пофиксил самые ПОТРАЧЕНО моменты и запостил последние посты на Бей12. Но тащемта сейчас пишу диплом, поэтому времение пилить переводы особо нет.
>> No. 114672
Удачи на защите, чо.
>> No. 114872
Файл 137019601016.jpg - (148.49KB , 1080x576 , 136998444873.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Спасибо, борода.
>Damn double-beard it!

Kisat waved her hand in front of your eyes:
- Likot, why stopped? Get in the hole. Where to go?
>> No. 114873
По смыслу будет правильнее вместо all использовать everybody
>> No. 114889
?? много пиндосских дварфоводов читают ликота.
>> No. 114890
>> No. 114891
Сложно сказать, назову число 50.
>> No. 114919
тех кто пытается участвовать - 2-3.
>> No. 115053
Файл 137064199087.jpg - (48.11KB , 230x912 , dfst.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Такое предложение есть к бородам, могущим в графические редакторы и имеющим избыток сил. Можете склеить пик наподобие прикрепленного? Поменяю на него приманку в оп-посте топика на бухте.
>> No. 115058
Для желающих, даю наводку: GIMP + набор плагинов G'MIC (Artistic filter -> Polaroid)
>> No. 115148
Могу. давай фейко_что_нибудь
>> No. 115177
Почему бы просто не прикрепить к посту? Кроме меня все равно в тред на Бэй12 картинку никто не вставит.
>> No. 115182
Не хотелось бампать этот тред. Вот почему.
Тогда прикрепляй к посту картинки, которые склеить.
>> No. 115311
Хорошо, два поста переведу и скину пак с картинками. Если конечно все еще актуально.

>I now vote to go to the "down" direction

Since you already wandered around a little through the tunnels and roughly knew the layer, you became guide for counselor. However,you didn't prove your usefulness - you showed some directions and nothing more. Advised to move down by one of the passages, you came together at the artificial excavation of a spherical shape. Oriented yourself, you immediately realized that this is where wand you are looking for was half a year ago.
Bow it's gone.
>> No. 115312
>Back to the nearest fork and turn left.

Strayed a little through the tunnels, you suddenly heard the sound of little feet. Very soon Kobold ran toward with a note in his hand and hesitantly handed it to you.
Kisat grabbed a piece of paper and, while small one was fleeing, began to read aloud:
- Not a step further, bastards! I am Oraphy Geme, fear of this place, and you, scum, have invaded my domain! Do not be deceived by the look of vile kobold messenger, because in my possession are monsters of the depths. Keep excavation - and you'll die! This is my tower and here is nothing for you, dwarves! Get out!
Kisat dropped a piece of paper:
- It looks like he got the wand.
>> No. 115313
Файл Для_Bay12.zip - (2.22MB , Для Bay12.zip ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file. 115313
>> No. 115332
Файл somesome.rar - (1.39MB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file. 115332
Странный выбор картинок. Ну да ладно.
Вот, я сделал. Что изменить надо?
>> No. 115333
Мне все нравится, спасибо. А выбирал так, чтобы получился тизер-выглядит интересно, сюжетные повороты не раскрывает.
>> No. 115363
Файл 137130849314.png - (909.46KB , 500x1920 , Ликот.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
давайте всем это покажем. Красиво же на мой взгляд
>> No. 115369
Мельчишь зачем-то, заставляешь вглядываться.
1 кадр. Сделай только "фото" сидящего циклопа, остальное вырежи.
2. Приблизь пикчу до дварфа с бочкой и дварфа в повозке, остальное - за кадр.
4. Увеличь мегабиста.
7. Непонятный квадрат посередине. Надо менять пикчу. Выбери что-нибудь более художественное, что ли. Мы же должны привлечь новых читателей?
8. Кобольда нужно приблизить.

А в целом норм, молодцы.
>> No. 115370
Кстати, как не раскрывает? Каждый кадр как раз соответствует своему сюжетному отрезку. ?? вообще это не главное. На прошлом этом вашем тизере аж на двух(!) кадрах кровь-кишки, на третьем голая жопа, и это же не плохо, лучше чем анон сейчас предлагает.
>> No. 115372
> лучше чем анон сейчас предлагает.
Я только пикчи склеил. Найдите другие, я вам склею другие. Переделаю, как просит >>115369 Вместо седьмой картинки с "квадратом", поставлю любую картинку на свой вкус или вашу с жопой или кишками, только вбросьте.
>> No. 115373
Файл 137132814016.png - (0.96MB , 500x1920 , Ликот2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Дорогой критик, ты просил кишки и голую жопу. Я нашёл для тебя идеальный вариант картинки.
>> No. 115374
Файл 137132833430.png - (863.88KB , 500x1920 , Ликот3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Например вот
>> No. 115385
Сделай рожу мегабиста посередине пика. ?? рожу кобольда можно приблизить, и плевать, что часть меча обрежется. В остальном заебок
>> No. 115388
У биста рожа скучная, сама по себе одна. У кобольда одна рожа тоже не очень. Я и так их максимально увеличил, но что бы они в кадр убирались.
>> No. 115392
Ладно, утверждай эту версию.
>> No. 115421
Резвые вы бороды, лол. Вставил >>115374
>> No. 115422
>Throw sock at him!
>expose Kobold to violence of any kind
>Suggest to throw with rage sock into the pit, maybe we have enough RAGE
>Freaking double
>Once that will work, I believe.

While Kobold has not fled far away, you quickly pulled the sock and thrown at him. RAGE sufficed to throw right at him. Sock wrapped around his head and caught fire. Kobold screamed, rushed ahead , striking the walls and fell, began rolling and stomping feet. Finally, he shook off the rag, dropped the candle, and before the fire goes out, ran away into the darkness.
- Well, - clicked her tongue Kisat - Now would be offended.
>> No. 115426
>Throw sock at him!
>expose Kobold to violence of any kind
>I suggest throwing a sock into the pit out of rage, maybe we are enRAGEd enough
>Freaking double
>Someday that will work, I believe.

Before Kobold has fled far away, you quickly pull the sock and throw it at him. Your RAGE was sufficient to get him. Sock wrapped around his head and caught fire. Kobold screamed, rushed ahead, bumping into walls, and fell, then began rolling and stomping. Finally, he shook off the rag, dropped the candle, and before the fire went out, ran away into the darkness.
- Well, - clicked her tongue Kisat - Now he will get mad.

Как вам мой вариант? Я изменил некоторые фразы.
>> No. 115430
Ничего так, вернусь к нормальному интернету-поправлю пост на Бухте.
>> No. 115523
>Вы предложили взять с собой нескольких солдат, прежде чем продолжить путь, но Кисат сказала, что в норе и так тесно. Велела продолжать исследовать.
>Спускаясь всё ниже и ниже по узким лабиринтам, через некоторое время вы снова оказались в башне. Пройдя длинную комнату, вы вышли в зал, освещённый множеством кобольдских факелов. Здесь на стуле прошлых обитателей стоял стул из людской разрушенной деревни, а на нём, как на троне, сидел Орафи Геме.
>- Приветствую! - воскликнул он, когда вы приблизились, - Точнее "Пошли вон", но так уж и быть проходите. Гляжу ты всё же привёл мне самку... но вместе с ней ещё и ЦЕЛУЮ ПРОРВУ СРАНЫХ ДВАРФОВ! Что ж ты за мерзкий ублюдок! Я так хорошо проводил время пока ты не появился и всё не испортил! Но ничего... ничего... Теперь у меня есть чем вас встретить.
>Кисат наклонилась к Вам:
>- Так это он и есть?
>- Да.
>- Жезла не видать...

You wanted to take several soldiers before you go any farther, but Kisat said there won't be enough place for them in that hole. Then she ordered to continue exploring.
Descending the narrow maze, after a while you were back in the tower. After going trough a long room, you got into a hall, lit by kobold's torches. There was a chair of the previous inhabitants and on top of it a chair from the human village. On that throne sat Oraphy Geme.
- Welcome! - He exclaimed, as you approached him - more like "Get out," but oh well, go on. I see you brought me a female ... but you brought along a WHOLE SHITLOAD OF DWARVES! You lousy bastard! I've had such a good time until you showed up, and it's now spoiled! But no ... no ... Now I have something to meet you with.
Kisat leaned over to you:
- So thats him?
- Yeah.
- I don't see the wand ...
>> No. 115568
Файл 137208340123.jpg - (165.70KB , 1080x576 , 137207436443.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Initiate SUPED-DUPER-WORD-BATTLE, in which our hive mind must win. We'll find contradictions in the words and actions of the ghost, put pressure on the weaknesses and complexes.
> Ask "Isn't chair too small"?
> I brought!? That's how you call it?
> Why do you want a female, after all? Sorry to see you
> What does he have to face us?

- Isn't chair too small? - You shouted to the ghost.
- Oh no ... - Kisat rolled her eyes - You're going to raise idle talk again? That уда was enough to me.
- Wait a minute, wait a minute. I came across with that and still alive as you can see, - here you have raised his voice, - Now he's wimp!
Councilor indifferently waved her hand and stepped aside. The ghost roused himself on the "throne":
- Wimp? Though you deprived me of the old power, but I still have enough power to destroy you all. I subdue several forgotten beasts from the lower levels of the caves. You're dwarves, you know what I mean. You brought the miners but not soldiers. You can not defeat them.
- You bluff. You have nobody besides a bevy of kobolds.
- Beween two of us, only YOU are a liar! - He jumped up. - All I wanted was a WOMAN! ALIVE WOMAN!
- Why do you want a woman, huh? You can have fun with kobolds.
- They are filthy animals! Suitable only for menial labor.
- And you have enough power for anybody else... I saw a huge dead old woman upstairs. You could not do anything with it. And you will not handle alive one. The powers are not such now.
- IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! - Ghost was about to burst into flame like in the past, but he really lost his powers and only covered hall with heartrending cry, tried to throw a chair at you, but it just swayed and remained in place.
- By the way, this dwarfess is not for you, - you have continued, - I spud her myself, kiss my soapy dick, dead pervert! But I know how you died, I read your snotty diary and saw your naked body rotted in that cave. You yourself hammered wooden dick in the ass while furiously jerking dick, drooling on the moon, crying about lost love. Blind beast crept up from behind and broke your skull but even did not eat you because you're ugly freak, an outcast of all nations and all gods, turned into bloodsucker, heartless lonely immoral monster!
Even the god of death doesn't want you. I feel sorry for you. You make me feel disguice, but I would not wish your fate even to an enemy.
Ghost sat back in his chair and took a deep breath.
- Why did you come?
- Wand.
Kisat turned sharply:
- Adamantine! We are looking for adamantine.
Ghost smiled sadly:
- Your woman is smarter than you. But, oh well. Here is the deal, dwarf. Bury my body and redeem me from this purposeless existence. When it's done - wand is yours. I disband beasts, kobolds ... it will be waiting for you on this chair when I'm gone. The Word of infamous pervert.
>> No. 115573
>Engage him in SUPED-DUPER-CONVERSATION-BATTLE, in which our hive mind must win. We'll find discrepancies in words and actions of the ghost, put pressure on his weaknesses
>Ask "Is your chair big enough"?
>I brought!? That's one way of putting it!
>Why would you want a female, after all? You're pathetic.
>Let him give us his best shot.

- How's your chair? Is it big enough? - You shouted to the ghost.
- Oh no ... - Kisat rolled her eyes - You're starting this waffle again? Last time was enough for me.
- Hold on. I already met him and I'm still alive as you can see, - here you have raised your voice, - And now he's a wretch!
Councilor indifferently waved her hand and stepped aside. The ghost startled on his "throne":
- Wretch? Though you deprived me of the old power, I can still destroy you all. I subdued several forgotten beasts from the lower levels of the caves to my will. You're dwarves, you know what I mean. You brought miners, not soldiers. You stand no chance.
- You're lying. You've got nothing but a bunch of kobolds.
- Only YOU are lying here! - He jumped from his throne. - All I wanted was a WOMAN! ALIVE WOMAN!
- Why do you want a woman, huh? You can have fun with kobolds.
- They are filthy animals! Suitable only for menial labor.
- And this is the best you can do... I saw a huge dead woman upstairs. You couldn't do anything to her, much less to someone alive. Your "power" is not what it used to be.
- IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! - Ghost was about to burst into flames like in the past, but he really lost his powers and only covered hall with woeful cry, tried to throw a chair at you, but it just swayed and remained in place.
- By the way, this dwarf here is not for you, - you continued, - I'm taking care of her her myself, so you can kiss my soapy dick, dead pervert! But I know how you died, I read your snotty diary and saw your naked body rotten in that cave. You yourself hammered wooden dick in your ass while furiously jerking your dick, drooling on the moon, crying about lost love. Blind beast crept up from behind and broke your skull but didn't even bother eating you because you're ugly freak, an outcast of all nations and all gods, turned into blood-sucking heartless lonely immoral monster!
Even the god of death doesn't want you. I feel sorry for you. You disgust me, but I would not wish your fate even to an enemy.
Ghost sat back in his chair and took a deep breath.
- What do you want?
- Wand.
Kisat turned sharply:
- Adamantine! We are looking for adamantine.
Ghost smiled sadly:
- Your woman is smarter than you. But, oh well. Here is the deal, dwarf. Bury my body and redeem me from this worthless existence. When it's done - wand is yours. I'll disband my beasts, kobolds ... wand will be waiting for you on this chair when I'm gone. I give you my word. Word of a disgraceful pervert.
>> No. 115580
Файл 137210592736.jpg - (77.85KB , 605x807 , 1371840651432.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Почему-то очень смешно. Как это читать? "ЙДА"? Заебись слово чес слово.
>> No. 115585
Эх, мне сперва показалось уDa
>> No. 115590
Не в той раскладке хуйнул, очевидно же. Для того и тред, чтоб такое вычитать и вычистить.
>> No. 115623
Да все я понял. Просто внезапно смешно было. Вычитал и вычислил. Ем свои толстошлемники не зря. Я сам не понял что имею ввиду ну и остановимся на этом
>> No. 115765
Файл 13727101918.jpg - (144.94KB , 1080x576 , 137232129856.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Ask ghost if slab can satisfy him
>I propose the following text: "In these lands for a long time lived Oraphy Heme, an elf. Four times beloved. Many times desired. He was a friend of women and an enemy of their husbands. He was killed by Forgotten Beast."
>Go up the stairs and ask some engraver to make a slab for him.

- What about another option? - You said. - Way to go is dangerous, and in order to save time I'll make a slab in your honor with words "In these lands for a long time lived Oraphy Heme, an elf. Four times beloved. Many times desired. He was a friend of women and an enemy of their husbands. He was killed by Forgotten Beast."
The ghost smiled
- These are good words.
- I'll set up it on the surface so travelers could honor your memory - Oraphy nodded, - Then we leave. It will take a short time.
- In this case ... since it is my last hour ... Will your charming companion agree to please weaken ghost with view of her luscious charms?
You become thoughtful. On the one hand Kisat was potentially dangerous and it would be nice to get rid of her, on the other hand she was more than kind to you all the time.
- And at the same time ... - Continued the ghost - This will guarantee that the wand won't be stolen by some sneaky Kobold.
Kisat pondered too.
- Please... grant me this last delight.
- Well, - counselor decided - I'll stay. This will be even interesting.

You stomped upstairs and ordered to one of the miners to make a memorable slab. He found a boulder and chipped to the desired shape. Then hae another dwarf helped you with the inscription, spiting away making word "elf". But you got plate in your hands. You lift up to the edge of pit and dug plate in the ground near the road.
- Rest in peace, lustful elf.
You stood a little longer and then heard a sound like the wind brought a sigh of relief.
>> No. 115896
>check on kisat
>Let's do that first.
>I'd go downward anyway

You decided to check out how it Kisat, ghost and his wand. Maybe Kobolds raped her corpse there, and maybe Oraphy enslaved counselor. A lot of options were born in your head while you were going down. In a hall with the dead Vellokum was already waiting sitting on boxes. The dwarves were working normally.
- Hey ... - She said you and approached.

- Well, how was it? - you and asked, cautiously approaching.
- Wand with me. The ghost kept it in the cache. Called kobolds, told them to leave through the tunnels, avoiding us. Break the spell from the Forgotten Beast. He admitted that the monster was only one and it's wandering through the halls a little lower. Then I took different poses nakes for two hours. It was pretty funny.
- Now what? I mean myself.
- The deal is a deal. You are free. I have not checked wand, but even if it does not work, it is no longer your fault. Therefore up to you to stay or leave.

> Leave to look for Shorast & Co.
> Grab some supplies, the minimum, so not heavy to bear, any goods from the camp and GTFO from here

- I still want to go look for my companions.
Kisat nodded:
- Get supplies in the camp for the journey. Would give the coins, but they are not here. I can give one spearman in companions. Want?
>> No. 115897
> Take the speardwarf, supplies, sock, if possible-there chainmail or helmet. kiss Kisat goodbye and say something in the spirit of "I know I'm quiet crazy, and you do not believe at the demons under the adamantine, but still be on the alert, just in case."
> About demons - warn, supplies - take, spear dude - too.
> Pull out the map. Freeroaming, fuck yeah!

You agreed to take spearman, and then pulled a romantic face and reached out to kiss counselor in farewell.
- Stop, stop - she stopped you - let's not snot, okay? I need to show the image of rigorous bitch, or these bonebags will no longer obey. Go upstairs, I will put somebody to guard you.
You began to rise and, catching moment there was no one near, pinned together to the wall and sensually kissed.

- This is Borik - Kisat presented spearman to you - Borik, it's Likot - your ward now. Is charged with the important mission and you are now his bodyguard.
- Roger - Borik growled.
Kisat waved in farewell:
- Come on already, move your feet, - and went to his tent.
You went up to the road, Borik came after:
- Well ... Likot, right? Where do we go, Likot?
>> No. 115942
> Offer him a plow your mine with his primary spear!
- Tell me, Borik - you ask, - how good you are with spear?
He snorted.
- Twenty years in the guard of one mountain home, then a few years with the guys in the band. Fair enough, believe me, - said Borik.
- No, I'm talking about your Primary spear - you told ambiguous, and then sat down on a stump and removed your armor - Shall we do it?
- I thought you'd never ask - smiled Borik.
>> No. 115955
вот это постить не надо

пиздец, ты бы хотя бы за нумерацией пикч следил
>> No. 116043
>> No. 116045
Лол, а я и не переводил, и не постил. Хотя какой-то весельчак запостил за меня под фейковым аккаунтом, но то уже потерли.
>> No. 116355
Файл 137460574880.jpg - (192.40KB , 1080x576 , 137451826636.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Explain Borik that he calls us "Mr. Likot", follows all instructions quick, and not join in the conversation before we did, don't shoot the breeze about who we're. Okay?
> - Suck dicks? - Absolutely not! - You're lying!
> We should inquire after our spearwielding companion. His beliefs, ideology, how long he plans to stay with us.
> We should also inquire after his favorite drink and color. If he ever gets mad at us, we'll give him the drink in a colored wrapper. Hated creature would also be nice to know about.
> Lets go find our friends. Chat with Borik while walking.

- So, you will call me mr Likot, make all I tell you quick and don't open your mouth before me. Don't tell who we're or where we're from. Got it?
- Why should I shoot the breeze? I do not know who you are and from where.
- I am Likot.
- Mr. Likot.
- Exactly.
- So what?
- That's all. do not tell Anyone about it.
- Not going to.
- Well done, soldier.
- I'm not a soldier.
- No?
- I am a bodyguard.
- So you protect my body?
- That was an order.
You've thought a little.
- Sucking dicks?
Borik looked at you:
- I did not think that you are "this".
- I am not, but I do not know what about you.
- And I'm not one of them, that's for sure.
- Well, good. Let's go.

You went to the place of the proposed location of Shorast and company. The path was not a short, and you have decided to find out more about the new companion. It turned out that he, like most people of Arol-Iton does not believe in any gods. Before becoming a member of the aforesaid gang community, he was spending his youth spent in wanderings. Father and mother were lost in the childhood, and now has a more or less permanent life partner, who waits for him from time to time in one of the rooms of Arol-Iton. Borik is not very emotional, so rarely worrying for some reasons. In general, he has quite positive outlook on life. Physical health lets him down rarely. He likes marble, oak, crafts made of bones, smoking pipes, potatoes, goose, wine, spears, rings and boobs. He absoulutely detests cave spiders. He has a weak will power, but a good ear for music. He's easily captured with the beauty of the world, he prefers solitude, he does not like conflicts and takes time to make decisions.

You spent the night in the field, well away from the city walls. Borik was sitting by the fire, smoking a pipe, talking about his life until you fall asleep.
>> No. 116356
Файл 137460590156.jpg - (229.51KB , 1080x576 , 137451831326.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The second half of the night, you were on duty. And in the morning hit the road again. The day was long and hot. Only at the sunset you get to the point where there was an old mine. According to the map, it was a new Mountain Home of Shorast, but neither he nor anyone at all was seen on the surface. It was quiet. The place seemed abandoned.
>> No. 116360
Файл 13746075659.jpg - (195.31KB , 1080x576 , 137459772134.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>First look for signs of life activity around. Broken bolts, pools of blood of slaughtered animals, stumps of trees, tattered socks, footprints, that kind of things
> It's better to actually look around, look for signs of trade Depot, because we had to meet the elves.
> Listen and try to hear anything (pick, voices, strange noises, etc.)

- It is strange - you said quietly, - There should be at least elven caravan. Not to mention the Mountain Home.
Borik wiped the sweat from his forehead:
- Well, Mountain Home can be in mountain. However, this piece of junk here doesn't look like one. Roughly this design I've seen a long time ago, when one of the expeditions punched through aquifer ... about these places by the way. Wait, so this is the very place!
- And what was Arol-Iton looking for here?
- It's not Arol-Iton. Here dwarves from one of the northern Mountain Рomes delved. Then I was a youngster, I do not remember the details. I do not know what they were looking for. I was a hauler, no one reported to me.
You stood a little longer. All around was just as quietly. Together with Borik you started studying the area. On the ground here and there were visible signs of the wheels of carts. You were not able to distinguish more, as you were bad as tracker. Borik also did not find anything interesting for the same reasons. The only clue was fresh bunch of crap, presented in quite a lot next to the ruins.
>> No. 116367

??змени в предложениях "Suck dicks?" и так далее на:
- Do you suck dicks?
- Sir no sir!
- Bullshit!

чтобы отсылка была понятна.
>> No. 116370
>> No. 117110
>> No. 117663
Файл 137611869616.jpg - (171.88KB , 1080x576 , 137604905380.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>But seriously, let's go down, being ready.
>Move in
>Ask Borik to tell about that expedition everything he can recall (especially why it was abandoned)

You have decided to go into the mine. There was nobody inside, but you still were going with weapon in arms.
>> No. 117664

Strayed a little longer, you get to the "grand entrance." Probably. The floor here was paved with smooth slabs and two giant dwarf, carved from stone stratum, looked from above glumly. The work was not finished. Seeing any signs in the dark was not possible.
>> No. 118168
Файл 137707643543.jpg - (160.24KB , 1080x576 , 137697867851.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Pull the lever
>Fuck caution. We have listenedб sniffed, sneak and so on enough. Now this is clearly not the time
>Borik goes to the left lever, we go to the right and pull both.
>Someone has to stay outside and pull levers in turn because if suddenly random fuck comes with mountains and pulls the lever when we'll both be inside, it will be Epic Fail.

You and Borik went to the levers and pulled them together. Two doors opened: left and right. Deciding not to put all your eggs in one basket, you left Borik watch, while you passed in the right door. There was a drawbridge, as well as at the left door.However, behind the central door, apparently, was a spiral staircase down, because on this side of was seen the wall only. Suddenly, on the edge of the bridge appeared shaggy face of some creature. It is surly growled, clattering claws on the stone.
>> No. 118274
> Touch our ears. Do they stick out?

You`ve palpated your ears. They did not stick out.

> Ask it to be let in, offer it food
> Taunt it, then wack it if it jumps.

- Hey! Hello! - You shouted.
Creature snapped his teeth and bowed head like a dog.
- We want to pass! Will you let us in? Look, we have food!
Borik looked inside:
- Who you talking with? Oh shi...
Monster growled, squirmed at the edge.
- He'll jump!
- Nah... He`s not good enough. Although, maybe he's got frogs' legs?
- Well, somehow he jumped on the bridge...
- Hey, dog! Show us your paws! We still doubt who you are ... Toadydog? Or just a dog?
Shaggy still grinned.

> Let`s shout back: Meng! Bro! It's me, your best friend Likot! Remember when I punched you in the balls during Tantrum?

- Meng! Bro! It's me, your best friend Likot! Remember when I punched you in the balls during Tantrum? - You turned to Borik, - Look, I don`t think he understand anything.

> Let Borik pulls the lever three times for bridge to open and the beast fly away.

- Try to pull the lever three times, maybe it`s connected with the bridge?
Borik run away, and after a while the door slammed shut, and the bridge groaned, leaning. Creature clung to the edge. Almost immediately bridge slammed and the shaggy got his fingers chop off! He screamed, slamming face on the floor, but then the bridge opened, and threw him back. After a few seconds bridge down again, but monster was no longer visible.
>> No. 118277
> I propose to find him and knock his teeth out.
> Drop a bridge and along with Borik run to finish the bastard until he stunned by flight.

- Borik, follow me! - You cried and ran to kill the monster.
However, on the other side of the bridge You suddenly slipped on fresh faeces and fell right into it with all the face.
- Wow ... - Borik ran after - You`re lucky one, huh? Whew ... and I must say that before you did not smell of violets, but now ... Whew ... I'll cover your back ... ten feet away.
>> No. 118310
Премного благодарен, Урист.
>> No. 118312
> Wow
Wow, wow, boy! Take it easy!
>> No. 118465
Алекс, проверь свои посты от второй-третье страницы на б12 - там куча картинок пропала.
>> No. 118472
Проверил, ровно 9го треда не хватает. Пикчи оттуда я вставлял прямо с дфачаа, видать совсем смыло. Починю как сумею, спасибо за наводку.
>> No. 118473
Вот тут всё сюжетное из 9-го треда есть: http://www.dfst.ru/ru/stories/429
>> No. 118584
Первый кусок длинной текстовки.

>Привет! Меня зовут Ликот Убендеб. Я дварф мыловар из горного дома Ассаротунг.
Сейчас он захвачен гоблинами, шахтёрской республикой и дымным монстром, но...
Ладно. Дело было так.

Hi! My name is Likot Ubendeb. I'm dwarf soaper from the Assarotung mountainhome.

Nowadays its captured by goblins, Miner Republic and the smoky beast, but... Well.

Here's how it began.

>Я проснулся в своей комнате, а не в каких-то ебенях. Путешествия в пустынях
и гоблинских лесах оказались всего лишь снами, порожденными моим аутистичным
дварфийским воображением.

I woke up in my bedroom, but not some Armok forsaken whereabouts. Trips through deserts

and goblins' forests apppeared to be only dreams, provoked by my authistic dwarven


>Я нашёл грибницу твердошлемника и сунул под шапку. Пошарахался немного. Забухал.
Нашёл на спине записку, что я анальный эльф. Встретил других дварфов в пустой крепости
и оказалось что накануне мы все так перепили, что пропустили начало осады. Ток, Менг,
Бомел, Шораст, Анил и умалишённый Нил. Все они кстати тоже были подписаны как «Анальные


I've found a plump helmet spawn and shoved under my cap. Then roamed around just a

little. Boozed up. Found a note on my back, which reads I am anal elf. Ran into other

dwarves in the empty fortress, and it turned out, that we got all that drunk the day

before, that missed the beginning of siege. Tok, Meng, Bomel, Shorast, Anil and stark raving mad Nil. By the way all they have been marked with notes as anal elves
>> No. 120253
Бородачи, если есть энтузиасты-запилите пожалуйста перевод последнего поста, я запостчу. У меня сейчас от этого занятия руки опускаются. А если переведете и предыдущие, дублирующие видео посты-их тоже запостчу на Бухту.
>> No. 121965
Файл 138625432656.jpg - (219.41KB , 1280x720 , 137881300785.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ладно, буду догонять помаленьку. Помощь очень приветствуется.
Inside, it was too dangerous and you decided to retreat, taking captive. Along the way Sinsot shared what he knew about the layout of the fortress. There was a large central grotto, there's always shining... some crystal. Corridors from the grotto lead to the bedrooms, where they all were turned on the first night. Much remained a mystery, so should better not hurry. But at the exit another werewolf was waiting for you. Shadow betrayed it.
- Look, - you whispered to Borik and prepared to fight.
But then a shadow slowly diminished and went out to meet you...
- Hahaaa, - you screamed happily, - ythat's our goose!
It grunted happily when you pick it up. Funny, it was not even close to full moon. You have settled down for the night. Tiyng goose did not make sense, since it was not trying to escape anyway. And if it would turn, then ropes wouldn't stop it anyawy.
You left guarding while the others were sleeping.
>> No. 121966
Файл 138625493951.jpg - (356.31KB , 640x1808 , 137966480327.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>wait until morning to interrogate goose blah blah.

The morning came. Dawn woke Borik and he went to wash. You interrogated goose for second hour:
- But I think you're not telling me. We sitting here one and a half hour, and you all you do - twist tail. Again. Did you see what happened that night?
But the goose just was tossing and blinking.
- Keep upseting me, and I'll beat you again! What kind of crystal is in the central grotto?
Borik splashed water on Sinsot face to wake up. He cringed in fright. Apparently he still thought that spoonfighter and Spearman are robbers.
Two elves suddenly appeared from the reeds.
- Likot! - there was a shout, - Hey, it's me! - Ivety waved her hand.
They approached and immediately ran into questions.
- We did not go inside - elfess answered - Scouts went down, shouted, knocked. But there was no reply. Wagons stood here for a week and departed recently. And I felt like that you will appear. Others went to the next town, but I decided to wait a little longer. And lo!
- So you don't know?
- No. About what?
You and Borik exchanged glances.
>> No. 121967
Файл 138625639992.jpg - (286.29KB , 640x1808 , 13805369764.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

- Werebeasts? - Elves looked at each other - I'm glad we didn't go not there in this case.
Warrior noticed confusion in your eyes and decided to introduce myself:
- I Obi Uliridi, friend of Ivety - elf spoke with a noticeable accent. Apparently he rarely ever speak to the common.
- Just friend, - she hastened to emphasize.
You do not remember me, of course, but you saved my life in that battle with capes. Your wagon rushed past just at the moment when I was on the verge of death. And for that I owe you, - he bowed.
- Speaking of capes - you picked - Four were looking for your caravan not far from Lodthakomage. I managed to kill two.
- Well, with the other two, our caravan will cope if their paths will meet. But why would you risk your reputation?
- Likot is a hero, - Ivety entered, - I told Obi about you, about what feelings I experience ... Few people understand me, this is usually not a problem in our society, I mean elves, dwarves - what's the difference, right? But all disapprove my choice because of the fact ...
- Your father Muya, - you abruptly interrupted.
- What?
- Is he an alchemist? Will he cure the werebeast from adversity?
- I do not know. It's not a disease, it is a curse imposed by the deity. And against such things alchemy is powerless.
- Shorast controlled transformations of werebeast with his medications.
Obi interested in:
- That would be great to get his recipe.
- But for that ... will have come down. We must either act very secretive, or gather a group of elves and take the fortress by storm.
- Caravan went away. But even if we catch up with them, no one will take the risk for the sake of a dwarf. I owe you my life, but I do not want to die for rather dubious goal. So I am up to the most secretive option. only warriors Will go. Infected stay here.
- Sinsot we can take as a human shield.
- I do not think that such a shield will stop werebeast. And obviously Shorast doesn't care who will replace Sinsot. He will capture us four and make the same werebeasts.
- Yeah ... Okay, let's go four.
Leaving goose watch Sinsot, you led the rest of in the bowels of the fortress. All were walkingg silently, not breaking the silence of the halls. Closer to the central grotto picks knockings became audible. The sound was coming from below, from a shaft of long spiral staircase. You went down and found working there werewolves, goaded by none other than Shorast! He stood on some like podium in witchcraft mantle.
- Come on! - He commanded his subordinates - A little more!
It was clear that he is preparing for something that is about to happen.
- Prepare the nets!
>> No. 122005
Файл 138640473368.jpg - (172.21KB , 642x906 , 138203890921.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
With gestures you explained what satellites should do. Borik ran to find chambers of Shorast to find the recipes out there. Obi had to steal nets mentioned by Shorast, thereby disrupting his plans, and Ivety ... has simply not to interfere. You took off backpack and started to sneak Shorastu. The plan was to divert, steal nets, knock out and run away ... something like that. However since all understood everything and began to act, then you did everything right.
Shorast have not noticed how you sneaked and turned around only at the very end, but you immediately pretended to be autistic:
- Hey Shorast! Neal and I found Tok!
Shorast confused, as you hoped it. Uliridi at this time was already near the nets, but werebeast smelled him and plan failed. Elf was attacked and Shorast saw through your game. Nothing left but to knock him with Angryspoon and change in his clothes. So you did, dropping down Kurelgeshak. Werethings already broke elf's bones, and you, imitating the voice of Shorast, barked loudly: "Get him!"
One of the werebeasts jumped to Shorast and bit off his head ... precisely was going bite off, but at the last moment sniffed and realized that it is a fraud. As a result, Shorast unleashed all werebeasts on you.
Everything was bad.
Head filled with fog.
You have a poor aware of what is happening.
World consisted of nothing but malice and subordination.
Crystal in the cellsdfgdfg hfghh spogggn.
Adsfdg jhhfgh dfgdfgfdg kleevsc.
:? "6olvy (№ *? _! Tsfuk


You suddenly came to your senses.
- Welcome back. - A familiar voice rang out suddenly, - How do you feel?
You turned. That was Ivety. Fog was slowly leaving his head.
- I. .. what year?
You lay in the tent. On the grass. And judging by the sound -it's raining. So you were on the surface.
- Same. Since the bite a couple of months passed. How many fingers do you see? - She held out her hand.
- Four.
- Nothing, it's because of the potions. Soon shall pass.
- Ivety ... am I naked?
Suddenly another voice sounded:
- And for quite some time, Mr. dwarf - You turned the other way - I am Muya Forivara, if you remember. Apparently my alchemy helps you.
This was indeed the father of Ivety. You have decided to continue the dialogue in the rational line:
- Now what? I'm one of them? Forever?
- It's not clear. I know only one thing - using the potions status can be supressed. I made ​​the reserve due to recipe from your friend. Will go check on him.
Satisfied in good health of ward, Muya stood and left the tent, leaving you with Ivety.
>> No. 122024
Файл 138649321367.jpg - (198.24KB , 1280x720 , 138255705936.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Muya tactfully left the tent, leaving you alone with Ivety.
- Am I in your grove? - You ask.
- No. We camped near the entrance to the fortress of Shorast. In fact - in the same place where we met.
- But how? ...
- Did I drag elves here? - Ivety giggled - Well, yes, it was tough, it would seem. But then I was lucky with my father. He always preached the idea that we have to live exciting, interesting. Seize any situation that fate presents us, be light on our feet and not rot, warming home place. So when I told him about what had happened, he immediately ordered to equip the group. He even decided to join, as you can see.
- Is Borik alive?
- Well, yes. He gave Shorast recipes to father.
- And your ... how is ... Obi?
Ivety sighed:
- Alive. Too. All alive, in general. Much time was spent on catching, but now we have all. You were the most nimble, so we waited to conclusions. Waited until you yourself make a decision what to do. Still, it's your fellow.
- Are you talking about who exactly?
- About all. Meng, Anil Bidok, Kanzud, goblin Ostoks ... Well, Shorast.
- You took Shorast?
- This was the easiest.
- And who are those? Bidok and ...
- Kanzud. Three of them counting Sinsot joined the campaign in Lodthakomag. Alas, we have not seen Sinsot, as well as goose since then.
- Wait a minute. There also was Bomel with us.
- None like that. And nobody else inside. Should Shorast ask about this.
- I'll go find out.
You jerked to stand up, but Ivety gently tucked you back:
- Wait, Likot, do not hurry. Wwe are rich with time. And the rain falls outside - she started lower her robe a little, - We won't be disturbed ...
>> No. 122026
Файл 138649376282.jpg - (235.62KB , 1280x720 , 138261313328.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You decided not to play hard to get and give Ivety what she wants. After all, she rescued you many times and it would be good to reward. You have failed to turn into beast to implement planned - potions interfered, but all other functions seemed to work fine.
You started with what grabbing elf in your arms and began to caress her in your way. She was glad that you did not reject her, did not flee and did not hit ... and happily gave her to your will. However, soon she herself took the initiative which was good for you since you were pretty lame.

Everything went fine. You fucked until nightfall until Ivety has no strength left. Exhausted and satisfied, she layed down on the grass and passed out. And you were surprisingly vigorous.
Camp was sleeping, except for a few guards. Crickets were chirping around. Toads listlessly croaked in the swamp.

Наверно просто дам ссылку на пост на Бухте, а то зобанят еще
>> No. 122028
Файл 138649616162.jpg - (209.46KB , 1280x720 , 138270154390.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

There was no point in denying that it was fucking with elfess badly affected your state of health. Ie not the fact of sex but that it was with elf. You would be less disgusted to eat crap from pick of Miner Republic mason and only one thought comforted you - it was a strategic necessity. Hardly you correctly understood the meaning of the word ... shorter, YOU HAD TO.
You generously puked on bush near tents with some gall and went to look for Borik ... or Shorast. Anyone who can give answers. In the first tent, where you looked at Shorast was tied to crosspiece.
- Well, the enslavement of the world came fiasco? - You came up.
- Enslavement? I am a scientist, not a villain.
- Yes, yes ... All these shifters, nets... and ... wait, there was something else ... what else? Oh yeah - SHAFT directly into SHINING HALLS! You wanted to release demons into the world and subdue them with your witchcraft!
- Have you ever seen a demon? It is 150 times bigger than you. Subdue such a creature is impossible in any way. I'm not an idiot! All I'm interested in the Halls, are insects and bats ... if you can call them that. I extracted from them essences for my potions. These ingredients can't be obtained any other way.
- Do potions worth such a risk? What if demons break out?
- No risk. Raw adamantine for a demon is like a silver for a werewolf, if not worse. And our corridors are too narrow for such a whopper. I mean real demon, not some giant larva with tentacles dotted with spines. Only the least hazardous ultradeep representatives can penetrate through our small hole.
- And what are these potions those that need so rare ingredients?
- What do you think ... potion of healing from all known diseases? Or potion of longevity, for example?
- Immortality?
- If you have regular access to such ingredients, it is.
- For how long do you walk under the ground?
- Only two times more than should.
- Kurel told me ...
- Kurel? How much as he is obsessed with his envy ... even after death ... We were political rivals with him both wooed King Ubur. Kurel Amuragak always played dirty and when he managed to insinuate himself into my confidence ... he learned that I had an affair with the queen ... lovely Lisat Saramdal. He persuaded me to poison the king. So I did, and he announced the creation of the Miner Republic, and began to blackmail me and the queen the fact that he will reveal our secret and, using anarchy, strengthened his political position. Not to say that it is our affair with Lisat ruined Assarotung, our love was only an instrument in his hands. In a rage, I threw at him one of my potions ... after which he was seen dead in an underground river, covered with sores ... I killed him. But the spirit remained ghostwalker. Lisat just was gathering expedition to develop adamantine vein, when there was a coup. We urgently had to flee from the Mountain Home, joining a handful of idlers.In order to escape Of Queen went unnoticed, we pulled her breasts with adamantine corset, shaved her eyebrows ... and hair, disguised as a man.
- Bommel?
- Yes ...
- Where is he... she right now ...?
- In safety. She's fine. And I want to be so in the future.
>> No. 122029
Турбоперевод. Автор молодец.
Но зачем?
>> No. 122031
Как и до этого-постчу на Bay12. Хотя и нихуя не делал пару месяцев. Все на чистом энтузиазме.
>> No. 122033
Но зачем?
>> No. 122037
Чтоб буржуи могли причаститься. Самый большой вин русского сообщества DF, ящитаю. Негоже не выводить его на более высокий уровень.
>> No. 122038
Файл 138651750827.jpg - (187.55KB , 1280x720 , 138295371934.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
- Okay, your potions work. But I have a question here - what if you add them in the soap? Effect will remain?
- If you eat soap, it is possible.
- Why eat?
- Because the potion works from the inside, entering the stomach and spread throughout the body. Soap is only washes skin, substances do not penetrate inside. And getting them into as part of the soap - I'm not even sure what the effect will be the same. Composition of potion is already different in this case.
Borik came In the tent:
- Hey, what are you mumbling here? Hi, Likot. Nice to see you on feet.
- Speaking of this. Why was it necessary to do all werebeasts?
- Well, maybe I made ​​a blunder here. After all that it was too tough to develop new fortress. Because we are "nobles"... not accustomed to work. So we with Lisat decided to make this sacrifice and make our six satellites ... faithful servants who do not know fatigue.
Borik snorted:
- That's why the nobles are hated! Bastards!
- Simpleton from the lower strata do not understand the highborn or those in power. Sorry for the harsh words, but you are in the long run dirt, consumables. Due to you we exist. You bend back, shed sweat, digging in the mines, and we seat on your humps, ordering what you do. That's the way this world works. Always has been and always will be.
You slammed Shorast at liver. Borik was calm:
- If I were in your place, I tried not to irritate those from whom I can get in the mug.
- I did everything right. The Queen has approved the plan. And her lieges served to their queen as they must. Renegades, idlers, bunglers and loafers. Handful of shiftless dwarves who were kicked out of Assarotung because they are social ballast. If I didn't pay attention - all would starve by now! That's up to you - if I did right saving everyone's life, even in immoral way?
>> No. 122043
Файл 138652906636.jpg - (266.81KB , 1280x720 , 138511145267.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Meanwhile in the Mountain Home Akrulaban:

In the courtyard of the fortress life. seethed. Elven caravan left ten days ago, but the trade depot still was littered with boxes of cloth and trees. Eared were jarred to saw them into logs or clear of leaves, so they brought "uneviscerated corpses" and gave them with such mugs ... However, in their words, it was better than the barbaric cutting dwarven horseleeches.
Mayor was standing in the middle of the yard and urged haulers:
- Rakust! Carp on your ass! This stock is not for rags! Do not know how to read? There's even picture, you idiot!
- Dodok! Put a baby, then take a log! Arrrscrew you, do what you want ... silly woman ...
Marksman from the tower caught sight of dwarf trudging through the field.
- Migrants have arrived!
Mayor scratched his head and went to the drawbridge. Migrant was approaching same bridge. He was alone. Strange, usually come in group. And what a strange outfit? Striped one...
The dwarf was ready to step onto the bridge as it suddenly rose right in front of him. The mayor raised his brows. Bridge lowered again. Dwarf leaned forward, the bridge rose again. The mayor turned menacingly glanced at the guard in the lever. Thу guard straightened himself and turned to the lever. Little boy with a smile from ear to ear was pulling the lever back and forth. The soldier slapped him.
Finally bridge dropped and dwarf entered. His beard was short, dark hairs. And he was naked, tied with a rope. Behind was a goose.
Mayor motioned him over. Guards crowded around.
I Sinsot Fernokzam of Lodthakomage - timidly spoke guest - came in search of a better life.
- And I Iteberal Iden. The local mayor.
- Mayor vampire ... - Put one of the soldiers.
- Mayor vampire - Iden rolled his eyes.
- Well ... me too, the trouble happened ... - Sinsot glanced custody gathered around and swallowed nervously - I've been robbed.
- Well, we have spare clothes - Iteberal by pulling knife, freed freshman from the shackles of rope - we assign goose to other birds, okay?
- Yes ... - Sinsot nodded.
Mayor took his arm and led him through the moving aside soldiers to the entrance to the fortress - Welcome to Akrulaban. What can you do?
Sinsot suddenly felt strange ...
- I. .. I have ... do something right now ... Wait a minute ... - He darted from side to side.
- You have to get dressed, I know. There I lead.
- No ... not that ... - In the eyes Sinsota the flame of obsession began to flare - Where are your workshops? I urgently ... need... where ...
Mayor sighed:
- What workshop do you need?
- I do not know ... Crafts... ... no ... Forge! - hands quivered impatiently.
- Let's gooo, I will guide you to the smithy.
- Yes ...
Iden took you inside.
- What materials do you need?
>> No. 122044
Файл 138652965515.jpg - (203.07KB , 1280x720 , 138539327276.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Few days later.

Sinsot Fernokzam, metal crafter, created Latongazot "The Mythical Laziness" diorite throne. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encircled with bands of bronze. It looses encrusted with round-cut clear glass, decorated with llama leather. This object is decorated with hanging rings of alpaca bone and menaces with spikes of copper. On the item image of Likot Ubendeb, the dwarf-werebeast in bronze. Likot Ubendeb sits on Dongitestil, artifact bucket depicting Dongitestil, artifact bucket created by Bomul Sholil.
On the item image of Likot Ubendeb, the dwarf and Obi Uliridi, the elf. The warf commits depraved act with the elf.

You breathed triumphantly and even let a tear of joy, admiring his masterpiece. Feelings began to slowly come back and you feel hunger, thirst, shame for nakedness and great fatigue. It's good that no one died, or then you would break. It was time to start to settle down.
>> No. 122045
Файл 138653055210.jpg - (244.46KB , 1280x720 , 138545319582.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
After you cleaned up, showered, dressed in great clothes and fullfilled nutritional needs in the legendary dining with masterpiece stew, local manager Inod Tamolber showed your new room. It was quite spacious and seemed almost personal palace. It was located in a new residential area and some other rooms were still treating and furnishing with furniture, but your already had everything you need - a bed, chest and dresser, all of the finest quality. The walls and floor were covered with engravings from simply beautiful to masterpiece. All this was closed with good, strudy basalt door.
Find fault was not what. Even just a stroll through the local corridors cheered up. Statues and masterpieces on the walls all around. Road to the personal workshop to which you were ascribed, passed by nobles quarter. And what is interesting - their walls are covered with the same masterpieces as in your block! Well, maybe only do they have bigger rooms, but it did not matter much for you. A couple of days you freed from work, giving the opportunity to recover from everything that happened. "Mythic Laziness", by the way, took a fancy by the Mayor and he commanded to set artifact throne in his foster to offer to sit down to newly arrived diplomats. All dwarves you met who have heard about your srtifact greeted and praised.
Sense of self worth so you seized that gait became more graceful, and on your face appeared kinda touch of nobility. You gladly accept praises, showing restrained politeness in return. Finally you were visited with the idea that since you started a new life, then you may want to change the image, cause hairs get in your eyes all the time. Several options came to mind, but can be should simply smooth hair back, soaking with spit?
Manager found you at the end of the third day of idleness:
- Sinsot!
You graciously turned his eyes on him:
- Greetings, Inod Tomolber.
- Hey, yeah ... in short, a royal mandate ... here, keep paper. "Thus decree giving instructions ..." read more ...
You unfurled parchment:
- ... "To make 3 goblets of gold."
- Exactly. "Order given to Sinsot Fernokzam" - recorded. Here is another ... It is necessary to make a couple of chains, but it is not urgent. Just chains for wells in feedthrough places ... so I thought - let it be nice, huh? All right, come on, I should run ...
>> No. 122046
Файл 138653076593.jpg - (312.81KB , 1280x720 , 138571276383.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The idea of ​​change in the image has not found particular response in your head and you decided not to change anything. But there was another idea - to make provocative goblets! Well, maybe not all but one for sure.
You went to work, simultaneously remembering recent events. More than two months you wandered aimlessly and only miraculously did not end up in some gang ambush or paws of nocturnal predators. Yes, in the past you had a decent stealth skill Lately you were a robber in Lodthakomage. Hence dexterity. So you were good in a fight, and owned some weapons. Not professionally, but good enough for a not really lucky adventurer.
>> No. 122047
Файл 138653129019.jpg - (236.11KB , 1280x720 , 138571280474.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It was also noteworthy that in the past two full moons neither you nor goose never turned , and hope in this way to get rid of entanglement was not justified. Apparently it was some kind of an unusual infection, involved on syndromes and potions of damn sorcerer.
Making 3 not really notable goblets (except that at the bottom of each anti-government slogans were engraved), you decided to learn about the phases of the moon and went into the courtyard. Before the full moon left less than a week. But you have virtually no doubt in the fact that nothing will happen.
Manager came again:
- Look, I'm ... this ... thought prettier, goblets come out I mean they are beautiful of course ... I mean ... like this ... "Ususual" or something. You just created such especial throne, so I thought that the same would be with goblets.
- In order was "3 goblets" and not "3 unusual goblets."
- Well, so it so, just ... Well now you're a legend, you know? From you all expect "unusual" defaultly. You have own workshop after all.
- Okay, I will take note.
- Well, - Tamolber found the right paper and said something there - Mandate ... Is completed.. Excellent. Now to other matters.
- More business?
- What do you think? You know how much I have orders here? works Botomless bag of . You're then in a special position, of course. No one is goung to exhaust you but you should rest either.
- I'm on break.
- Yes, I see. So tomorrow I'll give you a list of orders. Meanwhile rest.
Rustling papers, the manager went to the next ward.
>> No. 122048
Файл 138653240555.jpg - (284.73KB , 1280x720 , 138622176594.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The next few days you were hiding from Tamolber, wandering a meeting in hall and other dining rooms. Special effect from provocative goblets has not happened. It is understandable - more than 250 snouts in the fort, and only 3 goblets. At a pace revolutionary winds begin to blow yet soon.
You have got a bunch of nodding acquaintances while pestered different dwarves with questions about the mayor and King. Overall feelings about the vampire were positive, since as a manager he was nice, and the fortress long ago moved to the "no migrants." Population and so was high (enough), and all newcomers were settled in a separate block, with a sly grin that was called "hunting grounds" of Iden Iteberal. Condition of his residence here was a complete bleeding of victims, no contagious bites and no witnesses. Mayor faithfully adhered to this agreement and had a fair share of honor among the people, given that he was once an ordinary dwarf-bookkeeper until vampire came with the another wave of migrants turned him into his own kind. Bloodsucker was drowned and Iteberal was given a second chance. Since then, 10 years have passed.
With regards to the king, there was all sad too... from the standpoint of the coup ... Udil Dodokod was adored by subjects, occupying the post of chief medical dwarf and the broker, and the free time spent in the fields. Monom Ledisan, his wife, was great engraver and often lost in the new excavations, polishing floors and walls in company of dozen other masters-engravers.
The fortress had exits to the caverns, as well as access to the magma. Adamantine, alas, has not yet been found, but the search took place. Digging up a lot of precious stones, which encrusted various goods for sale. Caravans were also major sources of cheese, meat, leather, fabric and wood. Drink mostly cooked from their own raw materials as well as steel.
Sometimes goblin thieves were caught in the fortress sometimes gangs came 10-30 heads, but all inevitably were crashing ... so far.
Meeting hall suddenly perked up and buzzed like a hive bees of disturbed. Briskly walked across the hall listening to King Dodokod walking after militia commander and manager.
- We need masons, and there is no free - Tamolber delved into papers - We have a big workload to mason shops, all cut blocks, carry stones ... I could release a few for a time ...
Militia commander was gloomy:
- A few here is not enough. We are still building a wall, enclosing an additional perimete, not ...
- That's what! - king stopped, - This is case of first importance and ALL free hands should be involved! This is not about skill. We need masons - then ALL in this room are masons! - He looked around about fifty present dwarves - Goblins are close! ... Huge beast seen in the mountains! ... Encourage you all to quit food and drink, to postpone resting. At this point we all are masons - and me, and the manager, and the commander, and every single one of you! We need this wall and the sooner the better! All heard me! Let's do it!
>> No. 122049
Сюда запостил. Может Жабе на почту скинуть ссылку с предложением заценить и отдалить релиз еще на недельку, пока он будет читать?
>> No. 122050
Лучше попросить, чтобы сделал исключение для сцены с эльфийкой.
>> No. 122071
Всяческого добра тебе, толмач-борода.
>> No. 122150
Да я думаю, надо ли оно?
Что меня самого забавляет, что новости из блога переводит другой бородач, не я. Кстати, Айс, ты еще с нами?
>> No. 122164
Ну, во-первых, часть сюжета.
Во-вторых, шоб не проебалось при смыве.
>> No. 122209
Ну, я жив, если ты про это.
>> No. 122301
Файл 138748999917.jpg - (153.69KB , 1280x720 , 138721639744.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Да, это и хотел. ?? это радует.


The idea was to frame mayor was tempting, but before undertaking the implementation in you should "show up" on public works to gather more witnesses for an alibi.
King Dodokod urged all about three o'clock in the morning. You moved with the others to stockpiles and regularly hauled stone blocks on the scene until the morning, continually winking at all walking past to make remember you.
Morning fog covered all round with white shroud. Mountains were not seen.
Soon, however, there was a heavy sap ... And after the outlines of a large creature appeared.
Udil Dodokod with gestures told everyone to stop works and to calm down, each passed to next. Everyone froze.
Silence took over the courtyard.
Creature listened for some time, then approached for another couple of huge steps and stood, straightened up to his full height. It was a huge three-eyed moose with a regal bearing. His matted of dirt brown hairs were hanging with icicles. He chewed ice with a crunching, apparently got in a mountain lake nearby, so it was worth the beware of his frozen spittles...
>> No. 122613

You decided at all costs to get under the tail mega moose. You were torn between the desire to take control over the monster, penetrating to his brain ... from afar ... and a desire to enter the annals of history as the first dwarf got into the butt of such beast.
Your stealth skills allowed you to sneak right up to the animal from behind. With surprise you noticed that elk had two tail and no gender signs. Obviously, it was the only one of its kind.


You were almost ready to jump on its leg when moose noticed you and kicked so hard that you flew back over the wall, smashing into the approaching platoons of steel plated speardwarfes. Noise came a lot and it caught the attention of the beast. The last thing you remember is how it spat an ice rock at crossbowman on the wall ...
>> No. 123050
А кто будет переводить говноОПа?
>> No. 123053

Брадочую, нужно переводить, ведь СоОп забросил адвенчур и утонул в пиве, и ГовноОп стал его продолжателем и хранителем традиций дфача.
>> No. 124771
It was the middle of autumn. Everything was bad. After the moose very inopportunely goblins came and did real massacre in the Mountain Home. Militia was torn to shreds, workers were killed with hooting and laughter. Remains of the survivors were hunted down through the tunnels and collected to cages to arrange a hunting later. Eventually all of them were hassled one way or another. They feasted and chased the dwarves, whipped and tortured to death bearded children and kittens. You were the last. You were tied to a pole and raised to roast in the sun to feed the vultures, of which there were many in the area, because goblins dit not removed corpses after the battle. That's your turn to face death. Over there in the distance elven rooks have appeared. If goblins spare the caravan, then eared will spread news about the destroyed Mountain Home and it will be erased from the maps. That's over now.
>> No. 124774
Months spent in the community of elves changed your outlook on life. Now you were enjoying the smooth passage of time, the birds singing and leaves on the branches. Everything around was perfect and you loved every living creature of this world. You sang songs around the campfire during stops, gathered berries, mushrooms and thanked every bush for its gifts and bounty of nature. You lived in peace with yourself and in harmony with the surrounding reality.
You were sitting, legs put on board of rook traveling to the human city on the island, and smoking. In the sky triple rainbow was visible on which a capybara was sitting, smiling and winking at you. A flock of vultures was flying in circles ahead. Perhaps they have some kind of celebration.
>> No. 124843
nce you have started to think that strange voices in your head finally ceased and life began to improve as again under the vault of the skull crazy ideas begun to sound. You jumped up, dropped hookah, took a knife and shaved head bald. Gotta cook blue berry urgently. But there is no some. You have decided to postpone it for later.
>> No. 124845
Ahead some pillars rose with dwarves on them. Upon looking you learned in one of them escaped Sinsot. Suddenly field appeared in your eyes. Around dwarves were sleeping. Birds were twittering. Blue sun was glad for the capybara, who got some. From behind anxious cries of elves could be heard. Someone shouted "Fire!". But that was not important - pulling mules were stopped by goblin who approached and addressed to you.
- What the hell, dwarf? Why are you in the elven wagon? why it is burning at all?
You took a deep breath and began to speak:
- Dwarfalo soldier, - You clicked your fingers,
Dreadlock minsta...
- Oh I know this song! Keep it up: Get the fuck out of heeere... Fucking potheads.
You remembered that you need a guitar and turned around in search of AngrySpoon. But it was not there. Nothing was to be seen. Just smoke and fire. What a dull place.
>> No. 124961
"Make love, not war" - sounded in your head, and you opted to go the way of seduction, revealing to gaze of goblin your loins.
- Hey, bro - you asked winking - I have a great Elven Spear in exchange for useless dwarf over there.
Then you recollected yourself and shouted:
- I am the danger! I am the one who strikes the earth!
And you jumped at the enemy with a knife.
>> No. 125730
You got extremely distressed with such turn of life and immediately flew into a ARMOKDAMNEDDWARFENRAGE!
After earing straps you smashed to pieces table on which were lying, and not finding something else to break looked around the room. It was kind of a torture room... although rather it was fishery workshop where fish was butchered and large carps especially. Ivety's head on closer inspection turned out to be head of Obi Uliridi. A knife that you picked up - turned out to be a knife. All dope finally blown away from the head and you could begin to think soberly.
- I woke up! Bring wine and women! - You yelled in fury. Some scuffling was heard behind the door with a crack. Behind other door couple pairs of boots started stomping.
>> No. 125865
You grabbed something corkscrew shaped from the wall and,filled with righteous tantrum, began to wiggle your hips. As soon as the door opened you "flashed" dead head at goblins.
>> No. 125866
Taking advantage of their confusion, you stabbed both with corkscrew and left writhing in a pile of rubble. Then you opened a second door and saw there a source of rustling.
>> No. 125888
You were far too deep in tantrum to make up clever ways to kill, so you just jumped to the dumbfounded rapist, having run on the back of Ivety and along the way accidentally kicked her in the face, squeezed his neck and began to stab into the torso. Then you cut off his head and fitted on your cock so it kept in warm.
>> No. 125946
In the final impulse of fury you have decided to sip a goblin blood right from the throat. Overturning the "glass", you swallowed warm manure and threw the body into a corner. Now tantrum was gradually waning.
- How are you at alll? - you asked while removing gag from the mouth of Ivety.
And she just kept crying and could not say anything.
- We have to get out, - you untied her hands and feet, - I was thinking about disguise...
Leaving elf in a closet, you returned to the last room where goblins were vomiting up rest of their blood. Quickly finished them, you took off their clothes and cut off faces.
When Ivety calmed down a bit, you dressed in tight clothes together. Since you couldn't put it on yourselft you just wrapped yourself.
For you it was enough to cover only a beard and balls, while Ivety had to cover the largest possible area of juicy female body, especially her ass. Goblin faces looked like knocked down on the road rotten skunks' butts. They could not be perceived as the real faces even under a fair dose of beer. Not to mention the blood, which you were just smeared with from top to toe, and there was nowhere to clean self.
>> No. 126141
After gutting corpses, you strapped with guts boards wreckage to your hands and feet as additional armor. Wrapped hands with guts and left ends hang. At the belt you put flayed skull. Behind the back you attached severed hands to dangle like your own. Also punched few chips in dead faces skin and fitted a pair of eyes. Doing the same thing with Ivety you plastered both with blood, in order to bring image to complete nightmare.
Now, armed with cutting utensils you moved into the corridor with heart-rending howls.
Ivety was terribly unnerved with this all, and she cried bitterly, waving weapons, and you yelled something terrible, then laughed angrily to intimidate all who stood in the way.
Goblins were shocked. They slowly were coming out of the rooms, to look at the source of the sounds, and seeing it they turned to flee. After wandering through the floors, you and companion after a while ousted all the greenskins to the surface. Where they crowded, loudly discussing the situation.
>> No. 126142
And as soon as the two of you and there appeared, the entire squad of goblins retreated in panic, sparkling heels and swearing.

View around was dismal: wagons were broken, all caravanners were dead. It is unclear why you and Ivety were the only survivors , seems Armok has other plans about you. Ivety was all miserable, realizing that no one else left, and fell to the ground sobbing. You didn't really care much but pity about the fact ther is no transport.
>> No. 126830
Year passed after reclaim of the fortress. Goblins did not return but migrants came. Seven at one wave, twelve more in next. Life slowly began to set up, and the fortress got back to live again. There were a lot of goods, even more free rooms, so the main activities were mainly funerals at first. Despite all the traditional bureaucratic procedures you immediately declared yourself the King and engaged exclusively in intellectual work, in other words surveillance and regulation.
Sinsot snatched any work that needs to be done, inspiring others. Thus soon defensive wall was repaired and completed, debris were cleared, corpses were removed and buried, warehouses were moved underground, farming was established.
Ivety began cooking and managing the hospital. Gradually her grief subsided, new acquaintances and activities ousted bad thoughts and she seems to come back to normal.
Couple migrants from Arol Iton brought news that King Ang Zelerkadan married his first counselor Kisat Vellokum and doted on her.
Trading with a couple of caravans was successful. Attack was repulsed by pack of wild dingoes.
>> No. 126918
You woke up SUDDENLY not at your bedchamber but right at your workplace. Royal life is not as hard as a miner's or soapmaker's but no less tedious. After spending hours of intense thinking on the fate of the fortress you conquered and rebuilt, you do not notice how you fell asleep right on the throne.

>Also are we at least sitting on throne by Sinsot?

Opening your eyes, you realized that you legs are numb and ass hurts from sitting too long on the artifact diorite thorns. But you are not in a hurry to get off this wonderful throne, which brings you only the only good thoughts all those weeks and months that you spent on it. Sitting on thorns gave you some strange non-dwarfish pleasure that can not be compared with anything else that you have ever experienced.

>it's time for mandates!
> Make super-deep bunker with adamantine walls, in case of a new parish of goblins or someone worse

Oh yeah. It seems this is what you were pondering just before going to sleep. You even started to emerge further action plan, which should begin with the unsealing of caves, passages in which were walled up immediately after your accession.

> I suggest to select and prepare the squad of badasses and go into the depths of the caves.

After unsealing caves, you intend to dispatch scouts to find a suitable place for your bunker, and looki for any traces of adamantine, so necessary for the creating of your megaproject. Although, you will personally head the the group and will select yourself four dwarves in assistance, it's good you have enough people in subjection so far.
But it's all the projects. It's time to get back to routine matters.
>> No. 126919
>Send Kisat private message like this: "And I am - the king, and you keep fucking with old farts. Thief, liar, not virgin."

First, you decide to start establish contacts with neighboring rulers, writing a letter to Kisat in Arol-Iton.
"Dear Kisat.
Two years have passed since we last met. I think you have not forgotten me and those stormy nights that I gave you. But even if this is not the case, then believe me, since then things have changed. I am now the king. Can you imagine what irony? You could be with me and be my queen, if you didn't leave to your old fart Zelerkadan. What did you see in him? They say you have a real love there, huh? Or is it our wand did work? Haha, okay, you don't need to worry, I didn't reveal nobody our little secret. I'm not going to do it, if you will write me letters more often here in Akrulaban. Who knows, maybe we will succeed sooner or later, to bring together the two houses and build a powerful allied kingdom. How do you like this idea? Waiting for an answer.
King Likot Udend..."
... And then you stopped. King Likot SoapEater sounds somehow undignified and not treated like royalty. You have long been wondered about the ternary name, but only now it is time to determine it. Tradition requires that you given from your own compatriots, but they still have not done it for some reason. It may be worth to push your wards to make this decision and hint what name you will like most. First need to come up with the triple name.
And also letter lacks seal. You simply have no seal, no family crest, which could be depicted at this seal. This also must be rectified urgently. Of course, Kisat - smarty bitch and will not be fooled by any triple names with seals and crests, but since you called the king, accordingly, the royal paraphernalia must be respected.
Satisfied by your letter, you took the cup from the table and returned to the throne. Sipping liquor, you nearly choked - those bastards again poured into a cup plump helmet wine which you can not stand and ordered not to pour you anymore. Received a bad thought, you in anger splashed wine on the floor, and then got even worse thought. Your crown just climbed on forehead from what you've seen on the bottom of the cup.
It was written: "King - the patron of vampires. Sabotage"
>> No. 126954
You ordered to Sinsot come to your office, sending after him tramp steeping nearby.

- You wanted to see me, my lord? - voice sounded twenty minutes later from the door. Sinsot always was very polite with you and loyal to you, and, as you thought during last year of rebuilding the fortress, he was the most loyal of its entire population. So who else you can entrust your most important cases, if not him.
- Yeah, come in. - You said - I have for you a few cases. Say, have you ever seen cups like this? - You gave cup with a provocative inscription to Sinsot.
Yes, I saw it. - Sinsot said, pausing a moment in confusion - There are two exactly the same, and half a dozen similar. Left from the very moment of fall of the fortress of the former king.
- And you did not notice anything unusual in them? - You asked his with insinuating voice.
- At the bottom of some of these cups scrawled some anti-government nonsense. If you got one of these, my lord, just do not take to heart, I just will erase all the inscriptions.

Sinsot became very calm and it was very unlikely that he ever guilty of something or writings is his work.
- Yes, erase. - Told you - You should have do this at the time when you found these cups. And another. Now you'll be my sheriff. I need you to investigate who was the author of these messages and to whom they were addressed.
- As you say, my lord. - Sinsot said smiling.
- Yes, and tell Morul she must make you a service crossbow. Take bolts from stockpiles.
- As you say, my lord. - the blacksmith said, waited a moment and asked - Is it all for me?
-No, look here.
>> No. 126955
You took out a piece with a sketch of your coat of arms and showed it to Sinsot:
- I need like this a seal. Do it bronze or silver. If there is excess gold, it is better to use it.
- What's that, your coat of arms, my lord?
- Yes. I want stamp by tomorrow.
- Will do. Anything else?
- A hundred wooden cups. Had to be ready by yesterday morning. Where are they?
- Excuse me - Sinsot raised an eyebrow in surprise - did you give a mandate to someone in person and did not let me know? In my journal there are no wooden cups. - Sinsot defiantly reached inside his jacket for his managerial journal, where he thoroughly records all your whims.
- Well, add! Not a hundred but three cups. I give a week, let it also will be by Morul.
- Ok, will be done. That's all?
- No. One more thing. Here, read. - You reached to Sinsot another paper, this time with the text.
- Mosos
Num Ubenonol
Uthar Omtalr
Oninoa - he read aloud - Oh, my lord, but now you write poetry! Commendable. I really do not understand a shit, but ...
- You fool! This is not poetry, this is my new last names. In honor of the anniversary of the capture of the fortress a triple name must be given to me, I want my subjects themselves to choose it. Simply ask everyone, let everyone choose their favorite two.
- As you wish.
- That's all. You can go.
>> No. 127037
>WTF happened to AngrySpoon? Was it carried here by some undrground river or what?

Sent away Sinsot, you got back on your throne and began to remember the old days. Now for some reason you recalled the episode with your AngrySpoon, which occurred at a time when you only claimed Akrulaban. The first time you had to eat only pasturage and what was found in the destroyed rooks and in the nooks of the fortress. Once you've wandered in search of food to a burnt wagon at which you recently arrived themselves here. Among the coals you found charred stump of AngrySpoon that was once so dear to you. You remembered that you yourself put the spoon into the wagon before leaving from adamantine mines and happily forgot about it, lost for weeks in the world of happiness and rainbow capybaras.

Later, after the first wave of migrants, when life began to slowly walk uphill you and Sinsot repaired magma pump and reopened the forges. Sinsot smelted bronze tube in the size of the former shaft of spoon and made for it bronze tip shaped as head of goose. By bringing it together with the stump cleaned of ash and residues from of its former tuning, you have restored AngrySpoon, which you now use both as a royal scepter and as a hammer to punish misbehaving ones.

Turned out to be a glorious year, you thought and slowly fell asleep again. Spikes of Latongazot Mythic Laziness, abuting into your buttocks, began to waft sweet dreams and take away away from everyday hustle and bustle of all this.
>> No. 127038
Now you are Sinsot.

You came out of the hall of this dork in the crown, which is likely to have fallen asleep under the influence of an artifact. Without waiting to hear the loud snoring from behind the door, you've headed to work.

You like this fortress, you like your new position in it. Being a manager, you are, in fact, is the real ruler of the fortress, as there was neither the mayor nor the barons and the sleeping king was under your control and demanded a rare fulfill of his mandates.

Today you had only three new mandates: seal, crossbow and wooden cups. Visited Morul and unloaded on her part of the order, you went to the smithy and engraved royal seal of the remaining piece of gold.

Once you're finished, you checked how goes the reconstruction of the wall, yelled at idlers and ordered them to get to work. Then distributed to everyone the list of Likot's names and told to decide and vote to choose two of them.

When there were no more current affairs, you opened your journal, where you began to fill the dossier on the inhabitants of the fortress. You managed to get around only half the population and have to be interviewed about the same.

A bit of MMO-interactive from first GM
As you can see, I'm lazy one and didn't manage to make up 20 new charasters in single move. So I speak to you and offer you to join and fill the spreadsheet. Each complete charaster created in thread will come up in game and will be as playable as Sinsot and Likot. And yes, new charasters will have permadeath and no chance of miraculous-rescue-from-under-cavein, so be careful with fucking the sand and sacrifices to Armok. And remember to roleplay.
>> No. 127148
Saramkuring, i think
And he forever be our king,
The second name Delerottan,
The ale in jugs will never end.

Просто оставлю это здесь, вдруг пригодится
>> No. 127268
You walked again to all inhabitants of the fortress and collected detailed dossier on each to choose of them later candidates for exploring of the caves.

Conducting a survey with Sedil, who was appointed as chaplain by the king Likot almost immediately after she moved here, you were extremely surprised and alarmed when she assured you that she is 97 years old. She did not look like hundred years old woman and looked even younger even Ivety. And also she is indifferent to drinks. You already started to feel definite guesses, but so far you decided to wait and watch her.

Next you had to hold unpleasant dialogue with Okbod and Tarem from who you figuratively had to pull information with pliers. Incidentally, you were already thinking to grab pliers for real, but thank Armok, didn't have to.

But the effeminate type, calling himself Vuteny, was vice versa talkative up to disgust. You heard from him a bunch of nonsense of all kinds about how he flew on the dragons, how he was kidnapped by spiders, with whom he became friends, that his mother is actually elf, and he himself is dvelf. Delusional of his stories then was confirmed by Ivety, telling that actual dvelfs are born blind paralytics and die in infancy.

By the way, majority of respondentss responded positively about the elves, four of them even stated that they like the elves. You were slightly surprised too. While on the other hand, it would be even more surprising to find elfhaters living with Ivety in the same fortress.

Origin was very different for everyone, many have chosen to keep silent about it. Many identified themselves as travelers and retired adventurers, though some of them were not really like wanderers and felt perfectly with settled life. Regarding religion, the majority favored Armok, although there were also worshippers of other faiths. You counted eight gods in total in the pantheon of Akrulaban: Armok, As, Taron, Reg, Figul, Dumat and Asen.

When finished with the survey you all convened in the meeting hall. Without waiting for Ivety, Boton and Tarem, who for some reason did not attend, you have declared the vote for the new name of the king. According to the results of voting two of the best names will be chosen.
>> No. 127269
Voting started. you let sheet with the names by a circle to all present.
Atil expressed first, picking something on the table:
- S-Saramkurig and Num Ubenonol? That's it.
Next Urist voted just the same.
Okbod did not read carefully and stated that Mosos fits best to King, and offered to bet a barrel of Sunshine. Nasod supported him and chose Mosos too, shooting a couple of stinging words about His Sleepy Majesty. Ast start slowly read the list aloud, and, when she reached the last name, Gratin interjected, standing in the doorway:
- Oh, Utar Omtalr! I think Omtalr is perfect for our king. Liberator! Freedom! Sounds like something, eh? How much in this word for my ears, ah-ah ... - he coughed and juicy spitted sniff toward the hallway - It is for the sake of Freedom King restricted the use of cave silk and requested the same silk shirt for himself, huh? Well exactly Liberator!
Sheet was handed to Bim who was silent until this second like the ghost of a mammoth. She raised her hand and said:
- Nothing in this list fits to him - plump Bim said softly, puffing her nose, removing stuck sweaty strand of hair from her forehead. - But if there is no other option, then so be Utar Omtalr. In any case I'll be glad to give the crown to the King with the new symbol of the Fortress.
When it was the turn Itdun Sedil, she abstained from the vote, saying that all is in will of Armok.
List got to Shasad, she ran through with her eyes, thought for a moment, stood up and issued:
"Saramkuring, i think
And he forever be our king,
The second name Delerottan,
The ale in jugs will never end." >>127148 спасибо

Sheet passed to you. You did not really want to vote, and did not like at all this idiotic idea with the names.
You were more worried about how the inhabitants of the fortress with each passing day listened more to Shasad and literally watch her ​​mouth. Almost all of the male population counts as her admirers. And so it continued for more than three months, and the further - the worse. Once she already made a proposal to arrange a mayoral election. Thank God back then you managed to hush up this venture, since for election of the mayor fortress should have at least fifty settlers, and even more so, in the fortress there is a king, performing its functions. But the fortress will grow. Another couple of seasons - and the election will not be avoided. And you won't handle dealing with fifty dwarves, twenty you have now - already too much.

You awakened from your reverie with roar of Birut:
- Uh! Hold it! - He slammed his hand down on the table in front of you, where a second ago leaflet was lying.
You have not noticed how Lama thoughtfully came to you from behind, and then quickly grabbed it and chewed.
- What the hell? - you roared - Who let this cattle here? Sodel, lazy fuck! Get that thing out of sight! And lock down the stall, I warn you the last time! Move!
You caught on yourself a few disgruntled views. Fortress dwarves for some reason saw Libash as equal member of the fortress and did not understand when you ordered to milk or shear it.
Further balloting proceeded by the memory. And memory of all stopped only at rhyme of Shasad and all further voting chose Saramkurig Delerottan. So the sheet, in general, was needed no more. With the majority of votes Saramkurig won, in second place, thanks to poetry, Delerottan.
- Hear that beautiful? - Gratin blurted - I have a verse too! Listening here:
"Now, my king Delerottan,
bring my jug of ale for fun!" Ahhaha!

You banished jester and declared the meeting closed. Sodel soon returned, whom for atonement you then sent to the pump to pump water into the well.

The next day king Likot summoned you again...
>> No. 127271
Appearing to the throne, you graciously reported to King about the work done, gave him a new stamp and told his new surname - king Likot Ubendeb Saramkurig Delerottan. King Likot was satisfied, finished the letter, sealed and handed to you, saying that it is addressed in Kisat Vellokum in Arol Iton. How urgently and in what way it must be delivered it, he did not tell.

Then you gave him previously rewritten in a separate log dossiers for the residents of the fortress. King Likot appreciated your efforts and told to leave, what you actually did in hurry. Waiting up behind the door gor the royal snoring, you again took off mask of faithful servant and became manager Sinsot. If the king will not wake for no reason, the line-up of suicidal expedition will be determined very not soon, and your subjects have a chance to live longer.
Without thinking, you went to go about their routine affairs...
>> No. 127272
While dwarves doing routine, trapping you in the stall, you spend time quite well with a neighbor-goose. Kivish is a much better companion than all the dwarfs, elves, dwelvs and everyone who hell brought in this fortress. Although you both can't talk, you get along just fine and understand each other without words. If in the world can exist friendship between women and friendship between animals, then your relationship could be described that way, you became friends with her in the migration caravan.

You very disliked living in a stall for many reasons. First, you considered yourself a full-fledged citizen of the fortress , though for that you had to use the documents of former owner. Secondly, light is never lit here, and you are not a dwarf of some sort to live in the darkness. And thirdly, food and water. They were just disgusting here, flabby stubble and quickly blooming water - no Lama will stoop to eat this stuff! Different case - food stores and clean well water. Due to the elf lived with shorties vegetables and other plant foods were always available here, and well buckets were often already filled with water, so that the lack of hands did not stop you to get clean well water.

Sodel tasked with watching you almost from the moment you arrive, you to have caused much less warm feelings than neighbor. This poor really does not learn anything. He still does not know that you are able to leave the paddock, just leaning over the fence and pushing the latch. Also he still did not learn to corny close the doors behind him, not to mention the fact that they can be locked. Poor fellow.

Before leaving Sodel grumbled about something, and even though you did not understand the dwarvish, you could make out individual words, something like "Cattle ... Sinsot ... Water ... Well ...", which was enough to realize that Farmer was extremely dissatisfied with the manager and his new attitude to water and wells. Maybe he was banned from drinking booze, and now he's on a water diet? Or he was punished and forced to dig a new well?..

However, problems of Sodel worried you very little. He's gone, and this is important. Saying goodbye to Kivish and promised her that you certainly will come back, you with habitual movement of lips moved the door latch and left the stall.
>> No. 127273
>Use your analytical abilities and memory to remember the road from the meeting hall to stall. In particular, interested in entrances to vital parts of the fortress - the hospital, dining room, well, the throne room at the end of it all.

Although you considered themselves akrulabanian, analytical abilities and clairvoyance of dwarves weren't given to you. Have to rely solely on your senses.

Your area was not residential. Stalls were near the weaving and (oh god!) Butcher shops. There were also stores with what was extracted from innocent little animals: rags, thread and soap. A little further a well was located, next to which was a hospital and store clothes. Throne room, dining room, meeting room and buffets were floors above. At the top were underground farms, where you can pull tops, if there is nothing left for you edible in the stockpiles.

Now you were not hungry, but a little thirsty. You looked around and listened. Neither Sinsot nor Sodel , fortunately, were not here. Far away along the corridor Birut was hauling a box somewhere. Right at the well Ast was spending her break with her son, who was carving something intently . Quite nearby Gratin was bouncing at loom periodically coughing hysterically. Like that's all. Although wait. Sniffing, you felt weak noticeable smell of miasma from the hospital somewhere. Perhaps someone died there, but is it really that important to you?
>> No. 127282
Вычитка очень приветствуется. Оп шпарит и шпарит, не успеваю переводить.
>> No. 127285
>I suggest to go and eat Likot by llama (a decent end for a decent dwarf), and put on a beard of hay and sit on the throne in his stead.

So, your quest for today - eat the king. Or at least try, what he tastes like, given that you are herbivorous, and so much food in one fell swoop you won't handle.
To achieve the goal, you will need:
1. Put on beard of hay.
2. Help Birut with bins hauling.
3. Play with the boy and ingratiate himself with his mother.
4. Go visit the hospital and leave the door open to spread miasma sooner.
5. Play Lassie's role and lead some help to a corpse.

Following these steps should help you get to the throne of the king and eat him. Yes, you have never lied yourself and you understood well that your logic is very bad, but the plan for today seem to you quite acceptable. Well, better then come back to stall, after all.

The first thing you do is disguise. You needed to be incognito and beard in bearded fortress was the best option. You took two bundles of hay and crafted of them false beard and mustache. Beard turned out forked - excellent! Nobody will notice way you take a seat on the throne of Likot!

On the way to Birut you faced Nasod who was muttering. "Sinsot ... Rum ... Tarem ... You can not ..." - you could barely make out with your knowledge of the language and her slurred speech. Probably Nasod and Tarem joined forced abstainers society, devil knows them all...

You have managed to make it clear for Birut you want to help him in his work, but your idea left off after the first box. Goblin knows what was so heavy in those boxes, but that was obviously not rags and soap. Moreover, you decided to immediately withdraw when you noticed how Gratin left his workshop. He was holding horse blanket of your size, and most likely woven of your own hair, and silly giggling. Fortunately, he did not notice you first, and you managed to avoid him.

When you have reached the well, you remembered why you never before even thought to play with this fiend that called Sibrek. Kid intently and with zeal sharpened with brick beak of dead partridge, which is likely he himself caught and killed. Right next on the cold floor nearly the same half-wild mother of Sibrek sat, indifferently watchiing the atrocities of his child. Creep into the confidence of this couple? Come on. With greater success, you can creep into the confidence of Sinsot.
>> No. 127286
Ну что ты мучаешься. Вот тебе псд, просто поменяй текст и все.
>> No. 127289
Спасибо, но, стыдно признаться, совершенно не умею в работу с графикой. Если кто-то из бородачей перепилит мой текст в документ и поделится результатом-буду очень благодарен.
Had to punish petty devil with sobering breath of miasma. You came to the door of the hospital and pushed her. The door was unlocked and opened inwards, so that through the doorway soon clouds of terrible gas flooded. You haven't got a bad thought of the miasma, on the contrary, it is something reminded you of your childhood.

Inside someone was moaning. It is time for heroic rescue of suffering, you thought it was, but suddenly groan fell silent. Moments later through the ominous silence of the mist miasma terrifyingly creepy laughter came, which made even you feel uneasy, even though you were only llama,

In the hospital, someone began to move ...
>> No. 127290
>After a year in fortress it's time for at least somebody to craft some artifact.

Strange mood caught up Boton Rigotritlut not at the perfect time. it was third week since his old gangrene in his armpit opened, which caused him terrible pain all the time. Days and nights he spent alone in the cloud of miasma exuding by himself, which only became stronger with each passing day, and which he had to breathe all the time. It is only elfess occasionally visited Boton, but she disappeared too when she ran out of herbal lotion for the old man.

Nobody liked Boton. He was considered lazy and malingerer, forgetting somehow about his age significant even by dwarven standards. He was regarded as a liar, because he talked a lot, but could not keep promises. He had no friends.

nknown where the old dwarf got a knife in the hospital, but he was holding it when hobbled toward the exit. Boton's eyes were highly rolled back, and from the larynx evil cackle was heard.

It's terrible.
>> No. 127346
>Regarding Libash, asshole unlikely will rush on her - maybe she considers herself a dwarf, but no one knows. And fell and macabre moods traditionally require exactly dwarven parts. Remembering the secret techniques of llama-Fu and with double rolling spit with a turning send closest one to knockdown.

Hoping that you are not so resident of fortress, you engaged in battle with fellmuded. You've never knew llama-Fu, so spit turned out not twisted, but most usual you can. Boton didn't even blink, he wiped and moved straight to you.

>We are considered a resident - and therefore under threat transformation into an artifact. Fighting is futile.

God knows whether a beard you have turned out too realistic, or you actually are resident of Akrulaban, but Boton seriously determined to make an artifact of you, and that was very inappropriate for you. You evaluated the situation and undertook a tactical retreat behind the backs woman and child.
>> No. 127347
>Move south, hoping that Boton will mess with child or mummy. If he'll kill little snake - mother will fly off the rails and either would kill Boton or die herself. If he attacks mummy - lil piece will not last long himself . Finish off two or three problems in one fell swoop.

You moved away from jogging possessed, hoping he will switch to dwarfess, or better yet - on Sibrek abominable. With averted vision end of the corridor you saw Okbod, abandoning production and rushing towards youcharging crossbow on the run . Apparently, he was attracted by the sounds of strange fuss and devil laughter. But he will be late.

On your luck, distraction trick worked, and when the distance up to you to has become more than the distance to the Ast, Boton switched to her. Dwarfess sobbed and screamed , but for no conceivable reason, remained sitting on the ground, rooted to the spot, and only helplessly covered self with hands.

You watched from behind a corner at a safe distance how Boton was inexorably approaching mother. Suddenly from under your belly sounded:
- Boton should wash should at least once a quarter, you see, even llama is not tempted, he-he. - Gratin joked for himself, watching incident just as you from behind a corner.
>> No. 127348
It all happened in seconds. Mug of unsuspecting Boton firmly met brick, flying at it, and it said goodbye to most of the already rare teeth. Stunned glassmaker in bewilderment pulled flayed lip and passed off, dropping the dagger and falling on his back. Almost simultaneously with the fall, Sibrek landed on the head of Boton, armed with sharpened partridge. Bird came into the orbit of the old man with the head and released a stream of warm blood from there. Boton jerked and at the same second stopped breathing.

- Oh, you little bastard ! - Okbod roared, finally run up to the site of the incident. - You're in trouble, lad, you just fucking don't even realize how much you're in trouble! - And, pointing a crossbow at the child, continued to swear loudly.

You and Gratin looked at each other and continued to watch the action neutrally from the distance. Ast hysterically shouted something unintelligible and fell to the floor, pleadingly drabbing the heel of Okbod, who was threatening to shoot her son, sitting motionless over the bleeding corpse of an old man.

Now noise will gather all the fortress, you thought.
Oh, something will happen ...
>> No. 127470
>Atil - beekeeper furtively wiped away a tear and promised to name favorite bumblebee in honor of the glassmaker.
> Clothier stroked llama and, taking poncho for Libash, went closer to the corpse of a glassmaker in order to cover him and not let miasma spread across the fortress.

Gratin stroked you on wool and, picked up your poncho, went to Boton to cover the corpse. Soon the turmoil began to attract inhabitants of the fortress.

- Whattup? Killing anyone, ya? - Nasod who was hunging out nearby came first. Okbod pointed a finger at the corpse, so dwarfess strained brain herself and tried to guess what happened here - What's that? Already killed? Ah, well I see, whaaa.

Birut was second, who reacted to romp, but as soon as he walked thirty paces , sensing miasm, immediately stopped and turned toward Sinsot's office. He will be more useful as a messenger, rather than as a simple onlooker, and Birut knew it himself.

Next Atil and Bim came.
- Oh, now I know whose figure to carve next, - Bim said quietly, seeing the body. When Atil lifted the blanket to witness the corpse, Bim fearfully exhaled. - Oh, God! Oh my God Baros! What is happening? - Bim whispered when she saw the face of Boton under the poncho, and closed her eyes with hands, and started nervously puffing.
- P-poor Boton. - Atil said - Why did they do it to you?
Okbod briefed to those who came, what he saw here, starting from the sinister laughter from the hospital to the time when Ast with tooth and nails begun to pull out her son-sadistic from Okbod. Gratin, lost his everyday smiling, only confirmed that all was like he said, refraining from "hilarious" comments.
- A-a-a-and-in-fact we had come at the same time, r-remember, Okbod? - Atil began to recall - And got along very well. W-we together buried corpses. M. .. many corpses. And Boton helped us whenever he could. Yes, he had a strangeness, but w-why he had been treated so badly ...
Atil wiped avaricious tear and said:
- I'll call in memory of you of my favourite bumblebee, B-Boton Rig-gotritlut. Rest in peace, kind dwarf. - And lowered the blanket.
>> No. 127471
>Appear at the scene. Assess the situation and glorify Armok who took back the given blood.

Finally, at the scene of the tragedy chaplainess appeared. She said a prayer for the repose of the deceased and the forgiveness of sins, held a small ceremony and stated that she needs to take the body to prepare for the funeral. Okbod suspected something and interjected:
- You see, madam, do not suck dry our Boton! He's already, you see, really skinny, nothing to look at! - Almost the whole fortress heard of an age that the priestess said to Sinsot during the census, and Okbod was no exception.
To which Sedil answered calmly:
- You shouldn't talk like that about Armok's anointed, and speak of the dead, my son. And we should not backbite about my age, Okbod, and then once again you will not incur the wrath of God. Long youth given by the most zealous adherence to the precepts of Armok and fasting, which I just devoted my life from infancy. And I do not drink blood. And the blood of the dead and the blood from the ground even vampires don't drink, so you will know. And's your poisonous tongue will poison someday thyself, dwarf, remember my word.

You did not watch too much on further development of sutuation. Dwarves sort of agreed to give the body to Sedil after she read notation to Okbod. She said a lot of obscure words and shorts like "Armok ... Okbod ... blood ... drink ..." does not tell you anything.

You decided to return to the corral before Birut will bring to the scene Sinsot or Sodel suddenly come back from the water pump. Oh screw them dwarves that no day is any trouble ...

In stall Kivish met you, who you told to what you saw today. Together you become lamenting about how terrifying to live is in this terrible world...
>> No. 127474
> Slap that little cunt with wooden warhammer, then imprison to cell with golden statues and gorgeous sporty bed of colored wood. Such awesome potential champion should not be allowed to die.

SUDDENLY you were woken up by crowd of dwarves who broke into your office. These serfs did not even bother to knock on the door, and cut short your dream just at that moment, as you sank into a warm geyser embrasing three swarthy elfesses.
- Who taught you to knock? - You grumbled, trying to focus the image and blinking.
- We knocked, my lord. - Sinsot said. - Lots of knocking. And loudly. We have already thought to see if you went to sleep in your bedroom.
- So you would wake me up anyway, I understand you correctly? And is it matter that I here sort of a king?
- My lord, the case is urgent! - Sinsot brought Sibrek in front of you. - This boy heroically saved his mother from killing. But not without casualties, we lost old Boton, peace to his blood. He died by the hands of Sibrek when tried to kill his mother.
- Hmm. With what reason would Boton want to kill someone? You're not telling me something.
- Well ... - Sinsot shrugged. - Boton happened to catch in a strange mood. In its macabre form.
- And you dare to touch him in this state? You deprived fortress of the artifact! And the legendary craftsdwarf! Are you insane?
- Yes, from a pragmatic point of view, we have lost a lot for the fortress. And strange mood of the victim is an aggravating circumstance for the slayer. But there are extenuating circumstances! Judge for yourself, my lord: first Sibrek's age is too small, and secondly, he has a mother who has no relatives apart. Anyway, he gives hope in the future to become a formidable warrior.

- What do you want from me? - You grumbled.
- Residents of the fortress require the royal court. My opinion, as sheriff, is not completely satisfiying for all, everyone has their own opinion. So the only true opinion is from king.

Well, well ... you woke up in broad daylight, not given to catch a breath and demanded to speak judgment on the case, which you literally just heard of.

Well, nothing. You show them why you wear the crown...
>> No. 127550
>Justice of King Solomon! Keep order to cut kid at waist level until all unanimously choose what to do with him.

- Don't know what to do? Well, saw him in two parts, praise and reward the upper half, and put the bottom in a cage. - You said sarcastically.
- My lord, this will not work. If you do not want to make a decision yourself, you'd easier hack him to death. And then all of us in the bargain - irreverently said Sinsot.
- Oh, so? - You outraged. - Well, you will have a court. Bring my table and a wig, here be court!

After some preparations hearing was declared open. First were listened the witnesses from the prosecution, who were Gratin and Birut, then - from the defense, of which spoke Ast and Vuteny. Vuteny was not a direct witness, but he gave a very positive characteristic of Sibrek and justified him in every way during the trial.
After weighing the pros and cons, you found out that the murder was committed by minor with motif of self-defense and defense of the only relative, however, aggravated by particular brutality and intentional interruption of strange mood. On this basis it was decided:
1. Punish Ast as trustee of murderer by forced removing of Sibrek from her by providing him private apartments (which were aplently in your fortress) and move him there. Appoint new trustees from the fortress soldiery under the responsibility of Sinsot.
2. Make hammer of feathertree and sentence boy with three hits.
3. Sentence to conditional term until reaching adulthood. And put in a good chain in the room of Sibrek so that he won't forget that he is a convict.
4. Two years later, send Sibrek in individual squad "Deadly Partridges"
5. Make Ast develop glass-craft instead of Boton.

To the last decision Sinsot reasonably objected that Ast is the only fortress professional farmer at full employment, and a distraction her from work may sooner or later leave the fortress without drinking. In addition, her glass crafts will not be needed and only greatly reduce the average quality of the goods. Bim is several times more experienced than Boton and easily can handle it alone, especially in view of the statement that Boton almost never worked in the specialty.
Sentence was announced and the meeting was adjourned.

The first time in quite a long time you lifted your ass off the throne and decided to walk on your domain. Number of accumulated thoughts, crushing the skull from inside outweighed Latongazot the magic of, and you dived into work.

Ivety showed unexpected for her irresponsibility and demanded personal awareness conversation. But first she must be found.

You must choose four to join your personal Guard for exploring of the caves.

In addition, it was necessary to choose at least another two for sending as a caravan to Ladtakomage. It is necessary to sell rhere at least part of the accumulated jewelry that Bim, Urdim and Bembul produced in excessive amounts.

By the way yes, Bembul ... you finally remembered where previously saw this jerk. However, then he did not have a scar from axe across the entire face, apparently, he had annoyed not only you. Might be worth take care of him first?

Or is it better to work on a makeover, redesign and accelerate the construction of the external walls, take care of the automation of water and magma pumps or simply engrave all the walls to avoid further occurrence of fell mooded?
>> No. 127678
>Look at llama. Look long at the llama. Tell her about the benefits that she brings to the fortress
>Pet llama so her could not be slaughtered.

Pacing the floor, where the incident occurred with fell-mooded, you remember, how at the trial witnesses mentioned llama, which first had to take the blow of Boton. It is necessary to take a closer look at her. Fells had never touched anyone but dwarves. Maybe the gods do not consider Libash a simple animal?

When you saw Libash you were just fascinated by this graceful animal. Especially you were amazed by llama's beard that looked almost like yours! You have decided to tame llama at any cost, no, it was not enough! You have declared Libash a full-fledged resident of the fortress and appointed her interim champion, until Sibrek turns twelve. Then you brought her into the room next to the room of Sibrek, and declared that this room is now owned by llama.

Yes. Now it's right. Armok has not deprived Libash with attention, therefore you should not deprive.

Libash was surprised by the new state of affairs, but without long hesitation, agreed to become your pet. Yet she tried to persuade you to move Kivish to her new appartment, but since your linguistic intuition did not go to any comparison with the abilities of Libash, you have not understood her at all and left it at that.
>> No. 127703
> see Ivety the surgeon, well and check how she got accustomed in the fortress.
> Decide something about elfess
> Surely everyone knows that Likot fucks elfess.

- Shitty ... - Ivety answered the question of Okbod "How are you?".

Besides as "shitty", however, she did not respond to such questions. After all life with dwarves for elf isn't the story of Snow White visiting gnomes. Dwarven fortress made from the once carefree and naive Ivety gloomy and unwelcoming long-eared creature, apparently still resembling elfess, but in her heart she became harsher than most of dwarves.

Ivety learned to drink. Worth noting that she drank at times less than\kid Sibrek, but she was getting enough. Elf girl tried to feel the line and in any case always carried a few herbs from intoxication. But when in the fortress parties and banquets occurred, in which Ivety always been involved, that's when she took booze in a harsh amounts, and then had been walking around next week with a swollen face. In dwarven there is no word "alcoholism", because for you it's healthy phenomenon and most natural state, can not be said about other races.

Ivety became more indifferent to her habits and cultural traditions. She began to live under the roof, not underground, like dwarves, but in a separate room on the surface near the internal fortress gates. Most of the time she spent in the kitchen, not only cooking soups but meat too. In addition, she herself butchered rabbits and chickens, and heated kitchen stove with wood, as if the animals and trees have ceased to have meaning for her. She herself still did not kill poultry and did not eat meat, but this was due more to the elven herbivoresness than any commitment to customs.

You did not have to search Ivety, she returned herself. On the shoulders she was dragging weighty bag with all sorts of herbs, roots and berries, which she used in her ointments, balms and lotions.
- Here, everything to put Boton on feet. - She said to you when you met her. - Now try to explain where you him got.
- You were away for four days. Why so long? - You ask.
- I have applied to this old man all kobold bulbs around, and the closest golf is two days away. So I could not just leave Boton in trouble. Or would you prefer him to be treated with chaplainess prayers?
- Chaplainess with him already works. Though doesn't heal but makes funeral services. He's dead.
- How? - Ivety said angrily. - I thought I had enough time ... The old man was a kind of strong in health, and even laughed it off, when I last saw him.
- Murdered. - you answered .
- And by whom?
- Kid. Boton fell into a strange mood out of grief and got into a hassle with him. Why did you leave Boton?
- Excuse me, but I did not leave him. I explained you all a moment ago!
- Nevertheless, I believe that it all happened because of you, and you have to answer.
- Why the hell do you mess up with me again, eh!? - Ivety raised tone. - Any time you wake up you always start to press me!
- I can't be indifferent to my wife and her misdeeds.
- Do not remind me.
- We took an oath in the face of forest spirits, remember?
- You then mumbled some nonsense about that wedding шы a strategic necessity. What kind of necessity? You're insane Likot, you hear? Insane!
- Insane. - You confirmed. Exactly "Insane" was the first word of Ivety when she came out of the melancholy and joined you and Sinsot. And then, too, it was addressed to you. - We'll have to live with it and fight with the best of our forces.
- Leave me alone, you ... just ... unbearable! - she turned away and walked toward the exit, where her chambers were. - No wonder my father warned that you're special ... in a bad sense of the word special...

Marriage with you was the only reason why Ivety still stayed in the fortress. In elven marriages there is no way of divorce. So now only death will part you.
>> No. 128489

Soon Sinsot came to you with his affairs. Between business he mentioned the upcoming expedition and its list, which he would like to see.
- Shasad Volanulol, because she's brave, optimistic and know how to handle a hammer. Sedil Itdun, because the gods favor will not be superfluous. Okbod Idar, he is a good hunter and is able to cope with the wild beasts. And Vuteny, who constantly talks of his spiders, you can not deny him the chance to meet one of them! - Sinsot completed his enumeration.
- As for Sedil I agree - you responded. - In peacetime, my future will be bunker a sanctuary of Armok , so I will definitely need a priest. Think yourself about Shasad , because she will only demand rest constantly and continuously slow down others. May she knows how to swing a mallet, but my pelt is more important to me, so I need those who will be able to cover for me. I take shooters. - You looked at Sinsot hoping notice disappointment, but his face was just a stone - By the way, Sinsot, do you want to go instead of Shasad? You there now have a crossbow, so you'll be very useful to me.
- No, I don't. - He strained his cheekbones - I'll be much more useful in the fortress you leave without your control, my lord. Besides, just only a weeksince I started training, so that the risk of hitting you, and not your opponent. - You take it easy with such expressions! I can see this as a threat!
- No threats, my lord. - Sinsot corrected himself - It's just a statement of facts.
- Well, I think you're right. I guess I'll have to take Ivety instead of you. Well, we take Okbod and Vuteny, of course.
- And what about the caravan? - Sinsot asked.
- I have not decided. Birut would be nice to do this work, but he can't be send alone. Probably we have to wait for a new wave of migrants before you start sending all anywhere...
- Summer caravan of Ladtakomage is coming soon , so that we may be won't have to send anyone?
- Maybe. Although I am more worried about the letter. I cann't simply give it to caravanners, we'll anyway have to send someone from our people with them. We need an ambassador.
- Maybe Shasad?
- Maybe. Although I still have to think. You can go. Although wait! Goblets ready?
- As usual, my lord.
- Let Morul make three more. Dismiss.

Sinsot shrugged and walked away. Now is the time to deal with Bembul.
>> No. 128492

>Kick butt to that mage for lies and fraudulence

You found luckless sorcerer in his cutting workshop, where he was slacking.
- Come here. - You called Bembul yourself. - Move.
Bembul, feeling that he will be beaten, very reluctantly got up and walked to you. You took him by the collar and dragged over to look into his eyes.
- What the hell are you doing here?
- W-working, my lord.
- I don't mean the workshop. What the hell did you forget at Akrulaban?
- My lord, I don't understand! Me and Lolor are refugees, we had nowhere else to go!
- Oh! I will not believe you, you already once got me with a friend behind bars ! You're a scoundrel and a spy!
- How got? What friend? My Lord, have mercy! I did nothing.
- Do not pretend you do not remember! Just over two years ago. Recall it: a caravan from the Assarotung, missing dwarf fortress, then one more missing. You wandered through the streets and under the pretext of "wish fulfillment" lured passers into slavery in Arol Iton!
- My lord, you were the first missing! Yes, exactly! I also picked your last name as a pseudonym. And you were with that warrior from the the fortress caravan, who was looking for a second missing.
- Keep telling.

Bembul laid out his story, as he imagined. He talked about how it was difficult to live with his demented wife in a big unfriendly city. Bad wealth forced him to engage in petty fraud and street tricks for which he dressed up as magician and began to roam the city streets. One of his favorite ways to attract attention was "one wish for 10 gold," but as his target audience were craftsmen, market women and passers , no one never ever found the whole amount, and all ended up in simple entertainment for tourists and fleecing their pockets.

This continued up until four years ago Bembul accidentally ran into a local crime boss, who had thrown a sorcerer in the horror, pulled out of the belt all demanded ten golds. He appeared the leader of burglars Guild opposed to Arol-Iton, and his desire was a victory at the next fight with competitors. Magician showed all the wits he could, outlined to the leader his plan of action, which included a costume show with lights and sound installations that had to demoralize the enemy, making them believe that very Armok on the side of the Guild. The plan succeeded, the spheres of influence in the city were divided, and Bembul saved his live, bought for gold a small mansion on the outskirts and got connection with the mafia.

Over the next two years Bembul had to perform a few more orders of the Guild, the last of which proved fatal. He was commissioned to steal from Arol-Iton rare elven miazma grenades. Bembul tried to crank case by proxy, and sent there Tok who tucked in his way, but it failed. After the incident at entry point all Arol-Iton stood on alarm and the flasks were no longer accessible. After waiting a couple of months magician again poked in the Arol Iton, this time in person. As he put it, he felt sorry for you and Tok and he wanted to release you, and along with it the desired flasks take. The whole idea of Bembul ended already at entry point, where he got with an axe in the face by a security guard spotted him. After severe torture Bembul told everything he knew about the Guild, for what he was imprisoned, and then recognized completely healthy and transferred to penal servitude.

Lolor, Bembul's wife, was moved to live to Arol Iton, and kept as a hostage so that Bembul could not escape. From convicts magician learned that Ang, using data from Bembul, savagely destroyed Guild, having pleased the city guard and fully capturing the influence in Ladtakomage.

Then Bembul told you about their suffering at hard labor, how he was made up an escape plan, managed to escape, rescued Lolor, how they wandered and then hid from boogeymen until finally stumbled upon a group of settlers coming to the Akrulaban what led Bembul to you.

But you did not listen to him anymore. You all weren't listening half of his story, you suddenly got through guts thinking how wrong you were with Ivety all this time. You suddenly felt very ashamed and you've thought about what you can do to somehow mend it...
- My lord, what's wrong? - Bembul probably have thought that it was his tearjerker that so touched you. But you did not answer him and just silently dragged him along outside.
>> No. 128497
> Ivety is an elf, we should apologize, she will forgive.
> try to apologize to her, to show all the tenderness what Likot capable of, and even a little more. Poor girl suffered so much trouble, and no one said a kind word at least.
> We simply have to pick some flowers

On the surface it was summer. There were not so many flowers: chamomiles and longland grass - that's all that bloomed in your region in this season. You released Bembul, knelt on all fours and began to collect your bouquet.
Magician, getting a sudden freedom, somehow did not run away and out of curiosity started watching adult stern dwarf, for some unknown reason, crawling on flower lawn.
>> No. 130454

It has been almost a month.

Bouquet helped you on time to make peace with Ivety and half-family your life with her came back on track.
Boton was buried. Contrary to the expectations of some, no one to suck his blood. Sedil read the burial service for old dwarf as it should be and then he was put into the common necropolis, where lay the old population, as there remained a couple of free sarcophagi. The cemetery is almost full - will soon have to build the new.

Wall, separating Akrulaban from the caves, was demolished and in its place stone drawbridge was wet. Nasod, who did nothing more complicated than mills and stonefall traps, screwed up something with the mechanisms, so the lift lever stuck, and you had to call at the last minute Tarem so he restored all .

Stepping over the threshold leading into the unknown depths, Ivety displeasurely asked:
- Likot? Why did you bring me here?
- But you yourself said me so long you don't mind to go on a trip, - you answered.
- Yes ... but not here. I can't see anything. - Elfess looked around, trying to see anything.
- My lord, to tell the truth - said Vuteny, - I too poorly see in complete darkness. Do we have a torch, or at least a candle?
- Do not even think about it! - Okbod barged, - With your torches we will be like a magnet to attract all the local vermins, and due to the torches we will not see it in time from a distance. You tired of living?
- Likot! I don't like it, let me go now. - Ivety was beginning to get nervous.
It seems that your team was not so united and brave as you first thought. Initially, all four agreed to follow you to the ends of the world, but moved a couple of steps from the house - and problems already begun. Oh, those foolish undisciplined serfs!

- My lord. - Sedil spoke. - Armok did not give the gift of seeing in the dark to the elves, I think it would be better to leave them back at upper side. Let's come threesome: you, me and Okbod. Or we will have actually take light into the cavern.
And they're right. No use of blind archers, as well as of archers lit a bright spot, like at the showcase.
You should do something about it.
>> No. 130456

Unlike elves, you saw all perfectly. Cave passed by you as a curved corridor, going down to the left, where apparently there was water and grew MULTITILE giant mushrooms. On the rare cave moss in front of you trail of someone's small clawed footprints was barely visible, in the feces corners were scattered.
Overcoming the emerged desire to try the taste of to determine what kind of beast it was you have asked opinion of Okbod. He looked at the tracks and immediately determined that it were crandles, and that here they often go to a watering place. Apparently, their lair is somewhere in a cave at the top.
Ivety and Vuteny were standing at the exit and asked about something Tarem who already was finalizing the bridge. Sedil was impartially looking around, thinking about something.
>> No. 130457

Arol Iton was widening and and growing. Fortress wealth multiplied, the population was generally happy. But not you. In general, everything was perfect - the beloved wife and son, favorite work, favorite small room decorated personally. No mosquitoes. But all this prosperity to you, to be honest, already bothered you to top. You miss the closest friend, who left this place over a year ago and since then about him there were no news.
- Likot Ubendeb Saramkurig Delerottan ... I do not know what it means. He is now a self-proclaimed king of Akrulaban to the east. I want you to go there as an ambassador of Arol-Iton.
- But I do not have the relevant skills ...
- But you're friends, and it is powerful.
- Well ... I ...
- Is something holding you here? Family?
- No.
- Well, then, let's go! Needless to procrastinate. Here is the letter you pass to Likot personally. Wait for an answer. Step.
And then you have returned to your room. Lit up the pipe. And started thinking Wife - it certainly is good. Work - this is of course fine. But it may be still "bros before hoes"?
>> No. 130458

It hurt to conscientiousness was simply to leave the family, so to begin with you again went to the Queen to ask for permission to migrate at Akrulaban. Although inwardly you realized that it will be exchange of six to half of dozen. Everyday life tired you more quickly than expected, the soul demanded adventures. But to compromise with conscience was too disgusting - let the queen decide.

- So, - Kisat spoke, seeing you, - I believe, preparation is finished?
- Not really ... I wanted to ask if I could with my wife and kids move to another Mountain Home?
- To Likot? You did not seem to have a family.
- There has been a misunderstanding.
- Whatever you say. And about migration - "Arol-Iton has no exiles, it has a deep tombs." But this amendment of the seventh paragraph of the citizenship law has been abolished, so ... I'll let you reunite with a friend since you wish. As for my letter - allstays the same. To Likot personally. And the answer to be passed with my proxy.
Kisat sent for Kastar. A few minutes later he appeared. Muscular and strong, "grated loaf" with the beard and the crossbow, he stood next to you.
- Called, my queen?
- Yes. Assignment for you. Accompany this migrant to Mountain Home Akrulaban - she turned to you - You take the family with you?
>> No. 130464
А где cave adaptation?
>> No. 130637
You went to learn how wife looks at migration, but she decided to stay with the children waiting husband at home. Since the queen sends you as an ambassador, then after a while you will return, right? The difficulties of travel will not let her and children survive. So she blessed you to go and kissed, and sent to the royal service.
Kastar took you to the armory, where you picked a spear, which with you had learn to handle somehow during the last adventure. Then you proceeded to the clothing stockpile, and then stocked with provisions.
To take with you someone other than family, the queen banned. Wagon was also not given. Finally she ordered to her to read the letter aloud, in case of loss or damage in order to sense is preserved in your memory. You read out:
- Greetings, Likot. Congratulations to the rapid rise! I hope so zealous mare as the burden of power will not throw out of the saddle such inexperienced rider like you. I wish prosperity to Akrulaban under your rule. I am glad that you honor our agreement and I assure we answer the same. And yes, your guess is correct. As for your suggestions on the approximation of our Homes, let me qualify what you mean by the allied kingdom? Military aid? Trading privileges? Immigration concessions? Or, knowing you, literally dig tunnels between us? To be honest, the last item plus minecarts - it's an interesting option. I will write to you more often, if there is something to respond to. Bye-bye. With interest, Kisat Vellokum.
Queen nodded
- That's right. Kastar, you will accompany the migrant to Akrulaban, wait until King Likot answer and pre-reading, bring the letter to me. Now go.
You and Kastar bowed and went to the door to the surface. Sunlight met you like fist meets a face.

Оп так и не сказал, что пост его, такие дела.
>> No. 131076
So, you hit the road. Kastar muttered something unintelligible into his mustache to all your inquiries, and you were shy to ask again. In your couple, he was leading, and even the dominating, so any step aside to any shop on your part was sort of an act of rebellion, like a dog in front of the owner. Kastar was given the task to take you and he led, without being distracted by little things. You felt him as a leader and guiltily kept up to his solid tread.
Soon west tract brought you to the river. However, the bridge, here an ill luck, was somehow destroyed. You were not warned about this, apparently in Arol-Iton nodody knows about it. So it happened recently. Plaque under the statue on the shore said: River "Snaky".
- And what do we do? - You asked.
Kastar first muttered something to himself, then turned around and said loudly:
- Can you swim?
- No.
He snorted a bit.
- So that's it. If we won't find a boat, we'll have to go to the nearest crossing. Upstream there is a bridge, but we will have to go through the abandoned Mountain Home, and I would not like it. Ghosts, you know, aren't the most pleasant thing in the world. Besides there is nearby goblin fortress, and beyond it is mountainous terrain. If we go down the river then first we'll move through elven grove, then through a human city the lake and only after that will come to the right place. In short, whole lot of a hell hemorrhoids ... but you do not know how to swim.
Again you felt guilty.
- Choose where to go now, - Kastar muttered angrily.
>> No. 131104
The idea of crossing the river by swimming, even on some boat-like thing, did not cause your joy. In addition, there was not much to build a raft. Twigs of coastal scrub were good for ...nothing actually. Kicked around a little more at the shore, you have decided to go north. After all somewhere there has to be a new Mountain Home found by Shorast unless he gave up this idea after the loss of three members of the expedition team.
>> No. 131106
Long or short, you reached to some dilapidated buildings. It did not look like Mountain Home, but the place was like the one that was showed on the map by Shorast. Kastar was gloomy, he did not like this place, he wanted to get away. Night was falling.
>> No. 132431
>Break down the wall

You have barely broken down the first stone, as from a breach from the cloud of miasma burst! Dropping the pick, you jumped away.
- Strange, - Kastar said, - passage was sealed long ago and there is just nothing inside to rot.
>> No. 132432
You stand and stare at miasma. Your actions?

- Hey, what does it stink? - Kastar asked.
- Some moldy stuff. It seems that there something big has died.
- Maybe you go back and sniff again?
- Sniff yourself, - you have frown.

The sun had almost disappeared, it was rapidly getting dark around. Gentle breeze blew.

Not willing to linger, you still decided to explore the place. Going to the walled up aisle, Kastar kicked block and only managed to mumble phrase like "what the hell" and then something exploded behind the wall and the wall shattered tearing apart Kastar and tossing you away.
>> No. 132433
Well, fucked up now! - You thought, waking up a few minutes later and seeing the scattered remains of Kastar.
Some alchemical trap triggered and tore the poor dwarf to shreds. You examined and checked yourself - praise to Armok, everything was in place. Out of the hole smoke poured and stench oozed. You had no desire to keep examining the entrance, as there still might be many traps.
However, it's getting dark.
>> No. 132434
Breathing deeply from the stress, you sat down near the wall on the floor ... Tossing around gathered meat of Kastar, being in an excellent mood, you're humming a strange tune and try to catch all the reflections of light on this dance floor.
>> No. 132435
The bad news (not counting death of companion) - all the food was gone. It lay in a bag of Kastar, and of it is little left. Good that Kastar didn't try to haul your backpactoo, so it's intact. Soon the sun will set, stomach is empty, you have not eaten since noon. Remains of Kastar irresistibly attract your eyes. Hunger is struggling with conscience and morality. The nearest shelter is miles and miles away, but at night you can easily become a victim of bugimen. Passage Opened by unlucky Kastar heavily unnerved you - who knows what else can be expected after such a beginning? You have decided to think - what would Likot do? Grunted, you began to collect the most unspoiled pieces of meat.
Suddenly,a small voice from behind came:
- You watcha doin fella?
You turned around - Kobold! Leather helmet, bead-eyes and dark blue pants with white stripes on the trouser legs. Growth up to your waist, but armed with a real bone spear - while yours was lying much as three meters away, he was standing and staring at you from the bottom-up in most insolent manner.
>> No. 132437
In your head suddenly inner voice sounded: "In any unclear situation do what Likot would!"
- Okay, - said softly you.
- Wha "okay"? - in brash tone Kobold asked - Hey, who are you to ...
He was interrupted by a blow in the face with meat! Without hesitation, you kicked him in the head, knocking away a front tooth. Spear and cap fell next, and while small one was unconscious, you equipped with dropped loot. Kobold finally regained consciousness and cringed in terror on the ground, and you have pressed him with foot and looked sternly:
- I am the danger! I am the one who knocks on the door!
Kobold twisted eyes:
- What dang do'r?
- Shut up! I'm glad you finally came, I was waiting for you ...
- Whaaaaaa?
- How many other lads with you? And where from you got out.
- Well I was behind the corner - stood and pissed until it banged loud... Then I shat. Came out, and here you are ... No one with me, I'm an adventurer ...
- Name! - Threatened you with a spear.
- NUUUUX! Mah name is Nux ... no crap ...
>> No. 132438
- Well, then, Nux - keeping yourself same way you said - You're looking for adventure? Here you find them. Take off your pants and go into the hole.
- You fnofed me toof, bitf!
- Only one? Sorry ... Let's get to the rest!
- No-no, nuff, really! I only came to afffk!
- Take off your pants!
- Why fants?
- I take as collateral.
- Well I won't wwwun away, watcha!
- - Come on - You wawed menacingly spear.
Kobold pulled the panties and handed to you.
- Now go.
- Hew, I don't wanna go wwwere!
- And your desire is not required - you grabbed petty by the leg and having dragged up to the passage, threw him inside.
He rolled a bit and stopped at the edge of the stairs down.
The street was dark enough to tuen on your dwarven vision.
- Uh, heafff me? - Kobold squeaked, -You bettah look at wiss...
>> No. 132439
- Well, what is it? - You cried quietly - Drag here!
- I ... I can not. It is at the bottom.
- What's down there?
- Look, I do not know how to tell. It. Creature.
- Living?
- It seems so.
You grabbed the spear tighter and went to look. Kobold was not lying, inside the fire was really burning, throwing a dim flickering light on the arches and columns. You cautiously approached the place where Nux was standing. Giant skinless gray humanoid chameleon was sitting down in a chair . He was smoking a pipe, writing down the words in a thick tome, dipping his pen in the ink, and humming a melody to himself, not noticing you. The stench inside was terrible, and this creature seems to be the source of it.
>> No. 132440
You had barely removed the first stone as a cloud of miasma burst out of the breach!

- Hey, what’s that stink? - Kastar asked.
- Some mouldy stuff. Something big must have died in there.
- Maybe you could go back and take another sniff?
- Go sniff it yourself, - you scowled.

The sun had almost disappeared, it was getting dark quickly. A gentle breeze started blowing.

Not willing to linger, you decided to explore the place anyway. Kastar came closer to the walled up passage, kicked the block and only managed to mumble a few words like "what the hell" when something exploded behind the wall and the wall shattered - dismembering Kastar and flinging you away.
>> No. 132441
Tossing around some of Kastar's flesh you've just collected,
>> No. 132442
The bad news (not counting your companion's death) - all the food is gone. It was in Kastar's bag, of which little is left. The good news is that Kastar didn't try to haul your backpack too,
>> No. 132443
Оч. хор. перевел, кстати! В остальном, про артикли не забывай и с временами поаккуратнее - и все будет чики-пики.

Grunting, you began to collect the most undamaged bits of meat. Suddenly, a small voice from behind came:
- Whatcha doin, fella?
You turned around - a kobold! A leather helmet, beady eyes and dark blue pants with white stripes on the trouser legs. Standing up to your waist, but armed with a real bone spear (while yours was lying about three meters away), it was looking up at you in the most insolent manner.
>> No. 132446
- Okay, - you said softly.
- Wha "okay"? - the Kobold asked in a brash tone - Hey, who are you to ...
He was interrupted by a blow in the face with meat! Without hesitation, you kicked him in the head, knocking out a front tooth. The spear and the cap were dropped - and while the small one was unconscious, you equipped yourself with the dropped loot. The Kobold finally regained consciousness and cringed in terror on the ground, and you have pressed him with your foot and looked sternly:
- I am the danger! I am the one who knocks on the door!
Kobold twisted eyes:
- What dang do'r?
- Shut up! I'm glad you finally came, I was waiting for you ...
- Whaaaaaa?
- How many of you are there? And where did you pop out from anyways?
- Well I was just round the corner, taking a piss when it banged so loud... Then I took a shit too. Came to have a look, and here you are ... No one's with me, I'm an adventurer ...
- Name! - You threatened him with the spear.
>> No. 132447
Упс, пропустил
Kobold twisted eyes -- > The Kobold rolled his eyes
>> No. 132449
Спасибо, Урист! Годные правки. Что касается речи кобольда - в голову пришло что-то вроде адаптации с речью в духе выходца из промрайонов Северной Англии - неразборчиво, не слишком грамотно, со сленгом, только вот само знание диалекта у меня стремится у нулю.
>> No. 132451
Рад помочь. В диалекте не сильно шарю, извини. Можно, конечно, упростить:
Aw - ah was jus' rounda cornah, takin a piss when BOOM! Den ah took a shit too. Came to have a look, an' here y'are ... Ain't no one wid me, ahm an adventurah...

Блин, да что ж такое... Еще пропустил
and you have pressed him with your foot and looked sternly: -->
and you pressed him down with your foot and looked very stern:
>> No. 132452
- Well, then, Nux - you said, still in character - You were looking for adventures? You found them. Take off your pants and get into that hole.
- You fnofed me toof owff, bitf!
- Just one? Oh I'm so sorry... Let's get the rest of ???em!
- No-no, nuff, really! Ah only came to afffk!
- Take off your pants!
- Why fants?
- I’m taking them as collateral.
- Ah ain’ff gonna wwwun away, hew!
- Come on - You shook your spear menacingly.
The Kobold pulled the pants off and handed them to you.
- Now go.
- Hew, I don't wanna go in wwweah!
- And your desire is not required - you grabbed the brat by the leg and having dragged him up to the passage, threw him right in.
He rolled a bit and stopped at the edge of the stairway.
The light was now dim enough to turn on your dwarven vision.
- Uh heafff me? - the Kobold squeaked, -You bettah look at wiss...
>> No. 132453
Да, подправил его речь по такому шаблону. Вообще давно не переводил, подзапылилось уже.
>> No. 132456
Шепелявый кобольд это эпично, да-с.
- Well, what is it? - You called out - Bring it here!
- Ah ... Ah canna do. Thh affa boffom.
- What is it down there?
- Look, ah canna say. It. A cweature.
- Living?
- Lookf like.
You held on to the spear and went to have a look. The Kobold was not lying, inside there was a fire burning, throwing a dim flickering light on the arches and columns. You cautiously approached the spot where Nux was standing. A giant gray skinless humanoid chameleon was sitting in a chair. It was smoking a pipe, writing something in a thick tome, dipping the pen in the ink, and humming a melody to itself, not noticing you. The stench inside was terrible, and this creature seemed to be the source of it.
>> No. 132466
Хаха! Шепелявый кобольд это что-то :)
>> No. 132475
Ты в посте на на бухте12 пропустил строчку:
- How many other lads with you? And where from you got out.
- How many of you are there? And where did you pop out of anyways?

Кстати, "малой" = "the shorty", "the (little) brat"
>> No. 132492
Ну, т.е. "мелкий", в оригинале
>> No. 132495
О, и кстати - literature procreations --> literary creations
>> No. 132496
Нет предела совершенству. Спасибо!
>> No. 132559
- Go ask who he is - you pushed kobold with a spear.
- Nope. To me, ya big, and he's just incredible, - short brat slowly adapted not to lisp.
- That's why he will not hurt you.
- Something I very much doubt! - Echo blown exclamation around the room - Ooops...
The creature fell silent and slowly turned, removing the pipe from its mouth. You and kobold froze, eyes wide open. Chameleon sighed and spoke in a demonic voice:
- I see I get no rest here ...
- I'm sorry we bother... you! - You shouted.
- Oh, how brave we are, - Nux hissed.
Lizard poured himself liquor from the decanter:
- Anticipating further dialogue, I can give some advice: if what you're looking for is not me, it is better to pretend that I am not here. It will relieve us all from meaningless verbal efforts and save time. I am actually busy.
You hesitated a little:
- I just wanted to ask ... Can we go through the fortress?
- You can, but you don't need to go there. I guarantee it.
- Well... then... so who are you?...
The creature put the book on the table in front of it:
- Listen, is this gonna take long? "Who" I am, I am "who" supposed tobe. Mind my business here, and nobody called you here. Why the hell did you come?
Seeing irritation of the owner, you decide not to play up:
- We are looking for a place to sleep.
Kobold roused:
- We?
- Quiet.
>> No. 132560
Chameleon thought a couple of seconds:
- Will stairway work?
- Oh, yes, thank you! We won't bother you!
- Oh how strong I believe the opposite, - it muttered to himself, and again took the book.
- Ah wanna dump, - Nux whispered.
>> No. 132579
and he's just incredible, - short brat slowly adapted not to lisp
--> and 'e's just 'uge, - the shorty started to get around his lisp

- Something I very much doubt! (слишком уж литературно!)
--> Ah really doubt dat!

Echo blown exclamation around the room
--> The exclamation echoed around the room

"Who" I am, I am "who" supposed tobe
--> "Who" I am is "who" I am supposed to be

Kobold roused (кобольд возбудился, ггг)
--> The kobold piped up

Кстати, просмотри весь кусок на предмет артиклей - везде исправь на the kobold, the chameleon. ?? определись с его полом, наконец :)))

- Oh how strong I believe the opposite, - it muttered to himself, and again took the book.
- Ah wanna dump
- Oh how much I trust the opposite, - he muttered to himself (или it muttered to itself - выбери что-то одно), and picked up the book again.
- Ah wanna take a dump
>> No. 132620
Ты опять кусок пропустил:

- Oh how strong I believe the opposite, - it muttered to himself, and again took the book.
- Ah wanna dump, - Nux whispered.
- Oh how much I trust the opposite, - he muttered to himself (или it muttered to itself - выбери что-то одно), and picked up the book again.
- Ah wanna take a dump

Выкладывай сюда сведенный текст после правок, что ли - одной простыней, так легче проверять.
>> No. 134096
- I'll take place outside.
- Halt - You grabbed him by the ear.
- Ouch ... ok, ok!.
You quietly walked down the stairs, looking for a place to sleep. There were plenty of romm, even with Nux, but you decided to stay closer to the fire. Unbeknownst to big creature you crept up to his chair and leaving kobold behind the back, came at light.
- It's getting cold - you pat yourself on the sides - I'll get warm a bit.
Chameleon leaned:
- No.
- Come on, have a heart! On the street there are night and Boogeymen, we will be eaten alive ... and here is warm, pleasant company and safest overnight.
- And who said that for me your company is nice? - The owner showed his teeth - and that it's safe here?
- Well, I can see a noble gentleman like you, having a fine taste for alcohol and tobacco, sitting in a chair with a book and a pen ... Of course it's safe.
Chameleon drained the glass:
- I'm writing a memoir. Here in solitude. And I am very annoyed that I am being disturbed. I would not like to embark on a journey once again in search of another quiet haven, so let's do this: I'll let you two to stay overnight, but you in the morning put back doorway with stones on the outside and never ever go back.
- You have my word! No longer than for one night we violate your solitude. But while we are here, let me ask what kind of place this is. It looks like a dwarven mountain home.
The creature sighed
- Probably it was before . I am here for half a year and have not met a single soul to ask.
- You here all alone?
- Not anymore - he hissed.
- And can we then look at the other rooms, if you do not mind.
- I do! It was enough you even thought it was a good place for the settlement with your relatives. Oh, no, you gave me your word!
- And I'll keep it, I assure you.
- In this case, give me one more - do not tell anyone about this place.
- You have my word.
- And what about your companion? Where is he? Will he give the word?
Immediately frrom the chair ran Nux, slapping his heels on the floor:
- Yes, yes. You have my word that I won't tell, and that I will leave as soon as possible.
Chameleon frowned and took his pipe.
- And where do you take tobacco and booze? - You asked - Well, and everything else ...
- There are ways.
- Maybe I would help with deliveries?
- It would go against your word.
- Oh, for sure ...
- From you I do not need anything besides you to leave my home, which will undoubtedly happen in ten hours. Until then, I would like with all the zeal to guard your sleep. Now go to sleep.
Had to get up early to time to go per day a maximum distance. Therefore, sleep was really not the worst occupation. You Nux tied hands behind his back and tied him to your leg, settled near the fire under the reproachful look of a giant humanoid skinless gray lizard.

Morning came. You slept well and woke up. The same people were Nearby. Ibid.
>> No. 134104
Stop using GoogleTranslate for fuck's sake. And do mind your articles.

- I'll take place outside. —> I’ll do my business outside.

There were plenty of romm, even with Nux, —> There was plenty of space, for Nux too,

Unbeknownst to big creature you crept up to his chair and leaving kobold behind the back, came at light. —> Unnoticed by the big creature you crept up to his chair and leaving kobold behind, came to light.

Chameleon leaned —> The chameleon leaned forward [автозамени везде: chameleon —> the chameleon, kobold —> the kobold]

- And who said that for me your company is nice? —> - And who said your company is pleasant to me?

but you in the morning put back doorway with stones on the outside and never ever go back. —>
but in the morning you shall block the doorway with stones from the outside and never ever come back.

- Probably it was before —> It might have been, once.

It was enough you even thought it was a good place for the settlement with your relatives. —> You might get some funny ideas, like settling here with a number of your relatives.

Will he give the word?
Immediately frrom the chair ran Nux, slapping his heels on the floor: —> Will he give his word?
At once, Nux ran up from behind the chair, with a patter of feet:

And where do you take tobacco and booze? —> And where do you get your tobacco and your drink from?

Had to get up early to time to go per day a maximum distance. —> You certainly had to get up early, to cover the maximum distance during the day

You Nux tied hands behind his back and tied him to your leg —> You tied Nux’s hands behind his back and tethered him to your leg, and settled down by the fire

The same people were Nearby. Ibid. —> The same people were around. In the same positions.
>> No. 136320
>> No. 136322
>> No. 136366
Со всеми правками.

- I’ll do my business outside.
- Halt - You grabbed him by ear.
- Ouch ... ok, ok!.
You quietly walked down the stairs, looking for a place to sleep. There was plenty of space, for Nux too, but you decided to stay closer to the fire. Unnoticed by the creature you crept up to his chair and leaving kobold behind, came to light.
- It's getting cold - you pat yourself on the sides - I'll get warm a bit.
The chameleon leaned forward:
- No.
- Come on, have a heart! There are night and Boogeymen outside, we will be eaten alive ... and it's warm here, pleasant company and safest overnight.
- And who said your company is pleasant to me? - The owner showed his teeth - and that it's safe here?
- Well, I can see such a noble gentleman like you, having a fine taste for alcohol and tobacco, sitting in a chair with a book and a pen ... Of course it's safe.
The chameleon drained his glass:
- I'm writing a memoir. Here in solitude. And I am very annoyed that I am being disturbed. I would not like to embark on a journey once again in search of another quiet haven, so let's do this: I'll let you two to stay overnight, but in the morning you shall block the doorway with stones from the outside and never ever come back.
- You have my word! No longer than for one night we violate your solitude. But while we are here, let me ask what kind of place this is. It looks like a dwarven mountain home.
The creature sighed
- It might have been, once. I am here for half a year and have not met a single soul to ask.
- You here all alone?
- Not anymore - he hissed.
- And can we then look at the other rooms, if you do not mind.
- I do! You might get some funny ideas, like settling here with a number of your relatives. So no way, you gave me your word!
- And I'll keep it, I assure you.
- In this case, give me one more - do not tell anyone about this place.
- You have my word.
- And what about your companion? Where is he? Will he give his word?
At once, Nux ran up from behind the chair, pattering his feet:
- Yes, yes. You have my word that I won't tell, and that I will leave as soon as possible.
The chameleon frowned and took his pipe.
- And where do you get your tobacco and your drink from? - You asked - Well, and everything else ...
- There are ways.
- Maybe I would help with deliveries?
- It would go against your word.
- Oh, yeah ...
- I do not need anything from you except you to leave my home, which will undoubtedly happen in ten hours. Until then, I would like with all the zeal to guard your peace. Now go to sleep.
You certainly had to get up early, to cover the maximum distance during the day. Therefore, sleep was really not the worst occupation. You tied Nux’s hands behind his back, tethered him to your leg and settled down by the fire under the reproachful look of a giant humanoid skinless gray lizard.

Morning came. You slept well and woke up. The same people were around. In the same positions.
>> No. 136401
Огого! Спасибо. Я как-то забросил перевод вовсе, но если будешь пилить дальше, Урист, буду транслировать на Бухту.
>> No. 136414
Опять артикли... Да и с пунктуацией тоже не всё OK.
Проверяй внимательнее.
>> No. 136416
Не переводил ничего уже 100 лет.

As you had promised you left the underground hall, filled a gap in the wall, which took the whole morning till noon. All that time Nux was begging to let him go or at least to feed him. You offered him some Kastar's meat but he turned his nose up. You, on contrary, considered a dwarfflesh dinner not such a disgusting idea, that's why you gathered all decent pieces into backpack and gave Nux a cracker.
The Sun was high and it was time to go forth. In that very moment you realised that you have no idea where to go, after all Kastar was your guide and you don't have a map or any knowledge about surroundings.
>> No. 136603
Suddenly Tok's life changed drammatically, in a single day he became an ambassador, lost his guide, barely went insane, imprisoned the kobold and met demon-esthete. What's next?
It would be a fine idea to climb higher and look around to figure out where to go. You looked around. Nearby trees and also the highest point in surroundings - top of the hill rising above mine entrance. You aren't able to climb there, but you can try to climb up the ruins. You hope it won't collapse during.
Also you start to worry about Kastar's ghost since you don't know his full name to engrave a slab for him. You tryed to imagine him saying, "Tok, if something goes wrong, eat me, it's OK", but, unfortunately, you imagination wasn't strong enough to do it. You have to consider what to do whith the remains.
>> No. 136699
It's not a deal for a true dwarf to climb slopes and walls like a sort of monkey.
- Nux, can you climb?
- Nofe, I can'th. why do you ask?
- My grandpa told me all kobolds are able to climb, and I don't what think another way.
- Wha..?
- I'll scoop your teeth out, that's wha! Go climb up and look around.
You kicked Nux towards the wall.
- Unthie my hands, you moron.
>> No. 136705
Благодарю, закидываю на Бухту.
>> No. 136708

You heard somewhere that kobolds are naturally excellent climbers. Asking kobold climb a slope and check the surroundings would be extremely foolish, he would have to be untied and at the top he would be out of reach for you and would be able to escape.
Next you got a better idea: let Nux to the top pull you. You only needed one more rope. After thinking a little more, you got the ideas:
1) use their own pants
2) cut the straps of a backpack
3) use a belt
Choosing third option, you immediately started to construct, when you were interrupted with yell of the kobold.
- Are you comffletly foofing mad! What ya gonna do nefftd, eat me, ya, cannibal perv?! - You froze with the belt in your hand.
- No, then you will pull me up the hill and I'll decide where to go - you replied calmly.
- Liffen here! Here is the city nearby, one day of walking. I was just walking from fthere. Be patient a little bit, there are grub and dwarves and dwarfesses! - the kobold pleaded.
>> No. 136709

You sat next to the Kobold, took his chin and said:
- Hey, moron, if you bring me into town, I'll let you go. If there will be your chaps waiting for me, I'll put all down, and you'll be first. Got it, rat scum?
- Fthere is no ambuff, there is town, I tell the truth!
>> No. 136711

- Town you say? - you asked the kobold, tying the belt on the head to look threatening.
- Yes, big ffity, - Nux said frightened .
- And isn't this kobold trap?!
- No, honestly!
- If you're lying to me - it will be the greatest stupidity that you have ever made - you growled, leaning over very his face.
Kobold swallowed and shook his head.
- Now, tell me everything you know about this city - you continued the interrogation.
- It is at the south-wefft from here. First move along the river till bridffe, and then down the road.
- South - is it that way? - You have pointed at the direction you came from yesterday with Castar.
- Yep - Nux confirmed.
- And what do you want there? - You asked
- Big city - big opportunities. At the burrows best I could count on - to be running errands for the goblins.
- And why did you decide that people will be happy to see you?
- In the city, in contrast to the northerners, people live in peace with dwarves, elves, I've heard. If they are friends even with the elves, then Nux will find a place.
Also you asked about where from Nux went on a journey. He said that he came out of the burrows next to the goblin stronghold, crossed the river by the bridge, and then went to the south, until he met you.
- Okay, now get ready, we hit the road.
- Where to? To the town? - Asked hopefully Kobold.
You have reflected: showing off in Arol-Iton was not good idea.
>> No. 136717
- Hey, dfarf but as tefya name? Name say.
- I can not say because I'm important person, and you are simple kobold. And after all, how do you speak with Baron Osorthalal? - you promtly decided to pick silly nickname.
- And who is Baron? It it your nick or something?

- Here's another thing: do you know where Akrulaban is? - You asked, ignoring the question of kobold about barons.
- You don't needda know this, bar-o-on! - kobold twisted his face, which, in his opinion, showed a grin.

- No, we're going to Akrulaban.
Calmed down Nux huddled in fear again.
- No, only not there! Do whatever, drag me uphill, eat me!
- Do not be afraid, no one will hurt you there. I am a gentleman, and the King is my friend. I will give a word for you in front of him - you fib.
- There is no your king. Goblins spoke that they captured the fortress and killed all the dwarves and then from the deeps creature crawled out on de fmell of dwarven meat. Goblins barely ran away! They stay away from that place and I will not go there!
>> No. 136731
-What? What goblins? What creature? What a disgusting fable?
-I'm telling the truf! Goblinf were terrified! I've never heard such horrorf in my whole life!
-What did they say, what? Answen me, kobold! - you started to shake Nux - SPEAK!
-Waif, Waif, don't fake me! - you stopped, the kobold respired and started his story.
He spoke about horrible atrocities goblins made in fortress, then he reached the create description... He suddenly stopped.

Как тут ссылка пост вставлять?
>> No. 136732
- May be you've just stolen something there and now you're afraid to come back? - you began to doubt.
- No, I'm just one feek from borrows. Didn'f steal anyfing from dwarfes!
- And how do you know about fortress?
- I fold you, goblins came to uf for tribute, one of fem told me. He fay, he was fere. He fay, barely efcaped creature.
- May be he lyed to you? Didn't you think that?
- Why fould he?
- May be their siege was defeated by dwarfes, he fled. And now he is telling fables not to be dishonored?
- May be, may be not - Nux sighed - never fe less I don'f want to go fere. What if it's true!
You weighed roughly, if queen answered that letter immediately that means that the fortress is,likely, OK and Nux is lying or he was lyied to.
>> No. 136734
You concentrated and began to convince the kobold, trying to speak calmly and suavely:
- Lying to you, goblin was. Goblins, I know goblins, always lying, they are. You go with me to Akrulaban want to.
- No, I don't! - Nux protested.
- But you must - you decided to change tactics - don't you forget you are a prisoner. But I suggest you to be my companion until we reach fortress. The King is mercyfull to his friends and mercyless to his foes, and I'm his friend, kapish?
Nux noddled.
- I suppose I can untie your legs now.
- And give my pants back.
>> No. 136737
No more Google translate! Please! I beg you! Have mercy!
>> No. 136739

Before leaving you looked over your stuff not to forget something usefull and may be to get rid of anything useless.
Except you cloth, you found:
- queen's letter in a belt-bag.
- two spears (yours and Nux's)
- small leather helmet
- small blue trousers with strips
- couple of bolts survived the explosion
- a backpack with Kastar's meat, an ambassadors mantle with fancywork, three paper scrolls & writing stuff, hammer & cutter for engraving. Everything was hopelessly covered with blood.
>> No. 136740
>- Hey, dfarf but as tefya name? Name say
Ёбаный стыд! Однажды я начну вычитывать посты. Хотя в свою защиту скажу, что использую Гугл Транслейт только для нулевой итерации.
>>xxxxxx, где хххххх это номер целевого поста.
>> No. 136741
Что нубоОПы в П??СДЕ, что тут переводчик сначала прогоняет текст через гугл транслейт. Одно говно стоит другого.
>> No. 136743
Никогда не используй его для перевода всего текста. Он не для того сделан. Юзай только если не знаешь как слово переводится. Даже для словосочетаний он не подходит.
>> No. 136744
Ногами проголосуй же. ??ли покажи как надо. Пиздеть не броню мастерписную ковать.
Да, это я уже уловил, в общем-то.
>> No. 136745
С другой стороны, когда я перечитываю первые посты, мне хочется лицо разбить. Пока Айс не пояился, было малочитаемо. Это кстати не ты случаем?
>> No. 136746
It looks like you've managed to make an agreement with the kobold. You took the threatening belt form your head and brought it where it belongs.
- By the way, Nux, tell me how the goblin described that monster.
- Waif, You faid it if a fake?! - he gave a start.
- Don't forget I'm a goblin specialist, I'm interested in their stories - you fortunately found words to answer.
- Well, he told it was fpooky.
- And?
- And huge. And, mefinks, he told about fife hands or fife legs. And eyef, big and fearful. All over fe body! True eerinef!
- Yeah - you agreed - that's all?
- Nope, than fecond goblin came and they started arguing. He faid that there were lotf of mosterf and that it were demonf, not monsterf. Like fo.
- And you believed it? - you asked a minute later.
- No, the second one was obviously lyeing a bit - Nux hasted to agree.
>> No. 136747
Не, не я. Я так. Практически мимокрокодил.
>> No. 136748
Мне вот кстати интересно у нас треды с ликотом шде-то хранятся вообще. А то дорба дальше 10 треда не помнит. На историях есть первые 13 тредов. Получится, что единственная версия - это на 80% говенный перевод на бухте.
>> No. 136749
Треды зарыты где-то в недрах борды.
>> No. 136750
Следуя по ссылкам в первом посте я смог дойти только до 10 треда. Да и то в нем уже картинки не грузились. Дальше 404.
>> No. 136751
- What are you waiting for? You were going to untie me - Kobold's voice roused you from a flow of strange, it even could be called perverted thoughts, which captured you, look like, pretty much time ago.
- Yeah, right - you continued to mess around with knots and soon Nux was loosening up his numbed limbs and fitting his trousers on.
- You've stretched all trouser-legs - the kobold growled, tucking trouser-legs that were half times longer then they were before.
You managed to go but you've thougth about Kastar again and decided to bury him nevertheless. Finding some snag around you dug a hole in dirt near ruins, gathered remains and meat from backpack into it. After swamping it with dirt and rocks you engraved name on the wall, hoping that partial ritual would be enough to put his ghost to rest.
- I fought you were really going to eat him, you've even suggested me some meat.
- Why did you think that? - You acted like it all was a part of a plan - What did you eat in a journey? You were lack of any food when I captured you.
- Fishing, eafing what ever i found - Nux siad and added after a little while - I didn't want it accrue you, but if I'm going with you..
The kobold went along the slope, you hastened after him. He stopped near a boulder in a fifty steps from ruins and took a package with sunflower seeds, slab of cheese and a couple of jerked fishes from under it.
- This shouldn't be wasted - Nux finished his thought.
You put hte food into the backpack.
- Now, let's go - you commanded and moved north.
- Wrong way, your Akrulaban - that way. Move south to the bridge and than to the west.
- There is no more bridge. It collapsed and washed down the river.
- Seen by my own eyes. Not even a brick left.
- I see - Nux said - let's go, but we won't enter the village!

Ох и заебался переводить. Даже зуб у кобольда вставился.
>> No. 136752
Я вас расстрою, ибо все картинки хостятся либо на Дфаче, либо на dfst.ru, так что если нынешний админ посеет домен там или еще что, все это пропадет. Ведь dfst тоже вроде как он админит. С другой стороны, добрые архивариусы делали сборники тредов, так что где-то до 20 у меня сохранены архивом на харде. Могу даже выложить, ежели кто желает.
>> No. 136759
А есть же какая-то файлопомойка на самой бухте или рядом. Где LNP валяется и вообще. Может Урист МакАрхивариус схоронит остальные треды и туда попытается залить?
>> No. 136776

You've wasted half of day on gatherings and the sun was going set, but neither the bridge not village wasn't even seen on the horizon. You were standing on a broad meadow near the river. Sheer slope by you right side changed into slopping hills and moved to the west. Forest is gone too.
- How long we have to go? - you asked.
- We've just walked a half way - Nux answered.
>> No. 136794

- Hey, Nux - you asked - you've told that you don't want to go into village. Why?
- There are some warriors, guarding the bridge 24/7.
- And how did you cross the river if the bridge is blocked?
- I was hiding till night fallf and when the guard turned away I used bridge supports to cross it... Hey, look! There is someone on the hill.


- Where? - you turned your head to the direction Nux pointed and noticed a silhouette, likely a human, in a light of sunset. Apparently he noticed you were lokking at him and hastaned go away behind the hill.
- Who do you think was it? - you asked Nux.
- May be one of those warriorf. I don't feel well about it.
- He won't reach this place till morning, except he is a legendary swimmer - you considered - May be there is a place around here we can hide?
- Dunno - Nux shaked his head - after croffing the bridge I ran away from that village af far af I could. When it ftarted to dawn I fell afleep in a long graff. Haven't feen anyfing around just gronw over hillf, nothing more.
>> No. 136797
Закинул эти и еще пару следующих.
>> No. 136799
>>136798 новый тред, этот уже тонет.
>> No. 140316
Thank you for this crazy adventure. It has been much fun to read.

Спасибо вам за это сумасшедшие приключения. Это было очень весело читать.
>> No. 144586
I don't understand???
>> No. 160749
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