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101442 No. 101442
Здесь я запиливаю перевод текста перед отправкой на бухту12 и получаю ценные советы от анонов по правке сложных фраз и глупых ошибок. Сюда же выкладываю репорты о добавлении нового перевода.
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>> No. 132456
Шепелявый кобольд это эпично, да-с.
- Well, what is it? - You called out - Bring it here!
- Ah ... Ah canna do. Thh affa boffom.
- What is it down there?
- Look, ah canna say. It. A cweature.
- Living?
- Lookf like.
You held on to the spear and went to have a look. The Kobold was not lying, inside there was a fire burning, throwing a dim flickering light on the arches and columns. You cautiously approached the spot where Nux was standing. A giant gray skinless humanoid chameleon was sitting in a chair. It was smoking a pipe, writing something in a thick tome, dipping the pen in the ink, and humming a melody to itself, not noticing you. The stench inside was terrible, and this creature seemed to be the source of it.
>> No. 132466
Хаха! Шепелявый кобольд это что-то :)
>> No. 132475
Ты в посте на на бухте12 пропустил строчку:
- How many other lads with you? And where from you got out.
- How many of you are there? And where did you pop out of anyways?

Кстати, "малой" = "the shorty", "the (little) brat"
>> No. 132492
Ну, т.е. "мелкий", в оригинале
>> No. 132495
О, и кстати - literature procreations --> literary creations
>> No. 132496
Нет предела совершенству. Спасибо!
>> No. 132559
- Go ask who he is - you pushed kobold with a spear.
- Nope. To me, ya big, and he's just incredible, - short brat slowly adapted not to lisp.
- That's why he will not hurt you.
- Something I very much doubt! - Echo blown exclamation around the room - Ooops...
The creature fell silent and slowly turned, removing the pipe from its mouth. You and kobold froze, eyes wide open. Chameleon sighed and spoke in a demonic voice:
- I see I get no rest here ...
- I'm sorry we bother... you! - You shouted.
- Oh, how brave we are, - Nux hissed.
Lizard poured himself liquor from the decanter:
- Anticipating further dialogue, I can give some advice: if what you're looking for is not me, it is better to pretend that I am not here. It will relieve us all from meaningless verbal efforts and save time. I am actually busy.
You hesitated a little:
- I just wanted to ask ... Can we go through the fortress?
- You can, but you don't need to go there. I guarantee it.
- Well... then... so who are you?...
The creature put the book on the table in front of it:
- Listen, is this gonna take long? "Who" I am, I am "who" supposed tobe. Mind my business here, and nobody called you here. Why the hell did you come?
Seeing irritation of the owner, you decide not to play up:
- We are looking for a place to sleep.
Kobold roused:
- We?
- Quiet.
>> No. 132560
Chameleon thought a couple of seconds:
- Will stairway work?
- Oh, yes, thank you! We won't bother you!
- Oh how strong I believe the opposite, - it muttered to himself, and again took the book.
- Ah wanna dump, - Nux whispered.
>> No. 132579
and he's just incredible, - short brat slowly adapted not to lisp
--> and 'e's just 'uge, - the shorty started to get around his lisp

- Something I very much doubt! (слишком уж литературно!)
--> Ah really doubt dat!

Echo blown exclamation around the room
--> The exclamation echoed around the room

"Who" I am, I am "who" supposed tobe
--> "Who" I am is "who" I am supposed to be

Kobold roused (кобольд возбудился, ггг)
--> The kobold piped up

Кстати, просмотри весь кусок на предмет артиклей - везде исправь на the kobold, the chameleon. ?? определись с его полом, наконец :)))

- Oh how strong I believe the opposite, - it muttered to himself, and again took the book.
- Ah wanna dump
- Oh how much I trust the opposite, - he muttered to himself (или it muttered to itself - выбери что-то одно), and picked up the book again.
- Ah wanna take a dump
>> No. 132620
Ты опять кусок пропустил:

- Oh how strong I believe the opposite, - it muttered to himself, and again took the book.
- Ah wanna dump, - Nux whispered.
- Oh how much I trust the opposite, - he muttered to himself (или it muttered to itself - выбери что-то одно), and picked up the book again.
- Ah wanna take a dump

Выкладывай сюда сведенный текст после правок, что ли - одной простыней, так легче проверять.
>> No. 134096
- I'll take place outside.
- Halt - You grabbed him by the ear.
- Ouch ... ok, ok!.
You quietly walked down the stairs, looking for a place to sleep. There were plenty of romm, even with Nux, but you decided to stay closer to the fire. Unbeknownst to big creature you crept up to his chair and leaving kobold behind the back, came at light.
- It's getting cold - you pat yourself on the sides - I'll get warm a bit.
Chameleon leaned:
- No.
- Come on, have a heart! On the street there are night and Boogeymen, we will be eaten alive ... and here is warm, pleasant company and safest overnight.
- And who said that for me your company is nice? - The owner showed his teeth - and that it's safe here?
- Well, I can see a noble gentleman like you, having a fine taste for alcohol and tobacco, sitting in a chair with a book and a pen ... Of course it's safe.
Chameleon drained the glass:
- I'm writing a memoir. Here in solitude. And I am very annoyed that I am being disturbed. I would not like to embark on a journey once again in search of another quiet haven, so let's do this: I'll let you two to stay overnight, but you in the morning put back doorway with stones on the outside and never ever go back.
- You have my word! No longer than for one night we violate your solitude. But while we are here, let me ask what kind of place this is. It looks like a dwarven mountain home.
The creature sighed
- Probably it was before . I am here for half a year and have not met a single soul to ask.
- You here all alone?
- Not anymore - he hissed.
- And can we then look at the other rooms, if you do not mind.
- I do! It was enough you even thought it was a good place for the settlement with your relatives. Oh, no, you gave me your word!
- And I'll keep it, I assure you.
- In this case, give me one more - do not tell anyone about this place.
- You have my word.
- And what about your companion? Where is he? Will he give the word?
Immediately frrom the chair ran Nux, slapping his heels on the floor:
- Yes, yes. You have my word that I won't tell, and that I will leave as soon as possible.
Chameleon frowned and took his pipe.
- And where do you take tobacco and booze? - You asked - Well, and everything else ...
- There are ways.
- Maybe I would help with deliveries?
- It would go against your word.
- Oh, for sure ...
- From you I do not need anything besides you to leave my home, which will undoubtedly happen in ten hours. Until then, I would like with all the zeal to guard your sleep. Now go to sleep.
Had to get up early to time to go per day a maximum distance. Therefore, sleep was really not the worst occupation. You Nux tied hands behind his back and tied him to your leg, settled near the fire under the reproachful look of a giant humanoid skinless gray lizard.

Morning came. You slept well and woke up. The same people were Nearby. Ibid.
>> No. 134104
Stop using GoogleTranslate for fuck's sake. And do mind your articles.

- I'll take place outside. —> I’ll do my business outside.

There were plenty of romm, even with Nux, —> There was plenty of space, for Nux too,

Unbeknownst to big creature you crept up to his chair and leaving kobold behind the back, came at light. —> Unnoticed by the big creature you crept up to his chair and leaving kobold behind, came to light.

Chameleon leaned —> The chameleon leaned forward [автозамени везде: chameleon —> the chameleon, kobold —> the kobold]

- And who said that for me your company is nice? —> - And who said your company is pleasant to me?

but you in the morning put back doorway with stones on the outside and never ever go back. —>
but in the morning you shall block the doorway with stones from the outside and never ever come back.

- Probably it was before —> It might have been, once.

It was enough you even thought it was a good place for the settlement with your relatives. —> You might get some funny ideas, like settling here with a number of your relatives.

Will he give the word?
Immediately frrom the chair ran Nux, slapping his heels on the floor: —> Will he give his word?
At once, Nux ran up from behind the chair, with a patter of feet:

And where do you take tobacco and booze? —> And where do you get your tobacco and your drink from?

Had to get up early to time to go per day a maximum distance. —> You certainly had to get up early, to cover the maximum distance during the day

You Nux tied hands behind his back and tied him to your leg —> You tied Nux’s hands behind his back and tethered him to your leg, and settled down by the fire

The same people were Nearby. Ibid. —> The same people were around. In the same positions.
>> No. 136320
>> No. 136322
>> No. 136366
Со всеми правками.

- I’ll do my business outside.
- Halt - You grabbed him by ear.
- Ouch ... ok, ok!.
You quietly walked down the stairs, looking for a place to sleep. There was plenty of space, for Nux too, but you decided to stay closer to the fire. Unnoticed by the creature you crept up to his chair and leaving kobold behind, came to light.
- It's getting cold - you pat yourself on the sides - I'll get warm a bit.
The chameleon leaned forward:
- No.
- Come on, have a heart! There are night and Boogeymen outside, we will be eaten alive ... and it's warm here, pleasant company and safest overnight.
- And who said your company is pleasant to me? - The owner showed his teeth - and that it's safe here?
- Well, I can see such a noble gentleman like you, having a fine taste for alcohol and tobacco, sitting in a chair with a book and a pen ... Of course it's safe.
The chameleon drained his glass:
- I'm writing a memoir. Here in solitude. And I am very annoyed that I am being disturbed. I would not like to embark on a journey once again in search of another quiet haven, so let's do this: I'll let you two to stay overnight, but in the morning you shall block the doorway with stones from the outside and never ever come back.
- You have my word! No longer than for one night we violate your solitude. But while we are here, let me ask what kind of place this is. It looks like a dwarven mountain home.
The creature sighed
- It might have been, once. I am here for half a year and have not met a single soul to ask.
- You here all alone?
- Not anymore - he hissed.
- And can we then look at the other rooms, if you do not mind.
- I do! You might get some funny ideas, like settling here with a number of your relatives. So no way, you gave me your word!
- And I'll keep it, I assure you.
- In this case, give me one more - do not tell anyone about this place.
- You have my word.
- And what about your companion? Where is he? Will he give his word?
At once, Nux ran up from behind the chair, pattering his feet:
- Yes, yes. You have my word that I won't tell, and that I will leave as soon as possible.
The chameleon frowned and took his pipe.
- And where do you get your tobacco and your drink from? - You asked - Well, and everything else ...
- There are ways.
- Maybe I would help with deliveries?
- It would go against your word.
- Oh, yeah ...
- I do not need anything from you except you to leave my home, which will undoubtedly happen in ten hours. Until then, I would like with all the zeal to guard your peace. Now go to sleep.
You certainly had to get up early, to cover the maximum distance during the day. Therefore, sleep was really not the worst occupation. You tied Nux’s hands behind his back, tethered him to your leg and settled down by the fire under the reproachful look of a giant humanoid skinless gray lizard.

Morning came. You slept well and woke up. The same people were around. In the same positions.
>> No. 136401
Огого! Спасибо. Я как-то забросил перевод вовсе, но если будешь пилить дальше, Урист, буду транслировать на Бухту.
>> No. 136414
Опять артикли... Да и с пунктуацией тоже не всё OK.
Проверяй внимательнее.
>> No. 136416
Не переводил ничего уже 100 лет.

As you had promised you left the underground hall, filled a gap in the wall, which took the whole morning till noon. All that time Nux was begging to let him go or at least to feed him. You offered him some Kastar's meat but he turned his nose up. You, on contrary, considered a dwarfflesh dinner not such a disgusting idea, that's why you gathered all decent pieces into backpack and gave Nux a cracker.
The Sun was high and it was time to go forth. In that very moment you realised that you have no idea where to go, after all Kastar was your guide and you don't have a map or any knowledge about surroundings.
>> No. 136603
Suddenly Tok's life changed drammatically, in a single day he became an ambassador, lost his guide, barely went insane, imprisoned the kobold and met demon-esthete. What's next?
It would be a fine idea to climb higher and look around to figure out where to go. You looked around. Nearby trees and also the highest point in surroundings - top of the hill rising above mine entrance. You aren't able to climb there, but you can try to climb up the ruins. You hope it won't collapse during.
Also you start to worry about Kastar's ghost since you don't know his full name to engrave a slab for him. You tryed to imagine him saying, "Tok, if something goes wrong, eat me, it's OK", but, unfortunately, you imagination wasn't strong enough to do it. You have to consider what to do whith the remains.
>> No. 136699
It's not a deal for a true dwarf to climb slopes and walls like a sort of monkey.
- Nux, can you climb?
- Nofe, I can'th. why do you ask?
- My grandpa told me all kobolds are able to climb, and I don't what think another way.
- Wha..?
- I'll scoop your teeth out, that's wha! Go climb up and look around.
You kicked Nux towards the wall.
- Unthie my hands, you moron.
>> No. 136705
Благодарю, закидываю на Бухту.
>> No. 136708

You heard somewhere that kobolds are naturally excellent climbers. Asking kobold climb a slope and check the surroundings would be extremely foolish, he would have to be untied and at the top he would be out of reach for you and would be able to escape.
Next you got a better idea: let Nux to the top pull you. You only needed one more rope. After thinking a little more, you got the ideas:
1) use their own pants
2) cut the straps of a backpack
3) use a belt
Choosing third option, you immediately started to construct, when you were interrupted with yell of the kobold.
- Are you comffletly foofing mad! What ya gonna do nefftd, eat me, ya, cannibal perv?! - You froze with the belt in your hand.
- No, then you will pull me up the hill and I'll decide where to go - you replied calmly.
- Liffen here! Here is the city nearby, one day of walking. I was just walking from fthere. Be patient a little bit, there are grub and dwarves and dwarfesses! - the kobold pleaded.
>> No. 136709

You sat next to the Kobold, took his chin and said:
- Hey, moron, if you bring me into town, I'll let you go. If there will be your chaps waiting for me, I'll put all down, and you'll be first. Got it, rat scum?
- Fthere is no ambuff, there is town, I tell the truth!
>> No. 136711

- Town you say? - you asked the kobold, tying the belt on the head to look threatening.
- Yes, big ffity, - Nux said frightened .
- And isn't this kobold trap?!
- No, honestly!
- If you're lying to me - it will be the greatest stupidity that you have ever made - you growled, leaning over very his face.
Kobold swallowed and shook his head.
- Now, tell me everything you know about this city - you continued the interrogation.
- It is at the south-wefft from here. First move along the river till bridffe, and then down the road.
- South - is it that way? - You have pointed at the direction you came from yesterday with Castar.
- Yep - Nux confirmed.
- And what do you want there? - You asked
- Big city - big opportunities. At the burrows best I could count on - to be running errands for the goblins.
- And why did you decide that people will be happy to see you?
- In the city, in contrast to the northerners, people live in peace with dwarves, elves, I've heard. If they are friends even with the elves, then Nux will find a place.
Also you asked about where from Nux went on a journey. He said that he came out of the burrows next to the goblin stronghold, crossed the river by the bridge, and then went to the south, until he met you.
- Okay, now get ready, we hit the road.
- Where to? To the town? - Asked hopefully Kobold.
You have reflected: showing off in Arol-Iton was not good idea.
>> No. 136717
- Hey, dfarf but as tefya name? Name say.
- I can not say because I'm important person, and you are simple kobold. And after all, how do you speak with Baron Osorthalal? - you promtly decided to pick silly nickname.
- And who is Baron? It it your nick or something?

- Here's another thing: do you know where Akrulaban is? - You asked, ignoring the question of kobold about barons.
- You don't needda know this, bar-o-on! - kobold twisted his face, which, in his opinion, showed a grin.

- No, we're going to Akrulaban.
Calmed down Nux huddled in fear again.
- No, only not there! Do whatever, drag me uphill, eat me!
- Do not be afraid, no one will hurt you there. I am a gentleman, and the King is my friend. I will give a word for you in front of him - you fib.
- There is no your king. Goblins spoke that they captured the fortress and killed all the dwarves and then from the deeps creature crawled out on de fmell of dwarven meat. Goblins barely ran away! They stay away from that place and I will not go there!
>> No. 136731
-What? What goblins? What creature? What a disgusting fable?
-I'm telling the truf! Goblinf were terrified! I've never heard such horrorf in my whole life!
-What did they say, what? Answen me, kobold! - you started to shake Nux - SPEAK!
-Waif, Waif, don't fake me! - you stopped, the kobold respired and started his story.
He spoke about horrible atrocities goblins made in fortress, then he reached the create description... He suddenly stopped.

Как тут ссылка пост вставлять?
>> No. 136732
- May be you've just stolen something there and now you're afraid to come back? - you began to doubt.
- No, I'm just one feek from borrows. Didn'f steal anyfing from dwarfes!
- And how do you know about fortress?
- I fold you, goblins came to uf for tribute, one of fem told me. He fay, he was fere. He fay, barely efcaped creature.
- May be he lyed to you? Didn't you think that?
- Why fould he?
- May be their siege was defeated by dwarfes, he fled. And now he is telling fables not to be dishonored?
- May be, may be not - Nux sighed - never fe less I don'f want to go fere. What if it's true!
You weighed roughly, if queen answered that letter immediately that means that the fortress is,likely, OK and Nux is lying or he was lyied to.
>> No. 136734
You concentrated and began to convince the kobold, trying to speak calmly and suavely:
- Lying to you, goblin was. Goblins, I know goblins, always lying, they are. You go with me to Akrulaban want to.
- No, I don't! - Nux protested.
- But you must - you decided to change tactics - don't you forget you are a prisoner. But I suggest you to be my companion until we reach fortress. The King is mercyfull to his friends and mercyless to his foes, and I'm his friend, kapish?
Nux noddled.
- I suppose I can untie your legs now.
- And give my pants back.
>> No. 136737
No more Google translate! Please! I beg you! Have mercy!
>> No. 136739

Before leaving you looked over your stuff not to forget something usefull and may be to get rid of anything useless.
Except you cloth, you found:
- queen's letter in a belt-bag.
- two spears (yours and Nux's)
- small leather helmet
- small blue trousers with strips
- couple of bolts survived the explosion
- a backpack with Kastar's meat, an ambassadors mantle with fancywork, three paper scrolls & writing stuff, hammer & cutter for engraving. Everything was hopelessly covered with blood.
>> No. 136740
>- Hey, dfarf but as tefya name? Name say
Ёбаный стыд! Однажды я начну вычитывать посты. Хотя в свою защиту скажу, что использую Гугл Транслейт только для нулевой итерации.
>>xxxxxx, где хххххх это номер целевого поста.
>> No. 136741
Что нубоОПы в П??СДЕ, что тут переводчик сначала прогоняет текст через гугл транслейт. Одно говно стоит другого.
>> No. 136743
Никогда не используй его для перевода всего текста. Он не для того сделан. Юзай только если не знаешь как слово переводится. Даже для словосочетаний он не подходит.
>> No. 136744
Ногами проголосуй же. ??ли покажи как надо. Пиздеть не броню мастерписную ковать.
Да, это я уже уловил, в общем-то.
>> No. 136745
С другой стороны, когда я перечитываю первые посты, мне хочется лицо разбить. Пока Айс не пояился, было малочитаемо. Это кстати не ты случаем?
>> No. 136746
It looks like you've managed to make an agreement with the kobold. You took the threatening belt form your head and brought it where it belongs.
- By the way, Nux, tell me how the goblin described that monster.
- Waif, You faid it if a fake?! - he gave a start.
- Don't forget I'm a goblin specialist, I'm interested in their stories - you fortunately found words to answer.
- Well, he told it was fpooky.
- And?
- And huge. And, mefinks, he told about fife hands or fife legs. And eyef, big and fearful. All over fe body! True eerinef!
- Yeah - you agreed - that's all?
- Nope, than fecond goblin came and they started arguing. He faid that there were lotf of mosterf and that it were demonf, not monsterf. Like fo.
- And you believed it? - you asked a minute later.
- No, the second one was obviously lyeing a bit - Nux hasted to agree.
>> No. 136747
Не, не я. Я так. Практически мимокрокодил.
>> No. 136748
Мне вот кстати интересно у нас треды с ликотом шде-то хранятся вообще. А то дорба дальше 10 треда не помнит. На историях есть первые 13 тредов. Получится, что единственная версия - это на 80% говенный перевод на бухте.
>> No. 136749
Треды зарыты где-то в недрах борды.
>> No. 136750
Следуя по ссылкам в первом посте я смог дойти только до 10 треда. Да и то в нем уже картинки не грузились. Дальше 404.
>> No. 136751
- What are you waiting for? You were going to untie me - Kobold's voice roused you from a flow of strange, it even could be called perverted thoughts, which captured you, look like, pretty much time ago.
- Yeah, right - you continued to mess around with knots and soon Nux was loosening up his numbed limbs and fitting his trousers on.
- You've stretched all trouser-legs - the kobold growled, tucking trouser-legs that were half times longer then they were before.
You managed to go but you've thougth about Kastar again and decided to bury him nevertheless. Finding some snag around you dug a hole in dirt near ruins, gathered remains and meat from backpack into it. After swamping it with dirt and rocks you engraved name on the wall, hoping that partial ritual would be enough to put his ghost to rest.
- I fought you were really going to eat him, you've even suggested me some meat.
- Why did you think that? - You acted like it all was a part of a plan - What did you eat in a journey? You were lack of any food when I captured you.
- Fishing, eafing what ever i found - Nux siad and added after a little while - I didn't want it accrue you, but if I'm going with you..
The kobold went along the slope, you hastened after him. He stopped near a boulder in a fifty steps from ruins and took a package with sunflower seeds, slab of cheese and a couple of jerked fishes from under it.
- This shouldn't be wasted - Nux finished his thought.
You put hte food into the backpack.
- Now, let's go - you commanded and moved north.
- Wrong way, your Akrulaban - that way. Move south to the bridge and than to the west.
- There is no more bridge. It collapsed and washed down the river.
- Seen by my own eyes. Not even a brick left.
- I see - Nux said - let's go, but we won't enter the village!

Ох и заебался переводить. Даже зуб у кобольда вставился.
>> No. 136752
Я вас расстрою, ибо все картинки хостятся либо на Дфаче, либо на dfst.ru, так что если нынешний админ посеет домен там или еще что, все это пропадет. Ведь dfst тоже вроде как он админит. С другой стороны, добрые архивариусы делали сборники тредов, так что где-то до 20 у меня сохранены архивом на харде. Могу даже выложить, ежели кто желает.
>> No. 136759
А есть же какая-то файлопомойка на самой бухте или рядом. Где LNP валяется и вообще. Может Урист МакАрхивариус схоронит остальные треды и туда попытается залить?
>> No. 136776

You've wasted half of day on gatherings and the sun was going set, but neither the bridge not village wasn't even seen on the horizon. You were standing on a broad meadow near the river. Sheer slope by you right side changed into slopping hills and moved to the west. Forest is gone too.
- How long we have to go? - you asked.
- We've just walked a half way - Nux answered.
>> No. 136794

- Hey, Nux - you asked - you've told that you don't want to go into village. Why?
- There are some warriors, guarding the bridge 24/7.
- And how did you cross the river if the bridge is blocked?
- I was hiding till night fallf and when the guard turned away I used bridge supports to cross it... Hey, look! There is someone on the hill.


- Where? - you turned your head to the direction Nux pointed and noticed a silhouette, likely a human, in a light of sunset. Apparently he noticed you were lokking at him and hastaned go away behind the hill.
- Who do you think was it? - you asked Nux.
- May be one of those warriorf. I don't feel well about it.
- He won't reach this place till morning, except he is a legendary swimmer - you considered - May be there is a place around here we can hide?
- Dunno - Nux shaked his head - after croffing the bridge I ran away from that village af far af I could. When it ftarted to dawn I fell afleep in a long graff. Haven't feen anyfing around just gronw over hillf, nothing more.
>> No. 136797
Закинул эти и еще пару следующих.
>> No. 136799
>>136798 новый тред, этот уже тонет.
>> No. 140316
Thank you for this crazy adventure. It has been much fun to read.

Спасибо вам за это сумасшедшие приключения. Это было очень весело читать.
>> No. 144586
I don't understand???
>> No. 160749
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